The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2044: I ’m desperate (one more)

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Chapter two thousand and forty-fourth to death (one more)

Next to the quiet stream, Yuan Feng and Tianmon Python are now sitting on a bluestone slab, facing each other without any weakness. Yuanfeng's face is faint, but the Tianmon Python on the other side is a coincidence. Xiao Yanran didn't have the slightest sense of consciousness at all. It seemed that she was obviously eating Ding Yuanfeng at this moment. No matter how angry Yuan Feng was, she obviously didn't let go of the other party.

The two looked at each other like this, as if they both wanted to suppress each other with momentum, but whether it was Yuan Feng or Tian Yao Python, they could be said to be deeply versed in this way. This time, the eyesight naturally became quite equal. stand up.

"Hey, let's just stop, I'm afraid of you, Demon Flame, I'm an ordinary human warrior, and you're a transcendental monster from the World of Warcraft, why do you always follow me? I beg you Let me go and leave me alone, okay? "

Hard or not, Yuan Feng decided to continue to be soft. He really didn't believe that the monster python would not eat hard or hard. If that was the case, he would probably have to fight with each other.

"Giggle, you are not an ordinary human warrior. Although there are not many human warriors in the beast **** world, I have also seen a lot. If you are only an ordinary human warrior, then I am too lazy to follow you!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Sky Monster Python just slapped his lips and did not agree with Yuan Feng's words at all. As she said, of course Yuan Feng cannot be an ordinary young person, otherwise, the other party would not be so attractive to her.

Of course, there is one more thing, but she was very surprised until now, that is, Yuan Feng's cultivation.

The talents of the Tianmon Pythons are unparalleled. They have a lot of means. Speaking of them, even if the strong men at the same level hide their cultivation behavior, they can basically see the true cultivation behavior of each other.

Yuan Feng in front of her apparently has the power of three turns in the semi-god realm. However, in her eyes, whether it is vertical or vertical, Yuan Feng's cultivation is only infinite. Such a weird situation naturally made her more curious about Yuan Feng.

She had never doubted her eyesight and judgment, but when she came to Yuanfeng, she was really not sure.

If Yuan Feng had hidden Xiu Wei, then this means of concealment would have been too appalling. Of course, if Yuan Feng didn't hide his practice, but he really only had the Promise, it wouldn't be as horrifying as that.

She really wanted to ask Yuan Feng, but she believed that it was absolutely impossible for Yuan Feng to tell her such confidential things. After all, such things were important and it was absolutely impossible to tell others easily.

Of course, she hopes that Yuan Feng ’s cultivation is really only the Promise. In that case, it proves that she really did not read the wrong person. An Promise human warrior is the power of the owner's demigod three times. One thought is enough to be fascinating.

"Ah, as you say, it seems you really don't plan to let me go?"

After seeing the reaction of Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng knew that no matter what he did, I was afraid it would be difficult for the other party to give up his original intention. In that case, he could only reach out to the other party to see who was stronger. .

With a sigh, he couldn't help turning up his strength secretly, apparently trying to move with the other side.

"You, are you bullying me?"

However, just when Yuan Feng's power had just started, and she wanted to summon the Chixiao sword against the other party, the opposite Tianmon Python apparently felt his warfare, and she was a small face when she talked. Misery, just like the grievances of Tianda, even under the eyes there is a cloud of mist.

Such a pitiful appearance, I am afraid that no second person in the world can do it.

"Uh, this ........."

Gritting his teeth, Yuan Feng's determination, which was just brewing, was almost instantly destroyed and fragmented, and the whole person's momentum suddenly weakened and it was no longer possible to condense.

No way, as a man, he ca n’t really deal with such a woman. Although he knows that the other party is Warcraft, he even knows that the other party is pretended. But no matter what, he still ca n’t make a sword. The other's behavior.

"I'm really afraid of you, okay okay, if you want to follow me, then it's up to you, but if you encounter any danger, don't blame me."


