The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2072: Escape the birth day

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Chapter 2072 Escape From Birth

Dozens of demigods in the Huoyun Moshi family have besieged Yuan Yuan and Tian Yao Python in the middle. According to the reason, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python have no chance at all.

However, the world is impermanent, and when the strong members of the Huoyun Moshi family shot up, trying to kill both Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python, something unexpected happened to everyone, but it suddenly appeared to everyone. In front of me.

Tens of thousands of World of Warcraft, like a tide, spread out in all directions, each of them is roaring, as if trying to choose someone to eat, and almost came close to the fire cloud lion family The strong ones, these Warcrafts will explode without hesitation, and shroud the strong ones of the Fire Cloud Lion family in the energy wave of the explosion.

For a while, within a range of tens of miles, it was basically surrounded by an endless sea of ​​fire. Even if it is a strong demigod, this moment can only be an evacuation of the front. As for those fires below the demigod, The cloud devil and lion family were already scattered by the horrible big bang, and they fled to death.

Tens of thousands of Promise World of Warcraft collectively exploded. I am afraid no one has seen such a terrible scene. After all, even a strong player cannot control the tens of thousands of World of Warcraft collectively explode at once. In the delusional world, I am afraid that only Yuan Feng can do it alone!

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The horrible explosion continued, and Yuan Feng did not know how many Wonderland Warcraft were released. In short, the entire explosion process lasted for more than a minute. Basically, where the original Yuqiong Mountain was, At this moment it has completely turned into a ruin.

In such a horrible big bang, it is difficult for ordinary members of the Huoyun Moshi family to leave too much. As for the demigods, the good ones may have escaped directly, but the bad ones It is basically drowned by the big bang. Even if it is not dead, I am afraid that it will suffer minor injuries.

There is no way, but tens of thousands of Promise World of Warcraft blew up collectively. It is possible that a single Promise World of Warcraft blew up. The power of a single Promise of Warcraft is not great, but so many World of Warcraft are definitely not imaginable.

I do n’t know how much time has passed, it seems that the self-detonation army has already detonated as much as possible. The entire space is slowly calming down at this moment, but when everything returns to peace, there is an instant of anger. Covering a range of hundreds of miles, it can not help but give people a sad feeling.

"Om !!!!!! Brush !!!"

Just when everything was calm, a tremor of space suddenly came. Then, the figure of a red-haired old man emerged from the depths of the space and stood still in this killing space.

"How, how did this happen? What happened just now, just now?"

As the patriarch of the Huoyun Mo Lion family, the red-haired old man has experienced too many things. However, no matter what the previous experience is, I am afraid it cannot be compared with its experience today.

First, the old nest was destroyed, and the entire ethnic group had to move their families. Then, a weird young man summoned tens of thousands of Promise of Warcraft in his speech and blew himself up in his Huoyun Mo Lion family. From the beginning, this time, the whole self-explosion, I am afraid that the entire Huoyun Mo Lion family will have to reduce its staff by 60% to 70%, or even more.

"Why, why? Why did God treat me like this?" Did we do something wrong? Ah !!! "

Feeling the coldness and annihilation around him, the red-haired old man knew that in the just before the big bang, the Huoyun Moshi tribe is bound to suffer heavy losses, let alone ordinary members, even if they are strong in the demigod, I am afraid they all have May fall.

"Brush !!!!"

Shortly after the red-haired old man appeared, a series of lights lit up again. Then, the strong men of the Fire Cloud Lion family came out from the depths of space. Thirty figures flashed out.

The strong men of the fire cloud lion family are basically ragged, all over and over are embarrassed, and some are even weak. Obviously they did not dodge in time when they exploded, but they were blown up by the big bang. Seriously injured.

It can be said that the Huoyun Mo Lion family at this moment is simply how miserable and how miserable.

When seeing these people of his own tribe flashing out, the face of the red-haired old man became more and more gloomy. From the situation of these tribe people, he knew that this time, the Huoyun Moshi family might be really The losses are huge!

The fiery clouds and the lion strongmen in the semi-divine realm are all unable to return to God at this moment. Frankly, they really don't know what happened. I saw a group of World of Warcraft suddenly rushed towards me, and then all the World of Warcraft blew up. Everything changed too quickly. Some more.

"Roar !!! What are you still doing? Don't hurry to call the clan and count the losses !!!"

Seeing the demigods are standing there stupidly, it seems that it is difficult for a long time to recover from the previous changes. The red-haired old man could not help but roar and ordered to everyone.

He was regretful at the moment, and it was obvious that if he had n’t shot the other one before, but let go of the other party directly, then everything would have happened.

It is true that such an approach would have the majesty and image of the Fiery Clouds and Lions, but at least, the Fire Clouds and Lions would not change like this now.

You know, before, even if he let go of the demon python without saying a word, the people who were present would never say anything. Everything was caused by his temporary greed, and he had to be an ethnic group. Take full responsibility for the loss.

Of course, for races like the Fire Cloud Devil, the patriarch is the most detached existence. Although he made a mistake, no matter whether he is an ordinary tribe or a demigod tribe, no one dares to blame him.

In the next time, the remaining demigods began to gather around the tribe who survived, and healed some seriously injured, and the whole process took about half an hour .

Soon, the good statistics were summed up to the red-haired old man, and when he learned the result of the wise talented explosion, his complexion suddenly became extremely pale.

