The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1888: Promise of Promise (1)

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Chapter 188: The Promise of Promise (1)

For 10,000 people, there are 10,000 kinds of understanding. Each person has his own characteristics. Only the one that suits him best is the best. If it is not suitable for himself, then even The best person's summary, when put on his own body, is probably not applicable at all.

For Yuan Feng, Waner's reminders to him cannot be said to be of no use at all, but after he began to try to impact the Promise, he knew that those mentioned by Waner were nothing more than giving him a The direction of the effort is nothing but what really can help him break through the shackles of the yin and yang realm and reach the realm of the endless state. In fact, it is his own perception.

The principle that Yuan Feng realized was to promote his own power desperately. The so-called infinity is to break the last trace of the limit to a state without extremes. This is the so-called infinity.

But then again, what kind of realm can be regarded as the real breakthrough? The delimitation of this kind of boundary is undoubtedly the key issue that impacts the Promise. Only by truly solving this problem can we break through the shackles of Yin and Yang and achieve the Promise.

Yuan Feng doesn't know if he has realized it, or if what he thinks is right or wrong, but once he enters a certain thought, it is impossible for him to pull it out. The only thing he can do is to keep Keep doing it.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng ’s aura of courage is getting thicker and thicker. Although there is a block of the Jiuqu Yellow River array, the outside world ’s aura can still enter it. After all, the operation of the Jiuqu Yellow River array, It needs the outside world's aura to supplement.

In the blink of an eye, one month quietly slipped away, and in this month, Yuan Feng's spirit cocoons deep in, but there was no movement at all, not even Waner on the side, I know what kind of state Yuan Feng is now.

In fact, this kind of thing that hits the realm can be said to be a hurdle for the martial arts to advance. Everyone knows that if the thinking is a little bit deviating when the realm is leveled up, it may get into the horns and wait for the practitioner Yes, it will be a silent ending, and for that result, not everyone can afford it.

Wan'er really wants to help Yuan Feng, but she also understands, how can such a thing help? Everything, but all depends on Yuan Feng's own qualifications and understanding, and Yuan Feng's will quality.

After one month, Yuan Feng still showed no signs of waking up. However, at one month's time, she seemed to have heard some movements in the reiki cocoon, but the movements were not large, it seemed that Yuan Feng was using more Heaven and earth treasure.

In fact, this is also the case. In this month, Yuan Feng has completely digested the baby borrowed from Waner before, and without Lingbao to increase his comprehension, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the final breakthrough. Therefore, at the critical moment, he finally prepared himself for a long time, but was devoured by the extreme Taoism that has been reluctant to use.

"Om !!!!!!"

The effect of Jidao Lingshen is much better than those Lingbao provided by Wan'er. Almost just after Jidao Lingshen falls down, Yuan Feng feels that he can't speak comfortably all over his body. That feeling was like a faint call, guiding him toward a light gate.

"Golden ginseng, this is the case, it is so !!!! After a long time of trouble, this precious ginseng's precious place is not how strong the ginseng itself is. I understand, I understand !!! "

An extremely Taoist ginseng fell down, Yuan Feng had a sense of transparency throughout his body, and at this moment, he finally understood why the extreme Taoist ginseng was so sought after by the martial arts, and was regarded as a shock to the extreme world. Of the treasure.

Jidao Lingshen, as the name suggests, has a polar word in its name, and this polar word is exactly the same as the Wuji state. Speaking of which, the so-called extreme Taoist ginseng is actually a special spirit that has grown to the extreme, but cannot continue to grow. To put it plainly, this thing can no longer be regarded as a ginseng, but should be a new species. That's right.

Yuan Feng was fortunate. At the moment he devoured the ultimate Taoist ginseng, he realized what was extreme. Of course, perhaps the ultimate he realized was not the ultimate spiritually achieved by other people, but no matter what, the so-called different routes, as long as the route does not deviate, the result will eventually be good.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, but the warrior has created such an extreme without such extreme conditions. It seems that the wisdom of the warrior has really reached the point of affecting the world!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a sneer. It is said that the warrior is deposited between heaven and earth and can only go with the sky. In fact, the wisdom of the warrior can actually change his life against the sky. However, if he wants to be against the sky, then he must have enough Power.

