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Chapter 2071 Xianwei

Although the strength of the Sky Demon Python is not weak, but she is facing all the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi family, and there is a Huoyun Moshi patriarch who is higher than her by one level. It can be said that In this battle, she had no chance of victory.

In almost less than a minute, the demon python exposed its flaws and was keenly grasped by the patriarch of the Huoyun demon lion family. Then, a lot of powerful people shot in succession and blasted the demon python in. Underground.


The body was blasted into the ground, and the Tianmon Python couldn't help but look pale, and even spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and then she became weak and fragile, apparently suffering a minor injury.

First, she was hit by the patriarch of the Huoyun Mo Lion family, and then hit by so many strong ones. No matter how strong her strength is, this is definitely enough for her.

"Brush !!!!"

Almost when she was just blasted into the ground, the fierce fierce lions were strong, but now they came forward to her, and surrounded her again, but did not take the opportunity. And as a result she died.

"Huh, **** demon python, now, do you have anything to say? Do you really think that with so many strong men, we will dare you to be a little demon?"

A group of strong men once again encircled the sky demon python, and at this moment, the red-haired old man headed with a look of sarcasm, and there was a faint anomaly flashing in his eyes, and he was familiar with him. The Huoyun Mo Lion clan can all see that at this moment, the lord of their clan apparently has become interested in the sky demon python in front of them.

Speaking of which, not only the Tianmon Python is calculating the Huoyun Mo Lion family, in fact, the Huoyun Monster lion is also calculating the Tianyu Python family. The previous fears and hesitations were also pretend by the patriarch of Huoyun Moshi. As for the purpose, of course, it was also to confuse the sky demon python and let them look down on them.

Although World of Warcraft is a bit violent in action, it does not mean that they have no brain. In fact, who can cultivate to the current state, which one will have insufficient brain?

In fact, from the beginning, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi did n’t really want to kill the Tianmon Python. You must know that the Tianmon Python is the real stunner in the beast **** world. How can such a stunner be willing? kill? Of course, if there are some choices, the demon python would definitely choose to die.

"Looks like I'm really going to die here this time !!!"

Seeing when the strong men of the Huoyun Devil's clan came up around, the Tian Yao Python first relieved gently, but it was full of bitter taste.

At this moment, she also knew that she was too careless. If she could be more careful, she might not be able to find the flaws so quickly, of course, she would not be so seriously injured so soon.

Of course, after all, she has limited strength alone. Even if she is not injured at this time, as long as the time goes by, she is likely to be injured by the other party. After all, her results today are actually doomed. of.

"I didn't expect my Heavenly Demon Python to fold in the hands of the Huoyun Demon Clan, come on, let's kill and slap, as you please."

With a sigh of sigh, Tianmon Python couldn't help looking at the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi family, but there was a flash of indomitable glance in her eyes, and even her best temptation technique was thrown away by her. To the side.

At this moment, no charm art is useless. After all, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi tribe is not so easy to be seduced by her. Such a method is definitely not feasible.

"Well, I won't kill you. Sky demon python, all said that your family is a natural fairy. I don't think so, as long as you follow me honestly and serve me around from now on, then I will not only keep you alive, but I will probably let you go. What do you think? "

Seeing that the Tianmon Python has been severely damaged, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi could not help but stick out his tongue and licked his lips, but never covered his true thoughts.

No one, no World of Warcraft, can resist the temptation of the demon python, obviously he can't. It ’s just that the former Tianmon Python was still capable, and he could n’t manipulate it casually, but the Tianmon Python was seriously injured right now. Did n’t he just want to use it as he wanted?

"Giggle, it's always me who controls other people. Why? You, the fiery cloud lion clan, do you want to control me? You don't look in the mirror, what do you mean ?!"

Regarding the words of the Huoyun Devil ancestor, the Sky Demon Python directly gave the other a contempt smile. In her heart, whoever is qualified to control her, the entire world of beast gods has not yet appeared. As for the Huoyun Moshi family, it is obviously far too much.

"Looking for death, Heaven Demon Python, but you know, you are looking for death at all now !!! Do you really think that this patriarch dare not kill you?"

The face of the Huoyun Devil Lion's face was also completely gloomy. He did have the intention to put down the Tianmon Python for his own fun. Once the other party does not cooperate, it is difficult for him to control the other party. The only way is to kill him.

"Don't say so much. You can kill me if you have the ability, but you have to remember that even if I die, the family of the demon pythons will avenge me, and the family of the fire cloud lion will sooner or later bury me."

There is still a taunt of ridicule on the face of Tian Yao Python. She is really nothing terrible. By now, everything is not under her control. As for whether she can survive, she has no confidence. .

Although Yuan Feng hadn't shown up until now, in her heart, she didn't want Yuan Feng to run out at this time. After all, even if Yuan Feng stood out, I'm afraid it would be nothing more than a life. Nothing more.

"Chief, kill her. This guy can't stay. If she seizes the opportunity, it will be my Huoyun Moshi family."

