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Chapter 2043 The Follower

After listening to the story of Chiyan Jinlin Patriarch, Yuan Feng knew that he had something to do now.

He didn't know where the so-called Purgatory God Mountain was, but the patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin had made it clear that the so-called Purgatory God Mountain had a total of 981 fire peaks, so it had As long as he sees the characteristics, he will be able to determine the goal.

On Shiyan Mountain, at this time, the three elders of the Chiyan Jinlin family are standing opposite to Yuan Feng. As for the other strong members of the Chiyan Jinlin family, they did not follow at the moment.

In any case, the war has just ended, and their consumption is very large. At present, they need to be carefully organized to maximize their strength.

As for the farewell to Yuan Feng, Da Jin was given full power to do it for him. The main thing is that Yuan Feng just left for the time being, and once he completes the task, maybe he will return to the Chiyan Jinlin family.

"Mr. Yuan Feng, I know that this guy's strength is hidden deeply, but since you have agreed to the patriarch, please don't hurt that friend of the Qingyan Eagle."

As a member of the Chiyan Jinlin family, Daikin first considered, of course, the reputation and credibility of the ethnic group, so although he believed Yuan Yuan very much, he couldn't help but ask.

"Hahaha, don't you guys know me? What I promised, naturally I will do it." With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng then looked up, "Dai Jin, this time I left, but also I do n’t know how long it will take to return. Xiao Jin will leave it to you to take care of it. I hope that the next time I see it, it will change even if it does not advance to the semi-godder. "

He is very clear that although the Chiyan Jinlin family may not have the means to allow Xiaojin to reach the demi-god realm, such an ethnic group definitely has the means to allow Xiaojin to change his qualifications.

He wasn't really looking forward to Xiaojin's promotion to demigod, but as long as Xiaojin's qualifications were better, he was already very satisfied.

"Rest assured, your partner is also my hope for the rise of the Chiyan Jinlin family, and we will not treat it badly." Nodded, Daikin solemnly promised to Yuan Feng.

Speaking of which, Xiao Jin not only has an inexplicable use for the future rise of the Chiyan Jinlin family. In addition, this little guy is a partner of Yuan Feng, and Yuan Feng has done so much to the Chiyan Jinlin family. It's because of Yuan Feng's face that they must also treat Xiao Jin well.

"That's good. Since that's the case, then I can safely leave it !!!"

There should be no problems with the Chiyan Jinlin family for a while, and even if there is any change, he can get the news through Xiaojin for the first time, so now he can be assured and bold. left.

"Boy, there are still a few words. I think it is still necessary to say a few words to you. Of course, if there is something that doesn't listen to you, you don't hear it, but you should never blame me."

Seeing Yuan Feng leaving, Daikin's complexion flashed a little, but eventually he dared to open his mouth.

"Ha, you guys always seem to have something to say? How did it get so twisted today? Anything, though."

Seeing Dajin's twitchy expression, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be curious. In his impression, it seems that Daikin has not shown such an expression yet.

"Boy, others don't know you, but I know a lot about you. Your Warcraft companion really shouldn't appear in the beast **** world, but now that you are here, it should be here too. I hope you can restrain it, and don't let it upset the balance of the beast **** world. "

Yuan Feng originally called Xiaoba out to let him see it, and for Xiaoba, his impression was too deep. Such a guy who can produce Warcraft unlimitedly, when he reached the beast **** world, it was simply the biggest one. Disaster, that's why it didn't dare to let Yuan Feng bring Xiao Ba to the animal **** world.

As a member of the beast **** world, he loves his world very much. If Xiao Ba messes up, the balance of the beast **** world is likely to be disrupted. By then, no one knows what will happen!

"Yu, Daikin, you don't have to worry about this, Xiao Ba is my Warcraft companion, and you should also know that it was hatched with my essence, and my will is its will. For I'm really not interested in disrupting the balance of the beast **** world, so your worry is completely unnecessary. "

Yuan Feng naturally understood the meaning of the other party, but he did not think about making Xiaoba do anything excessive. If he could, he did hope that Xiaoba would also be promoted to the semi-godder, but even so, he would not influence The balance of the beast **** world.

After all, in fact, all he has done is to protect himself and protect his relatives and friends. In addition, he really has no more ambitions.

Of course, Xiaoba still has a long way to go to the semi-god realm, and before it has been promoted to the semi-god realm, it seems that it can't reach the point that affects the balance of the beast-god realm.

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved."

Obtaining Yuan Feng's guarantee, Daikin nodded with satisfaction, and slowly relieved his heart.

Yuan Feng's promise is still very useful for it. At least it believes that as long as Yuan Feng promises, then in the future, if Yuan Feng has such a thought, then at least he can think of what it reminds him of today. .

"Okay, Daikin, you protect Shiyan Mountain, and all members of the Chiyan Jinlin family in Shiyan Mountain. When I have the world, I will definitely come back to see you and Xiaojin. There will be a period later !!!"


With a flash of light, Yuan Feng's body disappeared almost instantly. When Daikin went to see it, the other party had no trace of it for a long time, as if it had really disappeared out of thin air. same.

