The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1850: Cold Arrow

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Han Shu's method really makes one have to admire him. No one in Yuanyuan Palace can compare with him in this way of searching for Warcraft. From this point alone, there are no other disciples who can pass on this. He compares.

According to Helienji and Ling Jue, they saw the two Qihuang Beasts here, and when Han Shu used his means to find Warcraft, he really found the traces of the movement of the two Warcraft here.

Such a situation makes him hardly doubt the words of Hellenji and Ling Jue. After all, no matter how coincidental, there should be no such coincidence. Moreover, he has never felt that Hellenki and Ling Jue dare. Deceive him.

Following the traces of the two WoWs, everyone was careful and careful, but in the end they became light and silent, for fear of disturbing the two Qihuang Beasts, then they would be in trouble.

Judging from the current situation, the routes taken by these two Qihuang Beasts are obviously carefully selected safety paths. Even if someone passes by, they may not be able to find the hidden positions of these two World of Warcraft. And this scene is to make Han Shu believe more. Such two savvy Warcraft, even if they are not Qihuang Beasts, are definitely worthy of his shot.

The beams of Han Shu ’s eyes are getting brighter, and the same, the eyes of Hellenji and Ling Jue are also flashing with excitement, because at this moment they have received a message from someone, but they have already Know what you need to do next.

I do n’t know how long I searched, and how far I walked. Finally, a group of seven people came to a precipitous Grand Canyon, and this Grand Canyon is obviously a very inaccessible and extreme place. Such a place Of course, it is also a great hiding place for Warcraft.

"There, there is a cave there !!!"

When a group of people searched into this valley, a secret cave entrance appeared in front of everyone in the distance. When they saw the huge cave, everyone's eyes became abnormal. Brightened, and stopped one after another, looking at Han Shu.

In any case, Han Shu is their mainstay, and before they reach the cave hidden by the target, what will happen next is to obey Han Shu's arrangement.

"Finally found your old nest, this time, see how you still escape."

Han Shu's eyes were completely frozen at the entrance of the cave at this moment, and at this moment, two special lights disappeared into the cave, which means that the two World of Warcraft are absolutely in this cave.

The thought of being able to catch two bizarre Warcrafts at once, his heart was a little excited.

The smarter and more clever things like Warcraft are, the more useful they are. Once a beast like Qi Huang Beast, once it can be obtained by him, God knows how useful it can be. So, no matter what, The two Warcraft inside were taken down for their own use.

"Masters and brothers, everyone is ready for me. Do not let Warcraft run or kill Warcraft. If they want to run, remember to stop them. As for how to capture, you do n’t need to wait for a shot."

Han Shu's voice rang in everyone's ears. Obviously, he was really worried about any accidents, so he had to remind everyone again and again, so that everyone would not follow his ideas.

"Brother, rest assured, I will definitely help Brother to take down the two strange animals."

"Yes, yes, brother, rest assured, we all know what to do."

Each of the strong men nodded secretly. Of course they knew what Han Shu was worried about. However, a few of these people present had followed Han Shu for the first time. They knew what they were going to do.

Every strong person is working secretly at this moment, ready to intercept Warcraft at any time. Of course, if you can catch Warcraft with luck, it will certainly be a great achievement.

"Brother Helian, Brother Ling Jue, you two will be right behind us in a while. This is the first time you will act with this seat. I'm afraid you will not get used to it, and then something bad will happen."

He still had such a bit of uneasiness about Hellengyi and Ling Jue. After all, these two could have caught the Qihuang Beasts by themselves, and it was because of his participation that they snatched the fat from their mouths. Go, he was really worried about what the two men were doing irrationally.

Let these two follow, and even if you want to come to these two, you have no chance!

"Yes, brother, we will study hard after that."

Helen Ji and Ling Jue's faces flashed a little less noticeable disappointment when they heard the news from Han Shu. It seemed that they felt unhappy because of the other's distrust. However, their emotions are very normal. After all, no matter who they are changed, their baby is robbed, I am afraid it is absolutely impossible to be happy.

Of course, on the surface, though, in fact, the hearts of the two have already laughed and already spent, because the task someone gave them is to make them fall behind, don't run to the front silly Go exploring.

