The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2051: Green King (four more, big

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Chapter two thousand and fifty-one Green King (four more, large chapters seeking flowers)

Yuan Feng did not expect that the Qingyan Eagle who had been practicing here had already been swallowed by the dragon in front of him. For this news, he had some faint sympathy, but the second one was for Chiyan Jinlin. The patriarch felt a little sorry.

The patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin definitely regarded that Qingyan Eagle as a friend, and if he let his friends know that his friends have already been buried in the wombs of other Warcrafts, he would not know what it would be like.

Of course, these are not the relationships he needs. At this moment, the dragon in front of him clearly doesn't have a good impression on him. Waiting for him is still a big trouble.

"Hey, I didn't think of a goodbye at the beginning, it turned out to be the last side between me and the brothers of Qing Yanying, unfortunately, it is really a pity!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Yuan Feng naturally deduced the role of the Chiyan Jinlin Patriarch, and he became a friend of the Qingyan Eagle, and saw nothing wrong with it.

"Hehehehe, human kid, I have heard that you human beings are the most emotional thing. You need to know that this is the world of beast god, a world of weak meat and strong food, predation, or food. This is the fate of all Warcraft. What a pity? "

Hearing Yuan Feng ’s emotions, the stunned man transformed by Xiaolong could not help but smile, but he did not take Qing Yanying's death seriously. In fact, there were more than one Demigod Warcraft devoured by it, but Qing Yanying, but not the last one.

"Oh, you Warcraft is Warcraft, we human beings are human beings, and we are all different. We ca n’t use the same standards to measure them. Is n’t it true?

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was not weak. However, his Chixiao sword was not vegetarian, and if he showed fear at this time, he would really be suppressed by the other party.

"Hehehehe, it's a different story and it's quite different, it sounds quite interesting, and it makes sense." After hearing Yuan Feng's words, the young man transformed by Xun Long couldn't help laughing, and his gaze, It was already looking at the Chixiao sword in Yuan Feng's hands, and deep in his eyes, he couldn't help flashing a hint of fear.

Its power is much stronger than Yuan Feng. This is naturally beyond doubt, but the sharp blade in Yuan Feng's hand has made him feel a sufficiently powerful threat. Otherwise, it may have already shot again. .

"Well, boy, I don't care what kind of truth you have. In short, you have come here for no reason and interrupted the cleaning of this seat. Naturally, this seat cannot let you, and I have nothing else. Ask, leave the sword in your hand, and quickly leave the place, never again in front of this seat. "

Although World of Warcraft is not good at using weapons, the red Xiao sword in Yuan Feng's hand really made it interesting. Even if such a soldier cannot be used, it can be used for collection!

Of course, it made Yuan Feng surrender the Chixiao sword. Naturally, it wasn't just for this. You know, the only thing that can make Yuanfeng feel threatening is Yuanfeng, as long as Yuanfeng Give the Excalibur to it, then, it has absolute confidence to kill Yuan Feng.

The fat meat delivered to the door is of course impossible to let go, not to mention that Yuan Feng's body is extremely tough, and he is thinking about studying it carefully to see if it can be used on his body!


Hearing the words of the young man, Yuan Feng's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and the look on his face became not so good.

"This friend, although you and I are not the same race, but everyone meets is a fate. You swallowed my friend. I have no blame, and I inadvertently interrupted your practice. I also said this. I apologize. Is it necessary for you to embarrass me? "

Power is working, Yuan Feng has no intention of handing over the Chixiao sword. He knows best. At present, he basically expects his Chixiao sword to deter each other. If he handed over the Chixiao sword at this time, then But it's really being slaughtered!

In addition, his swordsmanship is indeed counting on the Chixiao sword to play, so in any case, he cannot give his magic weapon to the opponent.

"Well? So, aren't you planning to hand over the iron in your hands? Little guy, do you know how serious the consequences of this are?"

As a well-known super strong in the beast **** world, its existence, I am afraid that many strong people in the whole beast **** world have heard of it, even when many strong people heard its name, they will have a sense of embarrassment. . However, it has been hidden for many years, and I am afraid there have been no legends about him for a long time.

