The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1900: Convince people with reason (five more)

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Chapter 1900 Persuading People by Reason (Five)

In the hearts of Peng Ji and Gong Sun Yun, in fact, it was basically determined that the big array in front of them was arranged by the demigods of Ziyun Palace, but after they heard Yuan Feng ’s explanation, the two were suddenly Realized that it looks like this big array is really not distributed by the strong men of Ziyun Palace. After all, if it is the strong men of Ziyun Palace, it should really not show up at this moment.

To say that the other party wants to hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to attack them is obviously unlikely. After all, if the other party wants to attack, it seems that they should have started, but how can they wait until they meet?

And now think about it, the two have not been able to meet together before, but Yuan Feng and Waner appeared before they met, there seems to be someone intentionally in it!

Gongsun Yun's feelings should be deeper. In fact, when he didn't meet Peng Ji, he actually stayed in place, and the meeting between him and Peng Ji was probably the intention of the people who arranged it.

"I can't think of it, you little guy not only mastered the horror swordsmanship of the realm of magic swords, but also has such terrible mysterious means, terrible, really terrible !!!"

Peng Ji already believed Yuan Feng's words, because from Yuan Feng's face, he could not see the slightest look of lying.

It stands to reason that if a person lies in front of him, it is basically difficult to make him see no signs at all, and when Yuan Feng was talking, there was really no sign of lying.

Finally, he and Gongsun Yun have prepared for it. If Yuan Feng had lied before, it seems that there is no need to continue to talk at this moment. After all, with the defense, they can never make mistakes again.

It was determined that the front of the mysterious array was from the hand of Yuan Feng. Peng Ji was shocked in addition to the shock, but seriously, the strength shown by Yuan Feng, as long as his level of Xuan array is sufficient, arrange such a mysterious When it comes out, it is naturally not impossible.

"Oh, the predecessors have passed the prize, and the eagle worms have nothing to do, but it's not a big deal." With a smile, Yuan Feng's eyes swept away from Peng Ji and Gong Sun Yun, but he had made a decision.

As the saying goes, he is a junior, and now he has given the duo face, and then, obviously, it is time to show off with the duo.

"Veteran Peng Ji, and the elder Yunsun Yun, this time I and Waner said so much to the two, in fact, there is only one purpose, that is, I hope that the two veterans will follow Waner from now on You Zuo Wan'er, the master of Yuanji Palace, will never betray from now on. I wonder what the two will do? "

Since it is a showdown, of course, it is necessary to spread the floor thoroughly. As for whether the two can accept it, it depends on whether the nerves of the two are enough.

"Uh, this ........."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, whether it was Gongsun Yun or Peng Ji, they were all stunned. Frankly, at this moment, they really can't believe their ears.

"Boy, are you crazy? Are you sure you're talking?"

Gongsun Yun stood up first, as if looking at a lunatic, staring at Yuan Feng tightly, his eyes were full of mockery.

Who is his Gongsun Yun? How could it be to follow a little girl and help a little girl become the seat of Yuanji Palace? This is simply the best of the world!

Furthermore, he is loyal to the current palace master Hua Tian Xing. In contrast, Hua Tian Xing is obviously more weighty. As for Wan'er, if he waits for a few more years, he might consider it. After all, a demigod strong demigod who grows up completely is really terrifying.

"My dear, I still admire you a little bit, but you said that you were so disrespectful to the Lord of Yuanyuan Palace, you really disappointed me."

Elder Peng Ji was also a bit angry. He did have some appreciation for Yuan Feng, but Yuan Feng's words really made him uncomfortable.

"Two, don't rush to a conclusion first, there is one more thing, the two may not know yet, the two please see, these two spiritual soldiers, do you recognize them?"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng didn't argue with the two either. He raised his hand and took out two swords. The two swords were not ordinary goods at first glance. When the two veterans saw the two swords, they could not help showing an incredible horror on their faces.

"What? This, this is ........."

"It is the spirit soldier of Lord Gongzhu and veteran Li Jin !!!"

As for the two spiritual soldiers in Yuan Feng's hands, the two elders recognized them almost immediately. On top of the two spiritual soldiers at this time, there was even Hua Tianxing, the master of Yuanji Palace, A touch of veteran Li Jin from Yuanji Palace.

"How can this happen? How could Master Gongzhu and Elder Li Jin's spiritual soldiers appear in your hands?"

