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Chapter Two Thousands And Seventy

The relationship between Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python is undoubtedly a little different because of a madness in the molten cave. Although both deliberately avoided this matter, in their hearts, the weight of each other is absolutely the same It was different before.

In fact, at their current level, in addition to becoming stronger, in fact, many things are irrelevant. However, it is impossible for them to deal with it as an insignificant matter. However, whether it is Yuan Feng or Tian Yao Python, there are reasons for not wanting to delve into this matter.

Therefore, the relationship between them will not change much before any special circumstances occur.

The Tianmon Python has been promoted to the semi-god realm and six-turn realm. This can be said to be a very realm in the entire beast-god realm. You must know that even if it is the Huoyun Mo Lion family, there is only one This level of power is nothing more. As for the Chiyan Jinlin family, there is not even a power of this level.

If the Tianmon Python goes to the Chiyan Jinlin family at this time, it may not be impossible to control the entire Chiyan Jinlin family in their own hands, but now, she has no such interest.

In the next time, Tianmon Python really did not have the near-term goals to complete. In this way, she basically gave herself to Yuan Feng, what Yuan Feng was going to do, and she would help Yuan Feng to do it. She doesn't bother to think too much about the future.

Yuan Feng wanted to go to the gathering place of human warriors, and Tian Yao Bo had no opinion on this. After the idea was decided, the two set off immediately without any delay.

Yuan Feng doesn't know where the human warriors gather, but Tian Yao Python is well-informed, so naturally it is impossible to not know, so the next hurry is turned into Tian Yao Python, and Yuan Feng Is once again reduced to a poor attendant.

The speed-up of the Tianmon Python who has been promoted has naturally achieved an unimaginably huge increase. In this way, Yuan Feng wants to keep up with each other, apparently struggling again.

Fortunately, the demon python did not use his full strength, otherwise, I am afraid that he would be trapped hundreds of miles by the other side for a few breaths.

This is also a matter of no means. The Tianmon Python is already in a state of six transitions in the demigod state, but he still stays in the state of the Promise. The gap between the two is simply unimaginable.

If he reaches the level of six transitions in the demigod realm, then the whole beast-god realm, plus the arrogant realm of the human warrior, I am afraid that he can no longer find someone who can cause him trouble!

Of course, the premise is that the opponent is at the level of demigod. If it is beyond the level of demigod, it is another matter!

Having said that, so far, the invincible powerhouse beyond the demigod seems to have not been mentioned by anyone, and Yuan Feng has never seen it. It doesn't matter if there is no delusional world, or even the beast **** world. Is there such a superpower, there are still some people who can't say right now.

The journey to the gathering place of human warriors, the journey is farther than the previous rush to the Huoyun Moshi family. According to the Tianmon Python, at the speed of Yuan Feng, it is as few as eight months and as many as one. Half a year ago, in short, this is definitely a long, long way, and in this regard, Yuan Feng must be fully psychologically prepared.

Yuan Feng doesn't matter. There is a super master of Tian Yao Python. He is not worried about his own safety. As for the world of human warriors, he is not too anxious.

The two talked and laughed along the way, from time to time they will stop briefly in some places, look for a single Warcraft to hunt, as for the purpose of hunting these demigods of Warcraft, of course, to provide energy for Xiaoba Well.

Tian Yao Python already knows Xiao Ba's ability, so she is also very willing to serve Xiao Ba. For her, even if the cultivation between Xiao Ba and her is much different, she still dare not have anything to do with Xiao Ba. Despise, after all, asking herself, she doesn't know if she can withstand the millions of Promise of World of Warcraft.

With the current combination of Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng, for a single demi-god one-turn and two-turn Warcraft, as long as they use a little trick, they can basically kill it. Of course, they have no intention of destroying the beast. The balance of the divine realm is nothing more than killing a half-god of World of Warcraft every so often, and these Warcrafts are basically in the stomach of Xiao Ba.

Xiaoba not only needs a lot of Warcraft energy to produce his own Warcraft army, but also needs to devour other Warcraft to improve his power. His current cultivation is only a demi-god, but it is conceivable that as long as Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python If he supplies him with Demigod Warcraft, then his power will be greatly improved sooner or later.

It can be said that for Xiao Ba, the state of three transitions in the semi-god realm is actually a matter of time, after all, after all, Yuan Feng and the sky demon python are now enough to hunt Warcraft in the state of three transitions.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python are on their way. In a blink of an eye, it takes less than half a year. According to the calculation of Tian Yao Python, they probably haven't gone half the distance in this little half year, that is, It takes at least half a year to reach the gathering place of human warriors.

Yuan Feng is very satisfied with this speed, because on this way, he is not simply to go to the gathering place of human warriors. You know, along the way, he is passing his own place. All of them did a simple search and left a lot of Warcraft eyeliners. It can be said that as long as it was where he walked, it was equivalent to being drawn into his own territory.

It can be foreseen that no matter where he is in the future, as long as he contacts these Warcraft eyeliners through Xiaoba, then no matter what kind of wind and grass is moving in the beast **** world, he can get the news the first time.

On this day, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python shot again, but it was a waste of time, killing a demigod demon bear that turned twice, and killing this demi devil bear that turned twice After that, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python stopped their hurries again and took a break.

"Yu, this devil bear is really powerful. Although there is only a half-god realm, the strength is probably close to the three-go realm. Fortunately, your cooperation with me is getting more and more mature. Otherwise, it ’s true. He might run away! "

In the dense forest, Yuan Feng was sitting on a bluestone slab, not far from his front, a giant bear with a height of more than three meters, but now he was lying alive. There, obviously, can't die anymore.

"Giggle, what else do you say, it's not because you are too indifferent to the enemy. How could you give him a chance to escape if he tried his best from the beginning?"

