The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2070: Outnumbered

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Chapter two thousand and seventy outnumbered

Tian Yao Python used her own strength to confront the entire Huoyun Moshi family. However, although she was alone, she was facing the fifty demigods of Huoyun Moshi. However, she has no fear at all. It seems that she is full of confidence in herself.

"It's said that the Huoyun Mo Lion family is just relying on the natural danger of Yu Qiongshan, so that they can gain a foothold in the world of beast gods. Today, it seems that the rumors may not be false. , Huoyun Mo Lion is really amazing! "

Tian Yao Python knows that today ’s battle is probably inevitable, and with her own strength, I am afraid that she may not be able to escape the siege of so many super powerful people, so if she can, she certainly does not I hope to face so many people at once.

The so-called double fists are difficult to fight with four hands. There are many people who ca n’t stand a lot of people. So many super-powerful people use one move per person, which is enough for her. Therefore, she must find a way to delay time as much as possible. Secondly, it is to persuade the other party to let them send fewer people, or to relieve some pressure on themselves.

"Huh, demon python, you do n’t need to run against us with this radical method. This time, you destroyed the holy place of Yuqiong Mountain of our tribe. This hatred is not shared, so you must die today. Now, take you All the people brought in will be handed over. In that case, the patriarch will give you a happy life, otherwise, you will regret coming to this world. "

Others are afraid of the demon python, but he is not afraid. His cultivation is a higher level than the Tianmon Python. In addition, all the strong men of the Fire Cloud Lion family are here. Isn't it enough to destroy a Tianmon Python?

However, Tian Yao Python should only be the commander. He believes that there are definitely other people who have destroyed Yu Qiongshan this time, and of course he can't let go of the one who destroyed Yu Qiongshan himself.

"Giggle, so to speak, do I have to fight with the Huoyun Moshi clan today to kill a dead net? Just don't know, kill me, how much will you pay for the demigod."

With a charming smile, the Tianmon Python still does not have any fear, but it is becoming more and more indifferent. When talking, her gaze is glancing around, and she licks her lips involuntarily, just like seeing It was the same as every delicious dish.

Most of the demigods of the Huoyun Mo Lion family are below three turns of the demigod, and this level is not too threatening for her, but as long as she seizes the opportunity, it is possible Kill these guys. Therefore, if the two sides really fight together, the Huoyun Moshi family must be prepared to reduce staff.

"Well? Are you threatening me? Don't you think that I will be afraid of your threat?"

Hearing the words of the demon python, the patriarch of Huoyun Devil's face sank slightly, but there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

As the Tianmon Python said, if it is really working hard at this moment, the Tianmon Python with five turns in the demigod can at least pull a few demigods of the fiery cloud lion family as the back pad. .

In addition, at this moment, the people of the Huoyun Moshi clan are basically on the side. If they fight, these ordinary people are probably going to lose a lot of money. At that time, I am afraid they are really worth the money.

Moreover, the Huoyun Moshi family is now homeless. At this time, the downsizing is obviously not a good thing. The Tianmon Python is nothing, but once you have had a fight with the Tianmon Python, if there are other ethnic groups coming to rob and take advantage of the fire, then it is really a big loss.

Therefore, after hearing the threat from the Tianmon Python, the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi family were all hesitant.

The red-haired old man knows the powerful relationship among them, while the other demigods know that he will not be the opponent of the sky demon python, so they do not want to break the net with the other.

"Giggle, I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling a fact." Seeing the performance of the Huoyun Moshi clan, Tian Yao Python couldn't help narrowing his eyes, but his heart was faintly rejoicing. She is the most thorough in thinking about people's hearts. She can see that these guys are indeed moved by her. However, it will obviously take some time for these people to stop.

"You, I have already said that your Yuqiongshan was destroyed. This matter has absolutely nothing to do with me. Therefore, I hope you can raise your hands and let the little girl leave. In that case, it is good for everyone. It ’s good for nothing. ”

Feeling that his words had slowly come into play, Tian Yao Python couldn't help hitting the iron while it was hot, and continued to convince everyone. Of course, in this, she naturally used her power invisibly, but she seemed to be unintentionally, but she intentionally guided the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi family.

"Master Patriarch, let her go. I don't think Yu Qiongshan destroyed her."

"Yes, yes, patriarch, a weak woman, how could she ruin Yu Qiongshan? I think there must be some misunderstandings here, the patriarch may let her go!"

"I also think that the other person who destroyed Yu Qiongshan should not be the girl ..."

Almost just when the laughter of the Tianmon Python just dropped, among the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi family, several one- and two-turn demigod strongmen came out one after another, but they helped out. Talking with the demon python.

On the surface, they are nothing more than simple reasoning. In the end, they felt that the Tianmon Python was not the culprit, but at this time it was abnormal for them to stand up and speak for the Tianmon Python.

"Eh? Who the **** are you? You haven't all shut up for me !!!"

Regarding the performance of these powerful men, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi clan was so irritated that he could see that although these guys were nothing strange on the surface, in all likelihood, they may have been banished by the demon python. Fascinated, at this time, the words of these people do not need him to consider at all.

"Tian Yao Python, until now, you dare to shoot against my Huoyun Moshi tribe. It seems that you really don't want to live. In this case, this seat is going to complete you today."

The sudden opening of several clan people reminded him suddenly that he was not facing a normal character at the moment, but a well-known Tianmon python in the beast **** world. At this time, he was bargaining with the other party. Wouldn't it be trouble for himself? What? At this time, they should take a decisive shot, directly destroy each other, and then consider other things.

