The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1887: Rushing Promise

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Chapter 187: Levelless Promise

For Yuan Feng, he hasn't felt as good as he is now.

From the adventure into the Yuanji Palace to the beginning, he has played against three demigods, and the three results have ended with the cutting off of one arm of the enemy. It can be said that this is definitely a record of amazing talent, but also a record of increasing his confidence.

Not to mention a person who is less than a demigod, even if it is a demigod strong, it is absolutely difficult to cut off an opponent who is also a demigod. His results are probably not so much. Personal letter.

Consecutive damage to the three major demigods in succession is undoubtedly a huge boost to confidence for Yuan Feng, and in this state, of course, everything can be done like a god's help.

It can be said that at this moment, it is definitely the most suitable time for him to hit the Promise.

The superb state, coupled with the extreme spiritual reference given to him by the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Rong, and those treasures on Waner, he is full of self-confidence in this state of implosion.

The recovery of the injury took Yuan Feng a full ten days. This injury was indeed not mild. Fortunately, his 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong is really horrible. If there is no Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, then these injuries on his body may be It is also difficult to recover in this life.

For about half a month or so, Hua Tian Xing, the host of Yuanji Palace, did not come to harass them, because of the existence of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Hua Tianxing could not sense their position at all.

No matter how savvy Huatian Xing is, he can never imagine that Yuan Feng's hand is a super-horse with such horror. If he knows that Yuan Feng has such a big array, he really wants to come Consider if you really want to fight against Yuan Feng.

Of course, Yuan Feng didn't care at all about what Hua Tianxing was doing at the moment, and whether he was looking for himself and Waner. At this moment, all his energy was devoted to him. On the impact of the Promise.

Yuan Feng knew what it meant for him to be promoted to Wuji, so he was extremely cautious and very diligent.

He recovered from a serious injury, which made his foundation more solid. In the following time, Yuan Feng took almost all the babies he could use, and used them for himself. Before the situation, his state is definitely the best state.

It took a full three days before Yuan Feng felt that he had finally entered the best state, and at this time, he really had to start the impact on the Promise.

"Waner, I am shocking the realm of the Promise, and no one is allowed to disturb me. The next time, you will stay by the side to prevent all special situations from happening, you know?"

Waner has finished her cultivation at this moment, but she is waiting to be dispatched. She also knows what it means for Yuan Feng to break into the Promise, so of course it is also abnormal expectations.

Yuan Feng's cultivation in the yin and yang realm can cut off the arm of the Demigod Realm. If Yuan Feng is promoted to the Promise, his strength will be increased by hundreds of times. By then, Yuan Feng will deal with people in the Demigod. Isn't it a matter of capture?

The thought of Yuan Feng will become very, very powerful, her heart is a little difficult to restrain aroused.

"Master, rest assured, Waner will do her utmost to help the master to guard him. No matter who comes, I will keep it out. I will never let anyone approach the master, and I will never disturb anyone. To Master. "

Waner patted her plump breasts, but made a ticket to Yuan Feng. However, after all, Yuan Feng has already set up the Jiuqu Yellow River Array here. As long as the Xuan Array is not broken, no one will find them, so the pressure of Waner is nothing at all. Big.

"Well, since that's the case, then you can just stay and watch it honestly, I hope this time I can succeed in leveling up, or if you can learn from it."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng no longer talked to the other. With a wave of his hand, he sat slowly and crossed his knees. At the same time, he borrowed a few rare spiritual plants borrowed from Waner. Appeared in his hands.

These Lingzhi plants, each Lingzhi plant is an invaluable treasure. He has already asked Waner. These Lingzhi plants are the spiritual things that Hua Tianxing prepared for her to impact the extreme world. When breaking through to the Promise, there are not too many annoying spirits, and these are naturally left.

It can be imagined, how could Huatian Xing's graded thing for Waner be an ordinary baby? You know, this time Waner's level of demigod realm, Hua Tian Xing has taken out all his family, it can be seen that his dedication to Waner, there is no bottom line.

