The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2014: Anti-Sky Beast (four more)

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Chapter 2014 The Beast Against The Sky

After seeing Yuan Feng's first Warcraft companion's ability, Daikin was looking forward to Yuan Feng's second Warcraft companion, which is not very good, Xiao Ba.

Things like Warcraft don't look like people. The more they look weird, the more they can have means unthinkable by ordinary people. Therefore, they believe that Xiao Ba should have some unique means.

"Hey, Daikin, before I tell you the means of Xiaoba, I have a question, but I really want to ask you first, and I hope you can answer it truthfully."

Yuan Feng had completely mastered the initiative at this moment. Daikin now wanted him, and naturally he was going to let him everywhere. If such an opportunity is not used well, it would be a shame!

"Ask me, if you have any questions, I will answer them seriously and truthfully." It was still thinking about how to convince Yuan Feng, and let Yuan Feng give the Jin Mao rat to it, so regardless of Yuan What Feng said, it would almost obey unconditionally.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to know, what kind of ethnic groups are the most terrifying in your beast **** world? Even the most powerful ethnic groups are not willing to provoke them?"

Everything in the beast-god realm attracted him like a piece of honey. Although there is no way to enter the beast-god realm, he still hopes that he can learn more about the beast-god realm, so that he can prepare for his future entry into the beast-god realm. . Of course, besides that, he asked such questions, and of course had his own purpose.

"There is really nothing difficult to answer. Speaking of which, there are several super big groups in the beast **** world, and that is definitely not to be provoked. The advantages of these big groups are basically divided into two types, one is that An individual's strength is strong, and there are no weak ethnic groups at all. Such ethnic groups are scarce, but they are very flexible. They control countless small ethnic groups, and they are overbearing. "

Speaking of which, Dajin's face can not help but show a touch of fascination, obviously also very envious of this ethnic group.

"As for the other one, of course, it is the ethnic group that has the advantage in quantity. Speaking of which, there is one ethnic group in the beast **** world. The strongest of the entire ethnic group is probably the demigod, and the number will basically not exceed two. Three, but the number of them can be described in terms of horror. Such an ethnic group can completely pile up a large number of ethnic groups, and no one wants to provoke it. "

It didn't say too much about any ethnic group, but Yuan Feng didn't ask it so deeply, and he should be satisfied with his answer.

"Oh, really so !!!"

When Daikin's voice fell, Yuan Feng couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and there was a spectrum right under his heart!

"Well, now, I can tell you what Xiaoba ’s means is, Xiaoba, show Dajin your means, remember, don't lose my face."

Xiao Jin's method has already surprised Daikin, but he has to look at it, after Xiao Ba has revealed his skills, what kind of expression will the opposite beast-god strongman have.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

With Yuan Feng's order, Xiao Ba hurried to assist the action. Speaking, it was closer to Daikin, and then he lay down and started to produce Warcraft.

"Well? What are you doing?"

Seeing that Xiaoba suddenly lay on the ground, and her figure gradually grew a lot. Daikin's heart naturally felt a little surprised, but she didn't know what Xiaoba was doing! !! !!

Seeing Dajin's doubtful expression, Yuan Feng didn't explain too much. He had to let the other party verify the ability of Xiao Ba himself, and only in this way could he make the other party ’s feelings more profound!


Did not let it wait too long, not long, a small sound suddenly came from under the body of Xiao Ba, and then a very mighty Warcraft was drilled out from under his body, and Rapid growth, a moment of time, a fierce Warcraft in yin and yang, appeared in front of it.


After the stature of Warcraft has grown to a certain extent, it stops growing and then grows up.

"What? This, this is ........."

Looking at Xiao Ba's body, he crawled out of a yin and yang world of Warcraft. Daikin's heart could not help but jump slightly, the whole body's body shivered involuntarily.

"This ... is this ...?"

Breathing suddenly became a little rapid. At this moment, Daikin was like seeing the most incredible thing, but he couldn't believe everything he saw.

Judging from the current situation, just now, Yuan Feng's Warcraft companion actually gave birth to a yin and yang world of warcraft, and the warcraft born from it had a yin and yang state.

