The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2013: Different Warcraft (three)

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Chapter 2013: Different Warcraft

In any case, Daikin did not expect that there was still a treasure hunter in Yuan Feng's body. After seeing Yuan Feng's treasure hunter, it was basically an idea, that is, to bring Yuan Feng's treasure hunter. And bring myself back to the beast **** world.

Of course, bringing Xiaojin back to the beast **** world can be said to be a great good for both it and Xiaojin, and if Yuan Feng is really good for his Warcraft partner, then this is for Yuan For Feng, obviously it is also something that does not need to be considered too much.

Xiaojin's cultivation talent is really ordinary. In this way, it is difficult to advance to the super powerful state of demigod. However, if you are in the realm of the beast gods, then you will be able to use the power of those large ethnic groups to change their qualifications. By then, there will definitely be a chance to be promoted to the demigod.

Therefore, if Yuan Feng really considers his Warcraft partner, he really doesn't need to think too much.

However, what Yuan Feng is thinking is not what Daikin can imagine. Speaking of which, Yuan Feng naturally hopes that his Warcraft partner will be better, but there must be a prerequisite.

"Boy, what are you thinking about? You want me to say that you really don't have to keep thinking about it, and let this little guy go with me to the beast world, then you can say yes to it or to you and me There is nothing harming it. "

Seeing Yuan Feng has always been hesitant, Daikin almost feels like a jumper. Seriously, this is also the face of Yuan Feng. If it is replaced by other people, I am afraid that he would have taken it to snatch.

For Yuan Feng, of course, it is impossible to do something with Yuan Feng. You must know that Yuan Feng is his life-saving benefactor. Although he gave Yuan Feng a piece of blue dome as a reward, it was not enough to buy him a little Fatal.

In addition, Yuan Feng's strength is there. With its strength, he has no confidence in defeating Yuan Feng. He is even more impressed with the sword in Yuan Feng's hand. If Yuan Feng wants to destroy it, Seems really not that difficult.

"Cough, Daikin, don't be too anxious. Xiao Jin has followed me for such a long time. If I just let it go with you, I ca n’t bear it for a while, so let me think more. Just think about it. "

Hearing Dajin's persecution against himself again, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing, but still didn't spit. Frankly, he didn't expect that Xiao Jin could have such extraordinary value in the beast **** world. If he knew this, he would call Xiao Jin out early.

"Do you still think? I said, boy, what is there to think about? Everyone's mutual benefit, how can you, a big man, grow up like this?"

Regarding human emotions, as a World of Warcraft, it was originally not well understood, but because of its long stay in the world of human warriors, it naturally came into contact with many people. What we learned, of course, also More and more.

"Haha, don't worry, after I think about it, naturally I will give you a result." Seeing the expression of the other side, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, and then continued, "Daikin, Xiaojin's You have already seen it for me. Right now, I still have a Warcraft companion. I wonder if you are interested in helping me see it again? "

Xiao Jin's situation was indeed far beyond his expectations, and then, for his other Warcraft partner Xiao Ba, his heart was full of expectations.

"Well? There is a Warcraft companion?"

When he heard Yuan Feng's words, he remembered it. It seems that Yuan Feng had said before that his Warcraft companion had two, but now he only saw one. Naturally, there was still one.

Xiao Jin's appearance has greatly exceeded its expectations, and for the other one, it is naturally more expected.

Yuan Feng called Xiao Jin first, so in all likelihood, Xiao Jin is the weaker of the two. After all, generally speaking, good things are put last.

"Boy, what kind of Warcraft companions do you still have to call them out, just don't worry me."

"Hey, okay, so, please ask Dajin to show me another one of my Warcraft partners, Xiaoba. Come out to meet the guests."

With a grin, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he raised his hand, suddenly, he looked strangely, and the big guy with eight tentacles all over his body appeared in front of the two of them. Which one isn't Xiao Ba?

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Today's Xiaoba still maintains a good head, but his strength is getting stronger and stronger. As soon as this guy appeared, he went directly to Yuan Feng's front, and kindly carried him on Yuan Feng's body. As for Daikin on the side, it doesn't have a straight look at it, as if the other party does not exist.

