The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2053: Will count (two more)

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Chapter 2053 will be counted (two more)

Relying on the advantage of strength, the King of Qingyan has exerted his speed to the extreme, and under the suppression of its terror speed, Yuan Feng basically has only the skill of parry and no fight back.

After Qing Qing Wang passed through his body over and over again, Yuan Feng finally discovered the seriousness of the problem.

"I, my body ...... you, do you even use poison?"

At this moment, Yuan Feng ’s body is like being fixed. Although it can still move slightly, it is basically impossible to increase it by a large margin. The feeling is like he is in a whole body. Swamp mire.

At the same time, the original fair skin on his body, as much as possible, became bruised, and even his face turned almost instantly blue, but it looked quite scary.

"Despicable, you ......... the super-powerful super-god, even using the poisoning method to make sarcastic means is extremely despicable !!!"

All began to tremble, but at this moment Yuan Feng couldn't help yelling.

Obviously, he was definitely poisoned at the moment, and from the situation under his eyes, it can be seen that the poison he is poisoning is definitely not ordinary poison. If he can kill his life, it seems to be Nothing is impossible. At least, he looks absolutely dangerous now.

"Well, boy, have you forgotten the laws of the beast **** world again? Weak flesh and strong food, only the strong can survive, and the weak can only be eaten. Don't take your human set to our Warcraft Come and use poison, this is one of my important methods. Do n’t you allow me to use poison?

At this moment, the King of Qing Yan was very excited. In order to be able to capture Yuan Fengsheng alive, it also really moved his mind, and the way he finally thought of was to paralyze Yuan Feng with poison, and then he would Yuan Yuan Feng Take control in his own hands. By that time, by his means, will it not be easy to force Yuan Feng's means out?

Yuan Feng's body is indeed terrifying. It knows that no matter how powerful and horrible his attack is, it is difficult to hurt Yuan Wei, a weird young person.

But what about toughness? Can the tough body not be poisoned? The answer is of course no. No matter how tough the body is, there is absolutely no reason for not being poisoned, and the facts clearly prove this.

It turned its body into a sharp arrow before, and continuously penetrated Yuan Feng's body, which was not doing useless work as Yuan Feng thought. Speaking of it, each puncture was actually catching The timing was poisonous, but before it used its own method, it temporarily lurked its venom in Yuan Feng's body, and did not activate it until the last time.

Not to mention, it seems that its calculation is still very accurate, and at this moment, Yuan Feng in front of him can finally be completely controlled by it.

"Little guy, this time, but you are willing to surrender your means? Rest assured, as long as you surrender your means, then I will first detoxify you, and then let you go, how about, yes Isn't it reasonable? "

To say that the weight before was not enough, then now it obviously has this qualification to threaten Yuan Feng. Its venom is very deadly. The whole world has no delusion, and only he can solve it. If it is If you don't, Yuan Feng is definitely dead.

"Dream, if you calculate me by this kind of inferior means, I can't even teach you my stunts, so if you have the ability, you will kill me and eat me !!!"

Yuan Feng's face was full of anger, and she was holding her Chixiao sword tightly in her hand, looking like she would rather die and be unyielding, and such a performance undoubtedly made the Qing King on the other side frown.

"Boy, you human warriors don't have a sentence, what is the current affairs person to be Junjie, see you as a young man who doesn't seem to be such a stubborn guy, how can you be so reckless? Such a sale, Are you still suffering?

With a cold face, the King of Green Dragon was also a little faintly angry. It really did not expect that a young human man would be stiff and angry, which is simply something he could not imagine.

After so many years of cultivation, although it has not encountered as many human warriors as Warcraft, it is really not that rare, regardless of the level of human warriors, it is not as rigid as Yuan Feng, but then, When it comes to such a stubble, its heart is quite helpless.

"Stop talking nonsense, you kill me if you have some kind, in short, I will never give in to you !!!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Yuan Feng's body had begun to tremble violently at that moment, and the situation was as if the venomous poison in his body had completely attacked.

"I don't know what is dead or alive, I really don't know what is wrong with you, and you're so unhappy with your little life, don't you even understand the simple truth of the supremacy of life in the beast **** world?"

