The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2019: Come after

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Chapter 2019 Comes After

After a whole year, Daikin finally came to the beast **** mountain where the channel to the beast **** world is located, and for it, soon, it can return to the beast **** world.

However, when Daikin and the ambassadors guarding the Beast God Mountain began to prepare for the journey to the beast **** world, they were not found. Just in a space not far from them, a young man was I don't know when they will appear here, and squint their eyes at all their actions, and the overall situation of the Beast God Mountain.

"Yu, you finally reached your destination. It was really unexpected. It turned out that the so-called Beast God Mountain is actually an island hidden on the bottom of the sea. This is really a clever skill. No one can find it !!!"

With eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment was really full of shock and suspicion. Of course, besides that, it was a joy.

After a whole year, he finally found the way to the world of the beast god. Of course, he felt extremely pleased, but when he saw the so-called beast **** mountain, it turned out to be a hidden seabed. When he was on the island, he was really impressed by Daikin.

When he was in the Ziyun Palace before, Daikin had entrusted him to find the beast **** mountain, and then asked people to rescue it. Originally, he felt that this matter was very difficult. But now he understands that it turned out that this matter was not difficult at all. Maybe the other party didn't have much hope for it at all.

A mountain range hidden under the sea, if he didn't know it, he would be exhausted, I am afraid he would not find it!

In fact, Daikin originally wanted to tell Yuan Feng the specific location of the Beast God Mountain, but when he thought of the rules of the Beast God World, it was to dispel such thoughts. For it, even if it loses its life, it cannot let the beast **** mountain be known to outsiders.

Of course, it does n’t tell Yuanfeng the specific situation of the Beast God Mountain, which is also for the sake of Yuan Feng, because once Yuan Feng knows where the Beast God Mountain is, then the gods in the Beast God Mountain must be cut. Kill, kill.

How important is the beast-god realm, and how can a human understand the path to the beast-god realm?

"Ah, no matter what, I finally found this beast **** mountain, but I don't know if I will have a chance to be in the world of beast **** with Daikin."

Looking at the two strong men who have landed on the island below, Yuan Feng knows that in the next time, these two guys must study the matter of returning to the beast **** world, and at this time, it is undoubtedly that he sneaks into the beast secretly Great time for the gods.

"No matter how close you are, if you want to use my strength, you won't really be discovered by them. Later, after they use their means, I will try to take the opportunity to mix in the beast **** world, only to succeed and not to fail !!! "

Secretly biting his teeth, Yuan Feng knew that at this time, it must be the best time for him to enter the beast **** world, because after this time, then he could not let the so-called poor strange **** in the beast **** world. So that this beast **** mountain rises from the sea, and without this so-called beast **** mountain, he would never reach the beast **** world!

As for the poor and magical envoys around Da Jin, he just glanced briefly with his eyes, but he did not dare to explore with his mind, because he was very clear that once a character of this level once had his mind to explore it, then He will definitely find his presence the first time.

Having said that, just by looking at the naked eye, he is able to see the imperious power of this poor and strange god. Obviously, this is definitely a strong person who surpasses anyone he has ever seen, even if It was the Lord of the Yuan Temple who broke the sky, and there was no way to compare it with this one.

Under the same cultivation, the power of Warcraft should be stronger than the human warrior, and the cultivation of this poor strange **** is obviously not lower than the Lord of the Heavenly Temple. Therefore, when it comes to strength, I am afraid it can pass it. A few of the Masters of the Split Temple.

In any case, Yuan Feng must seize this opportunity at the moment and try to break into the beast **** world. Only in this way can he find a chance to see Dahei, and then he can get the treasure of the beast **** world to shock the demigod. .

Having figured this out, he couldn't help but condense all his breath, and approached the beast **** mountain below carefully, ready to seize the opportunity to mix into the beast **** world.

Regarding Yuan Feng's approach, whether it was the poor magician or the bumpy Daikin, he did not notice the slightest bit. At this moment, the two strong men are busy and nervous, where can they pay attention to the surroundings?

"Poor strange gods, when I came to the strong man without arrogance with me almost at the beginning, I'm afraid it's almost going back now?"

