The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2050: Chen Long goes to sea (three)

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Chapter 2050: The Dragon Goes to Sea (Part Three)

After diving down to the bottom of the Central Fire Peak, Yuan Feng did not find the environment in which the so-called Qingyan Eagle could survive. Seeing this, he was sighing sighing, leaving the bottom of the Fire Peak and returning to the outside The world continues to find ways to impact the demigod.

However, just when he was about to leave, a terrible roar came suddenly from the magma below the peak of fire, and almost at the same time as the roar came, a sense of danger, an instant It was covering his whole body up and down, making him feel his hairs upright, and the whole person felt like falling into an ice cellar.


At this time, he simply couldn't tolerate more thoughts, and almost didn't even think about it. He suddenly turned his strength into full operation and slammed towards the upper hole.

Although it is not known what the source of the danger is, there is no false sense of danger. At this time, of course, he must find a way out of this place, and once outside, he believes that he can fear no one.

However, although he thought very well, it still depends on whether he has the time and opportunity to respond.

"Om !!!!!!"

With the sound of a spatial vibration, Yuan Feng's figure has just started, and a strong wind suddenly rushed from above his head. At this moment, he didn't even see it clearly. It was felt that a dark shadow was coming towards himself, and when he wanted to hide, it was too late.

"Nine turns to Xuan Gong !!!!!!"

At the critical moment, he could only fully operate the Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, and almost immediately when he was running his divine power, the huge black shadow had already reached his eyes and directly Smashed into him.

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Yuan Feng only felt that a huge shot hit himself, and with this force hitting himself, all of a sudden, he felt a sense of distraction, almost uncontrolled, his body It was Huofeng who was directly blasted into the side of Huofeng Cave by the giant force, and the extremely hard Huofeng pillar was blasted by him into a deep pit.


The body was swept by the giant force, and it was inlaid on the wall of the cave at once. Yuan Feng immediately tightened his chest, and then a blood spurted out. Obviously, just this time, it hurt him.

"Why terrible power, how can there be such a terrible power? This, at least, must be a power of six or seven or more demi-gods. I am afraid that this is really a big trouble !!!"

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is running quickly, Yuan Feng knows that this time, this super magic power has saved him another life. He is very clear that in the fierce beat of Shicai, even if it is a strong five-strength demigod If you do n’t die, you have to lose half your life. For him, such a blow is nothing more than shock. It is not a big deal.

This is the abnormal position of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. As early as the sixth revolution, his body is equivalent to a congenital spiritual treasure. The pure physical attack can hardly hurt him. Now he has achieved the seventh turn of his magic, and of course he will not be hurt by this physical attack.

You know, his body can change shape at will, even if it is knocked down. If it wasn't for the unexpected, then he can do better.

"Drive me !!!!!! Hey !!!"

As soon as the strength moved, his body suddenly detached from the stone wall, and then he raised his hand, pinched his own red sword in his hand, and carefully looked at the surrounding scenes.

However, after he got away from the cave wall and looked around, there was no strangeness in his eyes. As for the dark shadow that shot him before, it was completely gone now. Got the trail.

"Fast attack speed, it seems that this time I really met my opponent !!!"

Subconsciously tightening the long sword in his hand, Yuan Feng knew that he was afraid that there would be big trouble today, and how to solve the trouble this time, he was not really clear at the moment.

"I don't know where the sacred person is hiding here, but he has entered this place by mistake, but it is not malicious. I ask you to come and see, we have something to say."

Looking at the magma below, Yuan Feng knew that the other side must be in the magma below, and he could even feel that the other person's mind had been locking him all the time, but now he had been prepared. However, the other party cannot easily attack again.

In any case, he with the Chixiao sword in his hand, supplemented by the terrifying Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, would not really be afraid of anyone. If the other party really pushed him, he would not mind letting the other party feel. Click on his means.