Xiao Ba hasn't been close to Yuan Feng for a long time, and now he finally has such an opportunity. You know, this guy was born from Yuan Feng's own blood, just like its child, and which child will be honest when he sees his parents?

"Okay, you guys, how long did it take you to let you out to breathe, and you were so excited to look like this, okay, hurry up and let me be honest !!!

He stretched out his hand and touched Xiao Ba's tentacles. Yuan Feng hesitated slightly, and then he continued to face Xiao Ba.

Talking, he reached out and pointed at the opposite Dai Jin, and signaled that Xiao Ba would see each other.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

How extraordinary Xiaoba ’s wisdom is. When Yuan Feng ’s words fall, he looks at the opposite Dai Jin according to Yuan Feng ’s words, and when he sees the opposite Dai Jin, his body is Can not help but a little shock, all over the body is filled with a spirit of pride.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Obviously, it recognizes that Daikin is the body of Warcraft, so he greeted the other person almost immediately. The feeling was like a long-known warrior among human warriors, and then he suddenly met one day. same.

Obviously, Xiaoba didn't mean to be afraid of the other party at all, but he had a slight sense of condescending.

"Uh, this is ........."

Yuan Feng was very satisfied with Xiao Ba's performance. At least, Xiao Ya didn't feel fear after seeing Dai Jin, but she naturally greeted each other, which at least shows that his Xiao Ba was definitely not worse than the other. .

However, Yuan Feng doesn't have much feeling, but Dai Jin's feeling is completely different.

"This, what is this Warcraft? I, I have never seen it before?"

He has been in the beast **** world for so long, and the number of World of Warcraft he has seen is really endless. However, for the small eight in front of him, it really has a feeling of surprise.

First of all, Xiao Ba's shape is really too strange. He is full of tentacles, but he can't see the features, and even can't distinguish where it is. Such a World of Warcraft is really the first time he has seen it.

Of course, the appearance or something is obviously not very important. What surprised him most is that this World of Warcraft is full of tentacles. When I saw it, there was no trace of fear. Instead, I looked at it. This feels quite remarkable.

Looking at the whole beast **** world, how many Warcrafts dare to look at it with inspection eyes? But the ugly monster in front of him actually did just that. In this regard, it really felt a sense of surprise.

"Hey, Daikin, this is my other Warcraft companion. I call him Xiaoba. As for what kind of Warcraft it is, this is where I want to get the answer from you."

Seeing that Da Jin looked at Da Ba in a daze, Yuan Feng could see it, I am afraid that Da Jin was also surprised by Xiao Ba's styling, and he knew that Xiao Ba should still score in the first impression of the other party. Not low.

"Oh, this ......... It's not a secret, boy, your Warcraft companion is too strange, even for this seat, I don't know which group it belongs to."

After talking about it, Daikin really hopes that he can help Yuan Feng solve this problem. Unfortunately, he really doesn't know what kind of Xiaoba is, so he can only have more than enough power.

"You don't even know Xiao Ba's origin and ethnic group? This ........."

He really hopes that Daikin can help him understand Xiaoba's ethnic group. In that case, he can also take Xiaoba back to his ethnic group to take a look. However, it now appears that the existence of Xiao Ba should be a special existence, and Ba Cheng's achievements are a single ethnic group.

Warcraft does not all have a large group. Some Warcrafts are born with a single pass, and there will never be a second head. The birth of one Warcraft will necessarily mean the death of the other Warcraft, and the situation of Xiaoba, This should be the case.

Of course, the reason for inheritance is naturally to get better and better. Maybe if one day Xiaoba's evolution reaches its limit, then it should also sacrifice itself and find a way to make its own family more perfect.

These are not his concerns. At the moment, it is not possible to understand the situation of Xiaoba from Daikin. In this regard, he can't help feeling a faint sense of depression.

"Boy, don't worry about its origin, let's talk to me about its ability quickly. If you want to grow into this look, you should also have some uniqueness?"

Compared to Xiao Ba's origin, it is more concerned about Xiao Ba's means. It has to look at it. What kind of means is there for such a guy who doesn't look really good?

ps: The new like function has been released. You don't need to spend many coins. !! !! In other words, both the index finger and **** of the right hand have cut their mouths, and they can't stick to the band-aid, and they hurt even if they don't stick, which seriously affects the typing speed! !! Ask for flowers for support! !!

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