The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1936: Get along well (one more)

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Chapter 1936 Get along well

The meeting between Waner and Yun Mengchen, after experiencing the initial embarrassment, gradually became natural, but when Yun Mengchen learned about Waner's cultivation, she was originally calm. , But it became more and more uneasy.

Demigod realm, such a state, is like a big mountain, directly on top of Yunmeng Chen's head, although she knows that Waner will never use any cultivation to press her, but when she thinks about Waner, The horror cultivation of the demigod, her mood was that she couldn't relax anyway.

That ’s the horror realm of demigod. So far, she has only heard of the existence of a strong demigod, but she has never seen what a demigod looks like. Right now, a demigod She stood in front of her and saluted her, matching her sister. The thought of this made her feel very unreal.

"Sister, my cultivation is able to reach the demigod. There are a lot of opportunities in it. Speaking of it, it is because of this demigod that I almost lost my life. If it was n’t for the master, he arrived in time. , Then Waner really has been out of the sky. "

Regarding Yun Mengchen's reaction, Waner naturally saw it. She could imagine that at this moment, Yun Mengchen was really surprised by her cultivation.

However, this is indeed not her original intention. She has accepted Yun Mengchen's existence and naturally will not use cultivation to suppress the other party. If it weren't for Jiang Qingwu's remarks, she wouldn't even reveal her own cultivation.

To be honest, in fact, Yuan Feng can be combined with Yun Mengchen, which is indeed within her acceptable range. After all, Yuan Feng's feelings for Yun Mengchen have been persisted since childhood. Now that the two have come together, it can only be said that Yuan Feng was from one to the other. She should really be happy.

"It seems that the experience of Waner's sister is also very bumpy!"

Yun Mengchen worked hard to adjust his breathing, but he calmed down slowly. Although the demigod practice really scared her, but when she thought about it, she soon realized that she didn't really feel any pressure because of the other's practice.

His husband's strength in the demigod, and Waner also said that with the presence of Yuan Feng, these people will have a chance to impact the demigod state sooner or later. In the final analysis, Waner was promoted to demigod earlier than her. It ’s been a while, and it ’s not surprising to think about it.

"It's not bumpy, but it's really full of thrills. I don't know if I want to come to my sister and aunt. Waner was first discovered by the demigods from the lower realm, and later brought to the arrogant realm to cultivate. The demigod was not sincerely trying to train me, but wanted to fatten me up for him to eat. "

Speaking of her own cultivation, Wan'er was also deeply touched, and for a while, she could not get back.

"Ah, there is such a thing? Sister Waner, tell us something about you, I really want to know how sister Waner came over these years."

Yun Mengchen's curiosity was quickly inspired. From Waner's words and expressions, she knew that Waner's experience was absolutely wonderful, and she naturally wanted to know about it. It can also be regarded as promoting mutual friendship!

Maybe it was very subconscious. When she learned that Waner was a strong demigod, she had a kind of involuntary awe, and she did n’t like it very much. Therefore, she needs to get to know each other more closely and erase this feeling.

"In the beginning, I was discovered in Fengtian County by a super-powerless person who had no delusion, and finally brought back to Yuanji Palace ..."

Since Waner has accepted Yun Mengchen's existence, there is naturally nothing to hide. She knows that the two women in front of her are one of Yuan Feng's wife and one of Yuan Feng's mother. It can be said that the three of them , Are the closest people to Yuan Feng, and naturally there is no need for any secrets between them.

Coming together at the beginning, Jiang Qingwu and Yun Mengchen were all swaying.

Compared with Wan'er's experience, their experience is really a singular one, especially the contact with each other, they are actually superpowers of the demigod, but they are only the bottom-level little people.

If it weren't for Yuan Feng's existence, they might be still struggling at the bottom of the world. How could they chat face-to-face with a demigod superpower like now?

Having said that, when they learned that Waner was calculated by her master, Yun Mengchen and Jiang Qingwu were sympathetic to her.

What about the state of demigod? By their respected Master calculations, they can imagine the feeling of sadness, and in the end, the palace master of Yuanji Palace was beheaded by Yuan Feng again. It is impossible to calm down in Waner's heart, right?

