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Chapter 1961 Unveiling the Old Man

Yuan Feng's appearance really shocked San Xiaodian Li Xiaobai. He naturally remembers Yuan Feng. This young man who had been in touch with him since he just started, can be said to have discovered the other party's unusual first, but he never thought of it. The little guy who only had a habitat when he started, even reached the limitless state so quickly.

At the exchange meeting that day, Yuan Feng directly comprehended the sword art conception of the sword realm in front of everyone. At the beginning, he realized that this might be a rival of his own. And, if it were not for the appearance of Yuan Feng, The whole exchange meeting, he will certainly be the focus of everyone's attention.

To put it plainly, the exchange meeting that day is to say that there is something imperfect, that is, his limelight was stolen by Yuan Feng.

Today, today, this little guy who was not regarded by him in the first place has grown up into a prodigal powerhouse. Obviously, the existence of the other party will certainly be a huge threat to his temple.

Thinking of this, he regretted that Yuan Feng had not been beheaded at that time. In that case, today's situation would not have appeared.

"It's really unexpected. An insignificant little man at the time has become a powerless man today, boy. It seems that I don't pay enough attention to you!"

The eyes were completely on Yuan Feng's body. At this moment, Li Xiaobai really regretted that Yuan Feng had not been beheaded at the beginning. Now, the other party's cultivation has obviously reached the limitless state, and like him, Yuan Feng still has the skills The sword of sword realm is in his body. He wants to kill the opponent, I am afraid it is definitely not an easy task.

At the beginning, in the mysterious array arranged by Xuanming, he knew that Yuanfeng was different, but at that time, because he wanted to perfuse Xuanming, he did not study Yuanfeng carefully. Later, after the exchange of Ziyun Palace, The grand opening of the event, he also forgot to trouble finding Yuan Feng.

Now think about it, even if it was delayed for some time, Yuan Feng should not be at ease!

"Hehe, wherever I am, a little man like me, where I dare to bother Brother Li." Hearing Li Xiaobai's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips, and then continued, "Speaking of which, During the battle, everyone else was calculated by Xuanming's secret means, but only you and I remained sober. From then on, I knew that Brother Li was definitely not an ordinary person. Now it seems that my vision Not bad. "

Raising his eyebrows, Yuan Feng did not hesitate to explode the original matter, and did not conceal anyone.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, Li Xiaobai frowned, but there was not much to do, but the mysterious man standing beside him suddenly changed his face, and his eyes flashed. A trace of nervousness.

"Hehe, Brother Yuanfeng, before you want to say something, but you have to think about the consequences. You must not accidentally kill your life because you said something wrong. In that case, it is true. It was my loss of Ziyun Palace! "

Xuanming finally couldn't help but step forward and looked at Yuan Feng with a smile. Of course, although there is a smile on his face, in fact, at the moment, his eyes are full of warning.

There are some things that cannot be seen, and he has done a lot of things secretly, and these things can only be known to him by nature, and must not be brought to the bright side, so that everyone knows.

"Are you threatening me? Didn't you find that there is no one in our team?"

Yuan Feng's face was full of disdain. He had known about Xuanming and Li Xiaobai. Both of them were not good people. Li Xiaobai can be said to have become violent after being promoted to the state of magic sword. Some, and this mystery is simply a hypocrite in the face and behind a set.


Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Xuanming's complexion could not help but change slightly, almost subconsciously, he looked at the team of Liangyi Dian, and quickly searched his goal.

He looked at all the people in the Liuhedian camp, but in the end, he didn't find the figure he was looking for. Seeing this, his heart couldn't help getting even more disturbed.

"Okay, don't look for it, Brother Zhang Jiao has been regretted by us in the Liangyi Hall, and he has told us all about you secretly controlling him."

Seeing the panic in Xuanming's eyes, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, his face dumbfounded.

"You ......... What did you say? I don't understand it !!!"

When Yuan Feng mentioned Zhang Jiao, this time, Xuanming was really scared. He knew that what he had done in the beginning was probably really seen by Yuan Feng, and if it was true, then this time, he might be really dangerous.

"What's going on? What happened to Brother Xuanming? Why was it suddenly so tense? And, what's the other boy talking about?"