"Yes, patriarch, it's better to kill her sooner. If she is given the opportunity to turn around, all of us will suffer, and she will undoubtedly be killed by her."

"Kill her and ask the patriarch to order her and kill her !!!"

The Sky Monster Python stole the charm method. In this way, the people present would no longer have someone to speak for her, and almost all the demigods were strong. At this time, they agreed to kill the Sky Monster Python. After all, The methods of the Tian Yao Python are too scary, they don't want to encounter each other in the future.

In addition, even if the day demon pythons are not dead, it is not their turn to enjoy them. After all, their patriarch, it's obvious that they have long liked the day demon pythons.

"Ah, that's a pity. Now that everyone thinks you should be killed, the chief of the patriarch may only be a spoiler."

Hearing his own people felt that they should kill the Tianmon Python, and the red-haired old man had no choice now. Since the Tian Yao Mang would rather die than die, the only solution was to kill him.

"Day demon python, farewell, die for me !!!"

With her eyes fixed, the patriarch of Huoyun Moshi didn't hesitate anymore. Between raising her hands, she patted the palm of the sky demon python, and if this hit, the sky demon python would not be dead. I am afraid that I will lose half my life.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

However, just when the red-haired old man took a photo, and the opposite Tianmon Python had closed his eyes and waited for death, a terrifying sound of space vibration came from afar, at the same time , A sharp swordman, but through the layers of space, went straight to the red-haired old man and chopped down.

"Well? Danger !!!!!!"

As a six-turn semi-god-level strong man, the reaction speed of the red-haired old man is absolutely extremely fast, almost immediately after he felt the danger, he immediately closed it, and then retreated backward, for fear of being sword Mang hit himself.

"Who? You dare to attack your patriarch, are you impatient?"

With a slump in shape, the eyes of the red-haired old man looked at the direction of Jian Mang's attack for the first time, and with his eyes looking over there, suddenly, the figure of a young man was quiet Out of the space, speaking, it was not far from him, and Youyou stood still.

"Hehe, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi tribe actually besieged a weak woman with a group of subordinates. Is this the means of the Huoyun Moshi tribe? Alas, it is really eye-opening! !!! "

The body of the young man stood not far from the sky demon python, but the crimson long sword in his hand was sucking the scary red golden light, and saw his appearance, especially the terrible magic soldier in his hand, All the people present were stunned and secretly vigilant.

However, they don't know that at this moment, it's not just them who are nervous. In fact, Yuan Feng at this time is even more nervous than them.

"Well, it's really a big game this time. I have to face so many powerful people all at once. It seems that this time, I have to do my best!"

Yuan Feng's heart is indeed a little bit bottomless. The Huoyun Mo Lion family on the opposite side has a total of about 50 demigods, but they are only two of him and the Tianmon Python, and here they are Tian Yao Python, obviously suffered a minor injury, let alone help him, even if she herself, I'm afraid he still needs his help.

He escaped from below with the strong members of the Huoyun Moshi family, but he came out a little later, which made him lag behind these guys a little.

And just when he escaped from the underground world, he just saw the scene of the Tianmon Python being bullied by the Fire Cloud Demon family, and as long as he took another step at night, I am afraid that Tianmon Python's life would be real. It has been accepted.

"Fifty demigods are strong, and one of them is stronger than the Sky Monster Python, I hope this is not a dead end !!!"

Subconsciously tightened the Chixiao sword in his hand, Yuan Feng didn't know if he could carry it this time.

"Yuan Feng, you, what are you running out of? Why don't you just go away !!!"

When Yuan Feng's figure came into the field, the eyes of the Tianmon Python opened again, and when she saw Yuan Feng, she looked happy and then anxious. stand up.

Yuan Feng was able to appear at this time, and she was really touched. She knew in her heart that apart from her, the whole beast **** world might not be able to find Yuan Feng's hiding. At least, these guys of the Huoyun Moshi clan would not have that ability.

Therefore, as long as Yuan Feng hides in the dark, he is basically safe.

Now it ’s better. Yuan Feng, like her, is surrounded by the Huoyun Moshi family. As for the strength of the two of them, I am afraid no one can escape today, but in her heart, she does n’t want Yuan Feng died with her here!

"Can you carry it?"

Looking at the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a bit of distress, but it was not for anything else, because no matter who it was, seeing the tragic situation of the Tianmon Python at the moment, I'm afraid I would feel sympathy .

"I'm fine, you ......... hey, you really shouldn't come out."

Slowly stood up, Tian Yao Python could not help but run his strength as much as possible, but temporarily suppressed the injury, and then approached towards Yuan Feng.

She did have a mortal heart, but now that Yuan Feng is here, of course she can't sit still, even if she can't escape herself, at least she must find a way to send Yuan Feng away.

It's no use complaining about Yuan Feng at this time. After all, things have reached this point, and Yuan Feng has already come out. Can she still keep Yuan Feng from hiding?

"Hahaha, we are here together, and of course we have to leave together, don't you think I will leave you alone, can't I leave alone?"

