The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1886: Sticking point

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Chapter 186 The Crux

The three strong men from Yuanji Palace and his party can be said to have truly returned, but naturally, they will not talk to others about what happened today.

Each of the three demigods is strong. Yuan Feng has been cut off by his arm. Speaking of them, the three have a feeling of sympathy for the same disease. However, it is often less than a demigod when they think of cutting their arms At the time of the little guy, the hearts of the three were unhappy.

In any case, when learning that Waner has achieved the invincible realm of Demigod, Hua Tianxing will not be able to act easily. After all, without perfect preparations, it is impossible to take a stand. What about the demigod demigod strong, on the contrary, will make Waner more and more alert.

Fortunately, Waner's body has the marks he left. No matter where the other party goes, as long as the tokens on his body are not lost, he can find the other party by the touch of the vine, and even the thunderous power in Yuanfeng's body, Both are effective ways for him to find the two.

However, he did not think that whether it was Waner or Yuan Feng, it was obviously not as simple as he thought, especially Yuan Feng. If he felt that he could use some of Yuan Feng's body to control the place, then Obviously it was a big mistake.

When Huatian Xing returned to Yuanji Palace with his two arms and half-arms, Yuanfeng and Waner came to a new temporary residence.

Here is a vast expanse of icefields. The entire icefield is endless and there is no edge at all, but this time, Yuan Feng put their foothold in an underground ice room below the icefield. Of course, this underground ice room was naturally dug by Yuan Feng himself.

"Master, it's strange that Waner is useless. If Waner can drive away the bad guys, then the young master may have already recovered his injury!"

Wan'er has been released from the physical world by Yuan Feng, and as soon as she comes out, Wan'er is constantly blaming herself.

She had vowed to protect Yuanfeng before, but in the end, it seems that Yuanfeng shot to protect her. When she thinks of this, she feels that she has a fever on her face, and her heart is full of unhappiness.

"Hahaha, silly girl, you have done a good job. You have just been promoted to the semi-god realm now, but the power control of this realm is a little worse, so waiting for you to master some of the semi-god realms After you have mastered the means, think of it and you will do better. "

Hearing Wan'er's self-complaint, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, and patted the other's small head gently.

To be honest, he has never thought about letting Waner protect him. How can he be a big girl to protect himself? This time it was because he caught some injuries, otherwise, he would not let Waner take the lead at all.

Of course, after all, if it wasn't for Waner who held back most of the energy of the two powerful men, this time it would be impossible for him to cut off the arms of the two powerful men so easily.

"Waner, I have some good martial arts here. You will practice it seriously later, maybe it will be of great help to you. After you have cultivated these methods, you can deal with those guys, but you can Much simpler. "

Wan'er's strength is indeed sufficient, but the means are really worse, especially her attack power. Although she does not have enough subtle and powerful attack means, she wants to cause injury to her opponent, But it is not easy.

Yuan Feng's body, however, has the sword skills given by the master of the Liuhe Palace, Hua Xun, and the god-level skills that he obtained earlier. For Waner, even his blood curse, free-spirit and no shadow He was willing to share his magical power with him.

It's not that Waner's status is higher than other people's, but his means, I am afraid that only Waner, a demigod, can cultivate, as for those in Qingwu Palace, it is impossible for anyone Trained. If you forcibly cultivate, it is actually harmful.

"Thank you, Master, Waner will definitely practice the magical powers given by Master and become more powerful."

Wan'er also knows where her problems lie, and she is very excited to receive the magic from Yuan Feng. You should know that the magical skills cultivated by the demigods are very precious. For so long, her master has never given her any powerful attack skills.

Now thinking about it, Hua Tian Xing's treatment of her is obviously to maximize her strength and stimulate her nihilism, but she never thought of ways to improve her combat effectiveness. It can be seen that the purpose of the other party is basically to swallow her, but there will be no other thoughts.

"Yes, there should be some means left by Hua Tianxing on your body. With these means, this allows him to trace us. Think about it, what is this kind of thing?"

