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Chapter 2075 Dry Fire

Yuan Feng is the guardian of the Tianmon Python, but it lasted for a whole three months. During these three months, although there has been no trouble to come to the door, for Yuan Feng, the life is not Easy.

I don't know when it started, the position of Tianmon Python in his heart was slowly rising invisibly. Right now, Tianmon Python is at a critical moment, and his heart is involuntarily dragged by the other party.

In this regard, he explained to himself that the promotion of the Tianmon Python helped him, but in fact, it is undoubtedly a bit far-fetched to say such a reason, even he did not feel very reasonable.

When local news came down, Yuan Feng seemed to be charged suddenly. The whole person became energetic and nervously felt the situation in the underground world.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

One strange sound after another kept coming from the underground world. At the same time, Yuan Feng could feel that if there was no momentum, it was slowly dissipating from the underground world at the same time, making it calm. A faint breeze blew above the ruins.

"Yu, this momentum ........."

Feeling a touch of momentum from the underground world, Yuan Feng's face could not help showing a touch of excitement, because he had felt it, such a momentum is definitely not what the former Tianmon Python could do. Released.

"Six turns, this must be the momentum of the semi-god realm six turns. It seems that the Tianmon Python has really been successfully upgraded !!!"

The color of joy overflowed in words, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't wait to enter the underground world directly, and looked at the situation of the demon python at this moment.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Almost just the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts. Above the sky, there was originally a clear world, but suddenly there were a few more clouds, and with the emergence of clouds, there was a burst of strong wind, and I do n’t know where Began to blow, the time between speaking, originally a beautiful world, was an instant change towards the vision of the end.

"This is ......... reincarnation? !!!"

Suddenly looking up to the sky, Yuan Feng's complexion changed again, but deep in the bottom of his eyes, he was indescribably dignified.

Obviously, the sky in front is obviously brewing the robbery of the demigod strongman, and such a scene, he has seen it once on Xiaoba's body, but the robbery of Xiaoba is only one The robbery of the turn, and the robbery of the demon python, but the robbery of the six turns, but there is a difference of ten thousand miles!


It was almost a few blinks of an eye. The clear sky became dark instantly. Within a dozen miles, the terrible cloud of turmoil was mixed with the creepy purple thunder light. The mighty power was smaller than that of the original Badu At that time, it was more than hundreds of times stronger.

"Hisse !!! Is this a six-turn robbery? Is this too scary?"

Seeing that the sky suddenly turned into robbery, and the power was so horrible, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but sink slightly, his fists clenched subconsciously.

He had heard long ago that the more powerful the Demigod Realm was, the more terrifying the power of the robberies. I do n’t know how many demigod Powers fell under the robberies.

Since it is called transfer robbery, it is the calamity of warriors and Warcraft, and of course, it is not easy to pass the calamity.

He even heard that some powerful people are too terrible because of their qualifications, so they can only suppress their own cultivation, and dare not let them face the robberies easily, so as not to be robbed. Obliterate.

It seems that such rumors should not be fake. At least, he felt very shocked by the current robbery. In his current situation, even if this level of robbery can be carried, I am afraid You also have to suffer minor injuries.

"Diversion, I don't know what the power of diversion will be when I am promoted to Demigod!"

Since the power of robbery is based on the qualifications of the warrior, in terms of his qualifications, of course, the power of robbery cannot be too small. Maybe, even if he has collected enough material, he still needs to think carefully about how to deal with his robberies.

"Still don't worry about that much anymore. Right now, let the day demon python cross the robbery first."

He shook his head, but he no longer thought about it. Between the movements of the figure, he was out of the area covered by the robbery cloud.

He was obviously unable to do anything about the robbery of the demon python. Now what he can do seems to be watching from the side. Even if the other party really fails the robbery, that is her life.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng left, the clouds above the sky became thicker and thicker. Later, the thick black clouds seemed to become entities, and the purple thunderbolt shuttled through them was even more Turned into a series of angry dragons, constantly accumulating and growing.

The Sky Monster Python did not show up. It seems that she is preparing for the baptism of robbery in the underground world. As for whether crossing the robbery can alleviate some pressure, only she knows it.

"Om !!!!!!"

At one moment, a thunderous mine with a bucket thickness almost like a meteor falling from the sky smashed into the underground world. The terrible momentum shattered the space into a shattered space. The place where it passed was just like It's the same as Doomsday Judgment.

"Hisse !!! What level of thunderstorm is this? Even me, I'm afraid I will be bombarded enough !!!"

In the distance, Yuan Feng watched the first thunderstorm drop, but when he saw the horrible thundercloud, his heart twitched again involuntarily.

Although he had long guessed that the six-turn robbery would be horrible, he still did not expect that the horror of the first line of horror would have reached such a level of horror. Seeing this, he was really pinching for the day demon python A cold sweat! !!


The speed of looting mines is extremely fast. It took almost a blink of an eye to smash onto the magma. With the looting of mines, any magma encountered by it will evaporate directly. Seeing, The magma world, which is hundreds of miles away, is sinking rapidly at this moment.

