The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1935: Good sisters (four more)

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Chapter 1935 Good Sisters (Four More)

Under the arrangement of Jiang Qingwu, Yun Mengchen and Waner finally met, and the initial meeting was more or less awkward for Waner and Yun Mengchen.

Of course, this kind of embarrassment is more in Waner's body. As for Yunmeng Chen, it is much more generous.

"You are the girl Waner? Great, I didn't think I would have the chance to meet you, girl Waner." Yun Mengchen quickly took out all his enthusiasm, and came to Waner's near, and Grasping Wan'er's hand, the feeling is like the sisters who have been separated for many years reunited.

To be honest, Yun Mengchen really appreciates Waner. Yuan Feng told her that at Fengtian County, Waner was basically his closest person, and it was because of Waner that his childhood life was able to survive smoothly. He didn't know if he could live until now.

In fact, this is not an exaggeration. When Yuan Feng was still the original Master Ye, it was indeed because of the existence of Waner that he took care of him, otherwise, there were many times during the period Insulted, he has wandered on the verge of death.

"Waner has seen grandma."

Taking a deep breath, Waner also let herself relax as much as possible, and speaking, she subconsciously gave a gift to Yun Mengchen, but she had already subconsciously recognized the other party.

She is Yuan Feng's maid, and Yun Mengchen is Yuan Feng's wife. This young grandma is nothing more than normal, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with this name.

"Ah, what is this sister Waner doing? Get up quickly, absolutely impossible."

Waner's sudden move, but startled Yun Mengchen. Although the other party is Yuan Feng's maid, but the other party's status in Yuan Feng's heart is not low, if you let Yuan Feng see Waner salute her, I'm afraid she will blame her. Furthermore, Waner can be said to be a benefactor of Yuan Feng. Even if she is saluting, she is also a gift to Waner.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly straightened Waner rightly, her face full of shame.

"Grandma is the young lady's wife, Waner is the younger grandmother's daughter, and of course it is necessary to see Grandma." Waner did not feel that there was anything wrong with her approach. After experiencing a slight discomfort at the beginning, At the moment, it was completely opened.

She is Yuan Feng's maid, everything belongs to Yuan Feng, and what Yuan Feng likes is what she likes. Among them, Yuan Feng's women are also included.

It is said that everyone is selfish about feelings, but that depends on the extent of the feeling. If a woman really likes and loves a man, she will tolerate everything, including his woman. !!

"Oh, sister Waner, if you are like this, I'm really going to get angry, if sister Waner doesn't dislike it, just call me sister, otherwise, I dare not continue to talk to you Then! "

Yun Mengchen's face couldn't help flashing anxiety, Waner's identity was extraordinary, and from Yuan Feng's expression when she mentioned Waner to her, she knew the importance of Waner to Yuan Feng. If you let Yuan Feng know that she really treats Waner as a girl, God knows if Yuan Feng will be angry with her.

"How can this ........."

Hearing Yun Mengchen's desire to make herself a sister, Wan'er's face flashed a little panic.

She has always been very clear about her identity. The girl-in-law is the girl-in-law. How could she become a sister with Grandma? This is simply out of order, and she doesn't know if Yuan Feng will blame her for this. Therefore, she did not dare to agree to Yun Mengchen's proposal for a while.

"Waner, listen to Mengchen, you will call Sister Mengchen in the future. Also, although you are Feng's maid, it is all a thing of the past. Now you, you must never think of yourself as It was a girl to look at, otherwise, not only would we be unhappy, I'm afraid Fenger would be unhappy because of this. "

Jiang Qingwu had to stand up and speak at this time, and frankly, when she saw Wan Er bending over to salute Yun Mengchen, she was really shocked. At that moment, her impression of Wan Er , There is simply a unimaginably huge improvement.

A demigod superpower, even willingly saluting a woman in an infinite state, what this shows, she sees it more clearly than anyone else.

Obviously, Wan'er really fell to Yuan Feng's heart. Only in this way can she treat Yuan Feng's wife as her own master, and be able to do this, which shows how loyal Wan Yuan is to Yuan Feng.