How savvy Yuan Feng is, he knows very well that if there is no special means, Huatian Xing would not be able to find them before. Maybe it was because of the mark on Waner's body that they found them.

"Ah, I have a lot of things on me, all of which were given to me by Huatian Xing. Master can help me to see which things may be wrong?"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words like this, Wan'er couldn't help but a little anxious, then she raised her hand and took out everything from her body, including her brain, and put it in front of Yuan Feng.

"Uh, this ........."

Seeing a pile of dazzling objects, Yuan Feng could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth, but was surprised by Waner's family. It seems that Waner's practice under Huatian Xing's hands has really benefited a lot!

"Let me see what things are all right. Among these things, there must be something that Huatian Xing has added!"

With a glance around the dazzling array of objects, Yuan Feng moved his mind to take out the items individually and explored them one by one.

Waner's these things are a bit too complicated. What kind of crystals, spirits, and weapons are simply everything. Some of them are even stunned when they look at them.

However, these things are very ordinary treasures, obviously there should be no means to get involved in them, and they were quickly eliminated by Yuan Feng one by one.

"Waner, in addition to these things, do you have other objects in Yuanji Palace?"

With the devouring Wuling spirit in his body, Yuan Feng believes that there is absolutely no problem in these things he has explored. Obviously, the problem is not with these things.

"Any other Yuanji Palace thing? By the way, there is this !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's question like this, Waner first revealed her thoughts, but then suddenly her eyes brightened and she thought of something.

"Brush !!!" With a flash of light, a crystal jade card appeared in her hands, which is her own identity token, and this thing is the main emperor of Yuanji Palace. Tian Xing personally gave her.

"Master, this is my identity token. If there is any problem, it can only come from it."

When the words fell, she handed the token directly to Yuan Feng's hands, but there was no hesitation.

Now think about it, when Hua Tianxing handed this thing into her hands, he said that this thing must not leave her, otherwise, it would pose a great threat to her safety. Now it seems that This is probably what the other party said so intentionally, in order to let her always carry this thing, so as not to find her person.

"Eh? This token ......... haha, it seems that the problem lies on this thing. If I guess correctly, Huatian Xing should have found it along this thing."

After looking into the token, Yuan Feng quickly determined that there must be something wrong with this token. As for the specific method, there is no need to waste energy to study it.

"It's really it. In that case, I'll destroy it and throw it aside."

After getting Yuan Feng's answer, Wan'er couldn't help but look anxious, and in the middle of speaking, he wanted to get back the jade card and directly destroy it.

"No hurry, since this thing has been found to be weird by us, let's keep it for now, maybe it will be of great use!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not directly destroy the jade brand. Anyway, he already knows where the problem lies. In this case, why can't this token become his weapon against Huatian Xing?

"Waner, you do n’t have to worry about it. I have set up a mysterious array here. You and I are now in my mysterious array space, and in such a mysterious array space, everything outside is like this. Completely isolated, even if there is a problem with this token, then Huatian Xing can't sense it through my mysterious array. "

After learning from the previous lesson, Yuan Feng very wisely chose to arrange a Jiuqu Yellow River array, and with the existence of Xuan Zhen, no matter how strange the means of Huatian Xing, it is impossible to pass through Xuan Zhen. Probed here.

"Ah, there is such a mysterious array?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Waner couldn't help but be slightly surprised. She has never heard of such a mysterious array, but since Yuan Feng said, she has no unbelief.

"Okay, Waner, in the next time, you will feel safe to cultivate, and I will recover the injury as soon as possible, and then I will impact the state of the Promise. By the way, I see your heaven and earth and treasure Not bad, if you do n’t use it urgently, I will rush into these realms later and lend me these spirit treasures! "

Since it is necessary to shock the Promise, of course, the more fully prepared, the better, these treasures of Waner are indeed rare treasures that impact the Promise, and at this time, he will naturally not be polite with Waner.

Promise, he must try to make a shock, and once he can succeed, then some people, I am afraid that it is really unlucky!

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