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Chapter two thousand and sixty-nine

The entire Huoyun Mo Lion family all came to Yuqiong Mountain at this moment. They watched their homes that have survived for many years. The talking room became a ruin, and the feeling of losing their homes is of course very Unhappy.

They have practiced in Yuqiongshan for countless years. When referring to the Huoyun Moshi family, it is natural to speak of Yuqiongshan. However, at this moment, Yuqiongshan was blown up by underground magma and the fire of the center of the earth. From now on, There is no longer the so-called Yuqiong Mountain in Wulei Realm, and the natural barrier of the Huoyun Moshi family is now gone.

I have to say that this is still a big blow to the Huoyun Moshi family. Without the natural barrier of Yuqiong Mountain, then those groups that are not inferior to the Huoyun Moshi family will not be like those in the past. Like to avoid the fiery cloud magic lion family.

When Yu Qiongshan was still there, even the ethnic groups that were stronger than the Huoyun Moshi family must seriously consider their own strength. After all, the mysterious array in Yu Qiongshan was very strange, even if it was a demigod. It is entirely possible for the strong to fall into it, at least it is lost and cannot find the southeast and northwest.

However, at this moment, Yu Qiongshan is gone. Those who have resentment with the Huoyun Moshi clan will try every means to avenge the Huoyun Moshi clan, and how to resist them is really a big problem right now. .

When I think of it, whether it is the demigods of the Huoyun Moshi family or the ordinary members, their moods are abnormally low.

At this time, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi clan suddenly snarled and awakened all the members of the Huoyun Moshi clan from their distress.

"Who is hiding there and get out of me quickly? Isn't it necessary for me to invite you out?"

At this moment, the red-haired old man looks somber, and there is a terrible horror in his body. Obviously, no matter who it is, it is not fun to be caught by him at this time.

The home was destroyed, and the red-haired old man was in a state of anger at the moment, and at this time he felt that an outsider was hiding, and of course he could not turn a blind eye.

"Well? Someone?"

When I heard the roar of the red-haired old man, the other demigods of the fiery cloud magic lion all looked at the old red-haired old man's eyes, but their realm was far worse than the other side, so, After looking at it for a long time, they didn't find anything.

The red-haired old man is now a horror realm with six demigods, and his perception is by no means ordinary people can imagine.

However, when the voice of the red-haired old man fell, the space opposite was still quiet and there was no movement. The feeling was like the red-haired old man heard wrong.

The other strong members of the Huoyun Moshi family all subconsciously looked at their patriarchs, but in their hearts, they all felt something strange. In their thinking, most of them are their own patriarchs, because the ethnic resident was destroyed, so this hallucination only appeared.

"Hum, do you think this is all right? Get out of me !!!"

However, the red-haired old man did not shake any doubt about the people, and with a cold hum, his figure disappeared into place, and when it appeared again, it was already a thousand kilometers away. .


The figure appeared again, and the red-haired old man, without saying a word, blasted a punch into a seemingly undisturbed space. Suddenly, a horrific wind was blowing, straight The members of the fire and lion clan in the distance were blown away. It can be seen that its fist is obviously using force.

"Giggle, worthy to be the patriarch of the Huoyun Devil's clan. I have heard of the lion king for a long time. Today, it ’s really well-deserved, giggling !!! ''

Just after the patriarch of the Huoyun Mo Lion family blasted out with a punch, a string of silver-like laughter was rippling through the entire space. Then, a beautiful enchanting woman appeared in In the presence of all members of the fire and cloud lion family.

This is a woman whose clothes are exposed and her body is full of glamorous air. With a plump breast, a slim waist with a grip, a face as delicate as a knife, and beautiful eyes as deep as the stars of the universe, it can be said that this is the most perfect and most charming woman in the world.


When the woman's figure appeared in the eyes of the Huoyun Moshi, whether it was a demigod strong from the Huoyun Mo Lion, or a member below the demigod, even including the Huoyun Moshi The patriarch was all looking for a moment, and then, some guys who were a little weaker were basically drooling, completely controlled by the opposite woman.

"Ticking ticking !!!!!!"

"Well !!!!!!"

The sound of water dripping from the mouth resounded instantly in the whole space, and the saliva dripping to the ground was directly evaporated by the hot ground, giving people the feeling, but it was strange.


However, just when all the strong members of the Huoyun Moshi clan lost their souls, and when they saw that their souls were not in possession, they yelled, but they rang out suddenly, pulling everyone back from the loss.

"Tian Yao Python family !!! I just said, my Huoyun Mo Lion family has been in Yuqiongshan for many years, and they have always been in peace. Today, such a sudden change will suddenly occur. It seems that all this I'm afraid it's your ghost !!! ''

With a low roar, after awakening all the strong men of the Huoyun Moshi family, the patriarch of Huoyun Moshi couldn't help putting all his energy on the woman not far away, and his heart became more and more Be alert.

He has n’t really touched the Tianmon Python, but almost at the first sight of the woman on the opposite side, he has determined that the woman in front of her is definitely the Tianmon Python family. In this regard, it dare to use Your own life guarantee.

It had been thinking before, why did the good-looking Yu Qiongshan suddenly annihilate directly? There shouldn't be nothing in it, but now it seems that everything is probably the ghost of the sky demon python in front of me.

It has long been heard that the Tianmon Python family is a symbol of mischief, and it is the most seductive race in Warcraft. Now it seems that the rumors are really true, at least, he just got a chance and was almost beaten. The other side is confused.

"Giggle, the Lion King really lifted me up. I just passed by accident today. As for what happened to the aristocracy and why it happened, I don't know at all."