The thought of such a woman's desperation for her son, she was shocked, but also full of deep emotion. Such a woman should really not be just a little girl in the Yuan family.

"This this……………"

After Jiang Qingwu's words came down, Wan'er's little face could not help showing a hint of hesitation. In her mind, rules are rules, but they should not be destroyed for reasons of cultivation, but for Jiang Qingwu, she also dare not violate them easily.

"Sister Waner, don't you want to call me a sister? Or do you think that I am not qualified to be a sister of my sister?"

Yun Mengchen also stood up at this time. She was absolutely unaccustomed to the title of grandma. If it was called by other subordinates, she would not agree to Waner.

"No, no, Wan'er definitely doesn't mean that."

Hearing Yun Mengchen's words like this, Wan'er hurriedly put his hands together, and kept denying.

"Since there isn't, then the younger sister will call my elder sister from now on." Yun Mengchen now also likes Waner in front of her more and more. She can see that Waner's cultivation is definitely not weak, even There was a feeling that she couldn't see through, and such a person could be so awesome to her, which was really rare.

"It's ... well, then my sister is more respectful than obedient. My sister has seen my sister !!!"

She bit her lip subconsciously, Waner thought for a moment, and finally bit her teeth and agreed to the other party's proposal.

After all, it is nothing more than a question of title. She believes that Yuan Feng should not blame her for this little thing, not to mention that there is an elder Jiang Qingwu who supports her in this!

"Oh, that's right, my sister doesn't need to be polite, come and come, let's sit down and talk !!!"

Seeing Wan'er succumb, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but look happy, and then kindly pulled Wan'er down and sat down, but treated the other person as if he were his own sister.

Waner didn't resist, but sat down obediently, and now she really felt a lot more comfortable, and never felt the same awkwardness as before.

"Sister Waner, why are you here? Is Yuan Feng back?"

After sitting down, Yun Mengchen couldn't help asking to Waner. When Yuan Feng left before, she said she was going to find someone, and Waner appeared in Qingwu Palace. It wasn't difficult to guess what happened.

"Well, I was brought back by the young master. I was in danger before, and I was fortunate that the young master arrived in time. Otherwise, Waner may not have the chance to meet her sister and aunt."

It's all her own, Waner's integration is very fast, and she likes her sister's title very much.

In this world, she was nothing close to her. Now she has an older sister, of course, to make her feel happy from the bottom of her heart. In addition, being able to become a sister with Yuan Feng's wife, I don't know why, he still feels a little ecstatic.

"Ah, what's the matter? Who dares to bully Waner's sister? I asked Yuanfeng to take Qiren to avenge her sister."

Now that I have been accepted as my sister, then of course I have to be my sister. If my sister is bullied, it doesn't matter. What kind of sister is it?

"No need, no need, the young master has already made an effort for Waner, but he has killed all the people who should be killed, and all the people who should be arrested, my sister need not worry."

Hearing Yun Mengchen should protect herself as soon as she spoke, Wan'er's heart was very comfortable. Although she really doesn't need anyone to protect her now, this feeling of being protected really makes her very comfortable.

"Oh, Mengchen, you may not know something. Waner's cultivation is not comparable to you and me. Compared with her, your cultivation is simply worthless."

Hearing Yun Mengchen was going to take the lead for Waner, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but be amused. She knew that Yun Mengchen was definitely not able to understand Waner's practice. If Yun Mengchen knew that Waner's practice was If so, I'm afraid she would never say such a thing!

"What? Our cultivation is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Sister Waner? This ..."

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yun Mengchen's complexion suddenly changed, and the whole person was a bit unbelievable what he heard.

She and Jiang Qingwu are both the extreme state of boundlessness, and if such a state is nothing in Waner's eyes, what kind of state does Waner's cultivation have to reach!

"Don't ........."

A realm stronger than the Promise, it seems that there will be no other realm other than the semi-god realm? But, in the realm of demigod, just listening to it, I feel that they are far away from them!

"Auntie, don't say that. Waner is just one step to reach the demigod. One master is there, and my aunt and sister can be promoted to the demigod sooner or later."

Wan'er did not hide it, but when her voice fell, the opposite Yun Mengchen was completely trapped there, and she couldn't return to God at all.

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