The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2018: Beast God Mountain? (Four more)

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Chapter 2018 The Beast God Mountain? (Four more)

The sun and the moon flowed, and for a year, quietly slipped away from everyone's fingertips, but there was no trace left.

During this year, the no-confidence world was not very quiet. For some reason, many major forces started their activities faintly. Some of them were carried out in their own homes, and some were with other neighboring forces. In short, compared with the calm world of no delirium in the past, today's no delirium is a little restless.

In addition, the super powerhouses that had rarely appeared in the past, it is said that they are slowly starting to show up, and they will occasionally make some amazing moves. These situations are inconsistent with the past. It's the same.

Various signs are showing that today's boundless world is completely different from before. However, what are the reasons behind this change, even those super strong ones, it is not clear at all.

Of course, no matter what changes have taken place in the boundless realm, this has nothing to do with someone and a certain World of Warcraft, and they don't care about these ...

Here is a boundless ocean. Wherever your eyes can be seen, there are huge waves everywhere. Even the super-powerful demigod, it will take a long time to fly across this ocean and reach another. On the side.

However, no strong demigod will run here to cross the ocean with nothing, after all, there is nothing above the ocean, and running here is simply a waste of time.

However, no one knows that this ocean is not an ordinary ocean, because in the middle area of ​​this ocean, there is an inconspicuous island hidden, and for the existence of this island, There is no delusion, and I am afraid no one can determine the location.

A small black spot does not know when it appears on the horizon above the ocean. The small black spot is constantly enlarged. Soon, it is changed from a small black spot to a large living person, and the water flow is very calm in one place. Stopped on Wang Yang.

"Yu, finally arrived, Beast God Mountain, I finally returned to Beast God Mountain !!!"

The figure settled down, but it was the first time to let out a long sigh of relief, and if Yuan Feng was here at this time, he would find that the figure now is not someone else, it is his deceased one year ago, Daikin!

"How long, how long have I not been back to Beast God Mountain, and I don't know if anything has changed here."

Daikin's figure stood on a calm water, but there was an unusual emotion under his heart. At first, it came from the beast-god realm to Wulei Realm, and it came from here. Now that it has been so long, it finally came back from the outside. This trip to Wulei Realm can finally be reported. It's over!

"Should no one follow me?" Gaze glanced around for a while, it must be sure that no one really followed, and after some investigation, it really didn't find anything suspicious.

"Okay, it's time to go home! The three elders of the Chiyan Jinlin tribe ask for a return to the world of beast gods, and ask the brothers inside to open the enchantment and let me in."

After calming down, Dai Jin suddenly exhaled, but shouted at the calm water below.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost as soon as its shout fell, a sound of vibration came suddenly from below, and then a ray of light suddenly appeared above the calm sea, which did not seem to differ much from other waters. It lit up, and then, the calm sea water suddenly split to the sides, a huge island with a radius of dozens of miles was miraculously drilled out from under the sea.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

A huge island ten miles away suddenly burst out of water. In a moment, the entire sea was choppy, as if the end was coming. Fortunately, the island stopped only after rising for dozens of miles. If it continued to rise, , Then this sea area will undoubtedly be more terrifying.

"Yu, still, Beast God Mountain, really still, so it's good, so good !!!"

Seeing dozens of miles of islands emerging from the ocean floor, Dai Jin's face couldn't help showing a smile, and he couldn't help but be excited. As long as this island is still there, it proves that it can still return to the beast **** world.

Beast God Mountain, if an uninformed person hears this name, they must subconsciously think that this is the name of a mountain, but in fact, the so-called Beast God Mountain is simply an island hidden under the sea. There is nothing wrong with it, after all, after the sea water has dried up, then the island really becomes a mountain.

The entire island, the so-called Beast God Mountain, is really hard to imagine how big it is, but these are only exposed outside, but it can indeed be said to be a big mountain.

"Hahaha, the three elders of Chiyan Jinlin, you are finally back. I thought you had fallen into the world of human warriors, hahaha !!!"

Not long after the Beast God Mountain rose from the bottom of the sea, a long laugh came from a reef cave in the Beast God Mountain. The laughter didn't stop, a rough-looking, but breathtaking middle-aged man, It was the Flash that flew from below and settled in front of Daikin.