"I, am I reading it right? This, this ......... This is too exaggerated, right?"

Originally, there were only him and Yuan Feng here, plus Yuan Feng's two Warcraft partners. In addition, no matter whether it was human or Warcraft, it did not feel the fifth live. However, just at the very moment, he even saw another horror of Warcraft appeared out of thin air. This kind of miracle out of nothing really made him incredible.

Seriously, until this moment, he still had some doubts about what he saw.


However, he did not let his suspicion last for too long, and soon, a muffled sound came, and then, a yin and yang world of Warcraft slowly crawled out from under the body of Xiao Ba, and it was also very long. Big, a same roar towards the sky.

"Puff puff!!!"

The next time, the muffled sounds can be described as one after another, and soon, the yin and yang of Warcraft, one after another, was produced from the body of Xiaoba one after another. For a short time, there was already in this small cave. There are no less than a dozen yin and yang realms of Warcraft, and Xiao Ba is still busy and does not mean to stop.

"This this……………"

When more than a dozen Warcrafts appeared and the number continued to increase, Daikin's face was already filled with incredible astonishment, and he even stepped back involuntarily and looked horribly. When Xiao Ba was lying there, he was really scared.

At this moment, where can't he see the means of Xiaoba? This is clearly a means of directly producing Warcraft, and it is also a horrible yin and yang realm of Warcraft. In this regard, it really has no way to comment.

"Strange, monster, this is definitely a big monster !!!"

In the beast **** world, there are too many various kinds of Warcraft. He has seen the power of Xuan Xuan, can laugh at the world of Warcraft, and has seen strange means, strange to unimaginable.

However, no matter what kind of Warcraft, at this moment, in front of Xiao Ba, it is all so worthless!

How terrible it is to produce Warcraft, although it does n’t know how many Warcraft can be produced by Xiaoba right now, from the current situation, the infinitely small Xiaoba produces a thousand and eight hundred Yin and Yang Warcraft It doesn't seem to be a problem at all!

However, this refers to the situation of production of Warcraft without any supplementary power. As a matter of fact, once Xiaoba can get enough supplies, does it mean that it can continue to produce like this?

World of Warcraft has been produced, and it is a world of warcraft in yin and yang. It really does not dare to imagine, if such an existence as Xiao Ba enters the beast **** world, what kind of shock will it bring to the beast **** world.

Undoubtedly, the existence of Xiaoba is basically a rule-breaking existence, because once Xiaoba is independent, it takes some time and energy to form a super army of Warcraft. At that time, ask who else and what Warcraft can Can hold her back?

"Why is there such a terrible World of Warcraft in the world? Me, I really don't have hallucinations?"

Daikin was almost kneeling at the moment. If Xiao Jin's appearance surprises him, then the appearance of Xiao Ba is to shock him from the bottom of his heart. Yes, it is shock!

A Super Warcraft that can continuously produce World of Warcraft is simply a monster of Warcraft, and for such a World of Warcraft, it really does not know how to face it.

"Puff puff!!!!"

Xiaoba still continues to produce Warcraft. For it now, even if it is a thousand or eight hundred Warcraft, it will not be laborious to produce it, of course, it does not mind producing a few more.

And after seeing one after another the World of Warcraft came out from under Xiao Ba's body, Daikin was really a little numb at this moment.

"Yes, you can stop !!!"

Staring at Xiaoba for a long time, Daikin just opened her mouth, but it prevented him from continuing production. By now, Xiao Ba no longer needs to prove anything, but everything is in his eyes.

"Hehe, Xiaoba, you can stop and rest." Hearing Daikin's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly, and then he called Xiaoba to come to rest, but there was no need to continue to produce Warcraft.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng's instructions were issued, Xiao Ba hurriedly stopped production, and then came to Yuan Feng's front to lie down, but he didn't dare to violate even the slightest violation.

"Hey, how about, Daikin, do you think my Warcraft partner is worth a lot more money than Xiao Jin?"

Soothing Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't help looking at Dai Jin, his face was authentic.

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