The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2052: Rodent avoidance device (one more)

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Chapter 2052: The Mouse Toss (Part One)

In the fiery underground lava world, Yuan Feng held the sword with one hand and stared at the front in a solemn look. On the opposite side of him, at this moment, the king of green dragons became a ball, a pair of bright eyes like stars, but full of angry stare. Holding him.

It can be seen that even though the King of Qingyu was not a human warrior at this time, his anger was not concealed at all.

"Well, a human boy, it seems that this block saw a real monster today. Ignore my attack. How did you do it?"

The size of the King of the Green Dragon is much smaller than before. After all, this underground lava world is not large. If it maintains a huge body, it may be difficult to use its own means.

For Yuan Feng in front of him, it is completely treated like a monster. Aside from Yuan Feng's horrific swordsmanship, Yuan Feng alone can ignore its attacks, which makes it have to re-examine the other party. Already.

The sharpness of its attack, but such a sharp and horrifying blow, passed directly through Yuan Feng's body without leaving a trace of trace, which is definitely an unimaginable thing.

It has long been heard that there are many extremely special existences among human warriors. Now it seems that this is true.

In any case, it won't let Yuan Feng leave this place today, and finally found such a weird young man. Of course, it must try to keep it, and study it by slicing, and swallow it, anyway. Yuan Feng today is not trying to get rid of its palm.

It can be imagined that if it can obtain the means of fearless attack by Yuan Feng, then from now on, the whole animal **** world, who else can be its opponent? Then it hasn't walked sideways, and no one dares to fight against it?

"Lizard, isn't your speed really good? Even I can't catch your trajectory. It seems that I must be more careful in the next battle."

Yuan Feng didn't answer the other person's questions directly. For him, the King of Qing Dynasty will never let him go. In this case, of course, he doesn't need to answer the other party's questions. At this moment, the only thing he needs to consider is how to withstand the opponent's attack and find a way to leave here.

The big lizard in front of him is really too scary. The most frustrating thing about him is that he is almost elusive about the movement of the other party. He thinks that the other party is under the magma, but in fact, the other party is actually I don't know when he ran over his head.

It can be seen that if he wants to escape from the opponent, he must think of some more ways.

Speaking of which, the action this time was really enough to make him depressed, and he could not find the blue sky crystal. He even encountered such a perverted big guy, and he really did n’t know how to get rid of it. go with.

No matter what, at this moment, he can't be suppressed by the opponent in momentum, otherwise his chances will be even slimmer.

"Do you still want to fight me? Human kid, do you really think I can't kill you here?"

Hearing Yuan Feng had no meaning at all, but he would continue to fight with himself as soon as he opened his mouth. The King of Qing Mao could not help but get angry, but he was quite helpless.

It really did not want to fight Yuan Feng, because ordinary means, it is difficult to subdue Yuan Feng, but once it uses the killing tricks, and it is afraid that Yuan Feng can't carry it, it will be killed by it.

It doesn't want Yuan Feng to die at this moment, even if he is going to die, he must let Yuan Feng teach him the means of not being afraid of others' attacks. Otherwise, it would have no meaning to kill Yuan Feng.

"Where do I know if you have any way to kill me? Come here if you have the ability. The rules of the beast **** world are weak meat and strong food. If I can't beat you, it doesn't matter if I die in your hands."

Yuan Feng is still tough, and he can actually see that the other party is obviously interested in his means, so he is not willing to really kill him.

However, this is the best. Since the other party has some fears, of course, he can take the initiative more, and at the same time have more opportunities for life. Of course, he is happy to see such good things.

"Boy, your excalibur is really powerful. I admit that there is such a slight threat to this seat, but if you think that a piece of broken copper and iron can save you, then you are really It's too naive. "The King of Qingyi still didn't move, it seemed to be starting to talk about the principle for Yuan Feng.

"I will give you one last chance. That piece of broken copper and iron is not rare. As long as you tell me how you can not be attacked by external forces, then this seat will definitely talk and let you go immediately. Leaving and even making friends with you, what do you think? "

Right now, for it, the most important thing is to stabilize Yuanfeng as soon as possible. Only by holding Yuanfeng firmly can it be able to get Yuanfeng's counter-invasion means. Therefore, it won't be easy to shoot now.

Of course, World of Warcraft rarely lied to deceive people. Since it says so, if Yuan Feng really teaches it, then it will really consider leaving Yuan Feng to leave. Of course, the prerequisite is that it has completely learned Yuan Feng's magic skills.

Without learning Yuan Feng's skills, Yuan Feng wanted to leave, it was simply impossible.