It can be said that, compared with them, Waner is really a hard-working person, and it can be considered as a disaster, and when she thinks of these, they naturally ignore Waner's superb cultivation, completely. Think of it as a little girl.

"Sister Waner, let everything in the past pass. From now on, you will stay in Qingwu Palace. Everyone here will treat you sincerely, especially my aunt and me. I will definitely treat you as us. Like your family, from now on, no one will let you feel wronged. "

Yun Mengchen listened to sympathy, but she calmed down Waner, and suddenly she felt that she was much happier than Waner.

"Yes, Waner, in the Qingwu Palace in the future, no one can make you feel wronged. As for the Yuanji Palace, let Fenger find a way to run it. Our women's house will not go with him Thing to kill. "

Jiang Qingwu listened to the flood of motherly love, but also kept comforting Waner, and even sold her son unceremoniously.

She knows how to look at things, and speaking of it, Wan'er was a female celebrity and obviously didn't like participating in disputes and killings. However, because of Yuan Feng's relationship, she had to participate.

Who would like to fight and kill all day? Not to mention a woman, even a big man, few people would like to dance on the blade all day long!

"The young master can't be too busy alone. Waner can share some of the burden for the young master, but he is very happy!"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Wan'er couldn't help smiling, but it was very helpful to the other person's concern. However, it is absolutely impossible to let her ignore Yuan Feng. Her whole person is Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng lets her give birth to her, Yuan Feng lets her die, and she just dies. How could it happen? Regardless of Yuan Feng?

"Your girl, Fenger is so powerful. He did it all by himself. From now on, you will stay with me honestly and do what women should do!"

Jiang Qingwu was also moved by Waner's loyalty. This is really a woman who gave everything to her son. The more she did, the more she felt ashamed of Waner.

There is no way, his son already has a heart, and can not give the other party any reputation, but even so, the other party is still so dead-hearted, this attachment, no matter how stupid, it makes her extremely distressed.


"Okay, silly girl, just listen to your aunt. As for Fenger, I will find a chance to tell him." Seeing Wan'er still have to say a lot, Jiang Qingwu waved and beat him Broke, and then continued, "Yes, Mengchen, you can also call Yuner, the three of you came out of the country of Montenegro, you should be able to talk to each other."

When she saw Wan'er, she immediately thought of Mu Yun'er. Speaking of them, Wan'er and Mu Yun'er were very similar in many places. At least, both of them were dead to Yuan Feng, but both were late. Can't get a word from Yuan Feng late.

It can be said that these two women can be regarded as connected together!

"Eun En, I'm going to call Yuner Sister now. She should have come to practice now if she wants to come here."

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's orders, Yun Mengchen did not hesitate. He smiled at Waner, and left to find Mu Yuner.

"Auntie, who is Yuner you said? Did you also come out of Montenegro?"

After Yun Mengchen left, Waner couldn't help asking a little curiously. Judging from Jiang Qingwu's words, this so-called Yun'er seems to have originated from Montenegro. It seems that today there are really many people in Montenegro!

"Hehe, Fenger joined Danxiazong when he was in the Kingdom of Montenegro. At this time, you may not know it, and Yun'er is his sister in Danxiazong. Later, the entire Danxiazong was brought to Wuerjie , Yun'er has always been by my side, along with Meng Chen, to accompany me to practice and relieve boredom. "

"Ah, that's the case !!!"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Wan'er's eyes flashed a strange color, she only knew that this young master who looked like her own was not just provoking herself, from Jiang Qingwu's expression Judging from this, the Yuner girl obviously had some thoughts on Yuan Feng, but, like her, the other person should be a hard-working person!

The thought of another woman like herself existed in her heart, and she really felt indescribable.

"Master, master, I don't think you have a lot of love debts!"

Eyes froze slightly. At this moment, she was blaming Yuan Feng a little. Of course, it is a bit heavy to blame, because she did not dare to blame Yuan Feng.

ps: Sincerely it ’s the end of the month, brothers, come here to support a few flowers, Xiaoyan really worked hard to update this month! !! !!

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