The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2040: Great victory (five more flowers)

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Chapter 2040 A Great Victory (Five More Flowers)

The battle for the defense of the Chiyan Jinlin tribe did not last as long as expected. Among the strong men brought by the demon python that day, after the two strong men in the demigod suddenly fell, this battle was The results are already there.

Obviously, in the loss of the two demigods, even the leader of the demon python disappeared, such a battle, the Chiyan Jinlin family can not win.

On the battlefield, the World of Warcraft brought by the demon python has begun to scatter at this moment, which naturally includes those demigods of World of Warcraft. You must know that no World of Warcraft is really not afraid of death, and it is in the threat of death. In front of them, they will forget their purpose here.

Of course, the most important reason is the sudden disappearance of the Tianmon Python. Without the backbone, those strong men who originally wanted to fight for the Tianmon Python are disregarded. Where can they continue to fight?

In the end, under the strong counterattack of the Chiyan Jinlin family, the number of miscellaneous troops on the battlefield became less and less, until the last few, almost all of them were almost eliminated by the Chiyan Jinlin family.

At the moment, more than twenty demigods were more than half off the battlefield, and the remaining unlucky eggs were entangled by the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family, and there was no way to escape. I had to stay here to continue the fight, but at this moment, they had no warfare, and almost only thought about how to escape, so there was no fear at all.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

With a few roars and a few demi-gods of Warcraft out of the battlefield after paying some price, soon around the entire Shiyan Mountain, there are only three demi-gods of Warcraft, and these three An unlucky guy was surrounded by the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family. Seeing that he was bathing in blood, he became the target of the besieging.

"Everyone worked hard to get rid of these three guys, and this war of our tribe is completely without loss !!!"

"Kill, swallow these three guys, our injuries can be recovered, and we can go even further, kill !!!"

"Destroy them, don't let them escape ..."

Each of the nine strong powers of the Chiyan Jinlin family is full of warfare. They are now holding the idea of ​​killing the last three demigods, because as long as these three guys are killed, then They can make a profit without losing money this time. There is no reason why they should not do such a sale.

"Roar !!! Friends of the Chiyan Jinlin family, we all know that we are wrong, and we hope you can open up one side and let the three of us leave. From now on, I will not dare to invade again."

"Yes, I would like to ask you to raise your hand and let me wait for my departure. I will certainly thank you again in the future."

"Everyone, we are all bewildered by others for a while, so I thought of making some big mistakes, and I hope you will open up and let me wait for a life !!!"

The three besieged demigods are obviously awake at this moment. They are upside down by the demon pythons. They are basically in a hazy state, but now it is about life and death. At any moment, they were clearly awakened by the thick breath of death.

This time is not a joke. The Chiyan Jinlin family obviously wants to treat the three of them as the culprits. They are basically all deadly. If they continue to do so, they really do n’t know and wait. How long can one hold on.

"Huh, what's the use of saying this? Return the life of my five elders and kill me !!!"

For the forgiveness of the three demigods, the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family were completely unmoved. They were sure to kill the three guys in front of them, and they just swallowed a human half Daikin, the strongest in the realm, suddenly flashed into shape, and instantly joined the other three.


At the moment, the three big players are one enemy and three. They are not very prepared for the sudden change of Daikin. When they are discovered, Daikin's figure has already reached the three big players. The weakest of them came closer, and politely threw a tail at the other.

A steel whip-like giant tail directly hit a demon wolf-like Warcraft, but this time, it directly blasted the other side with a muffled sound, but the latter was directly blasted into the ground, almost ten A few meters of depth.


Seeing that the other party was bombed into the ground by Daikin, the three elders who originally besieged the demon wolf immediately came to the huge pit below. Three times and five divided by two, the devil wolf was directly divided into corpses, and no Graciously swallowed one after another.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

With such a demigod of Warcraft being swallowed up, the three strong red-flanked golden scales who swallowed each other, just like Daikin before, immediately released a powerful breath, Obviously, the engulfment this time has also benefited them a lot, and their strengths have gone a step further.

"Do not!!!!!"

