The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2012: The value of Xiaojin (second)

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Chapter 2012 The Value of Xiao Jin (Part Two)

Daikin did not expect that in addition to Dahei, there were other Warcraft partners, but when thinking of Dahei's level, it was a bit of anticipation for Yuanfeng's other Warcraft partners.

"Boy, what other Warcraft companions do you have, call out to let me see it, no matter what their strength, at least, this seat can also see their fineness, roughly give them a grade, and measure their potential . "

As a higher level of Warcraft, it is obviously no longer familiar with Warcraft itself, and in the eyes of ordinary Warcraft, it can basically set a grade out, it has to look, Yuan Feng's other Warcraft partners, What kind of ability does it have, and whether it can get into its law.

"Okay, that's the case, there's Lao Dajin."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's eyes turned slightly, and between raising his hands, he recruited his treasure hunter, Xiao Jin.

"Well !!!"

Xiao Jin was called out by Yuan Feng from her body space. She saw the opposite Dai Jin almost immediately, and when she saw Dai Jin, she almost had no trace of hesitation and went directly to Yuan Feng. Behind him, he looked startled.

"Uh, this ........."

Seeing that Xiao Jin was hiding behind him as soon as he came out, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be speechless. Obviously, this little guy should have felt the breath of Daikin, but was so scared that he did not dare to face the other side.

"Hahaha, boy, does it seem that your courageous friend of Warcraft is not so brave !!!" Seeing Yuan Feng recruited a little mouse, and the latter hid behind Yuan Feng as soon as he appeared, Daikin Can not help but laugh aloud, can not help flashing a hint of haze in his eyes.

The thing of Warcraft doesn't just rely on strength. For Warcraft, the most important thing is actually the grade. As long as the grade is high enough, even if the strength is not as good as other Warcraft, there will be no fear. . Obviously, this little mouse recruited by Yuan Feng has no way to compare with him in terms of grade. At least innately there is no way to compare it.

"Ahem, this guy has few people, and he is a guy who doesn't like to contact other people or Warcraft very much. He laughed, laughed."

Yuan Feng couldn't help but lose face with Xiao Jin's performance, but it wasn't a big deal. Speaking of which, Xiao Jin was a guy who was lurking in the dark, and he didn't expect the other party to be on the stage.

"Come here, you guy, with me, what are you afraid of?"

Reaching for the Jin Mao Rat, Yuan Feng could not help but caress the little guy's head, signalling that the other party didn't need to be frightened, and the latter naturally had 11 million obedience to him, and speaking was completely calm, but His gaze was still staring at the opposite Dai Jin, and his curious eyes flashed.

"Well? Why not, fear was so quickly ruled out? Well, it seems that this little guy should not be underestimated!"

Seeing that the Jinmoo rat returned to normal, and looked at himself very curiously, Daikin could not help but hesitated slightly, and then looked at the Jinmoo mouse in Yuanfeng's hand with interest.

"The strength is average, the hope of promotion to the semi-godder is relatively dim, but looking at its agile energy, it should have a special ability in it? Boy, your Warcraft partner, what unusual ability? "

After observing for a while, Daikin could not help asking Yuan Feng. He is really a little curious. Yuan Feng's head looks like an ordinary Warcraft companion. What kind of means will he have?

Speaking of which, no one will have a World of Warcraft that is not useful at all, and a super-powerful superpower like Yuan Feng will not be able to do so.

Moreover, although the Jin Mao rat is average in strength, it is indeed full of spirituality. To say that this thing has no special means in it, it is really unreasonable.

"Hey, it's called the Jin Mao Rat, but it was a companion I accidentally met when I was in the middle world. Do you want to say its ability? That's treasure hunting. Babies within its tens of thousands of miles can basically It was excavated one by one. In fact, I was able to find you in Shifangdian before. This is the credit of this little guy, so you really have to thank Xiaojin for it! "

Although Xiaojin Shicai's performance was indeed not satisfactory, but he was very confident about Xiaojin's ability. The name of the treasure hunt rat was not in vain.

"What? It can detect the hidden treasure? Even I found it? This, this ..."

After listening to Yuan Feng's introduction to Xiao Jin, Dai Jin suddenly changed his face, and once again looked at Xiao Jin, it was completely different.

