The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1963: Changing situation (three)

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Chapter 196: The situation is changing (three more)

When Xuanming was impulsive, he directly killed Ling Ling of the Four Elephants, and his way of telling everyone directly was that Ling Qing was indeed under his control, even the life and death of the other party. He held it in his hands.

At this moment, no one doubts what Yuan Feng said, and the thought of Xuan Ming having such a means to control his life and death, all the people present felt the cold in his heart, but everyone was in danger. stand up.

"It's terrible. The mystery of the Eight Diagrams Hall is actually controlling the Ling Qing of the Sixiang Hall secretly, and the Zhangjiao of the Liangyi Hall. This is simply terrible!"

"Well, cooperating with this kind of person is like trying to make a hide with the tiger. It is ridiculous that we still regard the gossip hall as our own dependency. This is simply a big joke."

"No, Ziyun Palace definitely does not allow such people to exist. If you want to drive out of Ziyun Palace, you must drive it out of Ziyun Palace !!"

"According to Brother Yuanfeng, Brother Xiaobei also knows the secret control of other people. Doesn't that mean that Brother Li Xiaobai knows that the other party is a tapeworm in the Ziyun Palace, but does he have to cooperate with each other? "

Yuan Feng had already spoken very clearly before. What happened that day was also very clear. Li Xiaobai was clear about everything. Instead of speaking about Xuanming's crimes, he cooperated with the other party. The irresponsibility of everyone in the Cloud Palace.

For a while, whether it was the Bagua Temple or the Sancai Temple, they all became palaces that everyone couldn't face calmly.

At the Liuhedian camp, all the people led by Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke also felt a sense of utter stigma at the moment. They had learned about these situations from Yuan Feng for a long time, and the Zhangjiao of the Liangyi Hall was also taken out by them and closed for the time being.

At the moment, Yuan Feng has made the gossip palace mysterious crime public to the public in front of everyone, and speaking to her heart, they still feel very incredible in their hearts.

Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke stood at the forefront. The two looked at each other, but they saw the vigilance in the eyes of each other. The matter of Xuanming is definitely a wake-up call for them. Who can think of it, even the disciples of Chuan could be secretly controlled by people, and they did not know when the masters of the main halls went out. After learning the news, What an expression would it be.

Of course, at this moment, their hearts also know that the two camps face each other. Their side must be defeated without a fight, and the next step is how to deal with the purple cloud of Xuanming. The palace's tumor!

"Dear brothers, you have seen that the Bagua Temple Xuanming not only secretly controlled the disciples of Ziyun Palace, but also did not hesitate to kill Brother Ling Qing of Sixiang Temple, while Li Xiaobaiming of Sancai Temple knew these situations, but Instead of exposing each other, they cooperate with each other. May I ask if these two people are really worthy of your support and are they worth pursuing? "

Seeing that everyone's complexion had changed, Yuan Feng knew that the next time was his shot.

Xuanming and Li Xiaobai dug their own graves. If he couldn't catch such an opportunity, he would not be Yuan Feng.

After all, in the entire camp opposite him, he only needed to deal with Li Xiaobai and Xuanming. As long as the two fell, the others would naturally disperse. And he really didn't have to be hostile to everyone. After all, killing these people didn't make any sense to him.

"Everyone, everyone is a disciple of the Ziyun Palace. It is inevitable that some struggles will occur, but like Xuanming and Li Xiaobai, they take the lives of their own brothers as grass, I really do n’t know, what qualifications do they have You respect. "

Taking a step forward, Yuan Feng's face was full of resentment. Of course, this look is mostly pretended. After all, to his current state, these little things are really hard to keep in mind. .

"The brothers of the Four Elephant Hall listened to the order. From today, my Four Elephant Hall and the Eight Diagrams Hall are endless enemies. Xuanming killed the young master Ling Qing. After the Master comes out of the customs, he will clear the ledger with him. . "

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Ling Qing, a disciple of the Sixiang Temple, stood out first, and yelled loudly to the disciples in the Sixiang Temple.

In any case, Xuanming killed Ling Qing in front of all of them, no matter what the hidden feelings in it, this feud was settled, especially the person who controlled other palaces secretly in Xuanming, this is already a crime Taboo, but it is subject to condemnation and crusade by everyone.

"Revenge for the young master, kill him, revenge for the young master !!!"

"The young master can't die in vain. He must avenge the young master. The Bagua Hall secretly controls people in other palaces. Such bad intentions must be collectively pursued."

