The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1899: Single gun (four more)

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Chapter 189: A Single Gun (Four More)

For Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun, the scene in front of them is too incredible for them. A little guy from Habitat I saw at the exchange meeting in Ziyun Palace at the beginning, now suddenly transformed into a horrible existence comparable to a demigod strongman. This transformation is like a dream. real.

At the exchange meeting that day, they all saw it very clearly. Yuan Feng ’s cultivation is definitely only the habitat, but it is better now. In just a few years, the other party has become an infinite figure. It has even reached the point where it is more powerful than a demigod. This kind of thing really makes them unable to believe.

However, whether they believe or not, the facts are in front of them, even if they do not believe it.

"There is such a thing in the world? In just a few years, it has reached the Promise from the Habitat. It is even more incredible to rely on the cultivation of the Promise to exert the power of the Demigod. what!"

Elder Peng Ji was completely shocked. This scene in front of him was beyond his imagination. When he thought of himself and others, Yuan Feng had actually cut off his arm. Under his heart, there was An inexplicable sense of weirdness.

For Yuan Feng, he was too impressed. At that time, he had thought that a genius who understood the realm of the magic sword when he was born, and there would be a place for the other in the future.

What he can never imagine is that in just a few years, the other party has not yet reached the level of demigod, that is, he has already had the power to damage the powerful demigod. If the other party has reached the demigod, The whole world has no delusion, where else can there be a way for others to live?

Gongsun Yun's feeling is similar. I met Yuan Feng here and met in this way. He didn't know how to describe his feelings at the moment. In short, he was definitely not at this moment. Be willing to believe everything in front of you.

His arm was cut off by a little man who was still alive a few years ago, let alone tell others about it. He only felt that his face was dull.

For a moment, the two elders didn't even bother to control Waner, but all their energies were gathered on Yuan Feng's body, and their hearts kept rolling.

In fact, Yuan Feng appeared in front of them at this time. Naturally, their first thought was that Ziyun Palace was involved in this incident. Such a speculation can be said to be very reasonable. After all, if there is no super strong in Ziyun Palace involved, with Yuan Feng and Waner alone, where did the surrounding super array come from?

The thought of this incident may involve Ziyun Palace, the two hearts of the two are even colder.

Although Yuanji Palace is very strong, if compared with Ziyun Palace, it will be a lot worse.

"Oh, two seniors, I didn't expect you to remember me, this is really the honor of the younger generation."

Hearing the opposite Peng Ji screamed his own name, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, took Waner directly to take a few steps forward, and said hello to the two half of the gods.

He was naturally not surprised that the two could call his name in one go. In fact, it was precisely because he knew that the two could recognize him, that was why he deliberately covered his face during the last fight. After all, at that time, he didn't want to reveal his identity.

However, it is not the same now. His cultivation has been promoted to the limitless realm, and his strength has reached a level comparable to that of the demigod. Moreover, the two in front of him are caught in his Jiuqu Yellow River formation. However, he is no longer worried about being recognized by the two.

"Yu, it's incredible. It seems that Ziyun Palace really has an extraordinary genius, but it's just unknown which master in Ziyun Palace can cultivate such a terrible character, I don't know. Is the teacher here today? "

Taking a deep breath, Elder Peng Ji took a step forward at this moment, but arched his hands very politely at Yuan Feng, and his courtesy, he virtually acknowledged Yuan Feng's status.

Although Yuan Feng ’s cultivation did not reach the demi-god realm, the non-polar state had an offensive power comparable to that of the demi-god realm. Such a genius is far more horrible than a strong demi-god realm. .

If such a genius should not be a gift to him, who else is qualified to perform this gift?

Speaking, Peng Ji's gaze couldn't help but look around, apparently believing that the master behind Yuan Feng had the Ziyun Palace behind him, and that master was now hidden in the mysterious array.

Gongsun Yun didn't speak at this moment. Although he has always been arrogant and soaring to the sky on the weekdays, now he is really a little arrogant. An infinite boy can cut off his arm. What else can he be proud of?

"Hehe, Elder Peng Ji, you don't have to bother to look for it, you don't have to hide it. This time when you come to Yuanji Palace, it has always been a junior single-handed. Of course, now there is another Waner, except for us two, here No one else exists. "

Seeing Peng Ji looking around, Yuan Feng couldn't help shaking his head with a smile, and then said to the other side.