However, no matter if anyone still remembers it, it is the green king of the beast **** world. Whenever it appears, it can shake the whole beast **** world.

The human man in front of me, at a glance, is that the time of cultivation is short. Such a small person dare not follow its will. This is simply to die for himself!

"Oh, do you think I am a three-year-old child? I think if I hand over the magic soldier in you, the consequences will be really serious!"

With a chilly smile, Yuan Feng knew that this battle was probably inevitable. Although he did not have any advantage compared to the other party, if he did fight, he might not have a little chance. At least, if he can't beat him, he can find a way to escape.

"Eh? Hehehehe, a shrewd human kid, it seems that you little kid is not so easy to coax, but this is nothing, little guy, when you meet me today, you can only be considered unlucky, I think, you still Obediently grabbed your hands, maybe I will not eat you for a while and let you live a few more days. "

Seeing that his strategy was unsuccessful, the King of the Qing Dynasty was not in a hurry, but faced Yuanfeng Road confidently, and in his tone, it was naturally a condescending tone, and he did not put Yuan Feng in his eyes in.

The boundless beast-god realm, it has traveled to the extreme north of the bitter cold region, the western wild sand region, and also experienced the eastern Qionghai region. Now it has temporarily settled in the beacon region, no matter where Geography, it all exists on the top.

The dragon's body can be said to be heavenly, enter the sea, and enjoy the fiery flame. It can be said that it is the top of the food chain in the beast **** world.

"Okay, big reptile, what's the use of saying so much? If you have the ability, you swallow me up, otherwise, one day, you will be the soul of my sword."

Looking complexed, Yuan Feng ran a net of sword flowers, and the momentum around him began to condense slowly.

"Little guy, it seems that you are really impatient. In this case, today, I will let you know what it means to die. Roar !!!!!!"

At this moment, the King of Qing Dynasty was obviously angry, and Yuan Feng even dared to call it a reptile. This was obviously intolerable. At this moment, Yuan Feng had become a dead person in his heart.


With a roar, the King of Green Dragon suddenly restored the appearance of the dragon, but for the first time, it flashed slightly and returned directly to the magma below.

"Well? This guy ........."

Seeing that the King of Qing Dynasty not only did not shoot himself, but instead jumped back into the magma, Yuan Feng's complexion could not help but change slightly, but his mind was more dignified.

"Well !!! Huh !!!!!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng was surprised, a voice burst out from the water. Then, Yuan Feng felt a strong wind sounding in his ears. It was dangerous, but it came from behind.

"I cut it !!!"

Feeling an attack coming behind him, he didn't want to, and when he looked back, he slashed out a sword. Suddenly, a red-gold swordman cut through the space and cut in the direction of the strong wind.

"Eh? No, it's above my head !!!"

However, when Yuan Feng cut down the sword, he suddenly found that there was no attack at all behind him, but the sword was completely cut off in the air with a little effect. No.

"I chop again !!!"

A sword was cut, but Yuan Feng did not hesitate, and then he cut out another sword, and this sword, he cut to the top of his head, as if he felt the attack on his own head. Same as above.


Jianmang flowed, but once again cut through a piece of space. However, when the sword was cut, Yuan Feng still only heard the sound of Jianqi breaking through the space, but it still did not hit the target. .

"Empty again? How is this possible?"

Both swords were chopped in the air. At this moment, Yuan Feng's heart was almost full of shock. He thought that his mind was strong enough to detect any sudden attack, but at this moment, he made a wrong judgment twice. Therefore, he really couldn't believe it all.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng was shocked, a voice of space shock came, but this time, the space shock seemed to be transmitted from all directions, but it failed to distinguish the true direction of the attack at all.

"No, it's still behind !!!"

At the last moment, Yuan Feng keenly caught the slightest flaw in the opponent, but felt that the attack was behind him, but unfortunately, at this time, although he could feel that the attack was coming from behind, he had not. The opportunity to dodge and fight back.

"Well !!! Boom !!!"

A muffled sound came again, and then, as before, Yuan Feng was once again blasted into the surrounding stone wall, which was the second hit.

