The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1962: Thoroughly exposed (second more)

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Chapter 196: Fully Exposed (Part Two)

Xuan Ming thinks that once his means come out, Yuan Feng will definitely die, but after he really used his means, the opposite Yuan Feng had nothing at all. This scene really made him unbelievable. Be willing to believe.

He has always been very self-confident about his own means. At the beginning, there were a few stubborn guys who did not cooperate with him, but they were blown into a cloud of blood by his means.

However, what he didn't expect was that his approach to Yuan Feng had no effect at all, and he really couldn't figure it out anyway.

"How, how can this be so? How can this be so !!! How could it not have been dead? This is absolutely impossible !!!"

Yuan Feng's intactness made his face pale for a moment. He knew very well that once Yuan Feng told his story, it was not only himself, but even his master would be subject to it. Implicated, by then, I am afraid it will be really hard for him to stay in Ziyun Palace.

If he leaves the Ziyun Palace, he will lose everything he has now, and even the opportunity to be promoted to the demigod will be lost. Moreover, if his business is not good, it is not impossible to lose his life.

Li Xiaobai's face was not much better, and he did not expect that Yuan Feng was not beheaded by Xuanming's methods. Such a scene was also not in his plan.

It's a trivial matter to talk about. If everyone knew it, it would be very dangerous! Almost subconsciously, his figure was backing away, but he involuntarily opened up the distance from Xuanming.

"Xuan Ming, what other means, although it is good to use it, if not, then I will continue to say !!!"

Yuan Feng's smile at this moment, however, was very much enjoying each other's reaction. He can be said to feel disliked from the bottom of his heart, this time, he will let the other party's work be thoroughly exposed.

"Everyone, you may not know yet. Our brother Gossip Palace not only has its own strength, but the secret means are also amazing. As you know, there are many disciples in the top ten palaces. Under his control, there was Brother Zhang Jiao in the Liangyi Hall, and Brother Ling Qing in the Sixiang Hall. Brother Ling Qing, am I right? "

With a positive look, Yuan Feng's gaze finally turned to a young man in the opposing camp, and this man was the young disciple of the Four Elephant Hall, Ling Qing!


When Yuan Feng's words fell, among the camp of Sixiang Hall, the young disciple Ling Qing under the main seat of Sixiang Hall was already pale, and the whole person felt overwhelmed. .

As early as Yuan Feng said the name of Zhang Jiao, he was aware of the seriousness of the problem, and at this moment, Yuan Feng finally said his name. Obviously, even now, he wants to refute No more.

"Brush !!!!"

As Yuan Feng clicked Ling Qing's name, everyone present looked subconsciously towards Ling Qing, and seeing Ling Qing's reaction at the moment, everyone understood it almost immediately. 80% of the situations mentioned by Yuan Feng cannot be faked!

"Master Ling Qing, what he said ... is it true?"

On the side of the Four Elephants Hall, the great disciple Dilong looked iron-blue at this time, and looked at Ling Qingzhi in the crowd incredulously. Of course, at this time, he didn't need Ling Qing to answer anything at all, because the other person's expression had already told him many questions.

The eyes of the rest were also staring at Ling Qing, waiting for his answer, and at this time, no matter who it was, it was obviously impossible to lie in front of so many people.

"Ling Qing !!! You dare to say it !!!"

Xuan Ming has lost some of his mind at this moment, and these situations are shaken out. He is really about to be abolished. Therefore, at this time, he can't even care about that much!

"Hmm, Xuanming, what kind of thing do you dare to call and drink like this to my Sixiangdian?" Hearing Xuanming's words, Dillon was not afraid, but actually stood up against the other party.

He obeyed Li Xiaobai, which was also a matter of expediency, but after the masters of the main halls went out, he would leave the so-called Sancai Temple camp and continue to be his master of the Four Elephant Halls.

As for Xuanming, he wouldn't be afraid of the other party. Besides, he didn't need to be afraid of the other party at the moment.

"Master Ling Qing, are you really controlled by this Xuanming? Say !!!"

