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Chapter 2073 The Gap

In the cave, Yuan Feng didn't care about any image at the moment. He almost sat on the ground with his butt, panting lightly. He took advantage of the Warcraft army to explode, and escaped with so many powerful monsters surrounded by the strong monsters. Among them, the strong monsters did not use any power.

No way, the Tianmon Python has been attacked by so many powerful people before. The body is already scarred, but it has no strength to escape, so he can only escape with him.

With a big living person, running away from the siege of so many super strong, think about it and know the difficulty.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, he was fairly powerful, and eventually escaped from the siege of many powerful men. As for what happened to the Huoyun Moshi family after the escape, he did not care much about it.

Tian Yao Python basically stared at Yuan Feng at this moment. To her, everything that happened today is so unreal, it can even be said to be almost impossible.

The Huoyun Mo Lion family, but that is the famous super big group in the beast **** world. From ancient times to the present, this super big group's heroic Yuqiong Mountain, even if it is a larger group, dare not provoke them easily, but in her eyes Here, this super big group, that is the terrorist force that she absolutely has to go around.

However, how long did it take for such a horrible super big group to be so disintegrated by Yuan Feng from the inside, not only the Yuqiong Mountain was destroyed, I am afraid that even the people of the Huoyun Moshi clan would have to Great reduction of staff!

Before, she was run by Yuan Feng, but in the meantime, she had enough energy to observe the surrounding situation. At the last moment she left, she saw tens of thousands of Promise Warcraft troops and rushed in crazy. Huoyun Mo Lion's clan burst out frantically.

You can think of it with your toes. In such a horrible big explosion, whether it is a strong man in the semi-god realm, or a guy below the semi-god realm, there will be a large number of deaths and injuries.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered what Yuan Feng and Xiaoba said before. At that time, Xiaoba had threatened to flatten the Huoyun Moshi family. Originally, she listened to the conversation between the two as a joke, but now she wants to come No matter whether it is Yuan Feng or Xiao Ba, I am not kidding or bragging about it!

"Oh, why do you look at me like that? Are there any flowers on my face?"

Yuan Feng, who was adjusting her breath, finally found the gaze of Tian Yao Python, and when she saw Tian Yao Python staring at her intently, Yuan Feng couldn't help scratching her head, and could not help but feel uncomfortable.

Obviously, he didn't realize that, just now, what an amazing thing he had done.

In fact, Yuan Feng himself did not feel that he had done anything, whether it was 'accidentally' releasing the geocentric fire of the underground world, or the Warcraft army flooded the fiery cloud and the lion family. These are all to him. It is a very common thing. As for how much influence the Huoyun Moshi family has brought, he really doesn't know much.

"Yuan Feng, how did you do that? Where did you get so many World of Warcraft? Also, how could they be so obedient and explode without thinking?"

There are too many doubts in the heart of Tian Yao Python. She is famous for controlling other Warcraft, but even her, it is impossible for the tens of thousands of Promise Warcraft to explode collectively, but Yuan Feng not only did it. , And obviously there is no difficulty at all, in addition to this, she is deeply curious and puzzled.

"Hey, this is not my credit. Those World of Warcraft were all made by Xiaoba to help me. As for letting them explode, of course, they are also the power of Xiaoba. Speaking of them, they were made out of a Warcraft It ’s a weapon. "

Seeing the shock and curiosity of the face of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, but did not hide anything from the other side! It's already this time, and it doesn't make much sense to conceal anymore. After all, the other party watched the situation of his self-destructing army against the enemy.

"Little Eight? Manufacturing? This, this ........."

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Tian Yao Python was keen to catch a few of them. However, she couldn't help getting more and more surprised by what Yuan Feng said.

In fact, when Yuan Feng ’s Warcraft army was released, she felt that these Warcrafts were different. Each of the tens of thousands of Warcrafts looked different and obviously lacked the spirituality that Warcraft should have. And vitality, this is obviously not a normal thing.

And now listening to Yuan Feng's introduction, the feeling of surprise under her heart naturally became more intense.

"Hey, haven't you been wondering about Xiao Ba's ability before? By now, can't you guess its ability?"

Blinking at the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng didn't say it directly, but his questioning was enough to make the other person think about it.

"What? You, you mean ........."

How clever Tianmon Python is, from Yuan Feng's words, and contacting Xiao Ba's performance before, she immediately thought of a possibility.

"This, this ......... how could there be such a World of Warcraft? Skyward, this is going to be skyward !!!"

The thought of her guess made it difficult for her to calm down.

Obviously, since Yuan Feng has already said that these self-destructive forces were created by Xiao Ba, then there is no need to question anything anymore!

"Girl Fairy Flames, Xiao Ba's ability is indeed a bit wicked. I treat you as my own, so I did not hide it from you. However, I hope Girl Fairy Flames will not spread this out, lest it be brought to the beast **** world. Unnecessary panic. "

Once his face was positive, Yuan Feng obviously still didn't want to let everyone know about the means of Xiao Ba. After all, once the super strong in the beast **** world knew about the situation of Xiao Ya, then he and Xiao Ba might be really dangerous. In addition, Xiao Ba's ability is really against the sky. Once spread, I am afraid that it will also cause some unnecessary panic.

"Yes, rest assured, I will never mention this to anyone."

At the moment, the demon python had no joking mind at all. Frankly speaking, the various situations and various types of Warcraft she has seen so far are countless. But she is absolutely a horrible combination like Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba. It was the first time I saw it.

Whether it is Yuan Feng ’s terror strength or Xiao Ba ’s appalling means, it can be said that it affects the existence of the balance of the beast **** world, and it seems that such a combination of them should not really appear in the beast **** world.

