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As a disciple of Yuanji Palace, Han Shu is different from others, of course, there are too many differences. Others in Yuanji Palace can only understand some of the simplest situation of Yuanji Palace. As for the more confidential situation, it is impossible for these people to know.

However, Han Shu is different. The people he contacts are the real core characters in Yuanji Palace. Those demigod veterans will not say it. They are just a few of the great disciples of Yuanji Palace. The master of Yuanji Palace himself gave him too many opportunities to understand Yuanji Palace.

Of course, Yuan Feng is not too interested in the situation of Yuanji Palace. What he cares about is only Waner's situation, and it so happens that as one of Waner's competitors, Han Shu is concerned about Waner's affairs. , But it knows more than others.

Anyone who wants to become the future master of Yuanji Palace will know his rivals 1978. Han Shu has always regarded Waner as a nail in his eyes. Of course, he has done too much for Waner. Too much investigation and research, it can be said that Yuan Feng controlled him, in fact, he could basically know everything about Waner.

From Han Shu, Yuan Feng learned that Wan'er's situation was obviously not optimistic, because today's major disciple disciples, everyone regards Wan'er as a thorn in his eyes. No way, who will make Waner the favorite of Yuanji Gongzhu? Today, Waner has been sealed as a young master. Such a status cannot be compared with them.

Perhaps, in terms of strength, Waner may not be the strongest, but everyone also knows that Waner's qualifications are too strong, and the existence of nothingness is like a big mountain that presses everyone, everyone knows, As long as Waner is there, it is definitely not easy for them to want to get ahead.

Therefore, each of the disciples of Yuanji Palace's masters want to kill Waner and then quickly, including Han Shu himself.

"Of course, Waner has become the target of public criticism. It seems that the situation is really not optimistic!"

After listening to Han Shu's account of Wan'er, Yuan Feng's face was abnormally solemn. For him, the news he heard this time really made him feel unable to sit still.

"Why, what is the owner of the Yuanji Palace? If he really likes Waner and pays attention to Waner, then he can take care of Waner secretly so that Waner can develop, but he should give Wan'er arranged the identity of this young master, is this really harming her! "

Perhaps, from the perspective of a person who has nothing to do with Wan'er, Wan'er's positioning as a young master is definitely a gift from heaven and a rare gift.

However, Yuan Feng did not dare to be interested in the position of the young master, and from the perspective of his pure concern for Waner, it was definitely not a good thing for Waner to be a young master. Threat.

Before Waner did not reach the semi-god realm, this little master's position was nothingness. Nobody knew that if Waner could not reach the semi-god realm, it would not be possible to become the future palace master. However, the identity of the young master has made everyone have to pay attention. In this way, Waner's situation has become very dangerous.

"No, if the Yuanji Gongzhu is really good to Wan'er, he will not be allowed to do anything less!"

Thinking about it before and after, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a little gloomy look.

"Han Shu, let me ask you, since your other disciple disciples are so jealous of Wan'er, haven't they tried to calculate Wan'er and obliterate her secretly?"

The look changed, and Yuan Feng at this moment really had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Without concealing the lord, of course, the other five great disciples of ours have all thought about killing Wan'er. However, besides practicing next to Master's senior master, Wan'er will also be guarded by Elder Peng Ji the rest of the time. There is no such opportunity to kill her. "

Han Shudao also guessed that there was a connection between Yuan Feng and Wan'er, but he didn't dare to use false words to persuade him. After all, in front of Yuan Feng, false words were untenable.

"So, Waner spends most of his time with the master of Yuanji Palace?"

After hearing Han Shu's commentary, Yuan Feng was not very good-looking, but couldn't help but look harder.

"Suffice it to say, Master respects his elders for Waner's too much preference. Most of the time, Waner practiced beside him. I don't know how many small stoves the master has opened for that girl."

Speaking of which, Han Shu's eyes can't help flashing a strong jealousy, as if Hua Tianxing really gave Waner a lot, but they did not care about them.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all. Even if the palace master of Yuanji Palace loves Waner no matter how much, shouldn't he be spoiled to such a degree? Doesn't a person in the demigod need to cultivate alone? What? "

Brow frowns tightly together, I don't know why, he always feels that things are not so simple, it seems that Waner is not very safe at this moment.