Eighty-nine people of the Sixiangdian disciples were also present, and at the moment, all of these eighty-nine people rebuked the Bagua temple. If it wasn't because Xuanming's strength was really strong, I am afraid they would all Hands on.

"Hey, gossip hall, Xuanming, we are so disappointed !!!"

"Gossip Palace is trying to destroy all the palaces. It is a family that is so arrogant. It is really wicked."

"This matter must be known to all the main hall masters. Whether it is a disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall or the main leader of the Eight Diagrams Hall, they must all be investigated. From now on, Ziyun Palace will no longer need the Eight Diagrams Hall."

"Yes, yes, the Bagua Hall must be removed !!!"

Xuanming's move is obviously a anger. At this moment, there is no need to say anything, no one will stand by the Bagua Temple. Everyone will treat the Bagua Temple as an evil force. Even the opposing forces of the Five Elements Hall and the Liuhe Hall are tens of thousands times better than the Eight Diagrams Hall.

The disciples of palaces, one after another, receded towards the back. Soon, the five palaces that had stood together were scattered.

Obviously, you do n’t believe in more than the Bagua Temple, but even the Sancai Temple, but it is also not worthy of trust. After all, since the Bagua Temple Xuanming has such a means of controlling others, and the Sancai Temple cooperates with it, God knows Did San Cai Dian participate in it, and did it in conjunction with Bagua Dian?

At this moment, everyone believes that only those around them will never believe in other palaces.

"Hey, the trend has gone, the trend has gone !!!"

There was a bitter smile on Li Xiaobai's face. He knew that the prestige he had managed to build up, but at this moment, was gone.

Who would have thought that things would develop to such a degree, I knew that there would be such a day, he would never cooperate with Xuanming at first. Having said that, he took the benefits of Xuanming at first, and this matter was also a handle of him, so it was not easy to really turn his face with Xuanming.


Unlike Li Xiaobai's helplessness, the mystery at this moment is simply a desire to die.

At this moment, he really has gone, and what he has done has been exposed, no matter whether it is the other strong man in Ziyun Palace or his master, it is impossible to let him go.

It can be said that in the future Ziyun Palace, he will definitely not be able to continue. Looking at the people around him who were angry with him, he knew now that this Ziyun Palace, he had to say goodbye!

"Yuan Feng, it's you, it's all you, I must not spare you !!!"

Xuanming finally put all his responsibilities on Yuan Feng's body. Obviously, all of today is caused by Yuan Feng. If Yuan Feng didn't come out and tell his story, then he could not only continue to control Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing, but he might have the opportunity to control more people.

"Hmm, Xuanming, are you still obsessed with it now?"

Seeing Xuanming's anger and shame, Yuan Feng could not help exposing herself, and Yuan Feng could not help showing a touch of contempt. If he was before, he would still be afraid of the other party, but even today, a small person without a pole is really no longer considered by him!

"Ah, boy Yuan Feng, wait, no matter what time it will be, I will come back to you and report my revenge today." Xuan Ming has already planned to escape, and Ziyun Palace will definitely not be able to stay. Most of the people in the divine realm are retreating. He believes that no one can stop him up and down the entire Ziyun Palace.

"Xuan Ming, it seems you want to pat your **** and leave?"

Hearing Xuanming's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips and asked with a smile.

"Well, Yuan Feng, don't be too happy. You won today, but when I am promoted to the semi-godder, I will definitely come back to you and crush you."

Xuan Ming did not deny it, but at this moment, he really has nothing to deny.

"You can't just let him go like this, big brother, young master can't die in vain, you must not let him escape."

"Yes, yes, this person does not know how many disciples have controlled my Ziyun Palace, he must not be allowed to leave."

"Everyone shot together, captured him, and left it to the main hall owners."

Upon hearing that Xuan Ming was about to flee, everyone in Sixiang Hall would quit first. If Xuan Ming escaped, then Ling Qing's death, who would they find responsible for? Therefore, they absolutely do not allow each other to escape.

"Hum, I am going to leave, who can stop you?"

Hearing the noise of the crowd in the Sixiang Hall, Xuanming couldn't help but drink a cry, and his eyes flashed a bit of scorn.

There is no Ziyun Palace with a demigod, and no one wants to stop him, because he is Xuanming and a master of the Bagua Temple! !!

"Hehe, Xuanming, today you want to leave, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"I haven't played against you for a long time. Today, let me see if you have improved."

When Xuan Ming's words came down, Qiao Ke of the Five Elements Hall and King Bell of the Sixth Hall all stood up. Obviously, Xuan Ming had to ask them if he wanted to leave safely.

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