Otherwise, if he has been in contact with the Tianmon Python for too long, then he doesn't know if the people under his control will obey his **** and dispatch.

"What are you still doing? They all came to me, and tore her up !!!"

There was a roar suddenly, but at this moment, the Patriarch of the Cloud of Fire and Lion was no longer hesitant, and the order was to attack the demon pythons in groups. He knew that if the Tianmon python escaped, it would definitely be an unimaginable threat to the Huoyun Moshi family. Left and right Liangzi had already formed, or they would find a way to destroy the other party.

"This this……………"

However, when the roar of the Patriarch of the Cloud of Fire and Lion fell, half of the strong men present were hesitant, as if they could not bear to start with the central demon python.

"Dash, whoever dares to disobey orders will have no amnesty !!! Kill me !!!"

Seeing that so many people were hit, the patriarch of Huoyun Mo Lion was a little bit heavy, but he really didn't expect that within such a short time, the Tianmon Python had secretly affected so many people. Fortunately, he found it early. If he tangles with the other party again, then the situation will be unthinkable!


With the sound of drinking, the patriarch of Huoyun Mo Lion was the first shot, and a fierce punch, went straight to the sky demon python and blasted out. Obviously, he wants to take a good lead role so that everyone can see his actions.

"The patriarch is alive. Let's go together, tear up the demon python and kill !!!"

After all, the strong people affected by the Tianmon Python are still limited. Most of the strong people still remain absolutely sober at this moment. When they see that their patriarchs have shot, some people stand up and coax. Then, a large group The strong demigods are encircling towards the demon python.

"It's a pity that it's a little worse. If you give me some more time, you should be able to control a few guys !!!"

When the strong men of the Huoyun Mo Lion clan rushed up, the eyes of Tian Yao Python couldn't help flashing a hint of hatred.

Speaking of which, she was indeed procrastinating, and as long as she was given a little more time, then she would really be able to control a few of the Huoyun Moshi family by one and a half gods. Once you control a few Huoyun Mo Lion, then she still has the possibility to escape today.

The name of the sky demon python is not given for nothing. With her charm, even if you can not completely control all the strong members of the Huoyun Moshi family, but control a few of them, it is not a problem to want to come.

Unfortunately, she failed, and it seems that she is not very lucky today. Of course, today's opponent is not the weak, just the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi family, in fact, she has no advantage in the slightest.

"Well, if you want my life, I'm afraid you don't have that strength and qualifications yet, open !!!"

When all the strong members of the Huoyun Moshi clan rushed up against themselves, Tian Yao Python didn't want to think about it. First, she avoided the strongest Huoyun Moshi patriarch in the flash, and then took the initiative to face a group of relatives. The weaker demigod strong rushed forward, and at the same time, around her body, a large block of purple mist instantly dissipated, but it was almost a strong force that would suddenly a dozen fire cloud lions Those included.

The purple mist looks so dreamy and charming, but when these purple mists enveloped the strong men of the Fire and Cloud lion family, those guys who were invaded by the mist suddenly became dull, Then they all became very enjoyable.

"Eh? Not good, watch out for the mists, don't let the mist invade your body !!!"

Seeing more than a dozen demigod powerhouses, all of them forgot to make a shot in an instant, all of them were caught in the illusion, and the patriarch of Huoyun Moshi couldn't help but be in a hurry.

Although these dozens of guys should only be temporarily psyched by the mist, but at least at this moment, I am afraid that they have lost their fighting power temporarily. In this way, only 30 are left to deal with the Tianmon Python. Several people.

Thirty or forty, although they are all enough to kill the Tianmon Python, no matter what, there are a dozen less powerful, and the dozen or so guys are now in a fantasy, But he still stayed on the battlefield and rammed all over the place. In this way, he would naturally be used by the Tian Yao Boa.

Sky monster pythons can completely ignore the lives of these guys, but they can't ignore them. After all, if there are any losses in these dozens of demigods, they are not willing to see them.

"Giggle, Lion King, your clan is really useless. It was so easy to be fooled by me. It seems that there is no Yuqiong Mountain Nature Insurance. The Huoyun Moshi family may not be able to persist for a long time. Here, kill !!!!!! "

At the moment, Tianmon Python covered by more than a dozen guys she controlled, basically playing hide-and-seek with the strong men on the opposite side. She would hardly hit each other. After all, the other party ’s strength was so strong. With so many people, you're going to die!

With a whisper, her figure came suddenly behind a strong man of the fire and lion family who was half awake and awake. Without saying a word, she slapped her palm on the other's head. If you take a photo this time, even if you can't die, it will be able to hit it.

"Hum, let's go crazy, get out of me !!!"

Just when the Tianmon Python was about to hit the half-dreamed and awake Fire Cloud Devil Strong, the cold hum of the red-haired old man came suddenly. During the talk, the Tianmon Python felt a wave above his head. The heat wave came, and waiting for her to avoid her, a horrifying momentum lifted her directly.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

A large fireball with a diameter of a few meters, just like half of the air, just hit the top of the sky demon python and smashed the other side away. At this moment, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi clan showed his sharp fangs. He wanted to let the Tianmon Python know that there is a gap in the realm, which is not for fun.


Seizing the opportunity, he flew into the sky demon python, and the red-haired old man drank. Then, the attacks of the strong men greeted the sky demon python one by one. In a moment, the sky demon python was After being attacked by dozens of attacks, he was directly smashed into the ground.

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