The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1968: High-tech (four more)

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Chapter 196th Skills High (Fourth)

Outside the Sancai Palace, all the current disciple disciples in the Ziyun Palace are gathered here at this moment. At this moment, the crowds form a circle. At the center of the crowd, the talented disciple of the Sancai Palace, Li Xiaobai, and the Liuhe Palace New genius Yuan Feng is facing each other.

The crowd was very quiet. It seemed that they were afraid of disturbing the two in the middle. At this moment, Yuan Feng and Li Xiaobai Yao were facing each other. Each person held a long sword in their hands, but they didn't rush to shoot.

The moody atmosphere is rippling in the middle of the two. At this moment, the entire area of ​​the Ziyun Palace is covered by a faint sword atmosphere. Some ordinary disciples who have been lowered are afraid to stay outside. Even if they are both the Promise, they cannot absorb the heaven and earth aura from outside to practice.

Yuan Feng and Li Xiaobai, both of whom are masters of swordsmanship, their battle is bound to be very exciting, but this is undoubtedly, but at the last minute, the result of the battle between the two is really not So good to say.

Li Xiaobai didn't rush to do it, not because he didn't want to move, but this time he also put down a lot of bets, so he must ensure that he can win.

Looking at the opposite Yuan Feng, his heart was completely serious. Although he has enough confidence in himself, no matter what, Yuan Feng is a genius in the realm of magic sword. If he despises Yuan Feng, he is trying to die.

Li Xiaobai was not in a hurry to start, Yuan Feng was also in no hurry, but when he saw that Li Xiaobai was slow to start, obviously when he was observing his flaws, Yuan Feng knew that he was afraid he could not continue to wait.

It's not that he was worried about being spotted by the other party, but he knew that if he didn't take the initiative, I'm afraid Li Xiaobai could stare at him with big eyes and small eyes until it was dark. Obviously, he didn't have a confrontation with the other party at that time.

"Oh, Brother Li, don't forget your promise, pick up !!!"

Suddenly his face became relaxed, Yuan Feng smiled at Li Xiaobai first, then raised his hand and chopped directly at the other side.


The unremarkable sword suddenly inspired the atmosphere on the court. At a moment, everyone felt that the surrounding air had finally resumed circulation, but they were all called up by Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, just wait to hand over the Excalibur, kill !!!"

When Yuan Feng started, Li Xiaobai moved immediately, and he shot aloud as he shot, his face was full of determination.

He just chose to wait for Yuan Feng's shot, in order to find Yuan Feng's flaws, and Yuan Feng obviously knew his thoughts, but in the end, Yuan Feng still couldn't hold his breath. Only this point was a verdict .

And from Yuan Feng's shots, he did find the weakness of Yuan Feng. As a result, he couldn't help but become more confident in the next battle.

"Om !!! Boom !!!"

The long sword in his hand trembled at will. In an instant, the countless sword qi was wrapped around Yuan Feng from all directions. From this shot alone, his strength is indeed stronger than Yuan Feng. too much.

"Huh, the eagle bug trick, open it for me !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't panic. When he saw himself in the middle of the sword, his body flickered slightly. The sword in his hand seemed to be flickering and fluttering at the surrounding. Suddenly, it was almost exactly the same sword qi, scattered in all directions, like a violent storm.

"Well !!!"

The same rule of sword qi and the same kendo trajectory, the sword qi of the two met in the air at once, and then they were wiped out invisible.

"Well? Good foundation, this guy really has some way to go !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng instantly wiped out all the sword qi, Li Xiaobai's eyes could not help but jump slightly, but he became more serious.

Judging from the situation at hand, Yuan Feng, a newcomer, is really a young man. At least he has realized that the other party's basic skills are solid and will not be much worse than him who has practiced countless years.

Basic skills are not a long time of practice, they will be more solid than others. Basic solid skills are basically determined and studied by the warriors themselves. As long as they are attentive and have paid enough energy, the basic skills are almost the same. Can reach a very strong level.

"Boy, try me this trick, heavenly chop !!!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng had taken down all his sword qi, Li Xiaobai knew that if he wanted to use this kind of control over the details to kill Yuan Feng, the difficulty was not ordinary, so when he turned his mind, he was Abandoned the change of details, and directly used a wide open approach.

"Om !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Along with a buzzing sound, a gigantic swordmant suddenly coagulated out of Li Xiaobai's hand, and went straight to the opposite Yuan Feng, and chopped it down. The horrible swordman seemed to split the whole world. Open, the name of the sky split, want to come from this!

"Well !!!"

