The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1938: Success (one more)

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Chapter 198th Success (1)

Yuan Feng began to help his father to impinge on the Promise Realm, and this process will obviously not be a fast process. After all, Yuan Qingyun's qualifications are too limited, and the foundation is not high. He wants to be promoted. Promise, the difficulty of each is not ordinary.

However, the length of time is not a problem, because at the moment they are all too much time. If one day is not possible, they can practice for one month, and if one month is still not successful, then practice for one year.

For the current Yuan Feng, neither the Yuanji Palace nor the Ziyun Palace is of much significance to him. When I first joined the Ziyun Palace, I was able to get what I wanted in the Ziyun Palace. As for the worship of the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Ying, that was the situation.

Today, he has reached the limitless state. No matter whether it is Ziyun Palace or Yuanji Palace, no one can bring him any trouble, so naturally there is no need to take these two forces into mind.

Of course, the Ziyun Palace still has to return. After all, his purpose of entering the Ziyun Palace at the beginning was to get what he wanted from the master of Huadai Palace, but now his purpose has not yet been achieved.

But then again, he doesn't have much interest in the so-called Five Elements God Crystal. Today, he is not the little man who did not understand anything at first, but already has his own judgment ability. He already understands that the Five Elements God Crystal is probably nothing more than touted reputation. In fact, even if it is done It is absolutely impossible for him to become a god.

As the strength gets stronger, he can feel that, in fact, the practice becomes more and more mysterious. From the Promise to the Demigod, there is absolutely no short cut. As for the demigod, Reaching the realm of God is even more impossible.

Of course, he will sooner or later get the five-element **** crystal in the hands of the master of Huadai Hall. After all, the five-element **** crystal is definitely a treasure, but this is beyond doubt.

Yuan Qingyun's practice is indeed very slow. The energy in Tianxiang fruit is too huge. According to Yuan Feng's absorption speed, according to Yuan Feng's estimation, it will take at least one month to absorb it, or even one. The time of the month cannot be guaranteed. After all, if they want to ensure the success rate, they cannot be too impatient.

The biggest test is of course Yuanfeng. He now puts the devouring Wuling spirit in Yuan Qingyun's body to help Yuan Qingyun practice. The difficulty is really imaginable.

However, if he can complete this process, then in the future, his control of the devouring martial arts will also become more handy, and then helping other people to improve their cultivation will be more effective.

As time passed, the father and son closed their doors in the back room for a month, and during this time, Yuan Feng's avatar had operated the inside and outside of Qingwu Palace very well. Of course, naturally there is the help of Waner, a superpower.

When Wan'er learned that Yuan Feng had a second person, she was naturally shocked.

She has seen the world, but she still feels incredible about this amazing skill. You know, she has spent so long in Yuanji Palace and has never heard of the existence of such skills.

However, this matter was caused by Yuan Feng, which seemed much more reasonable. After all, Yuan Feng was an omnipotent being in her heart. No matter what happened to Yuan Feng, there was nothing to be surprised about. of.

There is Waner, a superpower of the demigod, to help. The protective measures around Qingwu Palace can be described as solid gold soup. Yuan Feng believes that even if there is a few demigods in Qingwu Palace today, Those who come to make trouble, can only return from the feathers, even if there is no return.

You know, he alone is equivalent to being a strong man in two demigods, or even a strong man far more than two demigods, and Waner, a strong man with a body of nothingness, can also be a top two Such a force, in conjunction with the largest Jiuqu Yellow River Array in the largest scale, can really be said to be invincible in a place such as Wujiejie.

Wan'er has no resistance to Yuan Feng's avatar. For her, her deity and her avatar are all Yuan Feng herself, but since it is Yuan Feng herself, then there is not much difference, so in When this deity helped Yuan Qingyun to promote her cultivation, Waner often stayed with her avatar.

Jiang Qingwu, Yun Mengchen, and others now fully accept Wan'er's existence. On weekdays, they consult with Waner to learn about cultivation, Wan'er will try his best to answer them, don't forget Say, Waner's many opinions, I am afraid even Yuan Feng can not compare with it.

