The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1937: Impact Promise (two more)

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Chapter 1937 Shock Promise (2 more)

Waner really didn't expect that her young master had caused so many romantic debts. When she saw Mu Yun'er, she was almost sure that this was definitely a woman like her. , A woman willing to pay for Yuan Feng, but destined not to get any status.

Sister and brother, this relationship can be said to be very delicate. Obviously, there must have been a lot of things between Yuan Feng and Mu Yuner, but what happened is not what she can know. Already.

Maybe it is because of the same situation. Between Waner and Muyuner, they really talked very well. As the saying goes, three women play a drama, and now Jiang Qingwu is counted. There are four in total here. Woman, these four people met together, of course, there will be endless topics.

No matter what, the four of them are together and get along very well. The elder Jiang Qingwu was there, and the other three were very modest in speaking.

The only thing that is different from everyone is Waner. Because her cultivation is the highest, and it is too much higher than the rest, so everyone will have a little awe of her. Yes, but Waner doesn't have any shelf, which makes the three very happy.

The four of them talked about cultivation from their own experiences, and then from cultivation to experience. They all felt a sense of meeting each other and hating being late, but in such a harmonious atmosphere, time passed quickly.

However, what the four did not know was that when they got together one by one and were chatting and laughing about the sky, all of them were under the close attention of someone.

This is a quiet room, and at this moment, Yuan Feng and Yuan Qingyun are sitting opposite each other. It can be seen that Yuan Qingyun should be adjusting his state at this moment, and Yuan Feng opposite him It does not seem to be practicing.

"Yu, it's finally settled. It's still my mother's way. I even let three people sit together so quickly that I became a sister who has nothing to say. I can rest assured!"

He took a long sigh of relief, but at this moment Yuan Feng was finally completely relieved and no longer worried about Waner's relationship with the other two women.

He has never practiced, nor did he help Yuan Qingyun improve his practice for the first time. After sending Waner to his mother, he let Yuan Qingyun continue to adjust his state, while he himself focused on Jiang Qingwu's cultivation space.

From the chat between Waner and Jiang Qingwu to Yun Mengchen's joining and Mu Yuner's joining, all of which he saw in the eyes, frankly, when Yun Mengchen and Waner met, he had a heart It also hung involuntarily.

He was very clear about Wan'er's feelings for himself, and that's why he was worried about Wan'er's irrational behavior. However, it seemed that his worry was a bit redundant. Wan'er did not do anything to make him unhappy. Instead, he soon mingled with Yun Mengchen, which was very comforting to him.

In the following time, Mu Yun'er was also well integrated into this small team, which made him even more pleased. At this point, the things that made him most worried had been resolved, but the next time, he could safely promote his father and then meet with a few women.

He believes that in the current situation of these women, over time, they will definitely get along more and more harmoniously. After he helped his father improve his cultivation, the women may be early. Become a sister of excellent relationship.

"It's time to take a shot and help my father improve his cultivation. For in the world of no delusion, if there is no cultivation in the infinite realm, it is really a bit confusing!"

With the improvement of his own strength, Yuan Feng's vision is also getting higher and higher. If he were allowed to look at things with the eyes of an ordinary person, he would never be able to do it.

Yuan Qingyun's qualifications are really limited. If he relies on his own cultivation, there is no possibility of being promoted to the limitless state in this life. However, if it is his shot and initiation for the other party, supplemented by some other materials, it will be completely different.

"Father, how is your rate adjustment?"

Thinking of this, he could not help but stabilize his spirit, and then spoke to Yuan Qingyun opposite.

"Yoo !!!!!!"

Breathing gently, Yuan Qingyun at this moment also slowly woke up from the breath adjustment and smiled at his son.

"Fenger, I feel like I'm in a better shape than ever. Come on, what can you do? Although you can just let it go, whether you succeed or not, you will be grateful for your father."

He had already been prepared. For the realm of the Promise, he really had to reach it. This was a question of a man's self-esteem. Even if outsiders didn't say it, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about it.

