The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1901: Benevolence (one more)

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Chapter 1901 The End of Benevolence (One More)

Veteran Peng Ji really broke down at this moment. First, he learned that Hua Tianxing, the master of Yuanji Palace, was dead, and then he learned that Hua Tianxing was truly human. This made him feel that what he had always insisted on The thing is to make trouble for the tiger, and he has always claimed to be righteous.

Of course, he could not believe all of Yuan Feng's words, but as a demigod superpower, he naturally has his own judgment.

None of these words that Yuan Feng said were strict, and there was absolutely no trace of improper expression, and more importantly, after linking back and forth, he found that if everything that Yuan Feng said was true, So in the past, many of his doubts were solved.

He doesn't believe others, but he has absolute trust in Waner. If Waner would talk to Huatian Xing for no reason, this is simply impossible, but if Huatian Xing was injustice first, then he must talk completely. Linked to Huatian Xing's flawed explanation, he believed that Yuan Feng's words were more like real.

In addition, he also liked Hua Tianxing's four disciples very much. However, the four disciples disappeared long ago. When he asked Hua Tianxing's whereabouts, he was told that he was concentrating on his practice. The death barrier impacted the demigod state, at that time, he had already deeply doubted the other side.

Now that all the problems are linked, Hua Tian Xing's nature naturally emerges slowly.

"Why, how can this happen, Lord Gong Lord ......... Hey !!!"

At this moment, Peng Ji's fall of Hua Tianxing is not so difficult to accept. After all, for a person like him, between the kindness and the righteousness, he is still more inclined to the latter.

"Veteran Peng Ji, Master said what he said is true. If there is a bit of falsehood, Waner is willing to be robbed by the Five Thunders." Waner also finally had a chance to speak at this moment, and to her heart, Hua Tianxing told her With the grace of teaching, she was actually reluctant to give out her guilt after her death, but now she has to say that it matters a lot.

"Two veterans, Waner was an ordinary girl in the original world. He could have been serving the young master happily. Later, he found me and brought him to the realm of innocence. I thought he really wanted it. The professor and me, how did he know that when I hit the demigod, he poisoned Waner's body with poison, if it wasn't because the master arrived in time, I would have been swallowed by him. "

Waner is very clear that Peng Ji may have some doubts about Yuan Feng's words, but she believes that with her long friendship with Veteran Peng Ji, Veteran Peng Ji would never doubt her.

"Well, girl, stop talking !!!"

After hearing Waner's words, the expression of Elder Peng Ji could not help but be more painful. He was unwilling to believe it all, but now it seems that whether he wants to believe it or not, the fact is the fact, but there is no way to change it.

"Two people, telling you all this is just not wanting you to be confused and deceived. Well, I have said it before, but you are willing to surrender to me and Waner, and then you will help Waner to become a new yuan. Lord of the Palace? "

I told the beginning and the end of the matter to the two elders, but Yuan Feng no longer explained anything to the two. You know, he can say so much to the two, really all in Waner's face. Otherwise, he is too lazy to talk to the two.

"Hey, little guy, Lord Gongzhu is kind to me. Although he may have done a lot of wrong things, but this time you beheaded him, my brother Gongsun and I will not be able to kill you."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Peng Ji veteran shook his head and sighed, but he did not agree to Yuan Feng's request.

He really likes Waner. If Huatian Xing is still alive, he can persuade Huatian Xing and pass the seat of Yuanji Gongzhu to Waner, and he will really help him.

However, now that Huatian Xing died in the hands of Yuan Feng and Wan'er, if he was asked to assist Wan'er, he would really be unable to do so, at least, it would be difficult for him to convince his conscience.

It is a bit overwhelming to say that he is loyal, but in any case, he really can't find a reason to convince himself.

"Veteran Peng Ji, don't rush to conclusions, frankly, I'm also looking at Wan'er's face, and I've said so much to the two, if not, you two, I'm afraid I would have told Nahua already Tian Xing, like Li Jin, died under my sword. "

Yuan Feng could not help frowning at the answer given by the elder Peng Ji. Obviously, he was a little unhappy. He has always disliked such unreasonable people, knowing clearly that what he insists on is wrong, but he still has to insist on it, which is difficult for him to accept anyway.