"Do you want to learn my method? Well, this is really a little embarrassing. You are Warcraft, I am a human, we human warriors, how can you learn Warcraft? So, I advise you to die this Share it! "

Hearing the other party's outspoken proposal of new conditions, Yuan Feng couldn't help sneer, but he refused directly. His nine-turn metaphysical skill cannot be easily passed on, even if it is a paperback version, it can never be given to outsiders, let alone, he knows better than anyone, even if he gives the other side martial arts, the other side absolutely will not Will easily let him go.

Therefore, the other party doesn't even need to think about his nine transfers.

"Presumptuous, boy, do you know who you are talking to? The whole beast **** world, even if the strong men of the super-large ethnic groups see this seat, I am afraid they have to go around, you are a small human boy, How dare you disrespect me so much?

Qing Qing Wang's patience was good, but Yuan Feng's super magic skill really made it curious and his teeth were a little itchy, but Yuan Feng was reluctant to give it. In such a situation, it really made him wonder What to do!

You can't kill and you can't kill, you can't put it. It seems that it can only find a way to control Yuan Feng for a while, and then slowly force the other side to ask the other's means, so that they learn the other's means.

"Well, I don't believe it. With my means, I can't let you tell your secrets. Today, you don't want to get away from my palm, roar !!!"

This time, the King of Qingyan apparently moved his body. In a roar, his body suddenly shrank suddenly, but it became much smaller than before, and while his body was shrinking, he remembered that But it turned into a sharp arrow, and went straight to Yuan Feng.


Yuan Feng felt only a flash of light in his eyes, but in this regard, he did not see exactly what happened! However, when he was horrified and wondering what was going to happen, a dangerous feeling had covered him, and let him subconsciously operate the Ninth Turn of the Ninth Turn.


Almost when he was just turning Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong into operation, he felt a slight coolness in his chest, and in the blink of an eye, his chest had already had a small hole.

"His, so fast, how fast can it be so fast? Is that the power of strength?"

Suddenly took a cool breath, Yuan Feng knew that Shicai was there, apparently it was the other person who turned his body into a sharp arrow, and the arrow penetrated him, but fortunately, his nine revolutions were not afraid of ordinary Physical attack, so even if penetrated through the body, he still has no problems.

"Well, I said that none of your means can hurt me. Today, I want to see how you can force me to do things I don't want to do, watch the sword !!!"

With a chilly smile, Yuan Feng didn't talk to the other side. He started to confront each other with his sword in his hands.

"Brush !!!!"

"Well !!!!!!"

Yuan Feng ’s Jian Mang must not be underestimated. At least, when his Jian Mang was cut out, the opposite Qingyu King absolutely did not dare to use his body to connect it, but he could only avoid it, fearing that Yuan Feng ’s sword man Sweep.

Yuan Feng had given him a lesson before, and it was clear that if he was hit by Yuan Feng, then it must be red again, and it was ironic to deal with a human guy. One thing!

Obviously, the King of the Green Dragon still did not use all his strength. After all, its purpose was not simply to kill Yuan Feng. Today, it must capture Yuan Feng to force the opponent to attack without fear.

"Well !!!!!!"

With the sound of a wind breaking, the King of the Qing Dynasty exerted his speed to the extreme, and after its speed was fully exerted, Yuan Feng was obviously unable to keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

"Puff puff!!!!"

As long as Yuan Feng is not careful, the body of King Qing Ye will pass through his body, leaving a hole in his body. However, his body has been completely transformed by Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. Even if there is an extra hole, it will be restored quickly. After a few times, even Yuan Feng has some idea of ​​what the other party is doing!

"Big lizard, your attack like this has no meaning at all, it is nothing more than a waste of effort !!!"

The body was constantly rushed out of the hole by the other side, Yuan Feng's brow could not help but wrinkled slightly, but she still couldn't understand what the other side wanted to do!

Such an attack was really useless to him, but, faintly, he still couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. He also knew that the other party would never do anything meaningless.

"Brush !!! Hey !!!!!!"

Almost just when Yuan Feng drank, the figure of Qingying Wang penetrated through his body again, and when it passed through Yuan Feng's body, it suddenly stopped. A flash of light actually restored the appearance of a human warrior.

"Ha ha ha, is it useless? Now? Do you think it is still useless?"

The figure turned into a human warrior, and the King of Qingyu could not help but squint his eyes, and his face was full of embarrassment.

"Well? My body ........."

When the words of Qing Qing Wang fell, Yuan Feng's face suddenly became a little ugly, and even a little frightened.

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