"Han Shu, let me ask you again, but you know the origin of Waner?"

When the expression changed, Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly changed, and he asked Han Han again.

"This master once said that Waner is said to be the widow of a large family. Her family was completely destroyed by other families, but she was just caught up by the master and his elderly, and eventually saved Waner, Back as a little disciple. "

Hua Tian Xing once publicly told Waner's identity to everyone, and he heard it, and there was nothing doubtful about it. After all, what is Waner's identity? For them, it seems to have little effect.

"The widow of the big family? This ........."

Upon hearing Han Shu's answer this time, Yuan Feng's brow was tightened even more, and the whole person felt a sense of restlessness. At this moment, his unpleasant feeling was more profound.

"No, Waner was obviously taken away from the original world. How could it be the widow of a big family? Then Hua Tianxing, why did you lie to everyone?"

He clenched his fist subconsciously, but Yuan Feng, at this moment, connected everything together and thought seriously.

Waner should have been brought from the lower realm to Wulei Realm, and it was Huayuan Xing who was the master of this Yuanji Palace.

Since the master of Yuanji Palace ventured to the Nether to bring Waner here, but he didn't want to let others know about it. Speaking of which, there would be nothing at all.

"Why? Why did Huatian Xing lie? Also, since he really loves Waner, why should he be named Wanzhu? Is it because I think too much, or is there something hidden in it?"

Mind is turning, Yuan Feng really can't guess the idea of ​​Yuan Tiangong ’s master Hua Tianxing at this moment, but no matter what, he still feels that this matter must be wrong, Waner ’s situation is absolutely Not safe.

"It seems that if I can, I should really see Waner. I'm the only one in this world who really treats her?"

People's hearts are across the belly, he really can't be sure whether the palace master of Yuanji Palace has ulterior motives for Waner. However, all signs indicate that Hua Tianxing, the host of the Yuanji Palace, obviously wanted Waner to follow him at all times, and did not want to let others know that he had fallen into the world. Inside, it must be There are unknown situations.

"Han Shu, tell me the palace where the master of the Yuanji Palace is located. I want to know more about it. I would like to know whether it might be mixed in and it would not be discovered by that master."

Yuan Feng didn't hide her thoughts either, but she told them directly.

He really couldn't wait any longer. The existence of the martial arts spirit made him have a keen insight and premonition about the danger, and although this was not his own thing, he was still able to predict the situation of Waner. He really needed to go. Perhaps, only by letting him see Waner in person and staying with Waner, he could be completely relieved.

"Uh, mix in Master's palace? This ........."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Han Shu's complexion suddenly changed, apparently startled by Yuan Feng's words.

The palace of the demigod strong, how can anyone enter? If you want to mix in the palace of the Demigod and not be found, I am afraid that only Yuan Feng has such guts, because even other strong Demigods are afraid to think about such a thing.

Of course, after all, Yuan Feng is really different from other people. At least, the opponent's strength is countless times stronger than him, and he has such a magical method of controlling others. Is it mixed with Huatian Xing's palace? There may not be children.

"Young Master, do you think about it? Master's strength, the entire Yuanji Palace is second to none, and his old man is very alert and will not easily let people mingle with him."

He didn't want Yuan Feng to die in vain, because once Yuan Feng died, they all had to be buried with him, and that way of death was really unjust.

"That ’s why I need your help, and you guys, all give me a thought about how to mix into Hua Tianxing ’s palace. Of course, my purpose is very simple, just to see Waner, just to see When you get to Waner, your task will be completed. "

Yuan Feng's mind has been decided, and naturally it will not change due to a few words from others. Isn't it a strong man in a demigod? He has seen a lot, but no matter how strong Hua Tianxing is, he is nothing more than a single person, but he is a person who can control a lot and can win by quantity.

Of course, there is nothing to win. To take a step back 10,000, he believes that he can run away from the opponent.


Seeing Yuan Feng's intentions had been resolved, everyone present was ripping their lips, but there was no way to continue to persuade anything. It seems that they are going to go crazy with Yuan Feng this time!

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