Maybe, if these Lingzhi babies are added together, the effect may not be much worse than that of Yuandao Ling in the hands of Yuan Feng.

"God's blessing, must let me break through the yin and yang realm, and advance to the infinite realm of the infinite world !!! Devour the heavenly martial spirit, get me up !!!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng thought, and then his devouring Wuling suddenly ran out and swallowed all the natural treasures directly.

The existence of Wu Tian Wu Ling has never been shown to anyone, and he has not even let other relatives know about it. Although Wan Er is on the side now, he has nothing to hide from Wan Er.

Swallowing Tianwuling swallowed all the Tianling Dibao as much as possible, and then returned directly to Yuan Feng's body. It seems that it can complete these things directly in Yuan Feng's body.

"That's ... Master Martial Arts?"

Waner naturally saw Yuan Feng's devouring martial arts spirit, but she did not have martial arts, so she didn't know much about it. However, from the perspective of Yuan Feng's martial arts situation, Yuan Feng's martial arts is definitely an unusual alien.

Speaking of it, from a certain point of view, her nihility is actually a special existence comparable to martial arts. However, the strength of nihility is not comparable to ordinary martial spirits. This is something that every powerful warrior can figure out.

Wan'er didn't study Yuan Feng's martial arts too much. For him, Yuan Feng told her what the other side told her, so she dared to remember in her heart. As for what the other party did not let her do, she absolutely Will stay away from it and will never do it advocatingly.

So, the next time, her big eyes stared at Yuan Feng tightly, but there was no movement.

"Om !!!!!!"

After Yuan Feng's swallowing Tianwu Ling swallowed up a large number of Tianling Dibao, his body had a very magnificent momentum, suddenly rippling from his body, and with The momentum spread, Yuan Feng's whole person seemed to be settled, and was gradually shrouded in a thin mist.

"Aura becomes a cocoon? Great. It seems that this time, the young master has the hope of breaking a cocoon into a butterfly!"

Although Waner's years of cultivation are not too long, as a disciple of the demigod, his insights are extraordinary. This situation under Yuan Feng's eyes is a state that practitioners yearn for very much. It's called Reiki becoming cocoon. The appearance of this state is very rare. Generally speaking, if this happens, then the cultivation People hit the realm, but the success rate is to increase by 10%.

"It seems that the talent of the young master is truly unmatched. It is indeed the young master of Waner!"

Looking at Yuan Feng ’s body and spirit, the more she gathered, Waner ’s heart was full of pride, just as it was n’t Yuan Feng that started to hit the realm, but herself.

Having said that, even if she hits the realm herself, I am afraid it will not let her have such emotions.

Yuan Feng didn't know what Wan'er was thinking about at the moment, and he didn't have the energy to think about it distractedly. At this moment, he had completely entered into an indescribable state, his strength, Also slowly started to improve.

For Yuan Feng, at this moment, he could not feel everything around him, and even Waner, who was not far away from him, had disappeared from his perception.

In his perception, he now seems to have entered a closed egg, and this closed dome seems to be all condensed with heaven and earth aura. The feeling is really unspeakable. .

"What is the Promise? The Promise has endless power and wants to achieve the Promise. That is to break through the shackles of yin and yang, break the limits of the law, and develop the body to the limitless and infinite."

In Yuan Feng's mind, such a text almost emerged slowly or involuntarily. These words were told to Waner, and Waner himself also got it from Hua Tianxing and other veteran powerhouses in Yuanji Palace. Obviously, these few words are the proverbs summarized by those demigods in Yuanji Palace.

"Endless? Is it lawless? To put it bluntly, the so-called Promise Realm is basically how strong and strong, how big and big, all I need to do is to open my heart and do what I want, as long as I can Whether it can achieve the state of infinity is up to heaven to decide! "

The so-called destiny is known by all people. He doesn't know if he can really succeed at this level. However, whether he succeeds or not, as long as he does it according to his own heart, he will not complain even if he really fails. No regrets.

He calmed down completely, and Yuan Feng abandoned all the thoughts at this moment, and even the points that Waner said to him were all left behind by him. This time, he will follow his own heart.

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