Tian Yao Python was sitting next to Yuan Feng at this moment, and she was wearing a strong charming attitude between smiles and smiles. However, after the last incident, her charm was no longer for Yuan Feng. Works as before.

As she laughed loudly, Tian Yao Python's eyes had never left Yuan Feng, but in her heart, she became more and more curious about Yuan Feng.

Although she has been acting together for a long time, but until now, she did not know the specific situation of Yuan Feng. At the most basic level, what kind of cultivation of Yuan Feng is now, she still said that Not sure.

Shicai, she and Yuan Feng shot and killed the demon bear in front of her. Actually, she did not use all her power on purpose. It was also a good idea to test Yuan Feng ’s true strength. Trying out and pretending to be confused with her.

In this regard, while she was angry, she could only be deeply helpless.

"Hey, no matter what, this big guy didn't manage to escape in the end. This time, Xiaoba has eaten again. Xiaoba, haven't come out to see the air and see the harvest of me and the demon flame? "

Hey, with a smile, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and between raising his hands, he called Xiao Ba out of his physical world. It can be considered to ease the atmosphere in the field!


Waiting for Yuan Feng's words to fall, Xiao Ba's figure flashed out, and as soon as he appeared, he focused his attention on the body of the devil bear for the first time, but directly turned Yuan Feng and He on the side. Sky demon python was filtered out.

"Hey, big brother, I'm thinking about it recently, should I ask my big brother to help me hunt the warcraft with two rounds of rotation? I can't think of my big brother who really hunted me down. Big brother is really a little brother's concubine !!!"

The body flashed, Xiao Ba didn't even want to, he put away the corpse of the devil bear, and then came to Yuan Feng's front, with a grateful expression.

"Ha ha ha, what do you guys think in my heart, can't I hide it from me?"

Hearing Xiao Ba's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly. As he said, the connection between Xiaoba and him is beyond the imagination of outsiders. In the past few days, Xiaoba has been thinking about the World of Warcraft corpse that requires two turns. Of course, he does n’t May be unaware.

"Hey, you guys really do, just thank him every time, you know, I am the biggest hero in hunting this guy, even if you want to thank, you should thank me first, right?"

At the time of Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba's guest, the Tian Yao Python on the side was a little unhappy. Every time, after she and Yuan Feng hunted down Warcraft, Xiao Ba would only thank Yuan Feng. In this regard, she really had an impulse to want to explode.

She didn't have to listen to Xiao Ba's gratitude, but her disregard for her really made her feel very defeated.

I do n’t know what kind of Xiaoba is. In principle, as long as it is a male creature, it should be difficult to resist her temptation. But every time Xiaoba sees her, there is nothing strange at all. Not affected by her charm. This situation, of course, made her very uncomfortable.

"This ......... I forgot it again, thank you, Demon Flame !!!"

Hearing the complaint from Tianmon Python, Xiaoba scratched her head, smiled slightly awkwardly, and then thanked him.

"Forget it, I have to thank you after reminding me, as if I am very rare." She waved her hand, and the Tianmon Boa wasn't really angry. When the voice fell, she just ran to the side of the stream. Take care of yourself.

"Xiaoba, this will happen again next time. Remember to thank the demon flame girl first, remember, don't forget it again, you know?"

Seeing that the Tianmon Python left, Yuan Feng shook her head with a weeping smile, and then asked Xiaoba again. This is not the first time he has said this to the other party, but Xiaoba has forgotten the sequence every time, and he is helpless about this.

"Hey, brother, rest assured, I know." Hou Hou smiled, Xiao Ba gave a very good answer exactly the same as before, but did not know if he really went to his heart.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, Xiaoba. Recently, you always wanted to have a half-powered World of Warcraft and two turns. Is it because you already feel the breakthrough opportunity of the second turn?

Those trivial matters are not what he cares about. Of course, he is most concerned about it. Of course, it is still the practice of Xiaoba ’s cultivation. He knows very well that the cultivation of Xiaoba ’s cultivation is too important for him. Extremely powerful realm. If the Warcraft can produce demigods then, aren't their masters and servants going to walk across the beast-god realm?

Therefore, for the cultivation of Xiao Ba, he is as interested in his own cultivation.

"Yes, I've swallowed several first-round Warcrafts and more than one second-round Warcraft. I can feel that as long as the state is better adjusted, I can definitely try to impact the second-round realm."

Xiao Ba also did not hide his thoughts. In fact, he really felt the opportunity of the semi-god realm two turns recently, but his confidence is not enough to see if he can really break through.

"Ha ha ha, okay, you know that this guy is the most powerful, but the realm of the second turn is a small matter. The most important thing you need to consider is your second turn and the robbery. That is the real terrible link."

Hearing that Xiao Ba really felt the opportunity of the second turn of the semi-god realm, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing, but she was very pleased.

The faster Xiao Ba improves, the happier he is, of course. However, thinking of the power of Xiao Ba's turn to robbery, he didn't get up to the point that Xiao Ba wanted to impact the second turn.

"Without concealing my brother, I am also worried about this. The previous round of robbery has made me feel threatened, so I am really a little unsure about this second round of robbery."

With a frown, Xiao Ba told the truth directly to Yuan Feng. He really didn't know if he could survive the second turn of the robbery, so before he started the grading, he had to discuss with Yuan Feng carefully to see if he could find an effective way to deal with the robbery. method.

"It's like this ... It seems that we should think of a way, the second round of robbery, this is definitely not a joke !!!"

After hearing Xiaoba ’s statement, Yuan Feng also frowned. He knew that this time, no matter what, he had to do something. After all, he did n’t want to let Xiaoba be afraid of facing the robbery. The relationship has delayed the following spiritual practice.

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