This matter is important, Dillon did not dare to neglect at all. If it is said that among the disciples of the Sixiang Palace, there is the eyeliner of the Bagua Palace. How ironic is this? In addition, Pu Chuan is a noble disciple, and he can basically understand one or two of the major events and minor affairs in his palace. If this is true, would n’t it be said that the situation of his Sixiang Temple is all under the control of Bagua Temple What?


Ling Qing's face has become pale, and today ’s events have developed to the present. He has no way to make any rebuttals. You must know that there are so many superpowers present. I want him to tell the truth. How many ways.

"Dead to me !!!"

When Ling Qing's complexion changed, it was unknown whether to admit it or to deny it. On the Sancai Temple side, Xuanming's complexion suddenly became slightly cold, and then everyone's attention was focused on Ling Qing. When he didn't pay much attention to him, his hand was suddenly condensed with a weird mark, and it was thrown to Ling Qing.

"Brush !!! Hey !!!!!!"

The sudden appearance of the energy imprint is like being attracted, it is directly absorbed by Ling Qing ’s body, and as the energy imprint enters Ling Qing ’s body, the latter ’s body ca n’t help but tremble slightly. , His face suddenly became frightened.

"Do not!!!!!"


Ling Qing had no time to make an unwilling roar, and then his body seemed to be filled with explosives, and it exploded with a blast, but there was not even a trace of flesh left.

"Master Ling Qing !!!!!!"

Sudden changes caused everyone to feel a little lost, especially Dillon, the master of the Four Elephant Hall closest to Ling Qing. He was still questioning Ling Qing the moment before, but the next moment, the latter died. In front of him, he had no psychological preparation at all for this.

Ling Qing is a little disciple in the Sixiang Hall. Everyday, everyone likes this little master very much. Apart from others, no one wants this little master to have an accident. At this moment, the other party died in front of all of them in this way, and there was no sense of death at all. This scene, he really couldn't accept it.

"Master, Master Ling Qing !!!"

Everyone in the Sixiang Hall cried out, and obviously could not accept this fact. Before they could start a war with the opposite camp, they lost a little master here, and this little master died in the hands of Xuanming in the Bagua Temple!

"Ah! Xuanming, you, you actually killed Master Ling Qing !!!"

Dillon was really angry at this moment, but Xuanming shot without warning, but it gave him no chance to save people. When he thought of the little master he liked very much, he died in front of him. The broken corpse has thousands of sections, with the hatred of diarrhea.

"Sizzle !!! Broken !!!"

Dillon gave a loud drink, and immediately made Xuanming sober. He was in a hurry, but he killed Ling Qing directly, but at this moment, he realized that it seemed that he did this, basically he didn't try to trick himself. Ah! Moreover, in the presence of so many people, Ling Qing was killed, how could the Sixiang Temple be able to give up?

Now think about it, he shouldn't have killed Ling Qing at all. Take a step back and say 10,000 steps. Even if Ling Qing is dead, the Zhang Jiao of Liangyi Dian is still alive. At this moment, the opponent is not in front of him. It is impossible to kill all the people who know.

"not good!!!"

Li Xiaobai also punched hard, his face was full of hatred. He was almost mad at this moment, but Xuanming was so impulsive that he killed Ling Qing in front of so many people. In this way, their camp may be completely destroyed!

The most important thing is that with Ling Qing's death, Xuanming secretly controlled the people in other palaces of Ziyun Palace, which is basically considered to be true. Now, even if Xuanming has a hundred mouths, it is impossible to turn black It's white, after all, none of the people present is a fool, and no one will believe the other person again.

"Xuanming, you are really heartbroken!"

When everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, and for a while they didn't know what to say was good, Yuan Feng's voice then rang, breaking the solidified atmosphere on the field.

"Everyone, you can see now, Xuanming secretly controls the Ling of the Four Elephants. Of course, is there anyone else in the audience who is controlled by him, then only you know."

Yuan Feng's tone was very bland, except that when his words fell, everyone present could not help but feel a little tight, but they all became silent.

Everyone is obviously very clear about Yuan Feng's meaning. However, Yuan Feng said that it really makes sense. Since Xuanming can secretly control the Zhangyi of the Liangyi Hall and Lingqing of the Sixiang Hall, can it be in other palaces? Is it possible that no one else is controlled by the other party?

For a moment, everyone only felt that everyone was in danger, and there was no sense of security at all.

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