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Chapter 188: Feather Puppet

Yuan Feng picked up a bargain this time. Actually, he had already sneaked out of the cave below before. However, everyone else's attention was on Waner's body and he didn't pay much attention to him.

With the magic of Wuying Divine Power, even if he is fully absorbed, he may not be able to find him, let alone when this kind of attention is not focused?

Just when the two big and half divine powerhouses only wanted to entangle Waner, but did not expect that someone would sneak in, he came to the two in secret. It is a pity that although his shots are very decisive and very fast, neither of the two demigods is a fuel-saving lamp. At the critical moment, the two avoided the key points and were only cut off.

Having said that, I was injured by the sharp weapons such as Chixiao Sword. Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji may not be able to exert their full strength at one and a half minutes, and it is best to quickly adjust the injury and stretch the arm as quickly Out, otherwise they will have a very bad influence on their future cultivation.

"Ah, my arm, my arm !!!"

Why has Gongsun Yun ever suffered such losses? At the moment, his arm was severed, and his strength was greatly impaired. For him, it was simply something he could not accept.

The main thing is that after Shicai was cut off by his opponent, he faintly found that the cultivation of the opponent did not reach the demi-god state, but the spirit soldier in his hand was more aggressive.

His arm was severed by a young man who had not reached the semi-godder, which he absolutely could not tolerate.

"How could this be……………"

Veteran Peng Ji also covered his broken arm with one hand, looking pale. The more powerful the people, the greater the impact on the body after the injury. Their arm is broken. God knows how long it will take to cultivate.

However, what veteran Peng Ji shocked was far more than that. In fact, his mind was more focused on the talented scene.

"How is that possible? Wan'er and Wan'er are willing to enter the body world of others willingly? How is this possible ?!"

Although he had broken his arm before, his energy was still paying attention to Waner. At that moment, he saw that Waner was taken into the physical world by an unfamiliar man without any resistance. What kind of trust was needed to achieve this?

Everyone knows that entering the physical world of another person, even a strong demigod, is a very dangerous thing, because the physical world of a warrior is a very special existence in the physical world of others. Basically, it is your responsibility to let someone else handle your life.

Wan'er could enter the other person's body world without hesitation. It can be seen that the relationship between the other party and Wan'er is definitely the kind of relationship that can kill her life.


The screams of the two demigods were of course immediately felt by Hua Tianxing in the cave below. The time spent speaking, Hua Tianxing emerged from the cave and came to the two The strong are near.

"His ......... This, this ........."

When Hua Tian Xing came to the sky and saw the situation of the two half-semi-old elders, his eyes couldn't help showing an incredible look.

"Two veterans, you ......... oops, why are you so careless !!!"

Seeing that the arms of the two veterans had broken one, where did Hua Tianxing not know who did it? Obviously, it can be seen from the broken arm of the two that who cut off the arm of the two, besides Yuan Feng who holds the Excalibur?

"Palace, we, we ..."

Seeing the appearance of Huatian Xing, the two demigod veterans had some words jammed for a while, and they were still superpowers of the demigod, and they had their arms cut off so easily. Enough to shame.

"Where are you? But where do you see people running?"

Hua Tian Xing was not in a mood to blame the two people either. He obviously understood it at the moment. Obviously, Yuan Feng didn't know when he ran out of the cave below, and when the two elders were fighting with Waner , Secretly gave the two a heavy blow.

Yuan Feng's swordsmanship has been taught by him, and frankly, even if he is a demigod, he must take it seriously, and if he is not fully prepared in advance, he may be injured by those swords. It is really too big. You know, even if he is the master of the Yuanji Palace, hasn't his arm been cut off by the other party before?

"I, I didn't see clearly, he was too fast !!!"

While Gongsun Yun controlled the injury at the broken arm, he returned with some anger.

