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Chapter 2092 Boldly

The venue of the entire auction was once again in a silence. Everyone's eyes were imagining a direction. There, a masked woman stood proudly without fear, and naturally met all the eyes around her. On the side of her, the infinite young man twitched at the corner of his mouth, and his expression was not natural.

The bid of 110 billion beast head crystals is definitely a horrible number for everyone present. What makes everyone even more frightened is that the bidding woman's bid was just after the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, that is to say, she was directly confronted by the crying wolf. Family.

What kind of existence the Xiaoyue wolf clan has, the people present are basically unaware of it. In the whole beast **** world, the Xiaoyue wolf clan absolutely stands at the very top of the existence, and even the purple gold marten present One family, the devil tiger family, and the Jin Yuying family did not dare to challenge this super-group.

However, at this moment, a woman who doesn't seem to have any unusualness, has blatantly paid a higher price than the Howling Wolves. In this regard, everyone is surprised, but they are also masked. Women are full of admiration.

"Well, good guy, who is this woman? It turned out to be 110 billion beast head crystals, and this is a little rich woman !!!"

"One hundred and ten billion beast head crystals, I can't imagine how many, isn't this woman with a vein of beast head crystals?"

"It's nothing, no matter how much Beasthead Crystal is, it's her courage that I admire. Alas, I have never seen anyone dare to fight against the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan!"

"That's right. The Xiaoyue Wolf family bids 90 billion beast head crystals, plus a thousand moon wolf stones. This is already a large number. It is estimated that they have mentioned the price in their heart to the greatest, but this woman even returned Dare to talk to them, hey, some of them are watching now !!! "

"Look at it, it seems that there is a good show this time, I have never heard of who the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has been afraid of, and they never admit defeat, just do not know if this woman can withstand it."

"Hey, at a glance, I would like to see a fierce bidding to see how much this little sapling can sell."

After a brief shock, everyone in the room couldn't help talking about it. For them, the bland auction didn't matter much, so for a woman like this now, for them, it was absolutely A very exciting thing.

Of course, not everyone feels irritating. At this moment, Yuan Feng, who is next to Tian Yao Python, is not irritating at all.

"My dear, this is really no good, it's amazing. One hundred and ten billion beast head crystals. Does she really have so many beast head crystals?"

Yuan Feng's gaze was now involuntarily looking at the Tianmon Python aside, and he said to him, at this moment, he was admired by the Tianmon Python.

He didn't even think much about the auction of the Tianfushu in this hole. In his heart, he basically waited for the big ethnic group, and he would eventually take this thing away. Boa, he never thought that the other party would bid.

First of all, it seems that the Tianmon Python family does not have a fixed nest, so they should not use such a treasure as a tianfu tree. Second, he never thought that Tianmon Python could be rich enough to have hundreds of billions of beast head crystals. To the point.

Theoretically, although the Sky Monster Python did control a lot of powerful men before, these guys did n’t look like they could have so much wealth, so he did n’t remind the Sky Monster Python , But always with each other watching other people bid.

When the monster python shouted the number of 110 billion beast head crystals, he was really scared by the other party. One hundred and ten billion beasthead crystals, even he himself can hardly imagine how terrible it is. It seems that he really doesn't know much about the Sky Monster Python.

"Yeah, let's just stop, because I have already shown my face before, and leaking my face again, it doesn't seem to be a big deal." With a sigh of relief in his heart, Yuan Feng knew that this time I was really in trouble. In the final analysis, the first auction item was not very attractive, but the bliss tree is definitely not unattractive.

If Tian Yao Python really pats this thing, then I am afraid they will have a lot of trouble.

"Hope she's just playing, it's better not to get this thing in your hands !!!"

Take a sigh of relief. At this moment, he really didn't want Tian Yao Python to get Dong Tian Fu Shu in his hand, but when he saw Tian Yao Python's expression at this moment, he felt that the other party was very happy with that Dong Tian Fu. The tree obviously has an inevitable momentum. As for whether there are so many beast head crystals on the other person's body, it is even more unknown to him.