"I've seen poor strange gods."

Seeing a middle-aged man flying by, Daikin did not dare to neglect, and speaking was just looking up and giving a respectful gift to the person. The performance was definitely not like a demigod The strong should perform.

Obviously, the middle-aged man in front of him should be very afraid of him. As for the extent of his fear, it can be seen from its intentional distance from the other party.

"Haha, you don't need to be polite to the three elders. You and I are in a demigod state, but it's better to be casual." The man called the Poor Qishen was very easy-going, and speaking, he looked up and down, Brows could not help wrinkling.

"Eh? Elder, it looks like you are not in good condition, but are you in any trouble?"

It just didn't take long for Daikin to return to the semi-god state, and then he hurried on a large scale. It seemed naturally weak, but in this case, he could not escape the observation of the poor strange god.

"God gave the Lord a clear book. I encountered some trouble before. Speaking of which, it is already a lot of luck to be able to come back alive. It is a little bit worse. I am afraid that the Lord will not wait for me to come back !! "

Speaking of this, Daikin's eyes can't help flashing a bit of emotion, apparently a bit of nostalgia and emotion for his previous experience.

However, the past has passed, and he does not want to immerse himself in the past, so he instinctively does not want to mention it.

"It's so thrilling? Fortunately, the three elders finally came back, but I don't know. The three elders came to this world without any delusion, but what's the gain?"

When I saw Daikin, I didn't really want to mention the past. The poor and strange gods no longer entangled the matter, but instead turned to other topics directly.

Speaking of, from the beast-god realm to those who have no delirious realm, that is not something you can go back to because you want to return to the beast-god realm, you must bring a qualified and potential Warcraft back, only this way Only after completing the mission to return to the beast **** world, otherwise, even if you can go back, you must pay some price, or some special relationship.

The world of Warcraft, like the human world, has various rules and hidden rules. I am afraid that this is common to living species!

"It's pretty good luck, but it made me discover a treasure hunter. Although the strength and the cultivation potential are a little bit worse, everything else is good. I also asked the poor magic **** to see it."

Hearing the other person asking himself about this, Daikin's expression did not change. When he talked, he suddenly raised his hand, but shouted Xiao Jin, who handed over Yuan Feng to it, and held it in his palm.

"Well !!!"

Xiao Jin's figure appeared, but it was the first time he got into Dai Jin's palm, and he didn't dare to look around. It seems that after being handed over to Daikin by Yuan Feng, it took Daikin as his closest person.

"Well? Treasure hunter? Did you find the treasure hunter?"

When Daikin recruited Xiaojin, the poor and magical **** the opposite side could not help but change his face. Obviously, it was also unexpected that Daikin had such a harvest. A treasure hunter could indeed change the destiny of a group. Already.

Looking at Xiao Jin in the other hand, it can see that this is indeed a treasure hunter, and the innate conditions should be good. As long as it is cultivated, it should be a valuable Warcraft.

"Well, it seems that this time the elders did gain a lot, even if there was a loss, it was totally worth it."

Nodded his head, the poor stranger really felt envy from the heart, of course, envy is useless, this level of World of Warcraft, really is not so easy to find.

"Well, now that the three elders have completed their mission, they are already eligible to return to the beast **** world, but do not know when the elders want to go back?"

The other party has completed the task, and it is very beautiful. It can naturally help the other party to return to the beast **** world. Speaking of which, the beast **** mountain should not be exposed for too long, so he took the time to send the other party away.

"It's not too late, the poor magic god, I want to return to the beast **** realm, so I also asked the **** to prepare now, I will return to the animal **** realm soon."

In order to avoid night long dreams, it is better to go back soon. After all, after returning late, there may be unexpected situations outside. In addition, it may also suffer from unreasonable ethnic groups.

"Okay, since the three elders want to go back now, then I will help you prepare it now." The mission of the ambassador is to protect the beast **** mountain and **** other beast **** strongmen to go out and return. Counting Daikin, it is almost It's time to send all the beast **** strongmen back to the beast **** world!

ps: Like function is really good, not much money, but you can see a lot of familiar names, brothers, everyone eager to show up, let Xiaoyan see everyone's name! !! !!

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