Almost as soon as Yuan Feng's voice fell, a loud roar suddenly sounded again, and as the roar sounded, the magma beneath it suddenly rolled, and then a whole body was covered with cyan scales. There are also two sharp-headed dragons above the head, which were killed directly from the magma.


The cyan blue dragon talked to the magma as much as possible, and glanced roughly. This big man, no less than 20 meters in length, seemed to be transforming from cyan to gold, and his skull was already at this moment. Becoming very rampant, the trend of imminent change seems so obvious.

"His ......... Dragon?"

Seeing such a big guy emerge from the bottom of the magma, and hovering opposite his own, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help but burst slightly, and his heart became more and more tight.

Obviously, Shicai attacked him. This is definitely the horrible big guy. Take a closer look at it. The other party ’s attack on his part is obviously using his giant tail. Even he can see Above the dragon's giant tail, there is still a depression, and most of it is left by bombarding him.

Although the proper one did suffer a little, but how tough his body is, no matter how strong the dragon's body is, the effects of strength are mutual, and it is unlikely that it will not suffer any injuries.

"It's so terrifying. It seems I guessed right. This big guy must have at least six powers of demigod, but it's better than the day demon python."

In a blink of an eye, he could see that this terrifying dragon was definitely the strongest he had ever seen, and for such a big guy, he had to take it seriously.


When Yuan Feng looked at the other side in suspicion, and was constantly alert to the other's assault, the blue dragon was suddenly flashed slightly. Then, the huge dragon body disappeared, and it was replaced by a monster. Young man, and on the man's head, there are two strange sharp corners that look very strange.

"Unexpectedly, a little human guy can run to this seat, which is really incredible!"

The stunned young man stood still, but still looked at Yuan Feng with amazement. Obviously, Yuan Feng in front of him was definitely a guy who shouldn't be underestimated. Otherwise, it would not be He will show up and talk to Yuan Feng face to face.

This is the place where it cultivates. Before Yuan Feng, there were other Warcraft ideas here, but basically it has been swallowed by it, and originally, it thought it could swallow Yuan Feng directly. It fell, but it was not expected that it used a blow of 60% of its strength, and it failed to wreck Yuan Feng. Instead, it hurt his own scales.

In this regard, in addition to his surprise, he remained curious about Yuan Feng.

A human warrior has a body that makes him envious and jealous and hateful. This is definitely not a normal thing. Therefore, he must understand the situation before deciding whether to swallow the other party directly.

"Ahem, this friend is polite. Under the human warrior Yuan Feng, I was originally looking for one of my Qingyan Eagle friends, but I didn't expect to interrupt your practice, sin, sin !!!"

Yuan Feng had calmed himself at this moment. When he saw the opposite dragon turned into a human figure, he knew that the other party did not want to continue fighting with him, but had something to tell him. .

The dragon in front of him really doesn't know the origin of the other party, so at this moment, he must be careful and say a few words to the other party tentatively. If there is any problem, he can change the strategy at any time.

Speaking of Qing Yanying, this is naturally an idea he tried to test each other. Originally, it should be the site of Qing Yanying, but at this moment it was occupied by a dragon. There should be some special conditions in it.

"Oh? Hehe, it turns out that you are the friend of that big stupid bird, no wonder you will come here!" After hearing Yuan Feng's words, sure enough, the strange young man could not help raising his eyebrows, obviously also knowing the Qingyan Eagle Of existence.

"You came a little late. Earlier, there was indeed a big stupid bird here to practice, but later this seat came here. The stupid guy didn't want to make way for me, so I swallowed it. "

The young man seemed to be telling a trivial matter, but when he heard what he said, Yuan Feng's face was already covered with black lines.

"Well, for a long time, that Qingyan Eagle friend was swallowed by this big guy. This time, the friends of the Chiyan Jinlin family don't need to tangle !!!"

There was a sigh in my heart, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit, maybe, if the patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin knew the news, I'm afraid it would be very sad!

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