The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2090: Dongtianfushu

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Chapter 2090 Cave Heaven Blessing Tree

The three super races competed for the body of the unicorn crocodile. In the end, this World of Warcraft, which has a full demigod and six turns, was used by the golden feather eagle family with 25 billion beast head crystals and 1,000 golden feather eagles. A group of demigod strong wing feathers auctioned at a high price.

With 25 billion beast head crystals and 1,000 winged feathers of the demigod, I have to say that the Jinyuhae family took such a large price to take a six-turned corpse of Warcraft in the demigod. It can only be said that their wealth is thick. After all, such a terrible price is difficult for all human warriors present.

In this gathering place of human warriors controlled by the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, only the deacons of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce are rich and powerful. However, no matter how rich these deacons adults are, it is not easy to come up with such. Terrible wealth to fight for a Warcraft corpse.

The most important thing is the thousand wing feathers of the Golden God Eagle family of demigods. This is more than wealth, not something that the deacons of the China Chamber of Commerce can get.

As for why Ruan Xinrou chose the Jin Yuying family instead of the other two ethnic groups, the truth is simple.

First of all, the golden feather eagles have the most beast head crystals. Second, compared with the purple snow ginseng and the returning grass that are not everywhere, it seems that the wing feathers of the golden feather eagles are more rare and precious. After all, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is not yet strong enough to capture the strong men of the Jin Yuying family and just pluck their hair.

As for the bodies of unicorn alligators being photographed by the golden feather eagles, there is no other way for the purple gold marten and the devil tigers. Although it is a pity, the prices they have paid are indeed their bottom line, no matter how much I'm afraid it's really not worth it.

"Well, little girl, is this the decision you made for the Shenji Chamber of Commerce? But you don't know. When the friends of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce know your decision, will you think you are right."

When the second auction is over, among the Zijin Marten family, the man who had been talking to Ruan Xinrou before, can't help but stand up again, apparently dissatisfied with Ruan Xinrou's approach.

Originally, he thought that even if Ruan Xinrou was picking, it should be picked from the family of Zijin Marten and Tian Mo Hu, but it was unexpected that Ruan Xinrou finally chose Jin Yuying. In this regard, it can not help but feel that Ruan Xinrou deliberately opposed himself, this did not choose the purple gold marten family.

"Oh, don't worry about the senior woman. My decision is the decision of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. I believe that everyone in the chamber of commerce will support me."

Ruan Xinrou was very happy at the moment. For her, she knew what kind of decision she should make, which was the most beneficial to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. As for the Zijin Marten family, she had no prejudice.

"Well, everyone, the second auction item has been successfully sold. I am afraid that you are already very curious. What will this third auction item be?"

He didn't say much to the strong men of the Zijin Marten family. Ruan Xinrou talked to everyone in the room with a smile on his face.

So far, the value of the second auction item is comparable to the finale of the previous period. Obviously, the next three auction items must be much more precious than the body of a unicorn. The last three treasures, I am afraid no one will not be curious, no one will not yearn.

"Girl Xin Rou, you still don't want to sell off, what kind of baby is it? Hurry up and show it to everyone, no matter if you can't buy it, at least let everyone open your eyes!"

"That is, we poor people run their families to support the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, so please don't wait for me to torture me like this?"

"Hurry up, show the third auction item for everyone to see, don't let me wait in a hurry!"

All the people who came to the auction really felt itchy at this moment, and could not wait to go directly to the stage, forcing Ruan Xinrou to take out the third auction item. However, no matter how worried you are, it is impossible for someone to dare to be so reckless.

"Oh, it seems that everyone really wants to take a look at this third auction item. In this case, the little girl will not let everyone wait any longer, everyone.

Ruan Xinrou's face also showed a very weird color. She raised her hand suddenly while talking, and then everyone felt a flower blooming in front of her eyes. Then, an indescribable emerald color appeared. In front of everyone.

"Uh, this is ..............."

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by a touch of green in front of Ruan Xinrou, and no matter who, when they saw this touch of green, they all became eyes, and it was difficult to look away. a feeling of.

In the eyes, a small tree almost half a meter high with several branches above it quietly suspended in front of Ruan Xinrou. This small tree doesn't seem to have any unusual features, it is almost no different from ordinary small trees.

However, when this small tree appeared, all the human warriors and the Warcraft powerhouses who were in the auction venues were all looking at each other and breathing deeply subconsciously.

"Huh !!!! It ’s so cool, is n’t this or this effect of this little tree? I feel that my cultivation seems to be faintly breakthrough, and my mind is so clear as never before, What the **** is this?

"Yue, it's so crooked, it's just to be crooked, it's never been so refreshing, super arcane, this is super arcade !!!"

"Compared to this thing, the previous Warcraft corpse is just like garbage, but what kind of baby is it that can have such a terrible effect?"

Everyone was stunned by the small tree that Ruan Xinrou took out at this moment. No one thought that just such a small thing could produce such a terrifying effect. It seems that this little tree is definitely an inconceivable treasure, and it has never been heard by ordinary people.

"What a weird little sapling, so rich in life, and refreshing, what kind of foreign treasure is this?"

Yuan Feng also deeply breathed the refreshing breath around him for the first time. Suddenly, he felt a piece of refreshment on his body, and even Zhen Wu Shen Gong seemed to speed up the operation, which was extremely comfortable. It feels like it can't be described by any words.

