The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1851: Seem to know

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The dark cave has disappeared, but it has been replaced by a mysterious and unreal space. At this moment, Han Shu, the five disciples of the Yuanji Palace, and some of the strong men he brought, now But it was as if staying there for a long time, it was difficult to return to God for a long time.

"How, how is that possible? How is this possible? Just now, Hellenji and Ling Jue? He, they dared to attack me !!!"

At this moment, Han Shu couldn't believe what happened in front of him. At this time, he was obviously in the space of Xuan Zhen, but this is beyond doubt, and it was Helian who hurt him into Xuan Zhen. Ji and Ling are two.

Speaking of which, just one second before the Xuanzhen was about to start, he had enough time to leave the cave and leave the range of Xuanzhen. However, what he didn't expect was that just when he was about to leave the place, Helenji and Ling Ju, who had been behind them, had almost no words, and attacked them together.

At that time, the five of them were all just thinking about leaving the place. No one was prepared to prevent Hellengyi and Ling Jue. In that case, the sudden outbreak of the two of them was simply impossible for them to dodge.

Both Hellenji and Ling Jue's shots were very decisive, and they all exhausted their efforts. Obviously, the two seemed to have been brewing for a long time for the hit of Shi Cai.

At this moment, even though Han Shu is stupid, he already knows what happened.

Obviously, from the beginning, he was caught in the calculations of Hellenji and Ling Jue. These two people, through his interest in Warcraft, set up this bureau to let him get in, and he laughed at him. Still confident, it was so easy to be fooled.

Frankly, even now, he doesn't quite believe that these two people really dare to count him, because this is simply a matter of no reason at all. You know, the two have no conflict of interest with him, and he has not heard of any prejudice against them. Today's things are basically unexpected to anyone.

"Who dares to calculate this seat and not get out of me?"

After a short shock, Han Shu quickly returned to his senses, and then shouted and shouted into the surroundings. No matter who counts him, at this moment, he should clearly figure out the situation, and as a disciple of Yuanji Palace, he seems to have nothing to fear.

He really didn't believe it. In the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace, there would still be some people who really dared to be against him.

At this moment, all the other people who were with him have been taken somewhere else. In the entire mysterious space, it seems like he is alone, and this scene can't help making him feel a little bit Not quite secure.

"Come out! Who the **** dare to calculate this son, now come out, this son will consider forgiving you."

For the quietness around him, Han Shu couldn't help feeling some uncomfortable feelings in his heart. He would rather see that the person who calculated him was a strong person, and he would not like to see no one care about him.

"Helenji, Ling Jue, the two of you get out of me. Who on earth wants you to count on me? Tell me clearly !!!"

I didn't know who would dare to count him. At this moment, he can only lock his target on Hellenji and Ling Jue. No matter what, he believes that Hellenji and Ling Jue are here. Absolutely near.

"Oh, sir, don't shout, no matter how you shout, no one else can hear it."

Just when Han Shu shouted and drank, when the whole person seemed crazy, he laughed a little, but suddenly came from one side, at the same time, a light came on, and the figure of a young man was Appeared in front of him, and behind this young man, here were Helenji and Ling Jue, but at this moment, the two were like two well-behaved guards. Standing side by side with the young man, he looked respectful.

Obviously, the young man in front of these two guys must be his mastermind.


Seeing a young man appear from the depths of the space, of course, Han Shu was the first time he focused all his attention on the other person. However, when I saw the young man in front of him, his eyes were full of weird looks, and it seemed that he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You, you ......... how could it be you? How could this be?"

As an infinite superpower, Han Shu's memory is certainly not too bad. For a character of his level, when, where, and what kind of people he has seen, he cannot forget. Especially if the other party is still a very impressive person, it will be more unforgettable.

Looking back, he seems to be back at the exchange meeting in Ziyun Palace. Above that event, the genius young man who realized the realm of the sword by the cultivation of the habitat was suddenly abnormal Lively, and the figure gradually clear in my mind, but now is perfectly coincident with the young people in front of me.

