The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1884: Take it easy (four more)

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Chapter 188th Take It Easy (4th)

Hua Tian Xing originally thought that with the help of Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji, he could easily win Yuan Feng, and then use Yuan Feng as a coercion to force Waner to yield.

However, when Waner was entangled by the two great veterans, and he entered the cave below justified, the sight in front of him was somewhat uneasy.

The entire cave was empty, there was no trace of Yuan Feng, and there was not even a trace of breath. This scene, however, left him with a heart that was half cold.

"How is that possible? I can feel a breath just now, why is there no trace so soon?"

Shicai, he clearly felt that Yuanfeng was here, and, logically speaking, today's Yuanfeng must have been badly damaged and should not act freely. From the current situation, at least, Yuanfeng is here. The concealment can still be used, and the effect seems to be quite good.

"Impossible, he can never leave this cave, it must be here, I can't do it, you can escape the investigation of this seat, get out of me !!!"

Hua Tian Xing did not believe it anyway. Yuan Feng, who had suffered such a severe injury, still had the strength to continue to escape at this time. So, when he wanted to come, Yuan Feng was probably hiding somewhere in the cave.

"go with!!!!"

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and as soon as he raised his hand, he attacked randomly in every space and every corner of the cave.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The space everywhere was directly collapsed by him. If Yuan Feng was in it, it would never be possible to hide it. As soon as the other party showed up, he could control it for the first time, and then he could get this. The final victory of the war.

Hua Tianxing attacked without purpose, and when he launched his attack randomly, Waner, who was worried about Yuan Feng above the sky, was so anxious that he was sweating on his forehead.

"Master !!!!"

While attacking the two elders like crazy, Wan'er kept shouting at the bottom. When she wanted to come, it wasn't good for Yuan Feng to have suffered such a serious injury at this time. At this time, she was working with Hua Tian Xing. Is she the opponent? And listening to this, it seems that the two have already begun!

"Give me away !!! Boom !!!"

Anxiety and anger caused Waner to erupt in an instant, and the horrible momentum fell straight down to Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun, making them unable to stop her again.

Speaking of which, whether Gongsun Yun or Peng Ji, they can never be the opponent of a demigod demigod strong. If it is not because Waner's time to break into the demigod is too short, they may have been Already being beaten by Waner's undefeated play.

However, Waner is now learning and selling. As the fighting time gets longer and longer, it is natural that she can exert more power. At this outbreak, both Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji felt a tightness, and then some blood swelled up.

"Well !!!"

Regardless of the situation of the two, after the two were shaken away, she didn't want to, and flew directly to the bottom to see her posture, apparently to rush to save Yuan Feng Already.

"Can't let her bother Lord Master, kill !!!"

Seeing that Waner was about to enter the cave, Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun both looked anxious. They are all well-known superpowers, and even a little girl can't stop at this moment. Of course, if you say it, it is certainly not a glorious thing.

Therefore, when they saw Wan'er about to enter the cave, the two looked at each other, and then they were shocked. They tried their best to show their strength. One flash, they caught up with Waner again.

It seems that in order to hold Waner and assist Huatian Xing Chengshi, they are indeed quite hard.

"Brush !!!!"

The two strong men cooperated tacitly, but when Waner had not yet entered the cave, they arrived late and ran to the front of Waner again, and released a dark mist between their hands. With the fog coming out, the whole space suddenly became unreal, but it was no longer easy to tell the direction.

This is the method they use to confuse their opponents when they are leaving the road. This is the method they have used to save themselves many times. However, it is not easy to use this method once. If I show it, I'm afraid it will take a month.

In order to hold Waner back, they can't think of any other way besides this method. Judging from Waner's nothingness, other than this psychedelic method, the rest All means are basically ineffective.

Sure enough, after using this trick, the effect is indeed very significant. After Wan'er got into it, she suddenly lost her way. For a while, she felt a sense of dizziness, but she couldn't get outside from the mist in the first place.

"Ha ha ha ha, what about the nothingness? I'd like to see how you break through our ........."