A very bad hunch suddenly appeared in the hearts of the two strong men. At this moment, both of them could not help but quickly beat up.

The spiritual soldier of the demigod is certainly not easy to let go, and even more terrible is that from the two spiritual soldiers, the two of them felt a very weak master breath, and the other was faint. There was a tragic breath on it. All signs are telling them a very terrible fact.

"Don't ... ... is Lord Gong and Elder Li Jin already ......... No, this is absolutely impossible !!!"

The two really didn't dare to continue to guess, because no matter what the matter was, the sight in front of them would not evolve any good results.

Yuan Feng handed over the soldiers of Huatian Xing and Li Jin. There were basically two possibilities. One, naturally, was Yuan Feng's killing of the two, and the best result was probably Yuan Feng's capture. Of course, no matter what kind of results, they are not willing to accept.

"Two, if you want to come to these two soldiers, you should all recognize them, and now I will tell you, your prideful palace master Hua Tianxing, and the unpleasant veteran Li Jin, these two have already Many fell under my sword. From now on, there will be no Huatian Xing and Li Jin in the world. "

Seeing the shock in the eyes of the two veterans, Yuan Feng was not letting the two continue to struggle, and it was directly about his beheading and killing of the two demigods.

"Om !!!!!!"

When Yuan Feng's words passed into her ears, Peng Ji and Gong Sun Yun felt only their heads buzzing, but there was a momentary blankness.

To be honest, they really had already guessed this kind of result that Yuan Feng said, but guessed it, and got the confirmation from Yuan Feng right now, they really couldn't accept such a fact.

"Master Gong is dead? Master Gong is ......... dead !!!"

For the two, such a news is almost like a thunderstorm, leaving them unable to accept it. Hua Tian Xing and Li Jin's strength, neither of them is under them, but these two super powerhouses died in the hands of Yuan Feng, or in the mysterious array in front of them. .

Li Jin is dead, after all, there are more than a dozen veterans of Yuanji Palace, and he is not afraid of losing one, but the owner of Yuanji Palace is only Huatian Xing! At this moment, as soon as Huatian Xing died, Yuanji Gongqunlong had no head, so must he not fall apart?

Of course, these are relatively distant things, and for now, the first thing they need to consider is their own problems.

Without Huatian Xing and Li Jin, ask them, what is the chance that the two of them will leave this mysterious array?

"Ah !!! You, you ... why did you kill my lord of the palace? What kind of deep hatred do the lord of the palace and you have, and you actually killed him !!!"

After a brief shock, the elder Peng Ji suddenly made a sorrowful cry, and then asked Yuan Fengzhi fiercely.

The relationship between him and Hua Tian Xing has been very harmonious, and Hua Tian Xing has kindness to him, so when I heard that Hua Tian Xing was killed by Yuan Feng, he really wished that he would take it now and kill Yuan Feng. Revenge for Huatian Xing.

"Huh, Huatian Xing is full of evil, and he is dead and dead." Hearing Peng Ji's question, Yuan Feng didn't care, and he continued with a shake of his hands. How many geniuses have their lives to enhance their potential, and not long ago, while Waner hit the demigod of Demigod, he hurt Waner in one fell swoop, if not because I arrived in time, Waner He has already been swallowed by him. By the way, even his four disciples were swallowed alive by him. Hua Tianxing himself acknowledged this.

In one breath, Chen Huatian Xing's guilt, Yuan Feng also wanted Peng Ji to see Hua Tian Xing's true face, because he felt that it makes Peng Ji sad for such a person, which is simply unreasonable.

"You, what do you say?"

Sure enough, when Yuan Feng told Hua Tianxing's guilt one by one, Veteran Peng Ji's face suddenly turned white, and the whole person shuddered slightly.

Compared to the news that Huatian Xing was beheaded, the news that he got now is even more unbelievable and unwilling to believe it.

"What I said, I think you have heard it very clearly. I didn't have any resentment against Hua Tianxing. If it weren't for his shot against Waner, I wouldn't have taken over Liangzi with him. Now you know why Wan'er is leaving Yuanji Palace, but Hua Tian Xing refuses to let her go? "

With a cold hum, Yuan Feng was staring at Peng Ji like this, but it was a little time for the other party to adjust. Obviously, suddenly letting the other party know so many things, I am afraid it would be enough for the other party to drink a pot.

ps: Xiaobang five more, brothers, please give Li Ha! !! !!

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