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Chapter 2041 Requests

The flames of war in Shi Yanshan finally restored peace. For the Chiyan Jinlin family, this ethnic crisis is absolutely incomparable to any previous crisis.

It can be imagined that in that level of battle, the infinite members of the Chiyan Jinlin family know how many died in the siege of the Warcraft army. As for the ethnic groups attached to the Chiyan Jinlin family, it is even more It is a heavy loss that is almost incalculable.

Of course, the ethnic groups attached to the Chiyan Jinlin family are not much to the Chiyan Jinlin family. Although these guys are almost dead, as long as the Chiyan Jinlin family is willing, so sooner or later they can still Recruit a large number of ethnic groups to station in Shi Yanshan and become the new servants of the ethnic group.

In the final analysis, the biggest loss of the Chiyan Jinlin family this time was the Elders who had been secretly killed earlier. However, although the five elders died, the remaining powerful people were nourished by the Demigod Warcraft. However, they have all got a lot of improvement, so in general, this time, the Chiyan Jinlin family actually made a profit ............

At this moment, the underground world of the Chiyan Jinlin family is also the most sacred and inviolable sacred place of the Chiyan Jinlin family. At this moment, it is the first guest since the founding of the tribe. This has never been seen before. The situation is definitely not a situation among the Chiyan Jinlin family.

The nine elders of the Chiyan Jinlin family, plus the chiefs of the Chiyan Jinlin family, have been counted in place at this moment, and in their central position, a young human man, like the stars holding the moon, has been top ten. The people surrounded the center.

"Hahaha, I really ca n’t think of it. At such a crucial time, my Chiyan Jinlin family would actually fall to the sky. This is really a blessing for the entire Chiyan Jinlin family. Yuanfeng brothers, on behalf of the entire group, thank you again Great favor. "

The patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin also improved at the same time. Although there was not much improvement, at least the injury was definitely recovered.

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of him, his heart was really filled with emotion. To be honest, it has not always had a good impression on human warriors, but the appearance of Yuan Feng this time has made it an unprecedented change for human warriors.

"Yes, yes, this time I was able to survive such a terrible crisis. The little brother Yuan Feng has made a great contribution, and we must all thank him. From now on, as long as the little brother Yuan Feng has a word, then no matter what I do, I must have rushed first. "

"I didn't say that such a big grace, even if I waited for the broken body, it would not be reported. From now on, the little brother Yuan Feng is the most noble guest of my tribe."

"What is a noble guest? The little brother Yuanfeng should be the most noble benefactor of my tribe."

After the patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin began to express his gratitude to Yuan Feng, the other elders present could not help but stand up one by one, expressing their gratitude.

For Warcraft, the significance of their existence is to allow the race to continue. If the ethnic group is gone, then everything will become meaningless. Therefore, Yuan Feng saved the entire Chiyan Golden Scale family. This should be It is really something that they need to keep in mind, but do not want to report.

Listening to each family's gratitude to Yuan Feng, among the crowd, the three elders of the Chiyan Jinlin family have never spoken, but their eyes have been flashing indescribable light. .

Looking at Yuan Feng surrounded by everyone, Daikin did not know how to describe his feelings. Obviously, the Chiyan Jinlin family met a noble person. If it was not Yuan Feng, it would be really difficult Imagine what would happen. Maybe the Chiyan Jinlin family at this moment is really gone!

The thought of such a key figure came with it to the beast **** world, and it was inevitable that there was some faint excitement and gladness under his heart.

"Hey, elders and patriarchs, don't be so kind to me. Speaking of which, I'm nothing more than just meeting them. Besides, I haven't done anything. The Jinlin family was able to save, but in fact it is everyone's credit, but it has little to do with them. "

Listening to the powerful people around you, you express your gratitude to yourself, Yuan Feng also had to stand up and salute everyone.

To tell the truth, he didn't feel that he had done a lot. As for the killing of the two human warriors, in fact, he was self-defense. After all, if he didn't kill each other, the other two would surely kill him.

