The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1852: Master the Big Fish

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In the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, let alone people in the Promise Realm, even if they are in a demigod state, I am afraid that they will not be able to distinguish between Southwest and West, and it will be difficult to escape from the Xuanzhen.

Although Han Shu is not bad, unfortunately, when he won the calculations of Hellenji and Ling Jue, his result was actually doomed.

Everything that follows becomes much simpler. After stunning Han Shu, Yuan Feng stunned several others, imprisoned one after another, and then began to control them one by one.

These five guys are not ordinary characters, especially Han Shu, but these are the disciple disciples of Yuanji Gongzhu. How can such characters be controlled so easily?

It is the other four. Although their strength is not bad, they are not better than Hellenji and Ling. Therefore, he has no power to control the four.

The more troublesome is Han Shu, the disciple of Yuanji Palace's master, who is very arrogant in his mind. In the process of controlling him, Yuan Feng encountered his most difficult situation in history.

"Yu, a good disciple of Yuanji Palace's master, it seems that it takes some time to fully control this person!"

After trying for an hour, Ke Yuanfeng still hasn't finished the control of Han Shu. In this situation, he can't help but feel a little anxious.

This Han Shu must be controlled in his own hands. If he can't succeed, it is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing for him. After all, such a character is absolutely impossible to kill and kill. It is not appropriate to control it, only to control it in your own hands is the best solution.

The remaining six strong men are waiting beside Yuan Feng at this moment. The next four have now accepted the fact that they and others are controlled. There is no way to face such a terrible super strong like Yuan Feng. They really have no chance at all.

Seeing Yuan Feng's shot against Han Shu, but he was unable to take down Han Shu, the six people present could not help but frown slightly, but felt anxious for Yuan Feng.

For them, at this moment, they are already a vassal of Yuan Feng, so of course, they also hope that Han Shu is controlled by Yuan Feng. In this way, everyone will sit on an equal footing and no one will be higher than others. Wait.

However, when we saw Yuan Feng's feelings of being helpless with Han Shu, everyone knew that their brother Han Shu was really better than them.

"Six of you, don't be idle. It seems that you want to control this Hanshu, and you six are going to work harder!"

Yuan Feng's gaze finally turned to the six people around him. At this moment, he had to let these people help himself.

"It's all up to the Lord!"

Six people have been waiting for the mission, and now I heard that Yuan Feng was going to ask them to help. Everyone's complexion was slightly hesitant, and then it was honest.

They don't know what to do, but since Yuan Feng wants them to help, then naturally he has his ideas. All they need to do is to be honest and obedient.

"This Han Shu's mind is so strong that you six shot together and use all the methods you can think of, as long as it can affect his mind and prevent his mind from resisting me."

Yuan Feng was also a little helpless. Originally, he didn't want these people to help, but this Han Shu's mind was correct. Even in a fainting state, his mind can still resist external intrusions and wants to Its control can only let others disperse this Han Shu energy.

Of course, this approach has disadvantages, and the disadvantage lies in that these guys are on the side, so it is bound to see all his blood curse and magic. If these guys are smart enough, they will have It is possible to understand the mystery of the blood curse magic power, and then crack the blood curse magic power on them.

This possibility is definitely not possible. Although the probability is a little bit smaller, he will never take this risk when it is absolutely necessary.

However, the current situation really does not allow him to think much, because without the help of others, it is really difficult for him to control the Han beam, and once he cannot control the Han beam, his situation will be very bad. .

After the decision was made, Yuan Feng told the six people what they needed to do, and he himself made the casting of the blood curse as magical as possible, so that these people could not see what was going on. .

Having said that, how wonderful the blood curse is, he can make it. It can be said that all rely on the help of swallowing martial arts. As for these people, how can it be so easy to see through this magic?

With these six strong shots together, Han Shu's mind was completely dispersed, and in this case, after Yuan Feng spent a lot of effort, he finally controlled the Han Shu thoroughly. In the palm of his own hand.