"Hehe, Waner, you can open up to the old man's network, and say that the old man would also like to thank you, but now that such a thing happened in the Yuanji Palace, the old man really has no intention to control the affairs of the Yuanji Palace. In the future, I would like to break away from Yuanji Palace and go to a free life alone. "

Peng Ji has his own insistence. No matter what Yuan Feng and Wan Er say, he obviously cannot agree to the two's request.

Over Yuanji Palace, he really didn't want to take more control. If he could, he would choose to go high and fly high, and never have to worry about the world, and become a lone wanderer.

"Hahaha, Elder Peng Ji, I did not expect you to be such an irresponsible person, well, so to speak, there is no need to waste my lips like a person like you who is not responsible."

Hearing the words of the elder Peng Ji, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh aloud, and his eyes couldn't help a little contempt.

Speaking of which, although Elder Peng Ji said that he wanted to run away, in fact, this is all a kind of self-evasion. At the moment, Yuanji Palace is the headless group of dragons, which is likely to be very turbulent. At this time, Peng Ji didn't want to do something for Yuanji Palace, but chose to stay away. This was obviously not a loyalty to Huatian Xing.

"Well, whatever you say, the old man will never help you. As for Yuanji Palace, whether it grows or collapses in the future, it has nothing to do with the old man."

Peng Ji is indeed evading, but the right and wrong among them can't be identified by anyone. After all, everyone has their own thoughts and considerations, and no one can say that his decision was wrong.

"Brother Peng Ji said well, hey, since Brother Peng Ji intentionally wanders the horizon, I do n’t think so. You are also one of us. Let ’s be two together, we will never worry about the world. In the future, you and I will be counted. Have a companion! "

When Elder Peng Ji's words came to an end, Gongsun Yun, who was on the side, suddenly had a bright look, but hurried in to intervene.

How savvy Gongsun Yun is, he can see that the reason why Yuan Feng and Waner are so kind to their two old guys is because of the relationship between Waner and Peng Ji, which he absolutely does not have.

Right now, if he wants to leave this mysterious array, then obviously he needs to find a way to establish a relationship with Peng Ji, and once he can go out with the other party, the next thing is not what he wants to do. ?

"Well, okay, okay, you two don't have to dream here. Right now you are in my mysterious array, how to deal with you is up to me."

Seeing that Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun had planned for the future, Yuan Feng couldn't help humming and waved to the two.

It seems that he is really too polite to these two people. Although this veteran Peng Ji has kindness to Waner, but at the critical moment, hasn't he still started to deal with Waner? If he really loves Waner, then he should not deal with Waner at that time with other people. In these situations, Waner can not care, but he can't.

"Veteran Peng Ji, you want to go to Langlang Tianya. OK, I will give you this opportunity, but your practice is an uncertain threat for me and Waner, so even if you want Langlang Tianya, I won't let you leave like this. "

His eyes glanced at Elder Peng Ji, and Yuan Feng's heart had already thought out the arrangements for the other party.


Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Elder Peng Ji's eyes flashed a little panic, because from Yuan Feng's words, he heard some terrible situations.

"And you, Gongsun Yun, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. This veteran Peng Ji has kindness to Waner. I can also tell him the truth. As for you, are you still waiting for me honestly? Let it go! "

Yuan Feng also didn't give the two a chance to speak. With a cold hum, he turned around and looked at Waner behind him.

"Waner, let me take care of the next thing, rest assured, I won't kill them, but these two want to leave safely, but it is not possible."

In any case, Wan'er's feelings must be taken care of, but he also has his own insistence and principles, and he doesn't want Wan'er to interfere too much.

"Master, do what you want to do, Waner listens to everything."

Wan'er could see that Yuan Feng was obviously a little angry at this moment, and at this time, of course, she would no longer point at Yuan Feng's actions. After all, she can do it for Veteran Peng Ji, but she has already done it.

"Okay, in this case, you step back first!" Nodded, Yuan Feng raised her hand and sent Waner aside, then he looked at Peng Ji and Gongsun who were not very good-looking. cloud.

"Two, since you are given a chance, you do n’t cherish it, then you're welcome to blame, Jiuqu Yellow River, drive me !!!"

Yuan Feng finally stopped politely with the two. Between raising his hands, the two strong men suddenly felt the space around them as if they were suddenly trapped in a black hole. In a blink of an eye, The two did not see each other again, and at the same time, a huge suction came from the surroundings, and their whole strength began to lose madly.


Feeling the uncontrollable loss of power throughout the body, the two strong men changed their looks, both scared and scared.

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