At the same time, among the crowd, the Xiaoxiao Wolf Clan who just shouted for the bidding of 90 billion beast head crystals, and the strong men of the three Moonwolf clan, also looked at Yuan Feng and Tian at this moment. Monster Python.

However, compared to the shock of others, the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan are very calm, or indifferent.

Among the three men, the young man, headed by him, had already fixed his eyes on the Tianmon Python tightly, but in his eyes, there was a very strange light flashing continuously.

The strength of the Howling Wolves is not based on their number and unity. In fact, each member of the Howling Wolves is very strong, which is why the Howling Wolves can become a super big group. One.

The eyes of the young man's eyes flickered. In the end, a slight arc was exposed at the corner of his mouth. For him, some people dare to compete with them. This is actually a very interesting thing. You know, generally speaking, the existence of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is supreme, and basically few people dare to challenge them.

The young man's eyes were staring at the Tianmon Python tightly, as if to see the Tianmon Python inside and out.

Its identity is not trivial. Correspondingly, its means are also extraordinary. For the Sky Monster Python, it may already have seen the origin of the other party, and for those who can meet the Sky Monster Python family here, I am afraid that no one Don't know what it's thinking!

Frankly speaking, if it is changed to something else, it may stop asking directly, but it is just to give the baby directly to the sky demon python, but it is impossible to give up the cave tree in front of it.

Feeling that the eyes of the people around him were gathered on the three of them, the young man finally pulled the corner of his mouth, and then he looked at Ruan Xinrou on the stage lightly.

"One hundred and twenty billion beast head crystals, this little tree, Master Ben wants."

His tone was very indifferent. When talking about the 120 billion beast head crystals, there was not even a trace of emotional fluctuations. It seems that such a number is nothing like a challenge to him at all.

Of course, don't say that it doesn't feel anymore, even the people around it don't feel anything at all. For all the people present, what kind of price the Xiaoyue wolf tribe has made is not a big deal, and it is entirely in theirs. Within acceptance.

"Giggle, little guy, don't say too much. What do you want for this little tree? Even if you want it, you have to ask this girl, 130 billion beasthead crystals. This A little tree, my girl wants it. "

Almost when the young man's voice of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe fell, the opposite Tianmon Python laughed without hesitation and shouted the price of 130 billion beast head crystals. The son also raised the price by 10 billion yuan, and used the same words as the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan.

"Hum, what Master Ben has never seen before has never been available, 140 billion yuan !!!"

However, the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe didn't care about the increase in the price of the Tianyue Python. He sneered, and he also increased the price by 10 billion yuan.

As the second-ranked character among the Xiaoyue Wolf tribes, he has always been blindfolded, whatever he wants. As he said, in this world, as long as he wants it, there is no access to it. Right now he sees Dongtianfushu, so no matter who contends with it, he never wants to fight away.

Now that so many people are watching, I am basically aware that he is a member of the Howling Wolves. If this time is compared, then for him, for the entire Howling Wolves, it can be said that A very low price.

"Giggle, it seems that you little guy in your ethnic group should also be a guy with a low status, but today the girl let you know that not everything can come in your own way. , 150 billion beast head crystals. "

At the same time as the young man's voice of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe fell, no one had the opportunity to get in, and the voice of the Tianmon Python sounded again, and the price of the beast head crystal increased by 10 billion.

The Xiaoyue Wolf Clan never fears anyone to stay true, but why is the Tian Yao Python clan? Every word spoken by the young people of the Xiaoyue Wolf family on the opposite side is actually the thought of Tian Yao Python.

What the other person wants is not unavailable, and why isn't she? Today, she has identified Dongtian Fushu on the stage, so no matter what, she must pick up in her own hands, no one wants to grab her.