He was really shocked by Jian Mang that was suddenly cut off, and he was cut off by another arm. Where else was he in the mood to control his whereabouts? Furthermore, the cooperation of Yuan Feng's pastime and shadowless magic can be described as seamless. Even if he wants to determine Yuan Feng's position, he will not be able to do so.

"I didn't see where he escaped."

Veteran Peng Ji gritted his teeth, but had to give an answer he did not want to say. Like Gongsun Yun, he did not see where Yuan Feng fled. The only thing he saw was a flash of light passing away.

"How can this be true? It's just how it is true. The three demigods even let a little guy less than a demigod run away !!!"

After receiving the answers from both of them, Huatian Xing almost hated to itch. On that day, he was unable to retain Yuan Feng alone, but at present, they have three and a half divine powerhouses, but they were eventually escaped by the other party. Not only that, but the other party even abandoned his two demigod elders and said that it would be a shame to go home.

Peng Ji and Gong Sun Yun also couldn't lift their heads. They did not understand this time. They just let the opponent run away, but they also put on two arms. Not to mention Hua Tianxing's anger, even they I also felt angry.

"Palace, let's chase them separately. We can chase them back if we want to."

Gongsun Yun was a bit dissatisfied. He believed that the reason why Shicai was cut off by the other party was because he didn't check for a moment. If he was careful, how could the other party break his arm?

"Yes, I see that man seems to be hurting himself, and now he's catching up, maybe there is a chance to chase him back."

Peng Ji also nodded, but also agreed with the follow-up opinion. After all, this time the shame was really too big. If you don't do anything, you really can't justify it.

"Hey, what are you chasing now? What are you chasing now? The two of you still have to deal with the injuries at the broken arm. If you are late, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Shaking his head, Hua Tian Xing did not let the two catch up, because he was very clear, judging by Yuan Feng's ghostly speed, at this time, it would be impossible to catch up.

Furthermore, no matter where the two Yuanfengs ran, as long as they had Waner, he could find them sooner or later. For now, let Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji recover their injuries. After all, these two Man is his confidant, and there is absolutely no room for flashover.

Moreover, his current state is not very good. This operation was a bit reckless. He thought Yuan Feng was seriously injured and Wan Er was also very toxic. As long as he found the two, he would People took it directly, but now it seems that his ideas are a bit too wonderful.

Wanting to grab Waner and Yuanfeng, now it seems that he has to discuss from a long-term perspective. Moreover, relying on three or two demigods, I am afraid it is difficult to catch the two. Maybe, He must use more power from Yuanji Palace.

"Well, you are here to recover from the injury, and then return to Yuanji Palace with me for a while, and after the injury is over, plan carefully to see how to destroy the traitor and report to our broken arm. hatred."

This time, it was n’t just him who was going to take revenge. Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun also had hatred with each other, but this is absolutely impossible for Gongsun Yun, who will be revenge. Forget it.

"Well, in this case, let's recover the injuries first !!!"

Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji looked at each other naturally, without any objection. Revenge must be revenge, but at this moment they really are not suitable to shoot immediately. At the moment, it is the most urgent thing to re-grow the broken arm. As for revenge, let ’s talk about it a little bit wrong!

In the time spent talking, the elders of the two most demigods descended to the ground, and then recovered with peace of mind.

They obviously didn't know how terrible the injuries caused by Chixiao were, but soon they realized it.

The Chixiao sword is the sword of the emperor. This magic weapon is naturally infected with too much blood and killing. Once injured by this magic weapon, it is a horrible thing.

Although the strength of both of them is good, if they want to grow the broken arm again, they must first eliminate the special force left by the sword injury of the Chixiao sword. This kind of power, of course, is not to say that it can be cleared.

Fortunately, Hua Tian Xing had the same experience before, and with his help, the two recovered from their injuries, but it was a lot faster than Hua Tian Xing.

After a short period of time, the two elder veterans finally extended their arms again, and then the three looked straight and hurried back towards Yuanji Palace.

Obviously, if they want to deal with a demigod demigod, they have to think long and hard about it this time.

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