The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1854: Difficult task

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Originally, Yuan Feng intended to conquer Han Shu, and then waited for Waner to go out, and then contacted Waner through Han Shu. But now, the situation is obviously a little different.

The attitude of Yuan Tiangong's host Hua Tian Xing towards Wan Er made him completely invisible. To be on the safe side, he had to see Wan Er as soon as possible, even if he took some risks.

Wanting to mix in Yuanji Palace is not very difficult for Yuanfeng, after all, whether it is Han Shu, a big disciple of Yuanji Palace, or several other Yuanji Palace veteran disciples, these people have Can take him into the Yuanji Palace.

However, entering Yuanji Palace is not his purpose. His purpose is to enter Wanji Palace and see Wan'er, and to ensure that he can retreat from the whole body. If he wants to do all this, then it is not so Easy thing now.

"Han Shu, what kind of arrangement are there in the palace of the Lord Yuanji Palace master? You should know my means and how to do it?"

If you want to mix in Huatian Xing's palace, of course, first of all, you must kill all the threats in the palace in the cradle. No matter what other people are in the palace, he must take them down in advance.

Although Hua Tian Xing is a demigod strongman, of course, in his palace, there will not be no disciples who guard, and those disciples who guard are, in fact, his opportunity.

He was really scared of having fewer people. As long as there were people, then he could find a goal to cover himself. In this way, of course, he would be able to act more safely.

"Master ’s palace, there are two named disciples guarding the front door, and there are a few of his disciples, although they are not master disciples, but their strengths are not insignificant, but they are all following him for a long time It ’s not even clear to me who is more qualified, deeper. ”

After it was clear that Yuan Feng was going to enter the Yuanji Palace, Han Shu could only cooperate with Yuan Feng as much as possible to allow Yuan Feng to achieve his purpose. There is no way, if Yuan Feng rushes in inscrutably, then it is basically a situation of no doubt, and that kind of situation is not what he wants to see.

Speaking of which, the palace of Hua Tian Xing, the master of the Yuanji Palace, is really guarded. On weekdays, even if he wants to enter it, he has to go through many people's investigations. Among them, several follow Hua Tian Xing. A long time old guy, even he had to be daunted.

It's not that the old guys are much stronger than him, but that the old guys can speak in front of Hua Tianxing. Such people are too late to win, and naturally they won't offend.

"So, if I want to move freely in Huatian Xing's palace, then the first thing is to take down all these people as much as possible?"

Face to face with a demigod strong person, he doesn't have that kind of self-confidence right now, but a group of guys in an infinite state, it is another matter.

The main thing is that if he can control the people in Huatian Xing's palace in his own hands, then even if Hua Tianxing finds him then, he can use these people to cover himself and escape.

"It's not easy to be afraid, whether it's the two named disciples or the old guys. They are very loyal and want to make an appointment for them individually, but the difficulty is not small."

Han Shu really wanted to help Yuan Feng. After all, he is no longer qualified to compete with other people. If Yuan Feng can completely break the balance, it will be psychological balance for him.

"No matter what method you use, at least you must lie to me for a few people to control me, of course, the better the better."

Yuan Feng doesn't want to care so much. He must have several people under his control to cooperate with him in the palace. If this Han Shu can't do it, then he can only be sorry for the other party. For him, Whoever sacrifice is sacrifice, and who will sacrifice, he will not feel bad.

Of course, before the last resort, Han Shu will not discard this card easily. After all, he is not sure to get other preachers.

"This ... well, the subordinates try to do it as soon as possible, and give the young master a reply as soon as possible."

Han Shu can also feel Yuan Feng's thoughts. Obviously, he also knows what Yuan Feng is going to do. If he can't complete this task, he will be unlucky.

"Time is tight. I will give you two days to prepare. By then, whether you succeed or not, I must act."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng set a deadline for the other party. After all, if there is no time to limit, God knows whether these people will work hard to think. Moreover, there is pressure to be motivated. Many times, ingenuity is the only thing that comes out.