"It seems he seems to have mastered what Brother Xuanming has done."

"Handle? Seems like it is, but what handle can Brother Xuanming have in his hand?"

"I don't know. Let's take a look first. Maybe something really happened today!"

When hearing the conversation between Yuan Feng and Xuan Ming, on the side of the Sancai Temple camp, a lot of disciples of disciples appeared in doubt, obviously they did not understand what had happened, but at this moment, everyone also Don't be afraid to delay some time, but you must understand the situation.

Li Xiaobai wanted to interrupt the two at this time, but in the end he frowned and didn't really do that.

So many people at the scene heard the situation inside. If he stood up and spoke at this time, I'm afraid everyone would doubt his head. In this case, he might as well be a bystander. Up! You know, he also knows what Xuanming did to other people in Ziyun Palace!

"Don't understand? Okay, then I'll make it clear for you to understand !!!"

Seeing that Xuan Ming was so confused with himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking at it, and wanted to come together with what he knew.

"Slow, Yuan Feng, I warn you once again that meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. You have to think about the consequences !!!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng really wanted to tell the story, Xuan Ming was really scared at this moment. He knew that Yuan Feng probably knew his thing in all likelihood. Otherwise, he would never mention it. Zhang angle.

"Oh, why, does Brother Xuanming still not allow me to speak? You look back behind you, there are so many brothers present, you can ask, which one does not want to know the truth?"

Yuan Feng is certainly not afraid of the other's threat. Xuanming thinks he has taken control of his life, but in fact, the other side's means are really worthless.


With a dull complexion, Xuanming could not help but glance at the crowd behind him, but everyone who saw this moment was staring at him, apparently trying to make Yuan Feng clarify the matter.

"Boy, this is your own death, then you can't blame me, let me die !!!"

Seeing the eyes of everyone wanting to understand the truth, Xuanming knew that he could not continue to delay it. If Yuan Feng was to lift his old man out, let alone the people in the opposite camp, even his own camp. I am afraid that he will kick him out of the camp, or even become the object of everyone to attack!

"Brush !!!!"

Thinking of such terrible consequences, he was no longer hesitant, and talking was a combination of two hands, condensing out complex fingerprints.

"Om !!!!!!"

With the continuous printing of his hands, the entire space was suddenly filled with a strange wave of energy, but in the end it was pointing directly at the opposite Yuan Feng, wrapping Yuan Feng in the energy fluctuation.

"go to hell!!!!"

When this wave of energy wrapped Yuan Feng, Xuanming's eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of fierce color, and in a low drink, he used the primer that detonated those methods that were originally applied to Yuan Feng's body. .

Speaking of which, he was still thinking about using Yuan Feng to let the other party obediently kill himself, but he did not expect that the other party was so ignorant of current affairs. In this case, he could only kill the other party and kill him.

Under Li Xiaobai's eyes, there was a flash of light at the moment. He just wanted to see the scene in front of him. As soon as Yuan Feng died, then everything would be over, and he could be treated as if he knew nothing. Continue to cooperate with Xuanming.

Speaking of which, he had broken Xuanming's affairs in the beginning, and in order to beat the other side in exchange for a sword tactic, these things would not be of any benefit to him.

The reason why he didn't open up to participate in the conversation between the two before was because Xuanming would get Yuan Feng. Now it seems that everything seems to be under his control, and there is nothing wrong with it.


At the time of Li Xiaobai's thoughts, the method used by Xuanming finally wrapped Yuan Feng in it, and when these energy fluctuations wrapped Yuan Feng, a muffled sound suddenly came out of Yuan Feng's body. It was passed on, but although the sound was not small, when he and Xuanming thought Yuan Feng would explode and died, a chuckle rang out in their ears.

"Oh, Xuanming, Xuanming, do you really think that the little tricks that stayed in my body could kill me?"

Gently patted the clothes, Yuan Feng was like a light blow on his body. What's wrong with it?

"What? How is this possible?"

Seeing Yuan Feng standing there intact, there was no strangeness at all, this time, whether it was Xuanming or Li Xiaobai, his complexion became more and more difficult to look.

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