"Brush !!!!"

Seeing Wan'er fall into the mist, Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji both breathed a sigh of relief. The former laughed loudly, clearly showing the villain's powerful expression.

However, when the two secretly put down their hearts and laughed a long time, the two silent Jianmang suddenly fell from the sky. The goal was the two Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun.

The two swordsmanships came very quickly, and showed no signs at all, and they saw the timing. They came when the veterans of the two demigods relaxed and did not take precautions behind them.

Such a short distance, but also intentional arithmetic, this time, even if the two demigod veterans have no matter how powerful they are, they cannot completely avoid it.

"Not good, it's dangerous !!!"

The demigods are naturally not so easy to be completely recruited. Although the veterans of the two demigods have nothing to guard against, and they happen to be in a moment of relaxation, they are still so strong and dangerous that they are left at the end. After a second, I came back to God. I didn't want to think about it. The two tried their best to suckle milk, and ducked to the side at the last moment.

Unfortunately, at this time, if they want to completely avoid it, it is simply not realistic. During the time of speaking, the two felt that their shoulders were cold. When they went to see them again, they saw each other's arms, and they offered to take off their own bodies, and burst into a mass of blood in the air. fog.

"Well !!!!!!"

The arms flew, and at the broken arms of the two, there was a lot of blood, just like two fountains. It looked gorgeous. However, this kind of beauty is not something everyone is qualified to see. .

"Ah, my arm !!!!!!"

The two elders both screamed in pain, and their expressions were abnormally frowned. After so many years of training, since they were promoted to demigods, have they ever suffered such serious injuries? One arm was scrapped. I am afraid they are very dangerous now.


Almost at the same time, the two elders snorted and did not want to, they just flickered and flew away in a direction away from the battlefield.

The two swords just now obviously made them feel the horror of the people in the dark. Although they were indeed conspired, they can conceal their strong class. You can see how terrible and how terrible the swordsmanship of the other is. Amazing.

If they do not withdraw again at this time, wouldn't they have to put the other arm, or even their own heads, when the other party would come to them with a few swords? They are loyal to Huatian Xing, but they can't even lose their lives? No matter when it is, keeping the little life is the most practical thing.

"Who dare to blame us?"

Standing back to back, Gongsun Yun couldn't help yelling at the surroundings, trying to dig out those who secretly hurt him. Of course, he did this, obviously to tell Huatian Xing below that there was something outside and he had to come out quickly.

"Hehe, the reaction speed is not slow, admire, admire !!!"

As soon as Gongsun Yun's drinking sound fell, a chuckle, but suddenly came from the side of the two, and then a young man appeared on the side of the two. However, the young man was masked with a black scarf at the moment, and made a cover before his face, so that the two could not see his true face at all.


Seeing such a weird man appearing in front of him, Peng Ji and Gong Sun Yun both stepped back subconsciously, but they did not dare to be too close to each other, because at this moment, in the hands of the other, a handle The crimson long sword is releasing a horrible sharpness. Obviously, the one who cut off their respective arms before must be this magic weapon.


When the two looked at the man who appeared suddenly in surprise, for a while, they didn't know how to be good, but the long sword in the latter's hand suddenly shook slightly, trapped directly below. Waner's mist fell down.

"Brush !!!!!! Hey !!!"

Jianmang was submerged in the mist, accompanied by a muffled sound. All of the mist suddenly exploded directly from the center like an inflated ball. Then, Waner, who was temporarily confused by it, was again Appeared in front of several people at a time.

"Master !!!!"

The fog disappeared, Waner saw Yuan Feng over the sky for the first time. Although Yuan Feng was blindfolded at this moment, this would obviously not affect her recognition of Yuan Feng.

"Waner, let's go !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't say much. He is not in the heyday, so naturally he will not entangle with the three big and half divine powerhouses, so when he rescues Waner, he raises his hand and earns Waner directly. My body world, between a flash, has disappeared.

ps: Four more, please ask for support! !! !!

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