The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1970: Depressed Li Xiaobai (second more)

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Chapter 1970 Depressed Li Xiaobai (two more)

The duel between the two camps of the Ziyun Palace ended with Xuanming's death and Li Xiaobai captured by life and death. I am afraid that many people have never thought of such a result.

Whether it is Li Xiaobai or Xuanming, they can be said to be invincible characters in the Ziyun Palace. However, these two strong men turned out to be one who was obliterated by Yuan Feng and one who was captured by Yuan Feng. The thought of this matter, no Know how many people will sigh.

At this moment, Yuan Feng is naturally going to sit on the throne of the first strongman below the Ziyun Palace demigod. However, although Yuan Feng can be described as infinitely beautiful, everyone knows that behind such a scenery, Hidden with unimaginable risks.

Li Xiaobai was captured. I am afraid that the director of Sancai Palace will be dissatisfied with Wancai. Even if he unfairly shots at Yuan Feng, he will definitely hate Yuan Feng, and will never let Yuan Feng get better in the future.

Of course, the problem of the Sancai Temple is still small, and it was the Bagua Temple that made everyone sweat cold for Yuan Feng.

Fuxi, the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace, would never allow his big disciple to die so plainly. Although Xuanming had made a mistake, it would never have been his turn to clear the portal for the Eight Diagrams Palace. Furthermore, Xuanming is dead, and the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Palace will never admit Xuanming's mistakes.

At that time, the master of Fuxi Palace Bacheng would die without confessing his account, and then blatantly persecuted the master of Liuhe Palace to let him hand over Yuan Feng. At that time, it will depend on whether Huali, the master of Liuhe Palace, can withstand the pressure of Fuxi.

Speaking of them, everyone feels that Bacheng Temple Master Bacheng cannot resist the pressure of Fuxi Temple Master. After all, Bagua Temple is the super palace of Ziyun Palace, and the master Fuxi's first-hand mysterious array means. The demigods are all headaches. Whether Hua Yan will go to war with Bagua Temple because of a disciple is unknown.

However, at present, the main lords of the main halls are practicing in retreat. Even if someone wants to attack Yuan Feng, it will be a long time later. At least, at present, Yuan Feng still has no one to dare to provoke, and since the yen maple was taken away, After Li Xiaobai of Sancaidian, until now, everyone still has no news of Li Xiaobai and Yuan Feng ... …………

This is a closet space in the Liuhe Hall, and in the entire closet space, there are only two people at this time, but at this moment, one of them is sitting with a smile on the face, the other, He knelt unwillingly.

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, you never want to have such a day anyway, right? How? By now, you are convinced?"

Yuan Feng's figure was sitting on the throne, and she looked down at Li Xiaobai kneeling down there, but she was very relaxed.

Once upon a time, the genius in front of the Sancai Temple had to pay attention to him, but today, the other party is only worth kneeling in front of him, and it is no longer possible to threaten him in the slightest.

At this moment, the other party had been controlled by his blood curse and magic power. As long as his mind was moving, he could take away his life instantly. Then again, when controlling this Li Xiaobai, he really spent some thoughts.

Li Xiaobai does have an extraordinary strength. His intensity of mind is by no means comparable to that of an ordinary person without limits. Fortunately, his strength has recently broken through to the limit. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to control the opponent. In your own hands.

"Hey, the winner is the king and the loser. You can reach such a terrible state in such a short period of time. I am convinced that Li Xiaobai lost."

Li Xiaobai was really honest at this moment. After being controlled by Yuan Feng's blood curse, he knew that he had really planted it this time. At least, it was impossible before he reached the demi-god realm. Obtained personal freedom!

Of course, although he was controlled by Yuan Feng at this moment, he believes that one day, when his cultivation breaks through to the semi-god realm, even the magical powers of Yuan Feng will never want to keep him under control. .

What kind of magic skill the blood curse magic skill is, he is not very clear at this moment, but he believes that as long as he is promoted to the semi-god realm, then he can definitely break through the restraint of this magic skill and regain his freedom.

Therefore, although he had been completely convinced on the surface, in his heart, he had been secretly defamating.

Having said that, Yuan Feng's strength is really beyond his expectations. Obviously, Yuan Feng's strength is definitely beyond the limit of the Promise. As for whether he has reached the semi-divine level, it is not his ability. Guess it.