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng also ignored the eyes of those around him, but finally merged with the Tianmon Python, but with such a combination, it was impossible to make the strong around him too daunting.

"Giggle, okay, don't say so much. Now let's think about how to escape, I don't want to die in the hands of these inferior guys."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Tianmon Python giggled, and in her heart, there was already a slight decision at this moment. No matter what, she didn't want Yuan Feng to bury her.

"Human warrior? Do I just say that the previous underground rock layer obviously has traces left by the magic soldiers. It seems that the culprit who destroyed me Yuqiongshan should be you little guy?"

When Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python converged, the red-haired old man on the opposite side had a bright look at this moment, apparently also aware of some problems.

He had already guessed that the Sky Monster Python would have a helper, and when he dived down to the rock layer, he saw the traces of the excalibur there. At that time, he was already a companion of the Sky Monster Python, ten Eight or nine is a human warrior.

Yuan Feng has now appeared, but his guess has been confirmed.

As for the dwarf python actually mingling with the human warrior, his heart inevitably felt a little shocked, especially the dialogue between Yuan Feng and the dwarven python, which made him smell a little different.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it was just a moment of curiosity that broke through the underground rock layer, so I accidentally released the fire of the heart, everyone, I'm really sorry !!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng couldn't help but take a step forward, and then he looked at the red-haired old man on the opposite side, but thought about how to deal with the other side.

The red-haired old man is definitely the most difficult to deal with. Of course, the other strong men are obviously not easy to mess with. How to deal with it, he actually doesn't have a very good idea. Everything is better.

"Sure enough, you, boy, you ruined my Huoyun Moshi family's home. Today, I will let you use your life to make up for it and kill me !!!"

When he heard Yuan Feng's initiative to admit it, the red-haired old men and all the strong men of the Huoyun Mo Lion family were all enraged by what Yuan Feng said. Without saying anything, all the strong men would It was swarming, it seemed to want to destroy Yuan Feng directly.

Yuan Feng ’s cultivation seems to have only an infinite state, but the more so, the more they are afraid of Yuan Feng. After all, Yuan Feng ’s exposed power is not only as simple as the infinite state.

"Yu, it's time to desperately, Huoyun Mo Lion clan? I want to see, why do you want my life, come out for me !!!"

Seeing the fierce fierce lion's strong fighters rushed and killed themselves, Yuan Feng could not help but grit his teeth, and between his heart and mind, in his body, one by one, World of Warcraft, as if already As it is there, it instantly protected him and the Sky Monster Python in the center.

In the blink of an eye, in his body, I am afraid that there are also thousands of World of Warcraft that suddenly came out. These World of Warcraft have different forms, and they are generally very embarrassing and give people a sense of intimidation. The feeling of death, and the cultivation of these World of Warcraft, is the all-inclusive realm, there is no one different.

"What? This is ......... back !!!!!!"

When thousands of World of Warcraft suddenly appeared around Yuan Feng's body, he was about to subconsciously stop his body in front of the strong members of the fire cloud and lion family that Yuan Feng and the sky demon python pounced on. , Have hurled back towards the back.

Although the cultivation of these World of Warcraft is only the Promise, and the number is not too much, but suddenly I saw a large group of World of Warcraft running out at this time, and it is still an unknown group. Of course, they must be careful.

Speaking of, no matter who it is, at this time I suddenly saw tens of thousands of World of Warcraft running out.

However, when the Huoyun Moshi retreat, someone did not hesitate, it was almost a momentary effort, Yuan Feng's mind already had an idea.

"The opportunity is now, give me !!!!!!"

Seeing the fierce fierce lion's strong men step back one after another, Yuan Feng knew that these guys were absolutely taken aback by the huge lineup made by himself, and this time was obviously the best time for him to launch a counterattack.

"Om !!!!!!"

With a burst of anger, almost tens of thousands of Promise World of Warcraft suddenly appeared around his body, and this group of Warcraft overlapped with the previous Warcraft. In an instant, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python Around, it has become the world of Warcraft, the ocean of Warcraft.


Tens of thousands of World of Warcraft appeared in shape, and the first time was the roar of the sky. The uniform movement made the fierce fiery cloud lion family suddenly feel a little bun, but they backed away again.


Almost when the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi retreat, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. With a big wave of his hands, the huge army of Warcraft rushed away in all directions.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

As the Warcraft army began to spread in all directions, suddenly, a blast of earth-shattering sound was like the sound of firecrackers and could not stop.

Clouds of energy followed one another one after another. In an instant, Yuqiong Mountain, which was already very embarrassing, became a real purgatory on the earth, and the strong men of the Fire Cloud Devil's Clan were all assaulted by this moment. A burst of explosions was wrapped in it, and everything was completely beyond the control of the Huoyun Moshi family.

ps: Ask for a few flowers, Xiaoyan would like to thank everyone here! In the past few days, I have worked hard and coded at night. How do I feel that I have shoulder shoulder inflammation?

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