He is very clear that from his current state to the Promise, the middle span is not small, and even if his son's means are all over the sky, he may not be able to ensure success, and if he fails, the consequences may be unthinkable.

However, he took risks willingly, and even if he failed, he would never blame his son. Furthermore, he is very confident about Yuan Feng.

"Okay, now that Master Father is ready, let's start now."

Seeing the fortitude of Yuan Qingyun's eyes, Yuan Feng nodded secretly, and his heart was fully taken into account.

Speaking of which, Yuan Qingyun thought a little too far. In fact, he helped the other party to improve his practice. Although there is a possibility of failure, even if he fails, he will guarantee that his father will not be affected too much At least, his cultivation will not fall, and people will not be in danger.


The time spent talking, Tianxiangguo, the size of a baby's head, was taken out by him and thrown in front of Yuan Qingyun.

"Father, this is Tianxiangguo, and it is also the key to his father's promotion to the Promise. After a while, I will control Tianxiangguo and let the power in it slowly penetrate into your body. Yes, just calm down, don't have any irritability, as for the rest, just leave it to the baby. "

The reason why he dared to take steps to promote Yuan Qingyun is also very confident. If he has no absolute confidence, he will certainly not take this risk easily.

"Well, believe in you for your father, Fenger, just let it go !!!"

Nodded, Yuan Qingyun remembered everything that Yuan Feng said, but the next time, he completely gave his destiny to his son.

Closing his eyes slowly, Yuan Qingyun left himself completely in a state of being let go. At this moment, he didn't have to think about anything, because he believed that his son would definitely arrange for him very well. Ok.

"The success or failure is here, Tianxiangguo, open it for me !!!"

Yuan Feng's complexion also became more and more serious. Speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and directly injected a qi into Tianxiangguo. Suddenly, the whole Tianxiangguo was slightly shaken, aura of qi , Is to escape from it, and slowly shrouded Yuan Qingyun.


After the special aura in Tianxiangguo enveloped Yuan Qingyun as a whole, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he came to Yuan Qingyun's side.

"It's time you swallowed up the martial spirits, go !!!!!!"

With his eyes fixed, Yuan Feng said nothing. When he raised his hand, his devouring Wuling spirit suddenly emerged through the body and directly entered Yuan Qingyun's body.

Obviously, if you want Yuan Qingyun to enter the infinite state in a short time, it is simply impossible to rely on Yuan Qingyun's own understanding. At present, only by using the power of Tian Wu Ling to help the other party, can the other party reach the infinite state Realm.

His idea is simple. In the next time, Yuan Qingyun's body will be completely taken over by him. To be precise, it will be taken up by the swallowing martial spirit. The Devouring Wuling will be responsible for running Yuan Qingyun's exercises, and he himself will introduce the power of Tianxianggu into his body. In this way, the only thing Yuan Qingyun needs to do is wait for the cultivation to reach the limitless state, and then slowly Slowly control the power of the Promise.

"Om !!!!!!"

With the intervention of the swallowing martial spirit, Yuan Qingyun only felt his own exercises, as if he had come alive all at once. For a moment, he always wanted to mobilize the power, just like opening the gate to release water. The ground began to work.

Of course, at this time, he remembered Yuan Feng's words, but he absorbed the power of the outside world and did not care about everything that happened in his body, because he knew that what Yuan Feng had asked him to do must be the best Right, as for the others, he didn't have to think about it at all.

Having said that, at this moment, he simply can't admire his son's strength even more. Ask anyone in this world who can help others to practice in the body of others? This is almost unseen and unheard of.

"Father, keep your heart, try your best to absorb the power of the outside world, don't distract him."

Yuan Feng can feel all of Yuan Qingyun's thoughts at this moment. Although the other party is not too distracted, even the slightest distraction is not allowed.

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Yun Qingyun didn't dare to continue to think wildly, hurriedly absorbed the energy of the outside world, and Yuan Feng also controlled the swallowing martial spirit, and watched closely every change of Yuan Qingyun.

This time, he must not allow any mistakes! !! !!

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