"It seems that this time no one can stop me from being promoted to the limitless state!"

With a sigh in my heart, Yuan Feng at this moment was calm, never before. For the impact of the Promise, it is nothing more than to realize one of the truths, and he believes that what he has learned at this moment is far beyond what a normal Prom person can understand. .

Under such circumstances, if he is not yet able to advance to Promise, he will not have to walk outside in the future.

Speaking of which, this time can be considered a natural success. After all, so many heavens, earth, and spirits have the experience of confronting the three great demigods before. These are things that ordinary people dare not think about in their lifetimes.

Of course, Waner explained to him the precautions of impacting the Promise, and naturally helped her a lot. It can be said that this time, he was able to shock the Promise so smoothly, but his preparation was too sufficient.

"It's time to push the limits and achieve a real limitless situation!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng could feel that the effect of Jidao Lingshen had reached the maximum. Apparently, the cocoons around his body had also accumulated enough. At this time, he would not break through, but when would he wait?

"It's time for Zhenwu's magical power to enter a stronger realm !!!" Between the thoughts, Zhenwu's magical power immediately began to run quickly. In an instant, Yuan Feng felt that his body was fierce. Qing, then, his mind came to a vast and endless space.

Here, he could not feel the ultimate of heaven and earth, but he could feel the oppression of the whole heaven and earth, and all he needed to do was to break the oppression, so that heaven and earth could no longer exert pressure on him.

"Break it for me !!!"

Zhenwu's magical powers worked to the extreme. At a certain moment, his mind suddenly caught a ray of light seeping out of nowhere, and when he saw this ray, his body trembled slightly, and then he suddenly radiated from this ray. It broke through.


With a loud noise, it suddenly spread from the aura cocoon where Yuan Feng was located. At this moment, Waner, who was protecting the law for him, could feel that at this moment, the surrounding space was a little unstable, and a large amount of heaven and earth aura. At this moment, the speed was obviously accelerated to converge toward Yuan Feng, making the thickness of that spiritual cocoon thicker and thicker.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

The gathering of heaven and earth aura has formed a powerful energy storm. Fortunately, Waner's strength is very strong, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be blown away.

"So strong energy fluctuations, so terrifying heaven and earth, is this master trying to succeed? But, the master attacked the realm of the Promise, the momentum is even more horrible than my achievement of the demigod !!"

Wan'er's face was full of excitement, and she could feel that Yuan Feng at this moment was definitely going to succeed in the Promise Realm. It's just that she really has a hard time understanding Yuan Feng's momentum.

Theoretically speaking, Yuan Feng's impact is nothing more than the limitless state. Regardless of how powerful the state is, it is definitely impossible to exceed the intensity of impacting the demigod state, right? Judging from the current situation, Yuan Feng's impulsive momentum is really more terrifying than when she achieved demigod.

"The young master is the young master. Anyone who is a girl can be so powerful. Of course, the young master must be a hundred times better than me."

She doesn't care what Yuanfeng is so powerful for. For her, since Yuanfeng is her young master and her master, of course she should be more arrogant than her. As for the realm of cultivation, those are Clouds do not need to be concerned at all.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's body aura is getting thicker and thicker, there is a thunder formed above Yuan Feng's head. The power is absolutely difficult for any warrior to create, even if it is the achievement of demigods. The environment cannot be compared with it.

"It ’s a terrible scene. What kind of magical skill has the master practiced so that he can have such a terrible scene? I do n’t know what kind of strength he can have when he reaches the limitless state.”

Wan'er's little hands clasped tightly together, but in her heart she yearned more for Yuan Feng's strength after the breakthrough. She believed that after Yuan Feng's breakthrough to the Promise, it would be an extremely horrible existence.

"Well !!!"

In the time between Waner's thoughts, Yuan Feng ’s aura of cocoon, as if suddenly suffered a heavy blow from the outside, began to collapse rapidly, and with the collapse of the aura cocoon, all the auras It was violently converging towards the center. Instantly, with Yuan Feng as the center, a huge vortex, like a small black hole, completely wrapped Yuan Feng as a whole.

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