The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1969: Shock the Quartet (one more)

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Chapter 1969 Deterring the Quartet (Part One)

The violent winds were scattered around Yuan Feng and Li Xiaobai. The feeling of horror, even the rumors of the disciples present, couldn't help showing shock.

They all knew that Li Xiaobai was very powerful, but he did not expect that Yuan Feng would be equally powerful. The geniuses in the realm of the two swords meet. The mighty power can really be described as shocking.

Whether it was Li Xiaobai ’s shocking sword or Yuan Feng ’s first-ever optimistic slash, in the eyes of everyone, it was so horrible and so unsolvable.

After the two big kills met, all the people present had to step back, and even couldn't keep their eyes open to see what was going on.

"What happened? Who loses and who wins?"

The violent wind slowly returned to calm, and then everyone restored their vision, one by one, looking towards the field, and everyone's heart was concerned about the winning or losing of this battle. You know, this battle is about the question of the ownership of the Excalibur in the hands of Yuan Feng, and it is also about Li Xiaobai's life. The meaning behind the battle is self-evident.

Everyone's eyes are all on the battlefield where the dust settles, but when everyone sees the situation in the field, everyone's pupils are basically enlarged more than once, They took a breath of air.

"His !!!! This, this ........."

"I, am I right? Is this, how is this possible?"

"Dizzy, it must be me, how could this happen?"

"Just, what just happened? Am I dreaming? Isn't this exaggerating?"

At this moment, everyone was opening their mouths and staring at the field. At this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, Yuan Feng was holding the sword with his right hand, the sword pointed at the ground obliquely, and Li Xiaobai was holding his left hand. Ning ’s neck, gently grasping the other side in his hands, the feeling is like a super strong holding an ordinary person.

Yuan Feng's complexion seemed very calm. The feeling was as if the situation in front of him was very normal, all under his control. On the other hand, Li Xiaobai not only lost his vitality everywhere, but his face was as pale as paper. I don't know if he was seriously injured or scared by the situation at this moment.

"This this……………"

On the side of Liuhe Dian, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke looked at each other, but they all saw a deep horror from each other's eyes. They thought of many possibilities, but the only possibility in front of them, they never even thought about it.

Who is Li Xiaobai? That is the old-fashioned disciple hidden in the Ziyun Palace. Even when he has not reached the level of the magic sword, no one dares to belittle him. After being promoted to the level of the magic sword, Li Xiaobai is basically the Ziyun Palace Recognized as the first person below the demigod.

However, at this moment, this is the first strong person below the demigod. At this time, it was grasped by a young man who hadn't started for a few years, just like holding a little chicken. For the two of them, this scene is really shocking and shocking.

Throughout the entire space, needles were heard at this moment. Everyone only knew the scene of staring at the scene, but did not know what to say!

"How, how is this possible, how is this, this possible?"

Compared to the shock of the spectator, at this moment, the most frightening thing is Li Xiaobai in Yuan Feng's hand.

Others watching the scene at the moment could only see the results of the battle, but for Li Xiaobai, the situation he felt was far more than that.

"Semi-democracy? He and his power are definitely demi-occult !!!"

Shicai's sword, he is definitely not much worse than Yuan Feng in his moves, but he is much worse than Yuan Feng in strength. If they are both the Promise, then the match of Shicai is at best Yuan Yuan's slight advantage, but it is impossible for the present scene.

Staring at Yuan Feng in horror, Li Xiaobai at this moment really couldn't believe everything he felt.

How many years has Yuan Feng started? When he was just getting started, Yuan Feng was nothing more than a little person in a habitat. In a few years, the other party had the power of a demigod. What an incredible thing!

If it wasn't for himself, then no matter who said to him, he couldn't believe it all.

"Oh, Li Xiaobai, now, do you have anything else to say?"

The solidified atmosphere was finally broken by Yuan Feng's words, and Yuan Feng's voice at this time also attracted everyone's attention to him.

Yuan Feng was really calm at this moment. For him, it is really not a big deal to clean up a small character like Li Xiaobai. If it is not because he does not want to expose his strength, he basically raises his hand. Can destroy Li Xiaobai.