Above the island, the two strong men strolled towards a platform, but spoke softly.

"Oh, basically, there aren't many who are still staying in the boundless world. After sending you back, the rest are either not wanting to go back or they can't go back."

Everyone who came from the world of beast gods to the world of delusion at the beginning was a super strong of all ethnic groups. However, although these strong men are strong, they are not invincible in places like the delusion. Since In this way, it is natural that there will be a fall.

There are so many beast **** powerhouses, God knows whether they will be killed in secret or accidentally trapped in a certain situation, and even some Warcraft powerhouses will like it Environment and way of life, so I do not intend to return to the animal **** world.

Speaking of which, from the beginning of the beast **** world to the strong man without delusion, the poor strange gods have recorded one by one, and Dajin, as a strong man of the Chiyan Jinlin family, is naturally in his memory. After so many years, the poor stranger has always thought that Daikin has already been dead or broken like other beast **** strongmen, but he never expected to see each other return.

"Yu, it's been too long, too long, I haven't returned to the world of beast gods. This time I return, if there is nothing special to do, I will not come to the world of delusion again. , It should be considered a lot of credit! "

Those who were sent from the beast-god realm to the realm of the delusion at the beginning were basically guilty of mistakes, and they had to make up for the work in the realm of the delusion, and it was the same in the beginning. At that time, he had a bad temper, but accidentally injured the lives of a large group of people. For this reason, his group compensated a lot of resources.

"Hey, speaking, if it wasn't for impulsive mistakes, I wouldn't have stayed in Wulei for so long, but fortunately in these years, I have gradually understood a lot of things and want to come It's not too much trouble for me to suffer so much. "

In the world of no delusion over the years, it has definitely been described as very bad. If there is any choice, it certainly does not want such a period in its experience.

"Haha, who hasn't made a mistake? The original thing has passed. Right now, you have brought back a treasure hunter. This is a great event for your Chiyan Jinlin family. As for the original one, It's a little bit wrong, no one will take it to heart anymore. "

The poor stranger also knows what Daikin had committed, but in fact, it has always ignored it. You know, it was sent to Wu Realm to do what gods, it was not willing to run, in the final analysis, it was not because it had made a mistake and was punished by the strong among the beast gods?

Compared to the mistakes it had committed, Daikin's thing was really worthless.

"I hope so !!!"

With a slight smile, Daikin also hopes that the situation will be as poor as the Qiqi Shenshi thought. Of course, the possibility of the Qiqi Qishi said that it really accounts for a larger proportion. After all, the original loss was a little bit. Compared to the treasure hunting beast, it is really worth mentioning.

"Here, the three elders, I'm going to start the passage back to the beast **** world, you prepare, let's get started, right, can the three elders' entry cards still be?"

In the time of speaking, the two strong men came to a platform, and upon this platform, the poor and strange gods could not help asking Daikin.

"Nature is still there, but the entry card is a necessary thing to return to the beast **** world. How can this thing be easily lost? No, poor and strange gods look at it."


When the voice fell, it raised its hand and took out a dark token directly to signal the poor strange **** on the opposite side to see.

"Oh, that's good, now that the inbound card is also there, let's get started !!!"

With a slight smile, the poor stranger did not hesitate anymore, and speaking, he finally glanced at the opponent's entry card in his hand, and then began to prepare.

The entry card is a treasure that is necessary to enter the beast **** realm. If there is no entry card in the body, then once you enter the beast **** realm, you will be attacked by the strong beast **** realm as soon as possible. Suffer. It can be said that the entry card, this thing is the life sign of the super strong in the beast **** world. Without this thing, it is bound to be difficult to return to the beast **** world.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

In the middle of this talk, a ray of light suddenly shone from the stone platform under the feet of the two strong men. Then, the entire island, the so-called Beast God Mountain, shook slightly at this moment. That feels like the end of the world.

"Yu, finally you can go back to the beast **** world, there is no delusion world, but you want to say goodbye !!!"

The light on the platform turned on, and Dai Jin ’s inbound card flashed at this moment. Obviously, this time, it could really return to the beast **** world.

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