The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2020: God is destined?

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Chapter 2020 Heaven Is Doomed?

The dazzling rays of light illuminate above the beast **** mountain's platform. Instantly, the entire beast **** mountain is the center, and the surrounding water surface is suddenly rippling with violent ripples, but it looks terrifying.

At this moment, on the platform, the figure of the poor and magical **** has turned into a very weird Warcraft, and on this one-corner of Warcraft, the circles of energy ripples are constantly moving around. Rippling, but it is communicating an unknown world.

The deity's deity is indeed extremely powerful, and when he saw his deity appearing, Daikin's face couldn't help showing a trace of solemnity, and his eyes flashed with an inconceivable color of dread. .

The poor strange gods can hear from the name, the name of this group is poor strange, of course, as for the position of the poor strange group in the beast **** world, it is not outsiders can know Already.

Daikin wasn't idle at the moment either. When the poor magic **** started to move, it also rushed to run the power and slowly input his true element into the inbound card in his hand. Entered into the entry card, suddenly, the original black and ink brand, suddenly became bright, and shot directly into the distant sky.


When the light from the entry card shot into the sky, suddenly, a cloud of black clouds suddenly began to condense on the cloudless sky. The time was not long, a huge cloud covering the sky, It is the sea that covers more than ten miles and looks like the end of the world.

Obviously, the Poor Strange God made the excited energy ripple, and in combination with Dai Jin's inbound card, just opened the passage to the beast **** world. It won't be long before Dajin can return to the beast **** world.

"Buzz !!!!"

Poor Qishen made the excited energy wave more and more intense, and Dai Jin's inbound card became brighter at the moment. At this moment, the whole world is filled with an ancient killing. Feeling.

The beast-god realm is a world different from the world without delusions. There, there are wild beasts everywhere. Naturally, the situation there is, of course, not the same as the world without delusions. The channel of the delusional realm is excited, and the breath of the beast-god realm naturally flows into the non-delusive realm.

Fortunately, this place is far away from the world where human warriors survive and cultivate. Otherwise, such great movements would have long attracted the attention of human strong men.

Of course, having said that, the beast **** world hides the beast **** mountain here, precisely because it is far from the world of human warriors, and the movement here will not be perceived by the outside world, otherwise, they would not choose here.

The two beast **** superpowers began their final preparations, and when they frantically increased their strength and prepared to send Daikin back to the beast **** world, they were not found. I do n’t know when, a young man The figure, however, has already come to a place very close to them, but it has already reached them.

"This, this ...... I read that right? The black sign in Daikin's hand ... how does it look so familiar?"

Not far from the platform where the two great beast **** powerhouses are located, Yuan Feng's figure is steadily hidden in the dark.

He approached when Dajin and Qiqi Qi began to be busy. The two strong men were busy starting the channel, and did not notice anyone around them, let alone they did not believe that someone could lurk in them secretly. Near.

Yuan Feng listened very carefully to the dialogue between the two powerful men, but one point, he listened even more carefully. That is, if you want to enter the beast **** world, then you must have an entry card, and It seems that there is not even a lot of light.

When he knew this, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious and depressed. If it was something else, he was confident that he could do it, but only this entry card, he really didn't know what to do. Where to get it.

It seems that this kind of thing seems to only be available to super powerhouses like Daikin. However, it is unimaginable to get an entry card from a powerhouse like Daikin.

First of all, a strong man like Daikin has absolutely no strength. It is not easy to defeat them. And secondly, even if they are defeated, it is difficult for them to surrender their cards to the beast gods' loyalty.

Therefore, when he figured this out, he knew that he was afraid that he did not want to enter the realm of beast gods. For the purpose of this, he could only wait until Xiao Jin had reached the realm of beast gods. Way to get him up.

However, when these ideas were just born, what happened next was that he suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

"This black brand, this black brand ..."

His eyes were tightly staring at the black token in Daikin's hands. Yuan Feng's memory was an instant experience when he had just arrived in this world. It was still when he had just arrived in this world. When it was very low, he remembered that at that time, he beheaded a weird three-headed dog, but he got a dark token from the other party.

At that time, he did a lot of research on the token, but eventually failed to figure out the usefulness of the token, and in the subsequent time, he often researched that token, but Until the end there was no gain.

However, at this moment, when he saw the black token in Daikin's hand, he finally knew what the brand he was getting.

If he read correctly, at this moment, the black token in Daikin's hand is absolutely the same as the token on his own, but there is no difference at all.

"Actually, such a thing would happen? This, this is too exaggerated !!!"

For a long time, he didn't care too much about the black token he got. When he wanted to come, maybe it was a very ordinary brand, but he just happened to get it. Maybe in the end, he himself May not remember this thing.

However, at this moment, at this very crucial moment, he suddenly discovered that the ordinary iron-like brand he got was actually an entry card to the beast **** world. In addition to this, it was difficult for him Beyond belief, there is only incredible.


With a break in his mind, while avoiding the eyes of the two strong men, he secretly took out the black token that he had collected for many years, and carefully pinched it in his palm.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost when he just took out the token, he felt that the token in his hand was obviously affected by the energy ripple released by the poor strange **** not far away, but it was somewhat faint. It trembled, and the original dark color suddenly became a bit brighter.

"Yu, it's really the same, it's really the same."

When the token in his hand began to change, Yuan Feng's heart basically determined the usefulness of his token. Obviously, this is the entry card of the beast **** world, but it is a fake replacement! You know, after he got this thing, no matter what he did, it never changed. This time, it is the first time it has changed.

"Okay, okay, okay, God help me too, is this God help me too, is this God's own will in the midst? When I first came to this world, maybe I was doomed to enter the beast **** The world !!!!!! "

He would never have believed in such a coincidence if he had not experienced it himself. However, the world is impermanent, nothing is impossible, and behind some seemingly accidental things, they often exist. An inevitable.

"Opportunity, this is a god-given opportunity. My pitiful see, it has given me the opportunity to enter the world of beast gods. If such an opportunity is not seized, it will be a lifetime to regret."

Secretly punched his fist, Yuan Feng really had the urge to scream in the sky at this moment, but of course it was impossible to make such a crazy move at this time. After all, he still had to take advantage of Daikin He did n’t pay attention to the poor strange god, and entered the realm of the beast **** together!

"Appeal, hold on, you must hold on at this time. If I find the right time, I will be able to succeed in one fell swoop, and then successfully enter the beast **** world !!!"

Efforts to calm his breath, Yuan Feng could not help but secretly cheer himself up, and then he carefully approached the past where the two strong men were, and he knew that he wanted to The token in his hand is stimulated, then the energy ripples of the strange magic **** are needed to stimulate, and the step-by-step excitation like Daikin is obviously not working. After all, when the token in his hand is illuminated, then Will be discovered by the poor strange gods.

What he has to do is wait for the Poor Qishen to make the energy ripple released to the maximum limit. At that time, he will take out his entry card again, and at that moment, he will sense the position of the beast and **** world and directly enter it.

This process will be short and short, but it will be very difficult. It is definitely not an easy task to get the timing right, and it is really not easy to say whether it will succeed.

"Come on, come on, I do n’t believe it. With my current strength of mind and the help of Devouring Martial Arts, I ca n’t find the best point in time. This time, do n’t want anyone to stop me from entering the beast **** world. !!!!!! "

There was a silent growl under his heart. At this moment, he also wanted to fight, whether it was successful or not, at least, he had to make himself try.

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