The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2076: Unconsciously

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Chapter 2076 Unspoken

Here is a closed cave that is not very spacious. The entire small cave should be formed after the underground lava gushes out, and there are so many small caves around Yuqiong Mountain.

At this moment, in such an inconspicuous little cave, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python are sitting opposite each other, and their faces have a trace of embarrassment.

Yuan Feng's gaze was a little dodging, and he basically didn't dare to look at the opposite Tianyue Python. At this moment, he simply wore a single garment, saying that it was not overstated. On the other hand, the opposite Tianmon Python was similar to him. It was also simply covered with a layer of tulle, with some crimson on the cheeks, bare skin on the outside, and even traces of madness.

Obviously, not long ago, there was obviously a crazy cloud rain here, and who else on the two sides of the cloud and rain, besides Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python?

"Giggle, I really didn't expect that you guys look so gentle, but in fact they are such a crazy guy, I am really deceived by your appearance!"

Silence was finally broken by the coquettish laughter of the Tianmon Python. However, although the Tianmon Python laughed wildly, Yuan Feng on the side could still feel that the voice of the Tianmon Python at this moment was actually a little trembling.

The fact is exactly the same, unfortunately, Yuan Feng did not look up at this moment, otherwise, he must be able to see, at this moment, the eye of the demon python obviously has the flicker of panic in his eyes.

"Ahem, girl demon flame, me, me ............... this ........."

With a slight cough, Yuan Feng summoned his courage. Then he finally raised his head and looked at the opposite Tianmon Python. However, some words came to his mouth, but he really couldn't say anything.

He actually wanted to say that everything before him was an impulse, but he thought about it. It seems that such a thing is really not what a man can say.

Having said that, he did have a momentary impulse before, but more, it was still the most primitive desire in his heart, plus the influence of swallowing the heavenly martial spirit.

If he had n’t started the Devouring Wuling at that time, he might still be able to control himself, but when the Devouring Wuling moves, he is doomed to fall.

Looking at the Tian Yao Python in front of him, Yuan Feng could not help recalling everything before. As a passing person, he naturally can see that the Tianmon Python is a junior scripture. Although it is unbelievable, the fact is the fact. This is absolutely not false.

If you think about it, how can a high-level Warcraft really use its own body to control other Warcraft, as rumors have said? With the ability of the demon python, it is almost a few words and a few eyes, which can almost make those who are less powerful than themselves, obediently bow down at her feet!

"Giggle, okay, okay, you don't have to say anything. You have helped me so much. Before, it's all thanks to you. You don't have any psychological burden."

Seeing Yuan Feng's dodging eyes, Tianmon Python couldn't help laughing again, and then said indifferently.

Frankly, if it was someone else, she would have shot it directly and swallowed the other person in one go. But this person is Yuan Feng, then everything is completely different!

From the moment she met Yuan Feng, she has always been attracted to Yuan Feng, and since then, she and Yuan Feng have experienced a lot, especially the interdependence of life and death several times, which made her right. Yuan Feng has a very special feeling.

And not long ago, when she had just been promoted to the semi-divine realm and six-turn realm, at that moment, she really wanted to share her joy with Yuan Feng, so she did n’t think about it, and she was naked. Yuan Feng's arms.

In fact, she also understands that with her charm, she would not be able to hold her back because of her ferocity, but even if she thought of it, she would do it without hesitation. Perhaps, from the beginning, she had already thought about giving herself to Yuan Feng from the bottom of her heart!

"Ahem, thanks?"

When the demon python's voice fell that day, Yuan Feng was almost choked by the other party's words, and he was not a fool. Of course, it was definitely not the other party's so-called gratitude. If the sky demon python really wants to thank him, it will never be this way.

"Girl demon flame, I am really not a good person, but for what I have done by myself, I will never blame."

With a slight sigh of relief in the bottom of his heart, Yuan Feng couldn't help but calm down, and then continued, "Although you and I are of different races, as long as the demon flame girl is willing, I will use my best , It won't let anyone hurt you with a hair. "

As a man, naturally there is no reason to escape. The Tianmon Python is heterogeneous and not fake, but the other party has given him to him completely and completely. If he really does what the other party says, let it go. In his heart, he is not worthy of being a man.

What did you dare not recognize? As for the others, I will find a solution in the future.


When Yuan Feng's words came down, this time, it was Tianpan Python's turn a little flustered. Seriously, the Tianmon Pythons are not as unbearable as rumors from the outside world. On the contrary, they value their chastity very much, and this time with the rain and rain of Yuan Feng, she does not know what she thought at the time. of.

Speaking of which, she was actually a little resistant before, but after Yuan Feng yelled, she had a feeling of being conquered by the other party. In the end, she gave up the resistance and let Yuan Feng Shi Wei.

To say that I don't feel Yuan Feng at all, it is obviously self-deceiving, but, from the perspective of Yuan Feng, she sees too many things.

One thing she saw very clearly. The reason why Yuan Feng said to her was basically to fulfill the responsibility of a man. Should she talk about affection, it shouldn't be regarded as no, but it was definitely not pure. Even the most she saw in Yuan Feng's eyes was a deep guilt and self-blame.

She doesn't know much about emotional matters, but she can still feel that in Yuan Feng's heart, I am afraid to pretend to be a person more important than her. This guilt and self-blame are obviously for that person.

"Giggle, don't you guys be so overbearing, okay? I'm better than you now, do you still need to take care of it?"