"Li Xiaobai, you really should be fortunate, you know, the day I was actually going to kill you in the presence of everyone. If it wasn't for killing Xuanming, then you must have died."

Seeing Li Xiaobai's unwilling appearance, Yuan Feng shook his head and smiled authentically. What he said was not false. If he had not killed Xuanming first and had established enough prestige, Li Xiaobai would definitely die.

To him, killing an infinite person is like stepping on a small ant. It is simply not easy. In addition, with regard to Li Xiaobai's current thoughts, he can think of it almost without even looking at it, but Li Xiaobai is very confident in himself, but he is more confident in himself.

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Li Xiaobai didn't say anything this time, but in his heart, he felt really grateful.

"Well, it doesn't mean anything to tell you, now, your life is in my hands, and any thoughts you have, as long as I want to know, I can always know, there is You are right, once you are promoted to demigod, you can really get out of my control, and if you can really reach demigod, I will not continue to control you. "

Pulling the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng could not help blinking at the other side, it can be regarded as a little reminder and warning to the other side!


Hearing Yuan Feng's words broke his mind, Li Xiaobai was really frightened. Then he realized that it seems that by now, everything about him is under the surveillance of Yuan Feng.

In fact, Yuan Feng can indeed monitor his every move, even every fluctuation of careful thinking, but Yuan Feng has so many things that he naturally has no time and energy to monitor him.

"Master Yuanfeng can rest assured that now that you are under your control, I will obey you naturally from now on."

Looking around, Li Xiaobai finally promised to Yuan Feng. He is really a little afraid of Yuan Feng now. Since the other party knows everything he thinks, it seems that from now on, even if he is turning his brain, he must be careful.

"Hehe, this is the best. You can also see that my means of controlling you is not the same as Xuanming's means of controlling others. His means must be close to perform, but my means is anytime, anywhere. I can show it, I hope Brother Li will not suddenly die in his own cultivation space because of a momentary imagination. In that case, it is really dead and unclear! "

He wants to kill the other party, and it can be done at any time, and he must make Li Xiaobai clear.

"Well, now that I have invited you, I can't let you go back like this. In the next time, I will show you my understanding of the realm of the magic sword as much as possible. I hope you do n’t have anything hide."

I have to say that Li Xiaobai's comprehension of the realm of magic sword really has something remarkable, especially the previous trick, which can be said to be an amazing move. Right now, the other party is in his own. In the practice space, if he doesn't learn something from the other person's body, it would be a waste of resources.

"In the presence of Brother Yuan Feng, I'm just going to be a mess, but since Brother Yuan Feng is so elegant, I can only be ugly."

Of course, Li Xiaobai is unwilling to use all his tricks, but now he is really involuntary, who has let his life be in the hands of the other party?

As Yuan Feng said, if Yuan Feng wants to kill him, I'm afraid no one can doubt that Yuan Feng's head, so he must be obedient and meet all the conditions of Yuan Feng.

In the following time, Yuan Feng became a bystander completely, while Li Xiaobai revealed all his skills. Not to mention, some of his moves and unique insights into the realm of the sword, even if Yuan Feng had met, he could not help narrowing his eyes and sighing secretly.

The artistic conception of the magic sword realm is similar, but everyone's magic sword realm will be different from that of other people's magic sword realms. Li Xiaobai understood the magic sword realm earlier than Yuan Feng. And what he has learned, Yuan Feng has never understood.

Of course, Li Xiaobai has his own unique views, and Yuan Feng certainly has his own views, but Yuan Feng will not take out his own things and share them with each other.

It is not very easy to find a genius in the realm of magic sword. Yuan Feng's ability to conquer Li Xiaobai can be said to be his luck, because from Li Xiaobai's body, he can really learn from many things. .

Poor Li Xiaobai has completely become Yuan Feng's mouse, and Li Xiaobai has nothing to complain about. No way, who made him unlucky to meet Yuan Feng, and finally planted in the other's hands?

Now think about it, Yuan Feng originally realized the sword art mood of the sword realm, basically because of his reasons, and now, Yuan Feng draws from his body the sword sword realm again, it seems that he Life is really planted in the hands of Yuan Feng!

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