Seeing that it was another half-god of Warcraft death, the remaining two guys were scared and cold, they all understood that this time it was really about to hang. The Chiyan Jinlin family was originally a very mild ethnic group. But the more such a moderate ethnic group, the more terrified they become when they are threatened.

"You die for me too !!!"

At the time of the last two major Warcraft frights, Daikin's figure did not know when he had approached another ape-like Warcraft. Without saying a word, he bit a bit on the opponent's neck. The **** scene of biting the other person's head off, I am afraid, will make people with unsound mind have nightmares for a few days.

"Puff puff!!!!!"

After the Dakin succeeded in another blow, the three elders who had been ready for a long time also stepped forward instantly and tore the same demon ape, each of them shared a part of the other's body, and then It's a happy moment.


After the death of two powerful men, the only remaining one was also a World of Warcraft full of scale armor. At this moment, there was no concern at all. In a roar, its body was filled with a horrible momentum. Then, its body flickered slightly, and it flew away in an instant.

Obviously, this last piece of World of Warcraft is the danger of burning out of life, and you must let yourself escape from this place. You must know that even if you burn your life, it is nothing more than falling into the realm. In this case, you can have The first line of vitality, but if you continue to fight with the other side, then it may only have one result, that is, besieged by the other side to death, and eventually they will be swallowed up by these crazy guys.

"Well !!!!!!"

It has burned vitality, and its speed can be said to be very horrible. It is almost the time between words. Its shape is already out of the battlefield. In this case, it is the strong who made the Chiyan Jinlin family You can only sigh secretly, but there is no way.

Anyway, they can't burn their lives to chase each other, right? After all, if you do that, then it really costs more!

"Ah, it's a pity that I ran one, so I'm afraid I will lose money this time !!!"

Seeing a half-god of Warcraft escape, all the elders of the Chiyan Jinlin family have a bit of sighs. Six of the nine strong ones have been replenished, and this one could have been left behind. Enjoy. In that case, the Chiyan Jinlin family really made a profit this time.

However, things did not go as expected. At this moment, the other party burned their lives and fled, and they could only sigh with regret.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

However, when the strong men were annoyed, but they were anxious to catch up and kill each other, in the distance, a sound of spatial vibration came suddenly, and then everyone saw a bright flash Passed away, and then, everyone heard a scream of scream.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

The screams of screams seemed to be full of unwillingness, but they soon became weak, and the super-strong ones were present, and it was natural to hear who made them.


When the call gradually became weak, and finally there was no sound, all the strong men looked at each other, apparently they were not able to recover.

However, they did not surprise them for a long time. It was almost a few breaths. A ray of light flew from a distance. Soon, a young man's figure slowly solidified in Chiyanjin. In front of all the strong men of the Squad family, at this moment, he still had two halves of Warcraft corpses in his hands. It was the Linjia beast that had just burned its vitality and wanted to escape.

"Hey guys, meet this guy for the first time, even if this guy is careful next time, I hope you don't disapprove."

Yuan Feng's body stood in front of all the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family. While talking, he could not help throwing the two halves of Warcraft in his hands a little and directly threw it to the opposite Daikin, but his shot was quite Open-minded.

"Uh, this ........."

Seeing that Yuan Feng threw the two halves of Warcraft to himself and others, the strong men of the Chiyan Jinlin family were a bit stunned. Obviously, they really did not expect that the young man on the opposite side would be so. Polite.

"Hahaha, elders and patriarchs, don't be polite with him. This is my friend, his gift, you just keep it."

When other elders were surprised, Daikin suddenly turned into a human shape and laughed. While laughing, its figure has come to Yuan Feng's front, and a big hug with Yuan Feng.

"Boy, thank you so much this time !!!"

With a positive face, Dai Jin was full of gratitude to Yuan Feng at this moment. It knew that this time, the Chiyan family of Jin Yan owed Yuan Feng.

ps: With five more connected, Xiaoyan is a little bit unbearable, brothers and sisters, please ask for flowers and praise for reward! !! !! !! Xiaoyan needs everyone's support! !! !!

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