He was sure that the young man who shined in the Ziyun Palace exchange meeting is definitely the young man in front of him. The only difference between the two is that the young man in front of him is better than before. level.

"Oh, Han Shu, right, it seems that your Excellency should still remember me, this is really an honor!"

When Han Shu was in doubt, the young man on the other side approached him leisurely, and with this opening from the other side, he could already be sure that the young man in front of him was exactly what he saw Young people to the Ziyun Palace.

"How could it be you? How could you and you appear here? You tricked me here and besieged me with a mysterious array?"

After confirming the identity of the person in front of him, Han Shu quickly restored his calmness, because he had discovered that the young man in front of him seemed to have only the cultivation of yin and yang, and such cultivation did not need his fear Right? As for Hellengyi and Ling Jue on the sides behind the opponent, it would be even more difficult for him to look at him.

"Oh, the situation in front of me seems to be very obvious, right? Why do you ask more?"

Hearing Han Shu's questioning, Yuan Feng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, his eyes were full of sorrow. He could think of the other party's thoughts at the moment, and he didn't immediately break through the lack of it.

"Good boy, the people of Ziyun Palace, dare to run to my Yuanji Palace to spread the wild. Why, is this Ziyun Palace going to fight with my Yuanji Palace?"

Of course, Han Shu is very upset that he was calculated by a little guy in a yin and yang state, but he also knew in his heart that the other party can arrange such a terrible mysterious array, so the situation at present must not be considered optimistic. Furthermore, Hellengyi and Ling Jue stood respectfully behind Yuan Feng at this moment, which was obviously not the same as what he thought.

First of all, he has to figure out whether this is the big action of the Ziyun Palace or the young man in front of himself who is advocating alone. If it is the latter, then everything is fine, but if it is the former, then this time I'm afraid it's really going to be unlucky.

Ziyun Palace has destroyed the news of Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace, and he has also heard about it. If it is really Ziyun Palace who wants to do something to Yuanji Palace, then he is really going to die today. .

"Oh, okay, Han Shu, you don't have to try to test me. I can tell you clearly that this action is my personal action, and Ziyun Palace has not participated. Of course, maybe you should I feel sorry for that. "

He smiled and waved his hands. Yuan Feng's gaze toward Han Shu was full of aggressiveness. He is observing the details of the other party. Of course, if the other party can subdue it, he must certainly subdue it as much as possible. But if the other party can't conquer, then he will think of other ways to solve it.

"It turned out to be your personal action. In that case, I have to ask, what is your intention?"

Han Shu must know what the other party's purpose is, whether it is to rob money or ask them to do something. In short, there should be a reason. If there is no reason, he does not believe that someone will come here to take such a great risk.

"There is no intention. You can see that when you come here, both Hellenji and Ling Jue have declared allegiance and surrender to me. As long as you are also loyal to me, then I can save you from death."

Yuan Feng didn't really want to continue playing with the other party at this moment. Speaking of which, it is really too close to Yuanji Palace. Now that I have controlled the other party in my own mysterious array, it really is You should make a quick decision and don't cause unnecessary trouble.

Speaking of which, this time I was able to control these people, but it was thanks to Hellengyi and Ling Jue's shots. If it were not for these two, then whether he can succeed today, I am afraid that it is really uncertain

"What? Surrender to you? Hahaha, kid, are you kidding me? Why are you ......... Uh !!!"

Hearing that Yuan Feng wanted him to surrender to each other, Han Shu had the general feeling of seeing the world's biggest joke, and he laughed a long time while talking.

But just don't wait for his laughter to fall, the time spent talking, Yuan Feng's figure flashed slightly, and when he went to see again, where was there in front of Yuan Feng? Talking, he felt his consciousness sway slightly, but he passed out directly.

In the last second of awake, he was still wondering what was happening now and why it was so incredible.

PS: These two days seem to be three more. Xiaoyan is busy as soon as possible, and then resumes the update. Ask for a few flowers to support! !! !! Thank you all! !! !!

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