It seems that his departure this time seems to have used all his strength, otherwise it would not have been so fast.

"No wonder, he was able to fall behind me until he came to the beast **** world with my return. It turned out that his hiding means and speed were so amazing."

Seeing Yun Feng disappear, Daikin was really shocked by the other party. It already knew that Yuan Feng was fast and had a strong ability to hide, but at this moment, when it was prepared, the other party There is no trace of it, and he really doesn't know what to say about it.

Looking around, in the end, it didn't find Yuan Feng's place. Then, it flickered and returned to the fire of the heart below Shiyan Mountain to practice.

They have all obtained a lot of gains this time. This time is the time to harvest the fruits, and it has been delayed for a long time to bid farewell to Yuan Feng. Naturally, it is now necessary to start to improve themselves ...

Daikin started a new practice, and at this moment, Yuan Feng, who had just been separated from it, chose the south direction at this moment, and quickly flew away towards his goal.

For Yuan Feng, this trip to Purgatory God Mountain cannot be cancelled anyway. After all, there is a blue sky in the Purgatory God Mountain. This thing is too tempting for him. .

Xiaoyao and Wuying are working at the same time. His whole body seems to be turning into a gust of wind, and the speed is extremely fast. At this moment, no matter how strong a semi-godder is, I am afraid it is very fast. It is difficult to surpass him.

"Purgatory God Mountain, when I heard this name, it was a place full of danger, but in terms of my physical strength of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, no matter what the environment, it should not cause me too much trouble."

From the news heard by the Chiyan Jinlin patriarch, the so-called Purgatory God Mountain is definitely a very dangerous place. Otherwise, the Qingyan Eagle would not have been able to live in it steadily for so long. Found by the outside world.

Since it is called the Purgatory God Mountain, then in all likelihood, it is a land full of flames. Of course, for the flames, according to Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, he certainly will not take it to heart.

"I don't know how to meet the Qingyan Eagle friend, how can I ask for some blue sky crystals from it. If it doesn't cooperate, should I use some coercive means?"

He can do this without hurting the other party. However, if the other party is unwilling to take out the blue sky crystal to share with him, then he can only take some compulsory measures. Of course, even by some means, he will remember the admonitions given to him by all the strong members of the Chiyan Jinlin family.

If the other party cooperates, of course everything is easy to say, but in case the other party does not cooperate with himself, he can really only use some special means of his own, and in any case, he does not hurt the other party.

"Three months away, it's really boring along the way, but as long as I can get a lot of blue sky crystals, no matter what kind of suffering, I can be as happy as I am."

For the time being, tossing the messy thoughts aside, Yuan Feng at this moment basically has only the heart to find the Purgatory God Mountain, and then find a way to get the blue dome of Qingyan Eagle.

"Brush !!!!"

Yuan Feng, who was hurrying on the road, had a speed that was unimaginable. It was almost a few breaths of work. He had already left the scope of Shi Yanshan and rushed toward the Mountain of Purgatory God extremely fast.

According to the patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin, from Shiyan Mountain to Purgatory God Mountain, there may be a three-month journey. However, Yuan Feng believes that he is faster than the other party, and he will not delay halfway, so he Believe that you will definitely not take as long as three months.

Galloping all the way, Yuan Feng completely ignored everything around him and wished to step directly into the range of Purgatory God Mountain, but unfortunately, his power is indeed limited. Even if he wants to reach his destination sooner, he has his own power Allowed.

I don't know how long it took to fly. On this day, Yuan Feng stopped suddenly and sat down quietly beside a stream in the forest, as if she wanted to rest for a while.

Yuan Feng, sitting cross-legged, suddenly flashed an indescribable light in his eyes. There was helplessness and ecstasy in this light, but there was still a faint dread.

"Hey, you've been following me for a few days. Why, aren't you going to keep doing this forever?"

Yuan Feng, sitting cross-legged, suddenly sighed, then looked at a bush opposite the stream, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"Giggle, I guessed that you would know my follower, and it seems that it really made me guess !!!!!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng's voice fell, a coquettish laugh came suddenly. Then, a figure that made Yuan Feng very familiar, but not very hopeful, appeared in his eyes. .

"It really is you, it seems that I'm afraid I really can't get rid of you now !!!"

Looking at the Tianmon Python coming out of the bushes, the helplessness on Yuan Feng's face became more and more obvious.

Speaking of which, when the Chiyan Jinlin family left, he felt that someone was watching him, but he was not quite sure at that time.

However, during this period of time, after he intentionally changed his frequency, he was basically able to determine that someone was following him. From the other side's hidden ability, and the slightest breath left by the other side, it seems that there is no other person in this secret person besides the day demon python.

At this moment, the sky demon python is still the same as before. There is basically no change from top to bottom. If there is any difference, it seems that the other person's body is less charming and more somber than before. .

Yuan Feng also tried to get rid of the opponent, but unfortunately, he has exerted his speed to the extreme, but in the end, he still failed to achieve his wish. It seems that the Tianmon Pythons are also good at speed. Moreover, the strength and background of the opponent are obviously better than him. In terms of speed, it is really difficult for him to take advantage.