Above the sky, the charming appearance of the Tianmon Python at this moment is a coquettish laughter. However, if you look closely, you will find that at this moment, her eyes are clearly flashing with unspeakable vigilance.

Although she is not too familiar with the Huoyun Moshi family, she did know it. Of course, there is nothing to understand or not, because at this moment, all the power of the Huoyun Moshi family, But it was all in front of her, and the nearly fifty demigods were obviously not furnishings.

This time, I followed Yuan Feng to the Huoyun Mo Lion family. She originally wanted to see what Yuan Feng did, and then tried to see if she could get what she wanted here. However, what she never expected was that while she was waiting for Yuan Feng here, the entire Huoyun Moshi family was so straightened out.

I can think of it with my toes. I'm afraid all of this is from the hands of Yuan Feng. After all, there has been no news from Yuan Feng until now, it should be the wind and the rain among the fire and lion family. Already.

Speaking of which, when she saw the collapse of Yu Qiongshan, she was really shocked, because she knew very well that she could destroy the old nest of the Huoyun Moshi family, which is not what ordinary people can do. Yes, at least, she thought she couldn't do it.

Although the strong members of the Huoyun Moshi family have not lost, the entire Yuqiong Mountain is gone. It seems that Yuanfeng and Xiaoba said that the Huoyun Moshi family has been half done!

"Well, it's this time. You even want to quibble. It seems that you really don't want to be good today."

Listening to the opposite Tian Yao Bo Yagu denied that the red-haired old man could not help humming, but did not believe the other party's justification. Judging from the current situation, the Huoyun Mo Lion family suddenly suffered from this accident, and the Tianmon Python happened to be outside of Yuqiong Mountain. To say that there is no Tianmon Python, he is not in any way I will believe it.

"Why are you still doing it? She's not surrounded by me yet !!!"

Running the power secretly, the red-haired old man couldn't help glancing at those demigod guys on his side, but found out that a lot of powerful people at this time were still staring at the dreary python stupidly. Look, it seems that these guys are really fascinated by each other.


Through the reminder of the red-haired old man, dozens of strong men of the fiery cloud lion family are no longer hesitant at this moment, and when they look positive, they all move forward in a blink of an eye. The python was blocked by a large group of strong men, and the situation was obviously not very good.

"Giggle, Lion King, what are you trying to do? A weak woman is just passing through this place by chance. Isn't it forbidden for outsiders to pass here?"

Seeing the strong members of the fierce cloud and the lion family surrounded themselves, the sky demon python still has a smile on her face, and the charming color is actually increasing instead of decreasing, but deep in her eyes The dreaded color has become more intense.

The Tianmon Python is also very clear. It is really a bit difficult at the moment. Yuan Feng took Lou Zi, but she didn't know where she went. At this moment, she faced the entire Huoyun Mo Lion family by herself. No matter how strong you are, how many ways you can use, I am afraid it can only be a dead end!

The most troublesome is the red-haired old man on the opposite side, the patriarch of the Huoyun Moshi tribe, who is obviously higher than her. Even if she exhausts everything, it is definitely difficult to confuse the other party, so even if she can Let everyone else open their eyes to her, but it's hard to escape the palm of the lord of the fiery cloud lion.

At this time, she could only grit her teeth. Of course, all the hopes seemed to be on Yuan Feng's body. After all, if Yuan Feng didn't help her, then she would definitely not escape. of.

"Well, don't tell me what's unnecessary. Tell me, but you have other affiliates? Speaking out, this seat will make you suffer less. Otherwise, my Huoyun Mo Lion family must make you today. Can't survive, can't die !!! "

At this moment, it has counted all the accounts on the Tianmon Python. Regardless of the sophistry of the other party, it must be that the other party has destroyed Tianqiongshan. In this case, it must let the other party do it for it. Pay the price.

However, it also understands that it is absolutely impossible to destroy the entire Yuqiong Mountain by relying only on a Tianmon Python. In all likelihood, the other party will certainly have associates.

You know, the Tianmon Python is best at manipulating other Warcrafts, and it is to let the other party willingly do things for itself, such as destroying Yu Qiongshan, the other party obviously will not do it himself.

Having said that, the reason why this time can find the hiding of the sky demon python is actually a fluke. If it wasn't for the reason that the sky demon python suddenly moved a bit, and the mood seemed a little unstable, it might not be able to detect the existence of the other party.

In fact, in terms of the hiding method of the Tianmon Python, even if the repair of the ancestor of the Fire Cloud Demon Lion is higher than her, but as long as she hides well, the other party may not be able to find her, but it is in Yuqiong Mountain At the moment of the collapse, she felt the tremendous energy of the earth's heart fire.

She didn't think about the fire of the earth's heart for a day or two. She urgently needs the fire of the earth's heart to cultivate, so when she felt the energy of the huge fire of the earth's heart dissipated, her heart Next, of course, some inevitability.

In addition, she knew that Yuan Feng was under this Yuqiong Mountain. Until this moment, Yuan Feng still didn't show up, and she didn't know if the other party was experiencing danger, and she was inevitably worried.

Various reasons combined, which made the patriarch of Huoyun Moshi found her hiding.

"I said it all. I just passed by accident. Is it true that the Huoyun Mo Lions have been overbearing to pass by?"

The appearance of the Tianmon Python is also slightly not so good. The clay figurine still has three points of fire. Besides, she is the Tianmon Python. Even if the opposite strong person has the strength and quantity advantage, she does not have any fear at all.

If she does, she may not be afraid of these big men.

Of course, the main thing is that she believes that she is definitely not alone. At least, Yuan Feng has not yet appeared, and in her heart, Yuan Feng is definitely not a person who will leave her alone.

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