If it wasn't for your own eyes, no one could describe the horror of this thunderstorm, anyway, Yuan Feng himself knew very well that if he changed it, he would definitely be able to bear it.

"Demon flame, you have to stand by it !!!"

With his fists clenched tightly, Yuan Feng could only cheer on the other side in his heart. The kind of feeling that he was involved in the danger but could not help him at all was really uncomfortable for him.

This is also a matter of no means. Changing to robbing this thing is the test of heaven for every practitioner. It is not only the Heavenly Demon Python that has to go through it, even if he himself has to go through it sooner or later.

Of course, there is a saying that is called man is destined to win the sky. Perhaps, one day, he may reach the realm of affecting the heavens and the earth. At that time, even if it is a robbery, I may not be able to help him!


When Yuan Feng was anxious under his heart, but could not do anything, a loud noise suddenly came from the underground world. Then, the calm magma lake, which suddenly burst like a water bottle, bloomed everywhere.


As the roar spread, a painful roar was passed from below, and hearing this painful roar, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but a little tighter, the whole person's complexion became more and more Worry about it.

Obviously, the roar must have originated from the sky monster python, and judging from the roar of the other party, this first thunder mine has already threatened her, and I am afraid that she has also suffered some injuries.

"Well !!!"

However, the robbery will not be that much. Almost immediately after the first robbery was over, it was another robbery that was not weaker than the previous one. It fell from the sky and passed toward the roar. Smashing in the direction.

"Boom !!!!!! Hey !!!"

The magma was splashing, and the horrible thunderbolt instantly submerged into the underground world. Then, a painful roar came. Compared to the previous roar, the roar this time became significantly more painful. It seems that with the increasing number of thunderstorms, the situation of the Tianmon Python is getting worse and worse.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

Unfortunately, the rules of heaven and earth will never sympathize with anyone, and it will never be possible to release water to any robbers. Even if the roar of the demon python is so fierce, the robbery is still motionless, but it is violently bombarding the underground world. With.

"Ugh !!!!!! Boom boom !!!!!!"

The thunders are basically like a thunderstorm, and with each thunderstorm falling, Yuan Feng can feel his heart twitching. He is really hard to imagine. The demon python under the cover of thunder is undergoing an inhuman test.

"Hold up, hold on !!!!!!"

His fist rattled. Yuan Feng was really anxious to rush up to help the demon python, but he was more clear. At this time, it was definitely not to help the demon python, but He completely destroyed the sky demon python, so at this moment, he has no way to think except to pray secretly.


The demon python's call became more miserable and weaker. In the end, Yuan Feng could basically only hear the sound of thunder and bombardment, but he could no longer hear the call of the tian python Obviously, at this moment, the situation of the demon python is very, very bad.

To be honest, this time the demon python impacted the realm of six demi-gods, still a little hasty. It does not mean that her realm is not enough. After all, her realm is not enough. It is impossible for her to advance to the sixth-round realm. However, she only feels that she has encountered a terrestrial fire, so she did not consider anything, she went straight to the rank. Already.

Speaking of which, she should actually make more preparations for crossing the robbery. In that case, it would not be as passive as it is now.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything at this time, and the thunderstorm has been over half. Whether you can persist to the end depends on the realm of the day demon python. On the other hand, I am afraid that more luck is needed!

"Booming !!!!!!"

Above the sky, there was no sign of the horrible cloud of robberies, and seeing that rolling cloud of robberies continued to increase, Yuan Feng's heart could not tell what it was like.

He hoped that the robberies would pass quickly, but from the heart, he was worried that the robber clouds above the sky would disappear suddenly, because once the robber clouds disappeared, it basically meant two consequences. One is that the Tianmon Python successfully crossed the robberies. And the other is naturally that the robbery failed.

"How's it going? What's going on !!!!!!"

The complexion changed for a while. Yuan Feng at this moment really felt a sense of restlessness. If there was any choice, he really would prefer to take the place of the Tianmon Python instead, and he should not be in a hurry like now. .

At this moment, he suddenly thought again, if it was Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner who were crossing the road, maybe he would be more anxious than now? And if Yunmeng Chen and Mu Yuner fell due to the robbery, he would not dare to imagine what it would look like.

"Turn robbery, turn robbery !!! I must make myself more powerful soon. Even then, even if this robbery, I will still be able to intervene with my strength, absolutely not let my loved ones And friends fell under robbery. "

Undoubtedly, death under robbery is definitely the most depressing method of death. After all, so many strong winds and waves can come through, and it is finally obliterated by the rules of heaven and earth. It is depressing enough to think about it.

Of course, it is obviously not easy to influence the general situation of heaven and earth with personal strength. At least, at the moment, he really doesn't know how strong he is, so that he can reach the point of affecting the rules of heaven and earth.

But what is certain is that the rules of heaven and earth are not immutable after all. If it is to be counted, he is not originally a person in this heaven and earth. How can the rules of this heaven and earth not be broken?


Between Yuan Feng's thoughts, there was another horror thunder that was thicker than the previous thunderbolt. It instantly descended from the dense black cloud and finally bombarded the magma below. The thunderstorm dropped, and the thunder cloud above the sky gradually dissipated even after a short time. The whole sky slowly recovered to clear.