With the help of Waner, the strength of the girls is getting stronger and stronger.

In fact, no matter they are Yunmeng or Mu Yun'er, they are actually stimulated by Wan'er. Before Wan'er did not arrive, they felt that their current cultivation was really good. But after Waner arrived, they felt that the practice of the Promise was really too low!

Of course, the arrival of Wan'er can be regarded as a good example for them. You must know that if there is no Wan'er, they will feel that they can cultivate to the limitless state, and now seeing Waner can cultivate to a demigod They believe that they can also reach such a state.

This is the power of role models. I want to have such a momentum. Whether it is Yun Mengchen or Mu Yuner, sooner or later, they will reach the state of demigod.

However, the qualifications of Yunmeng Chen and Mu Yuner are indeed inferior. In terms of their qualifications, it is indeed difficult to cultivate in the semi-divine realm, but Huang Tian can live up to the people who are interested. Realize the true meaning of the demigod?

Yuan Feng's deity has absolutely no time to take care of external affairs at this time, because at this moment, he has reached a very critical time. Yuan Qingyun's cultivation finally reached the threshold of the limitless state, but only One step is to be able to step into the state of infinity.

"It's just a little bit worse, it's a little bit worse, success or failure, we're going to do it here!"

In the closet space, Yuan Feng had already seen a little sweat at this moment. Although his current strength and physical fitness, it is unlikely that sweating will happen, but this one month The high degree of tension still made him feel a sweat.

No one can imagine the difficulties, and no one can understand his tension from beginning to end. After all, once he fails, I am afraid it will be no small for himself or his father Yuan Qingyun. Blow.

"The fruit of Tianxiangguo still has a lot of energy, but it is enough for the father to level up. It seems that it is time for the father to impact the final level. Whether it is success or failure, this step must be taken. "

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng concentrated all his energy on Yuan Qingyun's body, and at this moment, almost every meridian and every cell in Yuan Qingyun's body was under his observation. With the slightest fault, he would stop immediately.

Speaking of which, Yuan Qingyun's improvement in strength has been relatively smooth so far. At least, the realm of yin and yang has not hindered him at all.

All these credits are naturally attributed to Yuan Feng. You should know that although Yuan Qingyun is currently practicing in the name, all of his body has been taken over by Yuan Feng.

Just like the impact on the yin and yang environment before, Yuan Feng basically used the martial arts spirit to show his understanding of the yin and yang environment again. As for how much Yuan Qingyun mastered, he was not very clear at the moment.

This is equivalent to getting on the bus first and then paying for the ticket. Yuan Feng will do everything for Yuan Qingyun, and then, it depends on how much Yuan Qingyun can learn. It is conceivable that even if the state of endlessness is reached, Yuan Qingyun will need to spend a lot of time to completely control this power, and before he can not completely control this power, he is afraid It doesn't work at all.

Moreover, once he can easily use the power beyond his control, it will be a devastating blow to him.

"Father, next, I will run your exercises to the limitless state. This time, you must seriously feel the changes of the exercises, and do n’t stop outside energy. If you succeed in the promotion, Father must be calm, and do n’t try to do it easily without my instructions. "

At the last moment, Yuan Feng himself was a little nervous. While adjusting his breath, he could not help but instruct Yuan Qingyun.

Yuan Qingyun didn't even have the ability to speak at this moment, but for Yuan Feng's reminder, he still responded to Yuan Feng with his thoughts. He also knew that the next process would be dangerous, so he was ready.

"That being the case, let's start now !!! Devour the martial spirits, get me up !!!"

With a faint complexion, Yuan Feng said nothing. With the swallowing of the martial arts, Yuan Qingyun's exercises began to work quickly, and with the speeding up of the exercises, the energy in Tianxiang fruit also began quickly. Gushing out, suddenly, Yuan Qingyun was wrapped in the energy of Tianxiangguo.

"Buzz !!!!"

A large amount of energy was incorporated into Yuan Qingyun's body. Almost a moment later, above Yuan Qingyun's head, a wave of energy that was numerous times larger than before was slowly dissipating.

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