So far, he has seen a lot of babies, but he is as good as this little tree in front of him. He has never seen it before, and has never even heard of it.

Such a small guy can make such a large auction venue shrouded in refreshing breath. If this thing grows up, is it okay?

Almost subconsciously, he turned his eyes to the Tianyue Python. He knew that although he didn't know the little tree, Tianyue Python was very knowledgeable. He probably knew this thing.

When he looked at the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng immediately found out that the Tianmon Python at this moment was actually shocked by the small tree in front of her, and the shock from her eyes could It can be seen that it is obvious that the other party should really know this little sapling.

After turning his eyes, Yuan Feng glanced at the other strong men present, and according to his observations, almost half of the super strong men present should have known this little tree, but they did n’t know it. It seems that there are not many trees.

The strong people who knew this tree, including the sky demon python, basically showed shocking colors first, and then their eyes were brightened, and almost all of them wanted to be small trees on the pedestal. According to own.

Among them, a few men and women showed the greatest interest, and if Yuan Feng did not remember it wrong, the four men and one woman should be the super big group of the Warcraft group-the strongman of the Xiaoyue Wolf family!

Except for the Moonwolf clan, other Warcraft clans basically cast an undisguised appetite for this little sapling. This time, no matter whether it was the three major races competing for the unicorn corpse before, they have never shot Obviously, all ethnic groups are going to fight for it.

Of course, in addition to the major Warcraft powerhouses, human warriors have also shown full interest. You need to know that not all of the super powerhouses present are the members of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. There are many strong men who came from the outside to participate in the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

The identity of these superpowers is relatively mysterious. Maybe it is an ancient family that has secretly developed for thousands of years in the beast **** world, it may be a lone wanderer who has wandered the beast **** world for many years, and it may be other human organizations. In short, the presence of the powerful human beings is also extremely rich.

In addition, even if they are members of the Songshen Chamber of Commerce, they also have their own families, their own forces, and their financial and material resources may not be worse than those of the outside world. As for this little tree, these so-called self-men are of course qualified to bid.

However, it is clear that this thing is more or less a little bit for them. After all, as a member of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, if they can bring enough resources to bid, it seems that there is no need to participate. The auction is up.

"It turned out to be a heavenly blessing tree? The God Chamber of Commerce seems to be playing too much, right?"

When he was observing in Yuan Feng secretly, he didn't know exactly what kind of treasure Ruan Xinrou had made, but the Tianmon Python beside him finally murmured to himself and let him know the little tree. first name.

"Dongtianfushu? What's that? It sounds like it's tall and tall."

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but sway slightly, but he became more and more curious about this so-called cave tree.

He was sure that he really hadn't heard of a hole-in-the-blessing tree, but thought that this thing should be the very famous baby **** tree in the beast **** world.

"Demon flame, let's talk about what it is? Why does everyone seem to be interested in it?"

Yuan Feng's eyebrows have been frowned tightly. He really wants to know what kind of baby is actually able to move so many super strong positions. Of course, the strange atmosphere around him has become stronger and stronger, which is telling him that this little tree will never be an ordinary thing.

"Interested? Of course I ’m interested, but it ’s the Dongtian blessing tree. If anyone can get this tree and plant it in his own nest, then within ten years, the strength of the entire ethnic group can be greatly improved. Not even the next level. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Heavenly Demon Python could not help but take a deep breath, and then sighed for a long time before introducing Yuan Feng's voice.

"What? It's so powerful? Does it really have the effect of assisting cultivation?"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng was really shocked by this so-called Dongtianfushu, because he had never really heard of what kind of baby can make a super big group's power rise to a level within ten years. of.

Nowadays, the super big group is basically unlikely to get much promotion. Don't underestimate the strength of 10%. If it can be improved by 10% on the basis of the present, it may be quite powerful.

"It turns out that this thing is so precious, no wonder, no wonder it can release such a weird breath!"

Although the specific situation has not been found out, at least, he knew that this was definitely a very good tree.

"You, this is the third item to be auctioned in today's exchange meeting. Maybe someone doesn't know much about this little tree, but after I say its name, everyone should be very clear. I don't know. Have you ever heard of the cave tree? "

Above the pedestal, Ruan Xinrou also had a panoramic view of everyone's performance at the moment, and in her eyes, as long as she was in the auction, she had already scanned it. From the performance of the crowd, she knew that this third auction item would definitely sell for a good price.

"Dongtianfu tree? This little sapling turned out to be a Dongtianfu tree?"

"Yu, it's terrible, it's terrible, Dongtianshen Tree, is this the legendary Dongtianshen tree? In my life, have I ever been lucky to see such a treasure?"

"Good guy, let me just say that such a horrible **** tree can never be an ordinary item. After a long time, it turned out to be a cave **** tree. In this case, everything seems to be able to explain it!"

"Why would the Shenji Chamber of Commerce put this waiting treasure out for auction? Doesn't the Shenji Chamber of Commerce need such a **** tree? If you plant this tree in front of the door, I don't know how useful it is!"

Everyone was astounded by the **** tree that the Chamber of Commerce of the Gods brought out this time. At this moment, whether they knew it or not, they were basically served.

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