The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2042: Resignation

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Chapter 2042 Resignation

Yuan Feng wants to hit the demigods, but unfortunately, although the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family are still rich, they really don't have babies who hit the demigods.

However, there is no baby who hits the semi-god realm, but it does not mean that there is no news of those baby. This is not. Just when Yuan Feng was a little discouraged, the chief of the Chiyan Jinlin family stood up for Maple provided a useful piece of information.

"Brother Yuanfeng, the blue sky crystal is extremely precious. No one can get such a treasure, but I do know that there should be such a treasure in the hands of a guy, and it is not a little hope. nothing."

The patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin made a positive look and whispered to Yuan Feng. It does know the news of the blue sky dome, and it is the kind of fairly accurate news. Of course, it can provide the news to Yuan Feng, but if it is to let it help Yuan Feng get the blue sky dome, it is true No confidence at all.

"I also ask the patriarch to make it clear that as long as there is news of the blue sky, I will find a way to get it myself."

Hearing the words of the other party, Yuan Feng suddenly felt energetic. He was indeed not afraid of difficulties. As long as he had a goal, he could work hard for it. No matter how difficult it was, he would definitely try to do it. After all, blue sky dome means the realm of demigod, and once promoted to demigod, he doesn't know how strong he will be.

The rest of the elders also looked at their own patriarch, and they didn't know what kind of news the patriarch had, and they never shared it with them.

"That's it. A few years ago, I had an experience of going out. During that trip, I passed by a place called Purgatory God Mountain. The environment there was very bad, even if it was semi-godly. It's almost impossible for the strong to act at will, but in the Purgatory God Mountain, there is a single-pass race called Qingyan Eagle, and in the hands of Qingyan Eagle, there is a blue sky dome. "

The patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin seemed to be a little tangled, but eventually he spoke daringly.

Originally, it never thought about telling this matter. We must know that the existence of Qingyan Eagle, even in the whole beast **** world, may not have many strong people to know, and it happened to coincide with it. This is where I get to know each other.

Later, the other party invited it to be a guest, and it stopped for a while in the other's cave house, and that was exactly the time when it found the stone pier on which the other party was sitting, which was made by the blue sky crystal.

Speaking of which, when I saw the other party using such a large piece of blue crystal dome to make a futon, I was really shocked. You know, such a large piece of blue crystal dome is probably enough for more than a dozen powerful Warcrafts to try to hit the semi-godder. Already.

Unfortunately, the Qingyan Eagle family is a single pass of Warcraft, even if it is a treasure, as long as the Qingyan Eagle can not use it, it will not let others use it.

Right now Yuanfeng wanted to find the blue sky crystal. The first thing it could think of, and the only thing it could think of, was the one that it had seen in the Mountain of Purgatory. If it wasn't because Yuan Feng had great gratitude to the Chiyan Jinlin family, it wouldn't necessarily say that.

"Qing Yanying? Is there such a single-passing tribe in Wuleijie? This is really the first time I heard !!!"

"Well, sir, you have such good news, why didn't you tell it earlier? Since it's a single-passing tribe, it's not easy for us to go and grab the blue sky crystal?"

"That's it, patriarch, you didn't do much right this time !!!"

When the voice of the chief of the Chiyan Golden Scales settled down, all the strong players present were all in the eye, apparently all excited by the news.

From the words of the other party, it seems that the so-called Qingyan Eagle has a large number of blue sky crystals. Of course, such good things should not be missed.

Yuan Feng ’s eyes are beginning to risk Venus. His idea is simpler. As long as others have it, he will find a way to borrow it. Of course, if the other party is unwilling, he can find a way to talk to him. The other side exchanges, of course, the second is to find a way to grab it.

"You do n’t know. At the beginning, I met the Qingyan Eagle, and it was a bit of a fate. At that time, when I was training in the mountain of Purgatory, I was accidentally in danger. I happened to pass by then, just by my own Helped it, and after it was rescued, it used a billion-year fire ginseng as a reward. It was also the fire ginseng that helped me break through the realm and successfully hit the semi-divine realm. Realm. "

For the baby, who does not want to take it for granted, but it and the Qingyan Eagle can help each other, and each other can be regarded as friends, let it do something betrayal, it really has some Unhappy. Speaking of which, he disclosed the other party's information to Yuan Feng, and he was already blaming himself.