"Damn, why is it so fast? Is this going to kill me?"

The moment his body was blasted into the stone wall, Yuan Feng was almost depressed. Since his debut, he rarely has such a passive time, but now he has experienced such a passive.

Obviously, the opponent's speed is much faster than him, and this is also no way out. As a dragon, the opponent's speed cannot be slower, and the opponent's strength is several levels higher than him. So, at present, such a result is not unexpected at all, even if he is himself, it is completely imaginable.

"Boy, let's die !!!"

When Yuan Feng was blasted into the stone wall, when the heart was in doubt, the attack of the King of the King of Qing Dynasty was killed again.

"Well !!!"

In front of Yuan Feng's eyes, an arrow condensed by the force of the flame, as if through space, almost reached his eyes in the middle of speaking, and went straight to his chest.

Obviously, the King of Qing Dynasty also did research on human warriors and knew where the attack was the most lethal. If this hit, then Yuan Feng would not be dead, I am afraid it would really peel off the skin.

"Yu, it seems to have to be revealed, Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, get up !!!"

He sharply tightened the Chixiao sword in his hand. Yuan Feng knew that to this day, he had to reveal his powerful means. If he hid again at this time, he would be dead.

Thinking of this, he is no longer hesitant. Nine turns of Xuan Gong moved. This time, he started the seventh turn of Xuan Gong. At first, the original tough body became a little grain directly. Like.

The 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the 6th turn can make his body as strong as a magic treasure, and any attack is difficult to damage. However, such strength is naturally limited. If the external attack is strong enough, then such defense is still To be lost.

However, once the Xuan Gong of the seventh turn is run, then everything becomes completely different. It can be said that the 9th turn of the Xuan Gong of the seventh turn is really an unimaginable level higher than the Xuan Gong of the sixth revolution. .

"Brush !!! Hey !!!!!!"

The flame arrow hit the key to Yuan Feng in an instant, but the moment the arrow hit him, his body seemed to turn into a pool of water, and the golden arrow was worn directly Passed his body and nailed it to the back wall, but on the contrary, his body was not damaged at all.

"It's me, Optimus, kill !!!"

The golden arrows came out through the body, but Yuan Feng didn't stop at all. The Chixiao sword in his hand trembled and went straight to the opposite King of the Green.

"What? How is this possible?"

The King of Qingyan couldn't believe everything he saw. Using his horror speed, he could be said to turn Yuan Feng into a roundabout. However, when he thought he could have Yuan Feng at once, it was I saw that his fatal blow failed to cause the slightest damage to the opponent. This scene was too shocking for it.

After practicing for so long, what kind of situation has it never seen? But in this moment, he really couldn't believe it.

Mingming hit, but it seemed as if he didn't hit it. This feeling was almost like a punch in the air, and the feeling of being helpless almost made him have the urge to spit blood.

Where does it know that when Yuan Feng's 9th turn and the 7th turn were practiced, it was really equivalent to being half an immortal body. It was really not that easy to kill Yuan Feng. Just as Yuan Feng himself thought, even today, even if he is facing a strong person who is better than himself, he is at best sealed by the other party, and the other party wants to kill him, I am afraid there is really nothing Viable means.

"I flash !!!!"

At this time, it didn't have that much time to shock Yuan Feng's weirdness, because at this moment, Yuan Feng's Optimal Cut had already reached its sight.

Although Yuan Feng's strength was weaker, but the sword was cut off, it felt the full threat. If it was really hit, it would definitely be enough for it to drink.

"Ugh !!! Hmm !!!!!!"

However, it is clear that the king of the Qing Dynasty has underestimated Yuan Feng's strength, or underestimated Yuan Feng's sword skills, when his body flickered, thinking that he could escape Yuan Feng's sword. The horrible sword intention is not knowing when to take that golden swordman step first, but it is to be cut on its body first.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

The invisible and colorless sword was cut on the body, but it was just chosen between the gaps of the scales. This sword was cut out when it was shocked and there was no precaution. So, even if No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to completely avoid it.