In the whole process, it took about two hours to complete. After completing the control of Han Shu, Yuan Feng's forehead was already slightly moist. Obviously, it is extremely difficult to control such figures as Han Shu even with the help of the six powerful men.

Fortunately, Han Shu's practice years are so short. If not, he will be more difficult to control, and even if he can successfully control it, he has to say two things.

In the next time, Yuan Feng let himself take a good rest for a while, then he woke up Han Shu.

After waking up, Han Shu certainly couldn't accept the fact that he was controlled by a small figure in a yin and yang state. Unfortunately, the blood curse has been accomplished. Regardless of whether he is willing to accept such a fact, he can only be obedient Accepted.

There is no way, with the control of the blood curse magic power, Yuan Feng wants him to be able to give birth, he wants to die, he will die, obviously, he doesn't want to die like this.

"Oh, Han Shu, don't you think there will be today? It seems that there is some fate between you and me!"

Looking at the cold color in front of her eyes, Han Shu has always been unhappy, Yuan Feng felt very comfortable. It doesn't feel much to control other people, but controlling this one, a sense of accomplishment, comes naturally from the bottom of my heart.

No way, this is the disciple of the master of Yuanji Palace. Even if the opponent's strength differs from him no matter how much, but the identity of the opponent is there. Such a guy is very useful.

"Your Mightiness……………"

"Stop, my lord, I don't like the title very much, you still like them, call me the young master, so I'm more used to it."

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Han Shu had just responded, but was disconnected by waving her hands. The title of His Excellency is obviously not the name that a servant should call his master. He wants Han Shu to recognize his current situation and know what he is now.

"Is the young master? Hey, whatever, since my life is in your hands, what you say is what!"

The title of young master is really difficult for him to accept, but at this time, no matter how difficult it is, he must also accept it with his teeth. Otherwise, it would not be called less. The Lord can solve the problem.

"It's pretty much the same." Hearing Han Shu's fate, Yuan Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand to signal that the other party didn't need to be so serious.

"Han Shu, I know you are not convinced, but now you should also know my strength. Do you think you are qualified to challenge me?"

You can put things aside for the time being, but he wants to see how hard-hearted the disciple of the Yuanji Palace master can be.

"The young master joked. His subordinates knew he was not the young master's opponent. From now on, I will honestly obey the young master's instructions and will never do anything against the young master's wishes."

Han Shu's observation and perception are not bad, but at this moment he has realized that Yuan Feng at this moment apparently has not much patience with him. If he still doesn't take it seriously If so, then he really doesn't know if the other party will really kill him.

Yuan Feng's strength, he has indeed learned something. Obviously, when he was in the Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng had lied to all of them. Perhaps, Yuan Feng even lied to the people of Ziyun Palace. , And such a perverted character, he really can't produce a rebellious mind.

Of course, although he is currently controlled by Yuan Feng, he can feel that once he can reach the demigod before Yuan Feng, then Yuan Feng's control of him will fall apart instantly, so his goal , Should be placed on how to achieve the demigod realm, not elsewhere.

"Okay, that's ridiculous. The current affairs person is Junjie. So it seems that you guy is a character."

Seeing that Han Shu completely put down the mustard, Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help but be very satisfied. He naturally knows what the other party thinks, but how easy is it to get promoted? Furthermore, when the opponent reaches the semi-godder, I am afraid that he has already been promoted to the semi-godder, and even if he has not been promoted to the semi-godder, but has only been promoted to the endless state, he can continue to control the other party without letting him. The opponent is out of control.

"Han Shu, now, if I ask you anything, you can answer it. I hope you don't hide from me, because that would be bad for you and me."

With a smile, Yuan Feng knew that it was time to get to know Waner more specifically through this Han Shu. Of course, with this Han Shu, he believes that his wish to see Wan'er should be realized soon!

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