He can also understand the other party ’s thoughts. No matter who he changed, he obviously would not believe that a young man without poles dared to go to Yuanji Palace by himself and fight against the entire Yuanji Palace.

In addition, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array in front of us is by no means a person who can be arranged by a non-polar state. Therefore, these two people naturally think that there is a strong person in the Ziyun Palace.

At that time, the major powers calculated the Ziyun Palace together. It would be understandable that the Ziyun Palace came back to seek revenge on these major forces. You know, Ziyun Palace has destroyed Yanyan Palace and Luan Xing Palace one after another. Even if you shot at Yuanji Palace, it is completely reasonable.

"Well, boy, do you think the two of us are three-year-olds? Don't think that I don't know your calculations, you want to let us two be unprepared, and then let the secret person carry out a sneak attack, right?"

Yuan Feng's voice dropped, this time, Gongsun Yun could not help but yelled and yelled at Yuan Feng.

In Gongsun Yun's heart, Yuan Feng must be to let him and Elder Peng Ji let go of his guard, and this has deceived them. As far as Yuan Feng is concerned, only he and Waner are here, and he will not kill him. Believe.

"Hahaha, this Gongsun veteran, there is a saying called to measure the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. This should be a person like you. When you say it to your heart, you feel that it is only because of your small role that you deserve Did I Yuanfeng tell lies? "

Hearing the words of Gongsun Yun, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh a long time, but the color of contempt was not concealed at all.

"What? You, you ... you dare to insult the Patriarch !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Gongsun Yun, who was already very unhappy, broke out directly. The kind of arrogant momentum obviously wanted to directly teach Yuan Feng.

Although he was severed by Yuan Feng the last time, he blamed them all on his temporary care. He believed that if it really hit, Yuan Feng would definitely not be his opponent.

"Brother Gongsun is calm and impatient, don't you think that his treacherous plan failed?"

Seeing that Gongsun Yun was about to break out, the elder Peng Ji on the side hurriedly reached out his hand and suppressed the momentum of the other party.

Peng Ji is relatively calm. If it is true that Gong Sun Yun thought that Yuan Feng was deceiving them in order to let them relax their vigilance, then at this moment, if Gong Sun Yun directly messes with his position, he will relax. Be wary. It makes no difference.

"Yu, wicked boy, I'll see you in a moment."

Being reminded by Peng Ji, Gongsun Yun apparently returned to God, and took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart. He also understands that if he is irritated with a few satires of a junior, then he is really not worthy of being a super-demand superpower.

Right now, only by staying calm can we find a way out.

"If you remember correctly, you should be called Yuan Feng, right? Little guy, call out the people behind you, it's such a time, everyone hides like this, but it really looks too kind. what!"

Veteran Peng Ji's eyes looked at Yuan Feng's body, but he finally shook his head and was kind and friendly. He never believed that this large array in front of him would be out of the hands of Yuan Feng and Wan'er.

"Hehe, Elder Peng Ji, I heard Wan'er said that you have always been good to her, so the junior can be regarded as a face to you, but he will not talk back to you, but for one thing, Elder Peng Ji was really wrong. This time when I came to Yuanyuan Palace to rescue Waner, it was really just me. As for Ziyun Palace, there was nothing more than a temporary stop for me. There were not many people in Ziyun Palace and me. Intersection. "

In any case, the veteran Peng Ji has kindness to Waner, and until now, he was helping Waner to speak. Therefore, Yuan Feng had a good impression on this.


Hearing the answer given by Yuan Feng this time, the faces of Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun both changed suddenly. Yuan Feng's words all talked about this, obviously, the credibility of these words has increased by another point.

"No one else, then this mysterious array ..."

"Oh, don't hide the two, this mysterious array is from the hands of the juniors, and the layout is a bit hasty, so it is somewhat inadequate, but it can be used!"

With a smile on his face, Yuan Feng seemed to be telling a trivial matter, but when his words fell, whether it was Peng Ji on the opposite side or Gong Sun Yun on the other side, their faces became abnormal. Wonderful.

ps: Four more arrived, beg for a flower support, who will break a place! !! !!

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