As for the killing of these two people, the morale of the Chiyan Jinlin tribe may be boosted, but that cannot be counted as his credit.

He really did not want to help the Chiyan Jinlin family. If it wasn't because Xiaojin was still in the other ethnic group, and Dajin was half of his friends, he wouldn't bother to go to this muddy water!

Of course, if these guys have to give such great credit to him, then he has no opinion, except that some politeness still needs to be polite.

"Okay, Brother Yuanfeng, don't be kind to us anymore, no matter what, the Chiyan Jinlin family can be preserved. Your credit is the greatest."

Hearing Yuan Feng's polite words, Daikin also stood up at the moment, but once again affirmed Yuan Feng's credit.

Originally, Yuan Feng had mixed with the beast **** world with it while he was back in the gap between the beast **** world. For this, it was really uncomfortable. Compared with the entire Chiyan Jinlin family, that little thing is not worth mentioning at all.

Having said that, how exactly Yuan Feng was mixed with the beast **** world with it, even to this day, it is puzzled.

You know, without an entry card, it is absolutely impossible for any human warrior to enter the beast **** world.

"Hey, Daikin, you don't have to coax like everyone else. I can't just stand by and watch our relationship. From now on, you can help me a lot, hahaha !!!"

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng couldn't help but patted Dai Jin's shoulder, but he was completely mingled with the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family present.

These World of Warcraft are relatively easy to associate. In their hearts, he has helped them a great deal, so each of them is respectful to him. At this time, he is polite to the other party, but it makes the other party see something. Outside.

"That's natural. From now on, your business is my Chiyan Jinlin family. Right now, the foreign enemies have died and fled. The entire Chiyan Jinlin family has slowly restored peace. Boy, you have Whatever we need to help, just speak. "

This time they talked about the patriarchs of the Chiyan Jinlin family. They were not worried about Yuan Feng's request, but they were worried about Yuan Feng not asking. After all, if they were so generous, they would not help Yuan Feng to do something Then they will never be at ease.

"Thank you, Matriarch, for you, I will be assured that kid."

He arched his hands at the other side, but Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly changed slightly, apparently there was something to say.

"My patriarch, I have already told Dajin about it. I have a friend who should have been taken to the Beast God Realm, but I do n’t really know where to find it, and Relying solely on my own strength, there is really no way to find it, so I hope the patriarch can help and see if I can find my friend. "

He really ca n’t do it alone in the search for Dahei, and the Chiyan Jinlin family is a super big group in the beast **** world. It can be said that they have a wide network of people. With their help, the possibility of finding Dakin is undoubted. Can make a big point again.

"This little thing is of course no problem. Little brother, my Chiyan Jinlin family has some relations outside. I will personally ask about this, and even launch some good ethnic groups to inquire about the little brother. But is it possible I ca n’t guarantee to find a friend of my little brother. ”

This matter is really not a big deal. The Chiyan Jinlin family does have their own personal relationships, and they should have some ways to find a thing like Warcraft.

"Thank you patriarch, as for the second thing, it ’s like this, I need some materials that impact the demigod, such as the blue sky dome. Of course, I also know that such treasures are rare, so even if it is It's ok to provide me with some information about this material, and I can look for it myself. "

Here are two things in the beast **** world, looking for the big black, breaking through cultivation, and two things, even if you can make one.

"Baby impacting the demigod? Blue sky dome? This ........."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the strong men present were slightly frowning.

Such things as finding people, they can use all their power to do their best to find them, but for the babies that hit the demigod, they are really not on them. After all, if there are such babies, they would have been I used it for my juniors.

As for the piece of blue crystal dome on Daikin, it was the one left when it struck the semi-god realm, but later it was assigned to the arrogant realm, and it had no relatives, but it did not hand over the spar.

"Little brother Yuanfeng, I am afraid that there are no such treasures in our bodies now, but if I want to say the blue sky crystal, I do know that there should be a place."

All the strong men were hesitant, but in the end, the patriarch of Chiyan Jinlin suddenly stood up and opened his face solemnly.

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