His meaning is also obvious. If the other party cannot complete the task within two days, then they can only prepare themselves to sacrifice.


After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Han Shu could not help showing a bit of bitter smile, but there was no way. It seems that he really had to think of a perfect idea at this time. He would have a little blood in case of a big deal. Anyway, compared with his own life, nothing else seemed to be worthy of attention.

"A few of you are helping Han Shu to do things. Remember to give me a little bit of care. If you mess things up, none of you will have to live."

During the unusual period, Yuan Feng did not have such a good temper. Anyway, he was the boss, and with some threatening methods, no one dared not listen.

"I will definitely try to assist Brother Han Shu."

The strong men all looked pale and white, but still respectfully replied. However, they really only have the help of Han Shu, because these people obviously do not have the ability to do what Yuan Feng tells them. Everything depends on the means of Han Shu.

"Go ahead and let me know directly if you are ready, of course, if there is anything I need to cooperate with, but it doesn't matter."

He waved his hands, but Yuan Feng directly withdrew from the surrounding Xuan array, and ordered a guest order against the crowd. This time the action was absolutely perfect for him. With so many powerful men under his command, the Yuanji Palace is no longer mysterious to him.

"I'll wait to retreat !!!"

When the surrounding mysterious array disappeared, Han Shu's eyes could not help but glance around, and then he bowed towards Yuan Feng, and then left.

For him, everything that happened today has changed his life. He has basically no hope for his future. After this is done for Yuan Feng, he will find a way to cultivate quickly, and strive to make himself a demigod as soon as possible.

Only when he reached the level of demigod, he could get rid of Yuan Feng's control over him, and at that time, he could even control Yuan Feng in turn. It is conceivable that if he was promoted to demigod and obtained this means of Yuan Feng, then even if he was given a palace master of Yuanji Palace, he would never change.

"Subordinates retire."

The others also gave Yuanfeng a complex look, and then followed one another and hurried back towards Yuanji Palace. They are really busy this time, and Han Shu can be better. After all, the value of other people's use is great, but if these people can't complete the task of Yuan Feng, then they basically want to become victims Become the cannon fodder of Operation Yuan Feng.

"Yu, I still have to find a way to impact the realm of the infinite world. With my current strength, I still have to suffer when I meet the strong man in the semi-realm. Only by upgrading to the realm of the realm can I truly not be afraid of the semi-realm. The strong, even the strong who killed demigods. "

Until now, his desire for the Promise has become extremely strong again. There is no way. What he wants to do is difficult. In the final analysis, he is not strong enough. If he can reach the limitless state, who else needs to prepare and calculate? At that time, he could basically go it alone and kill him alone.

Thinking of this, he no longer thought about it. In a flash, he entered the deeper part of the cave, and once again arranged a Jiuqu Yellow River array.

His practice is not sure if he can succeed, but if he can succeed, the movement will be very big, so he has to make preparations in advance to avoid unnecessary trouble later.

But having said that, the impact of Promise is not easy. Until now, he was still not sure how to advance to Promise. Maybe he still needs to do some preparations before trying to impact Promise. However, this preparation is not what he did. Can do it competently.

In any case, even if he adjusts his state a little better, it is considered to be a pre-war preparation for him. Furthermore, it is uncertain whether he will be found by his hidden means. Maybe, the action at that time will be smooth. By then, he can easily leave or maybe .........

What needs to worry about is Han Shu and others. They want their lives to be held in their own hands at this moment, and they may not be able to survive them. It is also a big test now.

Along the way, Han Shu was thinking about how to cheat out those devoted old fellows of his Master, and after thinking about it, it seemed that he could only learn from Helendi and Ling Ju before The approach is to do what they like.

He has a few good treasures in his hand, and it is exactly what the old guys have longed for. This time, he took the other person as a gimmick, and tried to find a way to invite them out. These guys walked out of Huatian Xing's palace, so it should not be difficult to win those people with the help of Yuanfeng and their help.

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