"Well? The robbery disappeared?"

Seeing that Jieyun above the sky disappeared when speaking, Yuan Feng's face was a joy first, and then more and more worried.

"Success? Or failed?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng really felt a little timid at this moment. He wanted to come forward and check it out soon, but he was worried that the Tian Yao Boa was robbed and robbed. For a moment, he could only stand there and had no idea what to do.

"Oh !!!!!! Hey !!!"

However, just as he was tangled, a sound of vibration suddenly came, and then, in the distance in front of him, the calm magma surface had just been restored, and a huge lava water spray was exploded. Then, a colorful python suddenly appeared in front of him.


The colorful python burst out of the water and gave out a loud roar at the same time. At the same time, a horrible energy wave centered on the python, rippling wildly towards the surroundings, straightening the entire magma lake. All of a sudden dropped several meters.

"Eh? Success? Demon flame crossing has succeeded !!!"

At the moment when the colorful python broke out of the water, Yuan Feng's figure shivered involuntarily. Obviously, the colorful python appeared, that is to say, the demon python's six rounds of robbery turned out to be really resisted by her.

"Ha ha ha ha, okay, okay !!!!!!"

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng couldn't say anything more than applaud at this moment. No one can understand his mood at this moment, and he really does not want to come again for the emotional changes he has experienced before.


When Yuan Fenglang laughed, a light flashed, and then a charming charming woman appeared with a smile on his face.

"Giggle, Yuan Feng, I succeeded, I finally succeeded in the calamity !!!"

The shape of the Tianmon Python came to Yuan Feng's front for the first time, and Yuan Feng could not be allowed to say anything more than to give Yuan Feng a big hug, or to drill directly into Yuan Feng's arms.

She was really excited at the moment. She stayed in the realm of demigod five turns for so long. She had long wanted to be promoted to the realm of six turns, but unfortunately, she has never been able to find a place with a heart. A breakthrough was made where the fire existed, which dragged the road of promotion to the present.

However, she is now successfully promoted, and the excitement and joy are not felt by outsiders at all.

As for her joy, the first thing she wants is to share it with Yuan Feng. Speaking of which, her successful promotion this time was basically due to Yuan Feng.

In the first place, Yuan Feng found such an excellent breakthrough environment for her. In the second place, it was precisely because of Yuan Feng's protection of her law that she was able to cultivate with peace of mind. If Yuan Feng was not there, or she would change to another If she protects the law for her, she will never be able to make breakthroughs with peace of mind as before.

Thinking of this, her hands were entangled between Yuan Feng's neck, and she politely presented her red lips to Yuan Feng.


The hot Jiao body suddenly got into her arms, Yuan Feng's laughter came to an abrupt end, the whole body's body was slightly stiff.

And at this moment, when the red lips of the demon python proactively kissed on the day, he only felt his brain humming, even if the spin was like electricity, he was completely unconscious.

"I'm going to die, I'm really going to die now !!! Swallow the heavenly martial spirit, give it to me !!!"

At the last moment of keeping Qingming, Yuan Feng almost consciously turned his Devouring Wuling up. This is his habit. Whenever he encounters danger, he will summon the Devouring Wuling in time. It can be said that this has basically become a natural move.

However, it ’s okay not to run the Devouring Martial Spirit. When he turned his Devouring Martial Spirit into operation, he only felt in his chest, and a blaze of flame suddenly burned. It was almost uncontrolled. He His hands were tight, as if he could not wait to incorporate the tender body in his arms into his own body.


At the moment, Tianmon Python realized that the situation was not right. She just finished the robbery, and there was no trace of cover on her body. Yuan Feng's changes at this moment, she all felt clearly, but because it was just completed Robbery, her body basically doesn't have much power, and even more terrible is that Yuan Feng's body has a breath that fascinated her. When this breath was inhaled into the body, she didn't have much strength. It was completely softened.

"Yuan Feng ..............."

With both hands, he tried his best to hug Yuan Feng's neck. At this moment, the Tian Yao Python was obviously completely occupied. The murmur in her mouth also caused Yuan Feng to lose all her senses instantly.

I don't know when, Yuan Feng's eyes have become red, and the blazing flames at the bottom of his eyes seem to burn the celestial python in his arms.


Suddenly looked up, Yuan Feng's mouth issued a roaring sound like an ancient beast. Such a roar definitely does not sound like Yuan Feng's own voice. And as his roar rang, the celestial python in his arms, like a frightened bunny, instantly became more well-behaved.


He shouted in the sky, Yuan Feng's body flickered, and he directly held the Tianmon Python, and instantly arrived in a lava cave in the outer area of ​​Magma Lake. At this moment, both he and Tianmon Python obviously had already Without any sense at all.

Right or wrong is irrelevant. Whether it is a human warrior or a warcraft, after all, it is difficult to resist the most primitive desires. This is the true rule of the heavens and the earth and the true law of nature.

ps: It ’s been a long time, brothers and sisters, ask for a few flowers to support you! !! !! (Yuan Feng said, you need a rose flower for the snake, and the petals are fine!)

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