"you you……………"

Li Xiaobai really wanted to question Yuan Feng, but Yuan Feng ’s power was now intruding into his body, and he could feel that at this moment, as long as he had even the slightest change, then Yuan Feng Will kill him directly.

Therefore, all the words were basically stuck in his throat, but in the end, no sound could be heard.

The winner is the king loser thief. Li Xiaobai knows very well that even if he speaks his own thoughts at this time, no one can believe him at the scene. Fortunately, he did not feel Yuan Feng's killing intention at this moment. He was still obedient and obedient.

"I, I lost, how to deal with it, listen to respect it !!!"

At this moment, he never dared to think of any magic weapon. Right now, he just hoped that Yuan Feng would just give him a lesson and not really treat him.

"Oh, now that you have confessed to lose, there should be no doubt about the conditions mentioned before?" Hearing the other side's obedience to concede, Yuan Feng's mouth could not help but pick a little, his face indifferent.

"No, no doubt !!!"

Gritted his teeth fiercely. At this moment, Li Xiaobai regretted it. If he had known that Yuan Feng was deeper than him, he would never have made a bet with Yuan Feng. Now it ’s fine. Do n’t say anything. Weapon weapon, even his own life, but it is in the hands of others!

"Okay, you have a letter, so you are a personal person." Nodded with satisfaction, Yuan Feng did not let go of the other person, and speaking, he couldn't help turning his head and looking at the surrounding people. Disciples came to disciples.

"Everyone, everyone has heard of me and Li Xiaobai's gambling contract. Now that I have won him, then the previous agreement will naturally take effect. I will not kill him, nor will he invalidate him. Later, I Then he took him to Liuhedian first, and let me think about how to deal with it. "

Defeating Li Xiaobai in front of so many people is enough for him, and if he really kills the opponent, I am afraid it will be counterproductive. After all, Li Xiaobai is different from Xuanming. He really did not do things that were too damaging to the people and the interests of Ziyun Palace.

Although Wang Zhong was seriously injured before, Wang Zhong was also not dead. If he killed the other party, it may not be a good thing for the Liuhedian camp.

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the people around him remained basically silent, just listening quietly to Yuan Feng's decision, but no one dared to enter.

Li Xiaobai is recognized as the top one in the Ziyun Palace demigod. Now, Yuan Feng defeats it with only one move. The title of the first person below the Ziyun Palace demigod is obviously to be a non-yuan Feng is the best. At this time, who dares to confront Yuan Feng?

Therefore, after Yuan Feng's voice fell, the people present nodded mechanically, and then looked at each other, and they were silent.

"Oh, everyone seems to think that my approach is fine. Since that is the case, that ’s it for today. Brother, let ’s go back to Liuhedian. I have to think about what to do with Brother Li! !!! "

Looking around for a week, he ended up on the side of Liuhe Temple. Today's incident has come to an end, and basically it has come to an end, and he really needs to meet Liuhedian first and dispose of this Li Xiaobai.

Everyone at the Sancai Temple didn't dare to speak out. Although they had the heart to take Li Xiaobai back, they thought of Yuan Feng Shicai's sword obediently.

After all, Li Xiaobai is willing to gamble and lose. They want people at this time, and they can't justify it. In addition, since Yuan Feng won't kill Li Xiaobai, they really don't need to worry about each other!

"Ahem, it's all up to Master Yuanfeng."

On the side of Liuhe Palace, even Master Wang Zhong felt a little restrained. He was not afraid of Yuan Feng, but Yuan Feng's strong rise this time not only killed Xuanming, but also captured Li Xiaobai. Such a record really made him a little bit lost for a while.

He knows that from now on, Yuan Feng ’s position in the Ziyun Palace is probably no one can shake it. From now on, Liuhedian will be in the Ziyun Palace, but no one will dare to provoke him. Temple.

"Okay, that's the case, I'll go one step ahead of you, guys, let's see you later !!!"

After discussing with Wang Zhong, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he took Li Xiaobai and left the place first, leaving only a group of preachers to stop for a long time, but he forgot to leave. .

From today onwards, the title of the first person below the Ziyun Palace Demigod Realm will naturally change hands, but this time, the process of changing hands is really hard to calm for a long time!

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