For the treasures like Dong Tianfushu, she has long been longing for it. Speaking of which, she didn't want to let outsiders know about her huge amount of resources, but at this moment, she couldn't care less. No matter what, she must hold Dong Tianfu Tree.

"Well, there are too many avenues in this world, but Master Ben has never been very reasonable, and he doesn't need others to tell me, 160 billion yuan !!!"

On the day when the monster python did not hesitate to increase the price to 150 billion beast head crystals, the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan were already a little different, but at this time, it was absolutely impossible to fall into sets. Even if it is gritted, it must call this version with the other party!

There is no way, facing the policy, basically not paying attention to the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. If everyone knows the identity of the other party, it is okay, but after all, the identity of the Tianmon Python can be seen at the scene, I am afraid there is really no several. If he really loses, then the people who do not know the truth will simply say that the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is not good, but they will not think that they are excusable.

One hundred and sixty billion beast head crystals, such a number, obviously exceeded his expectations. Speaking of, the nine hundred billion beast head crystals shouted out before, plus one thousand moon wolf stones, have already been considered by him to be very A reasonable price, as for 160 billion beast head crystals, has really exceeded his expectations.

It came to the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce this time, in fact, it was not for the hole of the heavenly blessing tree. If it spends too much on the hole of the heavenly blessing tree, it may have a certain impact on its next auction. .

Therefore, when the price of 160 billion beast head crystals was shouted, its tone was not as smooth as before.

"Giggle, little guy, don't you like others to reason with you? But that's a coincidence. I like to reason to others. Today, I have to let you understand a truth, a thousand Seventy billion beast head crystals !!! "

When the young man's voice of the Xiaoyue wolf clan fell, this time, the Tian Yao Python laughed more and more happily.

As the most capable of seeing the humanoid Warcraft, how could the Tian Yao Python not see the psychology of this young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf family? Obviously, the other party's stalemate with her has reached a limit almost now. At this time, she opened a new number, which is basically a huge test for the other party.

Judging from the situation in front of her, the heavenly tree in this cave has basically been unable to escape her palm!

"Good guy, 170 billion beasthead crystals? Isn't this, this is too exaggerated? Just such a small sapling, it's such a terrible price."

"Yu, where is this just a small sapling relationship? This is a big question about the face of the Xiaoyue Wolf family, but what is this woman and how can she be so rich?"

"Well, it's definitely not a simple character. There are many, many super groups in the Warcraft family, but we don't know them very well. In my opinion, this female eight achievement is a super group in the beast **** world. Members, and the strength should not be weaker than the Howling Wolves. "

"It should be like this, if not, she shouldn't dare to fight against the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan for so long, but there is no sign of concession."

"Concession? Well, I think, this time, she may win more than the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan!"

"This is not right now, just wait and see, after all, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is definitely not a mess."

Now that the auction has been held, all the people present have a feeling of swaying. At this moment, the Beasthead Crystal has simply become a number. Everyone cares more, but whether the Moonwolf can continue to be strong, and Whether that mysterious masked woman can steal the dongtianfu tree from the hands of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe.

When the Tianmon Python shouted 170 billion beast head crystals, everyone's attention was devoted to the side of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Next, it depends on whether the Xiaoyue Wolf clan will continue. Contended.

When all eyes turned to the side of the howling wolf tribe again, this time, the strong men of the three major howling wolf tribe were now a little bit cold, especially the young man in the front, his face was simply Indescribable dignity.

Looking at the opposite Tianmon Python, the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf family clenched his fist subconsciously, and his lips trembled slightly.

"I, I ......... a thousand ..............."

The 180 billion number was stuck between the throats. It wanted to shout the number in one breath, but when it came to its mouth, it was swallowed back.

It really wants to compete with the Tianmon Python, but it knows what its goal is to come to the God Machine Chamber of Commerce. If it costs 180 billion beast head crystals to compete for this hole Tianfu tree, then Just like a baby, I'm afraid it's going to be lost.