"Uh ... it turned out to be this way, since it has been helpful to the patriarch, it's really a bit difficult !!!"

After listening to the other person's narrative, the powerful men could not help looking at each other for a while, and then nodded one after another to express their understanding.

Unlike human warriors, the friendship between World of Warcraft is more pure, and betrayal is rarely done by people, although Qingyan Eagle does have a baby in his hand, but since the one with Chiyan Golden Scale The patriarchs of a family have some friendship, so of course it is impossible for them to calculate each other.

Speaking of which, the patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin exposed the other party's information at this moment, which is not a good thing anymore.

"Brother Yuan Feng, this time, your kindness to my Chiyan Jinlin clan, I ca n’t help it, so I have to provide this information to our brother Yuan Feng, but if Brother Yuan Feng really If you are going to ask for a blue sky, I really hope you can discuss it with the other party, and do n’t hurt it. ”

Looking at Yuan Feng, at this moment the head of the Chiyan Jinlin Patriarch could not help showing a trace of begging. Its heart is really tangled, but now that it has been decided, it can't regret it.

Yuan Feng has great gratitude to the Chiyan Jinlin family, but Qingyan Eagle is also a little gracious to it. Therefore, it wants to help Yuanfeng and not to hurt Qingyan Eagle.

"I appeal, it ’s hard to be the clan leader. Thank you, the clan leader for providing me with such a message. The clan leader is assured. If I find the friend of the Qingyan Eagle, I will discuss it with him, absolutely not. What hurts it is that, in addition, it will never know that it is the patriarch who informed me about it. "

Hearing the words of the Chiyan Jinlin clan leader, Yuan Feng could not help but take a deep breath, but he was more grateful to the clan leader.

He was very clear that letting Warcraft sell his friends was definitely a very sad thing for the other party, but even so, the other party still provided this information to him, and of course, he had to be grateful.

Of course, there will be no false promises. When he really meets the Qingyan Eagle friend, he will be kind to each other and will never hurt the other.

In addition, he will try to find an excuse not to let the Chiyan Jinlin family get involved. These are also his returns to the Chiyan Jinlin family leader!

"Hey, the Mountain of Purgatory is on the south side of Shiyan Mountain. If it is a day and night journey, it will be about three months away. There are 981 fire peaks there. If you see it, you can basically recognize it at a glance The Qingyan Eagle is hiding under a fire peak in the center. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's assurance, the Chiyan Jinlin Patriarch's heart had some comfort, but in the final analysis, it still felt a little bit sorry for the other party. After all, this is really not a good thing for Qing Yanying.

"Is the 981 Fire Peak? This is really easy to identify !!!"

Keeping the words spoken by the other person silently in his heart, Yuan Feng's eyes can't help flashing a bright light, but his heart was looking forward to it.

He wants to be promoted to the demigod at the moment. The only thing missing is a treasure like the blue sky dome. If he can really get enough blue sky dome, then his demigod state should be no problem .

Of course, if you want to get the blue crystal dome from the hand of a powerful demigod of Warcraft, this will no doubt be an easy task. Moreover, he has promised that the patriarch of Chiyan Golden Scale will not hurt that Qingyan. Eagle, this way, if you want to get the spar, the choice is even less.

"Little brother Yuanfeng, the patriarch has provided this information to you, you must not hurt that Qingyan Eagle friend, otherwise, I am a Chiyan Jinlin family, I am afraid that I will not be able to establish a foothold in the beast **** world in the future . "

Among the strong men, the Elder Nine could not help but stand up, but reminded Yuan Feng with a pout. As the only woman present, she didn't quite agree with the practice of the Chiyan Jinlin Patriarch. However, she had really no way to raise any objections.

"Elder Nine, rest assured that I, as a person, will never let you do it."

Nodded solemnly, Yuan Feng almost promised patted his chest. At this moment, his heart had already drifted into the unknown Purgatory Mountain.

"Everyone, since the crisis of the Chiyan Jinlin family has been lifted, there will be no more staying here. Daikin and Xiaojin will leave it to you to take care of it. When I borrow the blue sky dome, maybe soon Will come back to see you and it. "

Now that the news is available, Yuan Feng naturally wants to act immediately. There is no way. The state of demigod is too tempting for him.

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