"Hoooo !!! Heaven demon python, and that human kid, I'm going to smash all your corpses, ah !!!"

After calculating this loss, he was really unacceptable. As he expected, the Big Bang of the right talent directly reduced the ordinary people of the Huoyun Moshi tribe by 70%. This is not even those who are seriously injured and may become waste.

70% of ordinary people, how many years will it take for the Huoyun Moshi family to make up for the losses?

This is also a matter of no choice. Who will let the big bang of the right talents just catch up with the Huoyun Moshi family and relocate, and all the members will come together? And for the World of Warcraft below Demigod, even a Promise of World of Warcraft explodes, it is enough to kill, let alone tens of thousands of Promise of World of Warcraft explode collectively.

The loss of Qicheng people is undoubtedly a huge blow to Huoyun Moshi. However, it is not these that make the red-haired old man most angry. It is the loss of the demigod that really makes his heart bleed.

According to the statistics of the following people, this time of change, there are eleven demigods in the Huoyun Moshi family who disappeared without a trace. The eleven strongs can go with their toes. I figured it out.

The Eleven Greats fell in the explosion, which is a unimaginable blow to the Huoyun Moshi family. You know, every superpower in the demigod is an absolute nucleus. So much is lost at once. Once the Huoyun Moshi and other ethnic groups are at war, they will be in absolute power. Among the passive.

Of course, eleven demigods have fallen, but this is not all. You know, even these survivors survived a dozen or so badly wounded. I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to take them easily for a while And even a few minor injuries, even his patriarch actually suffered minor injuries.

The entire ethnic group is in an indescribable depressive atmosphere. This time, for them, it is basically not far from the death of the dead. This is almost a mistake of the red-haired old man. Decided!

Standing in the air with a gloomy face, the red-haired old man no longer said anything. At this stage, obviously nobody wants to see it, but at this point, he was unable to recover.

Seeing the red-haired old man sullen and silent, the other strong men did not dare to make the slightest sound. For them, no matter who is wrong, in short, the loss is the Huoyun Mo Lion.

"Take all people into the physical world for the time being. Here, we can no longer stay."

For a long time, the silence was eventually broken by the red-haired old man. No matter what, the Huoyun Mo Lion family will continue to inherit, but the current Yuqiongshan has been completely destroyed, but there is no way to continue to survive here. In the coming time, they must find a new habitat as soon as possible, and restore the vitality of the Huoyun Moshi family as soon as possible.

"Well !!!"

When the order of the red-haired elders was given, the powerful men did not dare to hesitate. During the talk, everyone started to work together and began to take one by one into their own physical world and prepare for an unprecedented relocation. Of course, it is said that they are being lifted up a bit when they are relocated. In fact, this time, they are more like a great escape.

Compared with the original Chiyan Jinlin family, the relocation of the Huoyun Moshi family will obviously have greater difficulties. No way, the previous Huoyun Mo Lions never thought about relocation, so there was no spare branch to prepare for occasional needs. In this way, they want to relocate, but they still want to go now Find a place.

In addition, super-large ethnic groups like the Huoyun Moshi tribe do not simply find a place to settle down as the oldest nest of the ethnic group. Obviously, it is not easy to find a decent place.

What level was Yuqiongshan in the past? Although the new and old nests may not be able to catch up with Yu Qiongshan, they must at least be justified.

Although there are still so many super powerfuls in the Huoyun Mo Lion family at this moment, in such a place as the beast **** world, such a force may not really be able to guarantee their safety. Furthermore, there are also many powerful ethnic groups that have been offended by the Huoyun Mo Lion family. If those opponents are informed of their current situation, they may be really dangerous.

In short, the Huoyun Moshi family today can be described by the word "you worry about the future". Perhaps, after this incident, the future of Huoyun Moshi family is really difficult to guarantee.

And just as the Huoyun Mo Lions began to look down for new ethnic settlements one after another, the Yuan Feng and the Sky Monster Python that contributed to this incident were already appearing thousands of miles away at the moment, and found A safe place was hidden.

"Yes, it's dangerous. It's the first time I've seen so many demigods, and there is a horror of six demigods. This time, I really picked up a life and returned !!!!"

In the slightly dim cave, Yuan Feng could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief at this moment, and there was still some joy in his face for the rest of his life.

For him, this time is indeed a bit dangerous. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Xiaoba's army of Warcraft produced in advance saved his life. If he was not ready to explode the army in advance, then this time, I am afraid it will be difficult for him The pythons got out together.

Of course, there is still a bit of luck in it. After all, the Huoyun Moshi family is very powerful, even if there is a self-destructing army, but once the super-powerful superpower who turned six eyes on them, they It may not be possible to escape so easily.

After all, the Huoyun Mo Lions became a bit vigilant because of the previous changes. When the Warcraft army appeared, they were basically scared and overwhelmed.

"Me, have we really escaped?"

Just as Yuan Feng caressed her own chest and sighed, aside, Tian Yao Python muttered to herself, and in her eyes, at this moment, it was full of incredible light.

Regarding the previous situation, she really felt that she and Yuan Feng would surely die. Even if they tried their best, they would escape one person at most.

However, what she never expected was that she and Yuan Feng had really all escaped.

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of her, she wanted to say something to her at the moment, but when it came to her lips, she realized that she could not say anything.

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