"Master, you can't compete with her anymore, don't forget our goal."

When the young man was embarrassed and wanted to bargain, but did not dare to bargain, the two strong men behind him, at this moment, could not help but interjected and persuaded the young man.

"Master, do n’t lose sight of small things. Although Dongtianfushu is precious, it is not the goal of our trip after all. Moreover, if Dongtianfushu falls into her hands, it may not be a good thing for us. "

The two powerful men have all sent voices to remind the young man. They are sent to follow the young master. If they fail to complete the task in the end, I am afraid they will be punished by the Howling Wolves. Therefore, at this time, they must say something.

"Yu, thanks for the reminders, I know how to do it."

At this moment, the young man made a long breath under his heart, but also realized his own recklessness. Fortunately, he has not made a big mistake. Otherwise, if he returns to the Howling Wolf Clan, it may be really dangerous.

After thinking about it, its original gloomy complexion suddenly showed a slight smile.

"Oh, the girl is really full of energy, but even if you take this photo of the heavenly tree, are you sure you can take this thing away? Hahahaha !!!"

The young man suddenly laughed aloud, and when the laughter fell, it was a step back, and that was quite obvious.

Obviously, he wanted to tell everyone present that he didn't want to continue bidding for this cave tree. However, the reason why he didn't go to auction was not that he didn't want the blissful tree, but because he had changed his mind at this moment.

It is not hard to hear from its words. It is clearly telling the Tian Yao Python that although it is not going to compete, even if the other party photographs the Dong Tian Fu Shu, then it is not tempting to take it from the God Machine Chamber of Commerce.

This is a naked threat, there is no need to look at anyone's face, and the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan does have this strength.

"This this……………"

"It's okay? What is this, what is this !!!"

"Good guy, you can't fight for your money, but you're starting to make naked threats? This, this is too overbearing!"

"Yu, what a Xiaoyue wolf tribe. This really doesn't know how to be ashamed. Obviously, it is to do some unspeakable acts, but it is full of domineering. Alas, this really makes people have to admire it! "

"Well, this time, this masked woman is afraid that it will be a bad mold! Whom to fight against is bad, but she wants to fight against the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. This time, you still have to lose your wife and die?"

"If I were to say that, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is too treacherous. They ca n’t fight for the money, but it is a naked threat. In this case, who would dare to compete with them? Who would dare to casually auction at the Shenji Chamber of Commerce? Bid? "

When the young men's voice of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan fell, everyone present was obviously vocal about its performance.

The Xiaoyue Wolf clan is obviously playing tricks, and such a move will undoubtedly have a very bad impact on the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. But who are they afraid of? It seems that the Chamber of God Chamber of Commerce has not reached the point where they dare not even say a word.

Above the pedestal, Ruan Xinrou, who presided over the auction, frowned. She had been happily watching the bidding of the two strong men before, but when the young men of the Xiaoyue wolf said these As she spoke, she also realized that at this stage, it seemed that the situation was somewhat beyond her expectations.

Obviously, such a result is not what she would like to see. Even if the young men of the Xiaoyue wolf do n’t say much, after the auction, even if they do too much, they have nothing to do with the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. . However, the other party directly said the words to be robbed in front of everyone, so of course, the God Machine Chamber of Commerce will be a bit difficult to do.

If this spreads out, the face of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce will also have no light!

Therefore, after the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf family stood back, she could not help frowning, and there was no speech for a long while. Obviously, the situation now made her have to weigh it carefully to see how it was done.

On the first day of her appointment, she encountered such a difficult problem. In this regard, she really didn't know how to do it, so as to not only gain benefits but also maintain the reputation of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

During the talk, the entire auction became a state again, and everyone was waiting for her opening. It was only up to her to decide whether the hole was to be given to the masked woman.

ps: There was a problem with the decoration of the home. I was busy working all day, and I came back late at night. The mood of the code was not very high, sorry everyone! !! !!

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