The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2045: Served (two more)

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Chapter two thousand and forty-five served (two more)

Yuan Feng jumped into a terrible volcano in order to get rid of the Tianmon Python. To this end, the Tianmon Python outside was anxious and angry, but he was so angry.

She did not expect that Yuan Feng would make such an extreme move. When she wanted to come, Yuan Feng Bacheng was also anxious, so she jumped into the volcano recklessly. In fact, the volcano now is simply Not what he can afford.

"What to do? This volcano is obviously the terrible main volcano in the beacon area. How could a human being withstand the temperature below?"

The body flickered back and forth above the crater. At this moment, the sky demon python had a feeling of overwhelming. She was really a bit flustered. If Yuan Feng whistled because of her relationship, then she really couldn't forgive herself. In addition, she followed Yuan Feng, but not to drive Yuan Feng into a dead end.

"No, I can't just watch him go to death, I haven't figured out his condition yet, so he can't die now !!!"

She was so sturdy that she couldn't stop looking at it, but she didn't do anything!

"No matter, no matter what, my body will be much stronger than you, I will never let you be okay." When the silver teeth bite, the Tianmon Python is no longer hesitant. Also sinking towards the crater.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

As her body began to sink, all of a sudden, the horrible heat waves around it seemed to melt her. The feeling was really uncomfortable.


The scorching flames made it difficult for her to maintain the appearance of human beings. With a roar, she was restored to the appearance of the Sky Demon Python, sinking quickly while bearing the terrible burning pain.

This crater does not know how deep it was. After the Tianmon Python began to sink, she discovered that this crater is not just as simple as the main crater. In this crater, There are many purple-black flames. These flames are attached to the wall of the volcano, but they look terrible.


Seeing these purple-black flames, the Sky Demon Python could not help but scream anxiously. She knew these purple-black flames. Speaking of which, this kind of flames are rare, but some large-scale volcanic groups. Among them, a kind of flame will only appear after hundreds of millions of years of gestation, and the level of this flame is definitely comparable to that of a demigod strongman.

Not to mention an ordinary person like Yuan Feng, even if she is covered with these purple-black flames, she will be burned by the flames instantly, or even burned.

If Shicai Yuanfeng bumped into these flames unfortunately when she jumped down, then 80% of them had already turned into ashes.

Thinking of this, her heart could not help getting more and more anxious, but it is hastened to speed up the sinking speed, carefully sensing the atmosphere of Yuan Feng.

Unfortunately, in such a terrible volcano, Yuan Feng's breath has long been annihilated by the hot air waves. No matter how she senses it, it is ultimately difficult to sense Yuan Feng's breath.

At the same time, the innate demon python jumped off the volcanic Yuan Feng one step, but now it has sunk to a deeper depth. However, when Yuan Feng came to the bottom of the volcano, his face also changed. How good looks.

"Yu, terrible volcano, the temperature here is really too terrifying, right? Even my 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the seventh turn felt so uncomfortable."

Glancing at the purple and black flames around, Yuan Feng knew that these purple and black flames were terrifying. Even him, it was better not to contaminate them.

"I'm afraid that such a terrible volcano can only bear such a temperature with a body like me. It seems that this time it should be able to get rid of the sky demon python."

Although the surrounding temperature also made him feel a little threat, in his case, it would not be hurt by the fire here, as long as he dived into the bottom of the volcano and found another crater from the underground magma. At that time, he really didn't believe that he couldn't get rid of the demon python.

Thinking of this, he could not help speeding up and sinking down more quickly.

The body is deeper and deeper, and the time is not long. Yuan Feng discovered that at the depth where he is now, there are many purple and black flames around, and these purple and black flames have a tendency to increase. It can be said that at the depth where he is now, even if the Warcraft of Demigod turns three or four times, I am afraid that he can only leave quickly and not continue to dive.

"His !!!!!! Roar !!!!!!"