The complexion changed, and the Tianmon Python finally laughed again, and while laughing, she stood up and raised her hand to put on a thin gauze skirt to make herself hot. Covered up as much as possible.

"Uh, this ........."

Seeing the sky demon python getting up and wearing his clothes, and without any intention to take care of himself, Yuan Feng's face shivered, but for a while it felt a little elusive.

From the face of Tian Yao Python, he saw a lot of emotions, including surprises, sweetness, grievances, and a kind of decisiveness that made him incomprehensible. For some reason, he saw the emotions in the other side of his eyes. At times, under his heart, he could not help but give birth to an unspeakable sorrow.

But one thing he was able to determine was that the Tianmon Python really didn't think he was responsible, at least, the other party at the moment didn't want to rely on him.

"Giggle, what do you want to see? Is it because you and I ... let me be committed to you? You know, I'm a noble Sky Monster Python, how could it be so cheap for you?"

Gracefully gave Yuan Feng a glance, apparently in the heart of the Tianmon Python, a decision had been made.

She is not disliked by Yuan Feng or cannot be owned by others, but for one thing, she definitely does not allow anyone who owns herself, and there are others living in her heart, especially someone who is more important than her.

Obviously, the person who lives in Yuan Feng's heart can't be replaced by her anyway. In that case, why should she embarrass herself and Yuan Yuan? As for what happened before, it was a good memory, buried deep in the hearts of her and Yuan Feng.

"This ... I am a bit abrupt."

Listening to the words of Tian Yao Python, Yuan Feng could not help but scratch his head. Of course he knew that this was not the true word of Tian Yao Python, but as for what the other party thought, he was really puzzled for a while.

"Don't you get dressed quickly if you know you're out of nowhere? Don't you want me to help you?"

Seeing Yuan Feng's embarrassing expression, Tianmon Python couldn't help but glared at the other side again, and stared at it somewhere in Yuan Feng for a moment, and then she looked very coy.

"This ... Haha, I will do it myself, I will do it myself !!!"

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng also quickly reacted at this moment. Regardless of the idea of ​​the Tian Yao Python, since the other party has given him a clear attitude, there is no need for him to continue!

Laughing, Yuan Feng stood up sharply and raised his hand to take out a new set of clothes for himself, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, this is indeed the case, but in fact, how could he be as if nothing had happened? However, since Tianmon Python didn't want to mention it, he naturally was so happy.

After putting on his clothes, Yuan Feng's embarrassment slowly dissipated. Speaking of which, his adaptability is probably much better than the day demon python. Since the other party is nothing different, if he grasps this again If you don't let it go, then you really have to drop the price!

"By the way, I forgot to congratulate you on your promotion to the demigod six-turn realm. Hey, now I'm afraid that even if I exhaust all my powers, I'm definitely not your opponent?"

Previously, he had spent all his energy elsewhere, where he had experienced the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon Python, and at this time, when he slowly felt the situation of the other party, he discovered that the demigod had six turns. The day demon python is too different from before.

Although the five-turn and the six-turn are only a gap in the realm, the difference in strength between the two is simply different. In his induction, the Tianmon Python at this moment may be too many and many times stronger than before, and if he fights with the other party at this time, even if he uses his full strength, he may only be passive. Being beaten may even be sealed by the other party.

Of course, the strength has been improved, and the temptation means of the Tianmon Python has naturally been improved unimaginably. Perhaps, at this moment, even if the Tianmon Python is once again encountering the patriarch of the Huoyun Mo Lion family, at least it will The other side is tempted, and then get away safely!

However, one thing that surprised Yuan Feng is that although the charm of the Sky Monster Python is even greater, at this moment, he is obviously no longer affected by the charm of the other party, as if the other party ’s charm has already affected him. Lost the same effect.

In fact, Yuan Feng did not know something. The Tianmon Python family is very strange. Once there is a relationship with the Tianmon Python family, then the body will naturally have the atmosphere of the Tianmon Python family. As a result, the Tianmon It is impossible for pythons to try to seduce this kind of people.

Just like now, if another person of the Tianmon Python family appears, Yuan Feng can just look at it with appreciation, but there is no need to worry about being confused by the other party. This can also be regarded as a gift from the demon flame, but if it is really a gift, it is really a bit too big.

"Giggle, you guys, it ’s as if I could beat you before." Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python couldn't help but cover his mouth and smiled, as if he had completely forgotten the previous thing. .

"Okay, let's get back to business. Now I have successfully advanced into the semi-semitic realm and six-turn realm. In the next time, I have nothing to accomplish in the near future, and you have helped me so much. From now on, you What I want to do, I help you. "

For Yuan Feng, it is impossible for her to be treated as an ordinary stranger, although she is very indifferent, but in fact, for Yuan Feng who took her first time, she definitely does Allow the other party to have any accidents.

Yuan Feng wanted to find the blue sky, and she kept it in her heart, and now she obviously has the ability to help Yuan Feng, or she now wants her to protect Yuan Feng until Yuan After Feng has real self-insurance ability, she will consider her own stay.

If she had been following the other person just because she was curious about Yuan Feng, then her thoughts have completely changed.

"Haha, you know everything about me. One is looking for someone, the other is looking for the blue sky dome. Without telling you, I want to go to the gathering place of human warriors in the beast **** world. I wonder if you can help me? "

Yuan Feng is not polite. Since Tian Yao Python is willing to help him, of course he is happy to have such a super helper. Besides, Tian Yao Python wants to protect her from being fake, why doesn't he hope that he can also protect the other party?

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