Although it is only a small wound, its blood is flowing rapidly in this hot environment. Therefore, when the wound appeared, the blood spurt was really scary.

"Brush !!!!!! Hey !!!"

The body suffered a sword injury, but the king of the king of Qing Dynasty did not dare to neglect. When he was in shape, he returned to the magma first, but temporarily avoided Yuan Feng's edging.

Yuan Feng's watch reality is too abnormal. Putting aside the sword just now, just the means of ignoring its attack is to make it feel terrified.

It has never seen such an opponent before, so a horrible attack passed directly through the opponent ’s body, but it failed to cause any damage. Does n’t it mean that it did not kill the opponent at all? Is it possible for the other party?

A battle that cannot be won at all, how does it proceed?

Obviously, this issue must be carefully considered.

"Well, do you want to be a turtle?" I want to see, how do you do it !!! Optimus, please open it for me !!! "

Seeing that the other party drilled back into the magma below, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but flash a fierce man, if he didn't want to, he just fell his sword in his hand and chopped down the magma below. .

Although the strength is not as good as the other party, he believes that at this moment in the battle, he is completely superior to the other party. At this time, as long as he grabs the first move, he can definitely turn the disadvantage into a victory.

"Well !!!!!!"

A series of red-golden sword-mansions plunged into the magma, although the hot magma has great resistance, but this can not affect the attack of the sword of the law at all. We must know that the attack of the sword-art mood of the sword-state It is definitely not something any strong person can ignore.

"Well !!!!!!"

It is visible to the naked eye that the entire underground magma world is cut into a net at this moment. The network between swords and qi is difficult for magma to heal quickly, which shows how fast Yuan Feng's attack speeds.

"Let you bully and let you bully ..."

All kinds of Jianmang blasted into the underground magma, but Yuan Feng felt very comfortable at this moment. At this moment, no matter what level of opponent he is, and no matter what means the opponent has, in short, this At that time, he really suppressed his opponent completely.

The law of sword fills the entire underground space. At this moment, even the strongest one is absolutely afraid to run outside to put Yuan Feng against him.

At this moment, in fact, it has nothing to do with the strength of the strength, because even the strongest one is also afraid of the chop of the law sword, once it is chopped, then at least you must see red.

Cultivated to the level of demigod, seeing red is obviously not a glorious thing, so if you can, no one will want to be seen by your opponent.

Yuan Feng didn't know how many swords he cut out. In short, when his round of attack was over, the magma below had boiled completely, and some of the original black flames were also chopped by him at this time. With pieces of black flame, the situation looks quite strange.

"Don't leave at this time, when will you wait? I flash !!!"

Seeing that the King of Qing Dynasty was completely suppressed by himself, he didn't even dare to resist, Yuan Feng knew that it was time to see it and accept it.

He never thought that he would really die to death with the King of the Qing Dynasty. If the other party slows down and finds a way to deal with him, even if he wants to leave, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

Therefore, after seeing the other party shrinking and not daring to show up, he didn't even want to, he just ran out of shape and went straight to the upper exit.

"Boy, don't you want to escape from me today, seal me !!!"

However, just when Yuan Feng was cheap and wanted to leave, he screamed angrily, but suddenly rang through the entire underground space. Hearing from the sound alone, he could not hear the direction of the sound.

With the sound, Yuan Feng only felt a sudden dark above his head. When he went to see it again, the original bright exit disappeared for some reason.

"No, this guy has a second hand !!!!!!"

Seeing that the exit was blocked, Yuan Feng couldn't help sinking in his heart. He knew that his most worried thing had happened. Right now, he wanted to leave safely, which is simply impossible.


Sure enough, almost not long after he just flashed to the top, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky, and finally condensed into the figure of the King of Qing.

"Well? Not in the magma?"

Seeing that the King of Qingyan actually fell from the sky, instead of rushing out of the magma below, Yuan Feng's mouth could not help but twitch, but his heart was more dignified.

It seems that this time, he really did not want to get away so easily. As for whether he can get away in the end, it seems that he needs some luck.

ps: Two chapters and one chapter ask for flowers. At the end of the month, don't hesitate. It's expired! !! !!

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