Yuan Feng's behavior is beyond understanding. In a place like the beast **** world, only the preservation of life is the first priority. As long as it can survive, who will stick to what ideals and beliefs? If it was changed to Yuan Feng's situation, then I am afraid that he would take out his good things in the morning to honor the other party.

"Well, since you would rather die than surrender, then I will let you know the means of this seat, but I want to see if you can stick to it, come on !!!"

Looking at Yuan Feng glaring at himself, his eyes mixed with anger and unwillingness, and a touch of faint fear, it was not so anxious at the moment. Speaking of which, the means on his body were so many that he only needed to take turns. Use it on Yuan Feng's body again, it really does not believe that the other party can be so hard-spoken.

Thinking of this, it is no longer hesitant, as soon as he raises his hand, he catches Yuan Feng and grabs Yuan Feng to himself.

In thinking about it, Yuan Feng was poisoned by it, and it was obviously poisoned into the viscera. What kind of ability can such a Yuan Feng have to resist? Haven't you left it alone?

Therefore, at this moment, it did not think so much at all. It even took away its own power, grabbed Yuan Feng directly in its hands, and returned to the magma world to serve Yuan Feng. .


However, when Qingfeng Wang held Yuanfeng in his hand and was about to swipe down while talking, Yuanfeng, who had been glaring all the time, suddenly closed his eyes. At the same time, his hands were closed. The golden long sword, like a red sun in an instant, suddenly lit up in this underground world.

"Dust Maple Sword Third Style, Optimus Sword !!!"

He murmured silently, and the bruises on Yuan Feng's body disappeared almost instantly. Although there were still some remnants, it was already very inconspicuous.

As these bruises receded, Yuan Feng's whole person reached the best point in an instant, and his sword fell in his hand, and he went straight to the close-up Green King Wang and chopped it down.

"What? No, it's a trick !!!!!!"

At the moment when the sword in Yuan Feng's hand flashed a little, the King of Green Dragon had realized the seriousness of the problem. It did think that Yuan Feng had been poisoned. After all, its poison was unparalleled, except for itself. No one can solve it at all, and Yuan Feng is obviously poisoned, so it doesn't think too much.

When Yuan Feng's sword was cut down, it was not the first time he thought about avoiding it, but he was wondering how Yuan Feng was not affected by its poison.

Of course, its response was not unpleasant. Almost when Yuan Feng's sword was just cut off, it suddenly started to work again and wanted to leave Yuan Feng's attack range at the last moment.

"Huh, you just want to hide now, can you hide it? Give me death !!!"

Seeing Qing Qing Wang trying to avoid his own attack, Yuan Feng's mouth could not help showing a hint of mockery. If it is a long distance, then he really is not sure to attack the opponent, but now he is in the opponent's hands. There can basically be said that there is no distance between the two. Of course, he cannot cut this position. No.

Speaking of which, the first time Qing Wang buried drug on his body, he actually found it, and guessed the other party's thoughts for the first time.

However, in order to allow him to have close contact with the King of Qing, he did not directly break through the other party, but instead calculated the plan, while using his own swallowing martial spirit to stop the toxins on the epidermis, while continuing to cooperate with the other party's smoke play .

After the other party's last poisoning, he intentionally let the other party's toxins attack on the epidermis, and the latter had no doubt about him, and finally let go of all vigilance.

It can be said that Qing Qing Wang may think that everything is in his own calculations, but in fact, he is the same, and he believes that this time, it is the other party who is in deficit, not his Yuan Feng!

All thoughts flashed through. In the horrified gaze of the King of Qing, Wang Feng ’s sword was finally severely cut off. The goal was exactly the head of the King of Qing, but to make the other party A sword split.

"I hide !!!"

However, the strength of the King of Qing Dynasty is there. Although Yuan Feng was thinking of splitting it into two halves with a sword, he still had the chance to do so. Almost immediately, Yuan Feng's sword was about to kill the opponent. At the time of the skull, the latter used all his power, and the uncle was unbearably moved a small distance.


The Chixiao sword was slightly deviated, but it was directly cut on the shoulder of the king of Qing. However, at this time, Yuan Feng also responded very quickly, almost without thinking. He changed the sword and came directly. Simple sweep across thousands of armies.


The sword was cut off from the shoulder of King Qingying, but it was cut off directly from the opposite abdomen. In a moment, the body of King Qingying suddenly became two halves, blood, too. Instantly diffused the entire underground space.

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