Yuan Feng didn't know how deep he had dived, but when he didn't hesitate, and suddenly sank down towards him, a cry of anxiety mixed with painful screams came from above him, Echoing through the crater.

"Well? This is ........."

Hearing the painful and anxious roar from above, Yuan Feng's body stagnates suddenly, and she immediately stopped diving. The whole person's face was a little stunned.


Standing in shape, Yuan Feng tried to listen again, but it was almost a short time, and a cry of anxiety passed down in pain, and the call this time was obviously more painful. .

"This, this ......... isn't it? The monster python jumped down with me that day?"

Ripped the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng really had an unbelievable feeling. He could hear it. The call must be the sound of the Tian Yao Boa, and from the sound of the call, the other side was very clear. I was looking for him, but I couldn't stand the temperature in the volcano.

"Good guy, do you want to die like this? Isn't this guy crazy?"

Hearing the sound of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng was helpless this time. He didn't want to be followed by the other party, but he didn't want to hurt his life because of his own reasons.

The temperature here is so high that even he feels a bit dangerous, not to mention the day demon python? If the other side also sinks to his current position, even deeper than his current position, then I am afraid that there will be real life worries.

"No matter, take a look now."

After a little groaning, Yuan Feng stopped diving, and his body trembled, and the shadowless magic function was activated to hide his body. He wanted to see if the monster python that day Really ran to his current position.

"His !!!!!! Roar !!!!!!"

After hiding his body, Yuan Feng was still able to hear the roar from the Tianmon Python, and that roar was like an anxious call. Listening to his ears, he could not help making him faint. Guilty.

"Near, the voice is getting closer and closer, does this guy really run down?"

His face shook, and Yuan Feng could hear it now. The roar above was obviously getting closer and closer to himself, and the pain in the roar was obviously unconsciously deepening.

Unconsciously clenched his fists, Yuan Feng's heart suddenly felt very unpleasant.

Speaking of them, although the Tianmon Python has been following him, he has not done anything harmful to him. At this moment, the other party jumped into the volcano to find him, and risked his life. He had an inexplicable guilt.


There was another roar, and in that roar, the painful emotion became more and more obvious. It sounded that the Heavenly Monster Python at this moment seemed to have encountered some trouble.

"Well, no matter what, let's go up and see her first !!!"

Hearing the opponent's roar turned out to be so painful, Yuan Feng finally couldn't hold it anymore, he suddenly shook his hand, and his body suddenly swept away from the top. The speed was a little faster than before. Minute.

"Well !!!!!!"

As his body flew, Yuan Feng couldn't care about the danger of being contaminated by the purple-black flames around him. Some purple-black flames burned to him, but it was nothing more than pain. It would not burn him.

In a short time, Yuan Feng's figure flew from the depths of the deep crater to the upper part of the crater. At one moment, when he was flying fast, a colorful figure suddenly appeared. In his eyes.

It was a colorful snake that had shrunk to a meter or so. The snake's body was twisting in pain. There was only a light roar in his mouth. Obviously, at this moment, I am afraid that it has been surrounded by it. The flames burned.

"It really ran down !!!"

Seeing the painful struggle of the colorful snake in the flames, Yuan Feng didn't want to, and when he was in shape, he came to the snake and grabbed the other hand in his hand, facing the crater madly. Flying away.

Obviously, this little snake is naturally the body of the sky demon python, but at this moment, she is obviously injured by the high temperature around her, and may even accidentally be invaded by those purple-black flames.

At this time, her situation is obviously extremely dangerous. If Yuan Feng appears later, then her life, eight achievements will really be thrown under this volcano!

Yuan Feng's speed is extremely fast. If he compares with Tian Yao Python again at this time, then the other party may not really compare with him.

"Well !!!!!!"

I do n’t know how long it has been flying. At a certain moment, Yuan Feng grabbed the colorful snake, but finally broke out of the horrible volcano. When one person and one python got out of the crater, their bodies were all one Red, almost melted.

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