Treasure hunters are not unavailable in the world of beast gods. However, treasure hunters are indeed very rare, and basically they are not strong and their spiritual talents are not obvious. Therefore, this type of Warcraft rarely has the ability to survive. For a long time. As a result, the number of this type of Warcraft is getting less and less, and it is very rare nowadays.

At the moment, it actually saw a treasure hunter on Yuan Feng's body. Obviously, this is definitely a good chance. And if it can bring Xiaojin back to the beast **** world, then it must be a great achievement.

In addition, from the perspective of Yuan Feng's words, it seems that Xiao Jin is still his life-saving benefactor, because without Xiao Jin's existence, Yuan Feng may not be able to rescue it.

"Boy, there is such a rare Warcraft companion, why didn't you call it out earlier? Hahaha, if you let your Warcraft companion enter the beast **** world, I can guarantee that it will get the best treatment, maybe There is also a chance to achieve the demigod state. "

As for treasure hunters, many ethnic groups are willing to invest a lot of resources to cultivate them, especially some super large ethnic groups. They do not lack strong people, but they lack such capable members. If there is such a capable member, then they can get more resources.

In addition, the treasure hunters themselves have a small group, and they must be very willing to accommodate the Jin Mao rats as one of them. In fact, in the world of beast gods, the small group of treasure hunting beasts, although their own strength is not outstanding, but basically nobody dares to underestimate this small group.

You know, I do n’t know how many ethnic groups want the help of the treasure hunting beast group. In this way, everyone naturally respects them, and some stand-alone Warcraft powerhouses are more likely to become the treasure hunting beast group. The guardians of the company, everyone is mutually beneficial, creating a win-win situation.

"Eh? You mean, Xiao Jin is qualified to enter the beast **** world?"

Hearing Daikin's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look bright, but he couldn't help but be active. Xiao Jin is his Warcraft companion after being controlled by the blood curse magic power. If Xiao Jin can enter the beast **** world, then basically it is equivalent to himself entering the beast **** world.

Speaking of which, the reason why he called Xiaojin out was to try it out and see if Xiaojin was qualified to enter the beast **** world.

"Of course it is qualified, and it is still very large."

With a slap on the thigh, Dai Jin couldn't help but stop talking. Obviously, for Xiao Jin, he had something to say.

"Oh, Daikin, we are also friends. If you have any words, just say so."

How savvy Yuan Feng is, of course, he can see that Daikin has something to say at a glance. Of course, he also has a score in his heart about what the other party wants to say.

"Well, knowing that your kid is the most happy, then I won't hide from you." As soon as his eyes were fixed, Daikin took a deep breath, and then continued, "Boy, if you can trust me, then Just let your Warcraft companion follow me back to the Beast God Realm. I can guarantee that it won't be long before it can become the advanced Warcraft of the Beast God Realm, and it may not be possible to advance to the semi-god realm. "

It is really optimistic about Xiaojin, and it does believe that if Xiaojin has not found an ordinary Orc of Warcraft, there will be many large groups willing to spend a lot of money to cultivate it. Even if it is its group, it will be very willing to come out. This power!

The value of a treasure hunter cannot be estimated. After all, if you are lucky, as long as you find a vein of blue crystal dome, then any investment is nothing!

"Let Xiaojin go with you to the beast **** world? This ........."

The expression of thought on his face, but in his heart, he could not help but secretly said aloud. He guessed that the other party would have such a request, and he had already seen it from the bottom of his eyes.

After all, World of Warcraft is still World of Warcraft. They don't know how to cover their hearts, and even if he doesn't deliberately observe, he can still see what the other party's heart is thinking!

Having said that, don't say that he is a devourer of martial arts. Even if any human warrior is changed here, he can basically see the other party's thoughts.

"How? Boy, if you really want your Warcraft companion to live well, then you really should accept my proposal."

Seeing Yuan Feng's thoughts revealed, Daikin couldn't help but feel nervous, but she did not forget to continue to persuade Yuan Feng.

It really wanted to take Xiao Jin away. This time, it did n’t even find a high-end World of Warcraft. It was also imprisoned by human warriors during this period. If it was passed to the beast **** world, it would n’t be possible to make others laugh. At the moment, if it can bring a treasure hunter back, everything will be completely different!

"This ......... Let me think about it, let me think about it !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't agree directly, but he didn't even reject it. When he spoke, he frowned, and seemed to think seriously, and seeing this, Daikin could only wait for him anxiously. Decided not to even breathe.

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