"That's good !!!" Nodded, Yuan Feng was very satisfied with the other party's performance, "Okay, Girl of the Flames, don't talk about the extra ones, but your injuries are not minor. People catch up, you should heal yourself quickly, I also need to hurry up to restore some strength, or I can maintain enough fighting power at all times. "

His condition is better, and the situation of Tian Yao Python is really not optimistic. She was bombarded by so many powerful men in turn. Her injuries may not be recovered in a short while.

Fortunately, the power of the self-destructing army is really good. If you want to come to Huoyun Moshi, there should be no time and energy to chase them. Therefore, at this moment, they have enough time to rest and rest.

"Okay, I'll start recovering now, and then I'll do other things."

Nodded his head, and the Tianmon Python's words to Yuan Feng were simply obedient. No way, Yuan Feng saved her life this time, and counting it, she now owes Yuan Feng another life. It seems that she wants to draw a line with Yuan Feng, I'm afraid it's really not that easy!

When the words fell, she didn't hesitate at all. Before moving her mind, she took out some spirit treasures to recover from the wounds and honestly recovered her strength.

Since she decided to follow Yuan Feng around, she certainly couldn't make herself a drag on Yuan Feng. Even if she couldn't help Yuan Feng, she wouldn't let herself pull Yuan Feng's hind legs.

Seriously, the combination of Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba has deeply stimulated her nerves. Originally, she already felt strong, but after meeting Yuan Feng, she found that she was really a frog at the bottom of the well. Poor short-sighted.

Maybe, after recovering from her injury this time, she really has to think about how she can make herself stronger. Now she is obviously not keeping up with Yuan Feng's rhythm!

"Yu, I'll hurry up and adjust my interest. If the fire lions catch up at this time, I'm afraid that using the self-destructing army may not work."

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate at this moment, his eyes closed slightly, just to adjust his own breath.

The self-detonating army can be used once, but I am afraid it is difficult to use the same opponent a second time. After all, once the strong members of the fire cloud lion family are prepared, then as long as the other party reacts before the self-destructing army appears, those endless World of Warcraft, I am afraid it is difficult to affect them too much.

In the following time, the two were recovering in the cave like this. Yuan Feng's strength recovered relatively quickly. After all, he wasn't injured at all, but his physical strength was overdrafted.

However, the situation of the Tian Yao Python is indeed a bit troublesome. This adjustment has taken almost two months.

Of course, for the day demon python, the time of two months is really not too long, and if it is not because she wants to recover faster, the time of two months may be several times.

In the past two months, I didn't have any trouble finding two people. It seems that the Huoyun Moshi tribe was really severely damaged, but there was no time and energy to find them for revenge.

In other words, Hu Lai, they are both concealed connoisseurs, so far away, even if the Huoyun Mo Lions tried their best, they could not find them.

"Yuan Feng, I'm afraid your purpose is lost again?"

Tian Yao Python has woke up now, and after waking up, she naturally chatted with Yuan Feng.

With her ingenuity, naturally, Yuan Feng is probably busy again this time. At least, she didn't see Yuan Feng having the opportunity to get the blue sky crystal.

Moreover, if Yuan Feng gets what he wants, I'm afraid it's not the way he looks now.

"Hey, luck is a bit worse. It seems that I want to get the blue sky crystal, I'm afraid I have to think about other ways." Yuan Feng did not hide it, he did not get the blue sky crystal, But this is also no way out. The blue dome crystals in Yuqiong Mountain may have been hollowed out by the Huoyun Moshi family. Otherwise, this group may not have so many demigods.

As for snatching the blue sky from the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi family, it seems that he has never found such an opportunity. In addition, the Huoyun Mo Lion family has no mediocrity. With his power, it is impossible to kill a few demigods. However, it is really difficult to force the other party to surrender the blue sky. Some more.

"It's okay, I will continue to help you find the blue sky dome, although that thing is a bit rare, but as long as you and I have strong confidence, you can find it sooner or later."

With a slight smile, the Tianmon Python was now unleashing Yuan Feng. Of course, in her heart, she was always more curious about Yuan Feng's purpose.

A weird human who seems to have only a limitless state, and wants to get the blue sky all day. For this, she really does not know whether her guess is right or wrong, but at least, she believes that there must be some unknown The secret is just that.

"Haha, yes, I also believe that sooner or later I can find the blue sky dome. This defeat is nothing more than a bit of bad luck."

With a loud smile, Yuan Feng did not take this matter too seriously. For him, the blue sky dome was not immediately necessary, but it was found later, but it was not a big deal. Anyway, according to his current In terms of strength, barely still can protect itself.

"Giggle, you guy is very optimistic, but it is not false. We still have a chance. With me to help you, sooner or later I can get the blue sky."

Seeing Yuan Feng didn't have any distress because of this defeat, Tian Yao Python couldn't help but smile, but admired Yuan Feng more and more.

"Yuan Feng, there is one thing, I hope you can help, I wonder if you would like to?"

As soon as he looked right, the Tianmon Python suddenly became very serious, and then whispered to Yuan Feng.

"Well? Oh, you and I have experienced so much together. Whatever you say, you just say it. As long as I can do it, I will try to help you do it."

Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitated a little, but then he laughed with a pat on his chest.

Tian Yao Python is indeed a life-and-death relationship between him and him. Right now the other party has something to seek for himself, and of course he will not refuse. Of course, is it possible to help each other, but it is hard to say at the moment.

"Giggle, I know you won't refuse, rest assured, if you can help me do my thing, then I can better help you find your friends, and find the blue sky dome."

Seeing Yuan Feng agree, Tian Yao Python was also very happy, and talking, her eyes could not help but narrowed slightly, and her heart began to move.

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