With the appearance of this huge Jianmang, the heaven and earth aura in the entire Ziyun Palace seemed to be drained at this moment, and all the disciples who were present in the field felt the pain on their faces, and seemed to be sharpened. Sting the same.

"What a terrifying sword, is this, is this Li Xiaobai's strength?"

"Good guy, it seems that Li Xiaobai has always had hidden power. I am afraid that this sword is his real strength. It seems that this time, Master Yuan Feng is afraid of being beaten!"

"A sword so horrible, I can't lift it anyway."

"Are you going to win with one sword?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's shocking Jianmang beheaded at Yuan Feng, everyone was holding his breath, in their opinion, Li Xiaobai's sword should be enough to separate the victory between him and Yuan Feng.

"A great sword, it seems that I really underestimate the heroes in the world !!!"

When Li Xiaobai's sword was cut off towards himself, Yuan Feng's eyes also showed a touch of admiration. To his heart, Li Xiaobai's sword is indeed remarkable, if he did not advance to Wuji Realm, if you have the power of a demigod, then this sword will definitely bring him great trouble.

However, suppose that in the end, if he only has the cultivation of yin and yang, which is comparable to the power of the endless state, then he will not make this bet with the other party, and he will not bring everyone to come here to find the other party. Trouble.

"Since you want to win or lose with one sword, I will accompany you !!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng couldn't help but tighten the spirit sword in his hands. Almost when the opponent's sword was about to be chopped into his own body, he looked calm, and then waved a sword.

"Om !!!!!!"

It was also a sword that inspired the laws of heaven and earth, and it also drained the surrounding heaven and earth aura instantly. Yuan Feng's sword was weaker in momentum, but when his sword was waved Originally, he had a firm face, and thought that Li Xiaobai, who had been able to produce Yuan Feng, could suddenly become unnatural.

"His, this is ........."

In Li Xiaobai's eyes, the ordinary long sword in Yuan Feng's hand seemed to turn into a dazzling scorching sun. Among the long swords, there seemed to be an angry dragon running, the feeling was like Yuan Feng Long sword has come alive.

"Turn decay into magic? How is this possible?"

As a super genius who understands the realm of the magic sword, Li Xiaobai has been pursuing a realm. This realm is still the category of the realm of the magic sword, but it is more advanced or more advanced than the realm of the magic sword. vivid.

He has also been thinking about what the swordsmanship is after all, and in the end, what he thinks of is to give the swordsmanship a vitality, but in this way, he is just starting now, or even just wanting to start .

However, at this moment, when he saw Yuan Feng ’s sword, he knew that he was already surpassed by the opponent because he was above one of the swords, because Yuan Feng ’s sword clearly had life. One sword! !! !!

"How, how can this be? How could he realize this state faster than me?"

There was only such a thought flashing in my mind, and it was here that Yuan Feng's sword finally collided with his shocking sword.


The earth-shattering loud noise suddenly rang through everyone's ears, and as the loud noise sounded, a horrifying wind was like a thunderstorm in the ground, but it directly lifted the crowd around. Flying a long way, at this moment, the super geniuses of the two sword realms finally revealed the real power of this realm.


The onlookers at this time could not see what was happening, but after the two swordsmans collided together, no one noticed that Li Xiaobai's swordsmane was basically directly submerged by Yuanfeng's swordsman However, Yuan Feng ’s Jian Mang was finally left with a trace and went straight to Li Xiaobai's chest and beheaded.


It was not very rampant sword energy, which was directly submerged in Li Xiaobai's body, and when the sword gas entered the body, Li Xiaobai's complexion became pale almost instantaneously, and the whole person was directly set there, never again Dare to have the slightest change.

"How, how is that possible?"

Sword Qi entered the body, Li Xiaobai felt the strength of his body, and was instantly dissipated by Yuan Feng's sword Qi, and then trying to condense new power to deal with Yuan Feng, he could not even breathe up.

With his eyes open, Li Xiaobai was terrified at this moment, because he knew very well that even if Yuan Feng had a little level of swordsmanship comprehension that was higher than hiss, it was absolutely impossible to achieve this level now.

The only explanation for being able to dissipate all his powers with the power of sword energy is that Yuan Feng's cultivation is higher than him! !!

"Come here !!!!"

Just when Li Xiaobai was frightened, Yuan Feng's figure didn't know when he had come to him. Without saying a word, he just raised his hand and held him firmly in his own hand, holding it alone. Get up, it feels like a strong man, grabbed a baby just born.

ps: I just handed over a new house recently, Xiaoyan always has various things to deal with during the day, so updates are basically at night, but the four will try to keep it as much as possible, I ask everyone to support Xiaoyan and give some motivation to Xiaoyan what! !!

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