"Giggle, Yuanfeng, why do you want to get rid of me? Is it possible that you still worry about being eaten by me?"

Hearing Yuan Feng was so direct, Tian Yao Python couldn't help laughing again, but she did n’t laugh, but with her smile, Yuan Feng had already calmed her heart, but at this moment it was a little faint agitated.

Tian Yao Python never left. After Yuan Feng entered the Chiyan Jinlin family, she was waiting for Yuan Feng to appear outside. When Yuan Feng just came out, her mind was Yuan Feng has been locked, and as long as Yuan Feng's strength has not been greatly improved, it is basically difficult to throw her away.

Regarding Yuan Feng, she can be said to have never been curious. She must figure out what Yuan Feng's body actually makes her feel so attractive. If she doesn't figure it out, she's afraid Will never be comfortable.

"Hey, I'm not worried that you eat me, but I worry that I accidentally eat you."

After listening to the words of the day demon python, Yuan Feng's heart was quite helpless. The other side followed him dead, and he couldn't get rid of it. This frustration really made him grit his teeth.

"Eat me? Giggle, did you guys finally tell the truth?" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the sky demon python demon flame was a little stunned at first, and then smiled with a grimace.

Did she say that her charm lies there, and since Yuan Feng is a real man, how could she resist it?


Almost as soon as the voice had fallen, she had a flickering figure, and she did not wait for Yuan Feng to oppose it. She had already come to Yuan Feng's front, and actually sat directly on the bluestone where Yuan Feng was.

"Ahem, I said," Demon Flame Girl, we don't seem to be so familiar yet? So, I think everyone is better off. "

Seeing that the Tianmon Python came near him, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be agitated. Without saying a word, he was in a hurry and moved away from this bluestone, but sat on another bluestone.

He really ca n’t take the other person, not to mention that he is so close. Even if he is so far away, it is almost impossible for him to resist the temptation. If he is close, and breathe a few breaths from the other person, then he It really is going to fall!

"Giggle, timid guy, but you don't want to escape my palm."

When Yuan Feng flashed, he ran to another piece of bluestone. The Tianmon Python didn't catch up directly, but he gave Yuan Feng a charming look, as if he was blaming Yuan Feng for his incomprehension.

"Hey, what do you want? It was really my fault that broke your good things before, but I can't change anything since it has come to an end. If you have any requirements, just ask them."

It ’s really impossible to get rid of each other. Yuan Feng can only find ways to help the other party to do something to make up for the losses he caused to the other party. I hope that after this, the other party will let him go and stop following him. .

"Giggle, the previous things have passed. Although I am a woman, I am not stingy to such a degree, those things, you really don't need to take your mind."

She shook her head, but the Tianmon Python didn't get too entangled in the previous things. She didn't want Yuanfeng to give her any compensation. Now she follows Yuanfeng all the time, but it is actually a way to even herself. The reason is not clear. In short, she just wants to follow Yuan Feng now, that's all.

"Well, then tell me, how can you not follow me? I like to be alone, I really don't want someone to follow me all the time. In that case, I will really feel uncomfortable. of."

Yuan Feng was also completely defeated by the other party. What he wants to do next does not want to involve a third person. After all, if the monster python also joins this day, then his plan may not be able to proceed. Go on.

"Let me not follow you? Isn't it impossible, don't you want to do something to compensate me? Why not help me, persuade those guys of the Chiyan Jinlin family, and let them give Shiyan Mountain to me In that case, I will never pester you, how about it? Fair and reasonable? "

There was a hint of slyness in the eyes of Tian Yao Python, but there was a very serious expression on her face. It seemed that the conditions she proposed were exactly reasonable conditions.


When the voice of the Tianmon Python fell, Yuan Feng's mouth twitched fiercely, but his heart was full of helplessness.

The conditions of Tian Yao Python, where are they? This is obviously the same as playing him. It is absolutely impossible for the strong man of the Chiyan Jinlin family to move away from Shiyan Mountain. The other party used this as a condition to make it clear that he did not intend to let go of his rhythm!

"Demon flame, I really have something to do right now. If you really need anything from me, then I can promise to work with you now, and I will come back to you when I have done my thing. Do you think this is feasible? "

At this time, he can only coax and coax, and can cheat and cheat. As long as he gets enough blue sky dome, then he can impact the demigod, and once he is promoted to the demigod, it seems Don't worry about the demon python in front of you!

"Giggle, you guy, have you forgotten what I said to you, and trying to lie to me? It's not easy."

Regarding Yuan Feng's proposal, Tian Yao Python rejected it directly, because she knew very well that once she let go of the other party, it would not be so easy to find it again.

"So you must follow me like this?"

With a fierce complexion, Yuan Feng's heart could only be anxious, but, glaring at his anger, the Tian Yao Python on the other side was still smiling, without any fear at all.

For a while, they looked at me like this, I glared at you, both of them lost their voice for a while.

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