It can be said that the heart of Han Shu's villain has just fulfilled them, so that they do not have to make excuses for themselves.

"Hey, fellow students, everyone is with me, let's go into the hole !!!"

Han Shu does not care about Helianji and Ling Jue. It is only when he controls the spirit beast in his own hands that it is the most realistic. As for how cool and unhappy these two people are, what does it have to do with him?

With an order, Han Shu himself took the lead first, apparently he wanted to control the spirit beast by himself, in the final analysis, what he believed most was only himself.

The other few people did not dare to neglect, but now it is very critical time. If anyone falls into trouble at this time, then he must not be blamed by Han Shu? By then, they are afraid that there is really no way to hang around in Yuanji Palace!

Hellengyi and Ling Ju are very obedient, but they are obviously behind a few positions, but they will not be too far away from the crowd. If you are interested, you will find that they are now ahead The distance of five people is definitely the best shot distance, but the first five people put their minds in the cave, but they didn't find them.

The closer they are to the cave, the more concentrated the attention of the first few people is, because they know that it is entirely possible for them to find their approach at any time, based on the perception of spirit beasts such as Qihuang Beasts. Only be prepared for the shot, there must not be a moment of slack.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, a group of seven people finally came carefully to the cave entrance and could see some of the situation inside the cave entrance.

In the eyes, the cave of the entire cave seemed very deep, and the footprints of the two World of Warcraft obviously spread toward the cave, but no trace of World of Warcraft was visible.

At this time, everyone didn't dare to explore with their hearts, for fear of accidentally shocking Warcraft, so after entering the cave, everyone made themselves more cautious, and then headed towards the inside of the cave again.

Together, the seven strong men cannot be ignored even by the demigods, so there is nothing to worry about. The seven people all entered the cave without hesitation. Stride forward.

The whole cave is quiet and quiet, while the top seven are slowing down while controlling their breath. For them, this time, they can only succeed and not fail.

The cave is deep, and the speed of the seven people is slow. Therefore, after walking for a long time, they are still not far from the entrance of the cave. However, the five people walking in front did not feel that the He who fell at the back Lian Ji and Ling Ju, but at this moment their eyes flickered, apparently preparing something!

As time goes by, the seven people are getting farther and farther away, and naturally they are getting farther and farther away from the hole. As the seven people continue to deepen, Han Shu walking in front of them suddenly becomes a bit uncomfortable. Too natural.

"Be careful, it seems that something is wrong!"

Han Shu's footsteps have been slowed down in his speech. At this moment, he seems to have found some different situations, and he can't say exactly what the situation is.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Hearing Han Shu's voice, the rest of the people stepped on their feet, and then they all heard the news.

"It's not good now, anyway, everyone should be careful, if there is anything wrong, leave this place as soon as possible."

Han Shu's face was a little dignified. He did feel that the situation was not right, but if he made something wrong, he really couldn't tell.

"Maybe I think too much. Everyone keeps moving forward. Anyway, be careful."

Looking around, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Seeing this, he couldn't help smiling at himself, but felt that he thought too much.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just as his voice had just fallen, the surrounding space was suddenly shaken slightly, and then a very special wave was able to wrap them all up.

"Not good, there is danger, retreat !!!"

Suddenly, the sudden change brought Han Shu's complexion, and because he had been mentally prepared, when he felt that the surrounding space was different, he was working his energy as soon as possible, ready to move out of the cave.

The situation of the other four people is similar. Due to their adequate preparations, they now have enough time to leave the place.

"Where to go? All stay here !!!"

However, just as Han Shu and others were about to leave the cave, a low-drinking sound suddenly sounded, and the time between speeches, which had been behind five people, was Hellenji and Ling Ju who had been preparing for a long time. It's all together.


The huge palm shadow was snapped from the hands of the two, and the five people who were about to move out of the cave had not waited for a response, but they were directly bombed into the cave by their attack. The next moment, the surrounding space It was a slight change, and everyone's body was caught in the darkness.

ps: There are many things, the update is not stable, everyone is forgiving! !! !!

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