He bit his teeth bitterly, but Yuan Feng no longer talked to the other. When he was in shape, he disappeared directly and continued to fly away towards the south, and this time, He basically used all his strength, and even used 120% of his strength, and flew towards the south with all his strength.

He would like to see if, under his full effort, the Tianmon Python can still keep up with him.

"Giggle, still want to get rid of me? It's so naive, I want to see, how can you escape my palm, swipe !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng continue to run away, the Tianmon Python couldn't help but smile a little, and talking was followed closely by that speed, but it was a little faster than Yuan Feng.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng has learned such magical skills as Xiaoyao, but in the end, this Xiaoyao is a gift of Warcraft's talent. Although he can rely on the help of swallowing martial arts, he can make his speed extremely fast. Python is a gift of Warcraft, and there is also speed in others' talents. Compared with the opponent, he has no advantage in skill.

In addition, the cultivation of the demon python is definitely about five turns of the demigod. The strength between the two is a level or two, let alone the demigod is a strong demigod. Yuan Feng, after all, is still a person without limits.

One person and one beast started again and you chased me and fled. Yuan Feng was really dead. At this moment, he was able to use his magical skills to the fullest extent, even if the one who taught him his magical skills saw him, I'm afraid he would treat him Thank you for your performance!

However, although Yuan Feng's speed is very fast, but such a flying, after lasting for almost a day, he found that behind him, the shape of the Tianmon Python was not thrown away by him at all. , And even the distance between the two, has not changed from beginning to end.

In this situation, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of frustration. Obviously, the speed of the Sky Monster Python was indeed above him. If he wanted to get rid of the opponent with speed, he might have to change this plan. .

"Yue, since you can't get rid of you with speed, then I will take advantage of the terrain. I'll see if your defense can compare with me."

He couldn't get rid of each other, Yuan Feng knew that he had to take some measures. Thinking of this, his gaze could not help but glance around, but in the end he took a direction and flew away quickly.

After almost flying for another half a day, Yuan Feng's figure came to a volcano with thick smoke. A quick glance showed that the entire volcano was very wide. Many of them seemed to be The eruption had just been completed, but it was still emitting heavy billowing smoke.

Under the volcano, the hot underground lava, like a river, is flowing slowly at the moment, and wherever it passes, it becomes a piece of scorched earth.

"It's pretty good here, it seems, it's time to compare with the last edition with her !!!"

Standing in the sky over this volcano group, Yuan Feng made a search, and he picked the largest volcano, and then stood at the position of the crater. He turned around and turned to look at himself. Behind him.

"Girl Demon Flame, I know you're still here, just come out and talk !!!"

After looking at a volcano, Yuan Feng shook his lips and shouted with emotion.

"Giggle, why did you take me here? Shouldn't there be any wrongdoing?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the Tianmon Python really appeared, and now she wasn't flushed, and didn't feel tired.

"Ahem, I dare not make any attempt at you. Speaking of which, I am still young but want to live a few more years !!!"

After giving the other person a glance, Yuan Feng's look was positive, and then he continued, "My demon flame, my destination has arrived. In the next time, I want to practice under this volcano. The monster flame girl will do your own thing, and it will be indefinitely !!! "


The words fell, but Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. When he was in shape, he suddenly darted down the huge crater. In the blink of an eye, there was no trace, and he could not feel a breath.

"Hey, what are you doing !!!!!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng heading directly under the volcano, Shicai also smiled, and suddenly was frightened. She can feel that the volcano sinking from Yuan Feng is the main volcano in this volcano group and the most powerful one in the entire volcano group. The temperature inside it is probably difficult for her As a human warrior, Yuan Feng entered the volcano without such protective measures. This is simply an act of seeking death!

"I'm furious, I'm really furious !!!!!!"

When she moved, her figure also reached the crater, and when she reached the crater, she could feel that the air waves below gave her a very baking feeling. She believes that even if she goes down, the situation may not be better.

"Stupid guy, I was so stupid as to jump here in order to get rid of me, I'm so mad at me !!"

Where did she not understand that Yuan Feng jumped out in order to get rid of her? The more she understood this, the more annoyed she became.

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