The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1832: Where Yuanji Palace is

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Yuanji Palace, this is a super power that has also been passed down for countless years, and it is also one of the most powerful.

For so many years, Yuanji Palace has been overlooking the city with tens of thousands of squares as a king, and the major forces within tens of thousands of miles away from Yuanji Palace regard the Tianyuan City where Yuanji Palace is located as holy. All the forces that can develop in the holy city Tianyuan City can be said to be an honor.

It does not mean that the development forces in Tianyuan City are very strong, but these aboriginal people of Tianyuan City were originally born and raised here. Their existence can only make people outside the envy, envy and hate.

Tianyuan City is vast and boundless. Even ordinary people who want to get out of the city have to spend a short time, and even the super-powerful of the Promise have to take a long time to fly out of the city.

It can be said that in terms of scale, the scale of Tianyuan City is larger than that of Ziyun City where Ziyun Palace is located.

Day after day, year after year, Tianyuan City welcomes them. I do n’t know how many people walked out of this super city and how many people came here from the outside. Today, this super big pool , But it ushered in a new guest.

"Yu, Tianyuan City, finally here!"

Outside the huge city, on the top of a Lingfeng towering into the clouds, a young man is standing quietly at the peak of Lingfeng, looking at the huge city far away, while looking at it, young The man could not help but sighed, his eyes were full of excitement.

For Yuan Feng, a few months of rushing is really a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion, and after so long rushing, now finally arrived at the destination, the excitement and joy is really not out of the question Humane too.

"Tianyuan City, Yuanji Palace is in this super big city. It seems that it won't be long before I should see Waner, right? I don't know if the little girl will be as happy as me after seeing me Then! "

It is said that the feeling of being near the hometown is timid. Although Yuan Feng is not close to his hometown, in fact, at this moment, he is even more timid than near his hometown.

No way, although he has seen Waner before, and also feels that the other party does not seem to have changed, but he understands more that everyone will change. Maybe, Waner ’s excitement and Joy is just the joy of knowing him in his hometown. As for whether the other party is still thinking about him, he really has no confidence.

At the time, Waner was just a little girl who knew nothing about the world. At that time, she had nothing. She only knew that he was serving his young master. But now Waner is already the young master of Yuanji Palace. We can say, Everything is different from before.

If he comes to look for each other this time, but finally knows that the other party does not want to follow him, but wants to stay as the young master of Yuanji Palace, then even if he can accept this fact, his heart will be sad. of.

"Waner, you must not let the young master me down !!!" With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng could only secretly pray in his heart, but he really didn't have much hope. You know, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Perhaps, no expectation is the best choice for him.

Having said that, since he's here this time, obviously he came with hope. If Waner really doesn't want to recognize him, it is certainly not disappointing to be disappointed.

Between thoughts, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Now that he has explored the location of Yuanji Palace, then of course, go to Yuanji Palace to see if you can see Waner's little girl.

No matter what the results are, at least, he has to see Waner himself and say ...

When he reached his destination, Yuan Feng felt that all of his exhaustion was gone, and now he just wanted to see Waner's little girl soon, and talked to him words.

He hadn't talked to Wan'er for a long time since he left in Fengtian County, and for so many years, whenever he remembered that he had served him since he was a child and poured water for him to warm his bed Little girl, he will have a terrible sigh.

Seriously, his affection for Wan'er is hardly under anyone. Even Yunmeng and Mu Yun'er may not be better than her. Because even Yunmeng and Mu Yun'er did not have Waner's presence around him earlier, let alone that he had just arrived in this world, and his only relative was Waner.

Tianyuan City is really too big. Although Yuanfeng is fast, after he got to Tianyuan City, he flew for a long time and still couldn't reach the location of Yuanji Palace.

According to the information he had previously explored outside, Yuanji Palace is located in the central area of ​​Tianyuan City. The location is an endless and huge mountain. The entire Yuanji Palace is built on the mountain. This mountain, of course, is also A fairy mountain blessing.

It is not difficult to find the location of Yuanji Palace, but of course Yuanfeng understands that he wants to see Waner, and of course it is impossible to go directly to Yuanji Palace to find it. After all, with his current practice, even if he arrived at Yuanji Palace It is impossible for them to receive him.

Moreover, his identity is a bit sensitive. If the people who have seen him in Yuanji Palace found it, then even if he has a demigod master backing it, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

When it is not a last resort, he will never meet the demigod strongman, nor will he make fun of his own life.

If you want to see Waner, you must pay attention to some methods and strategies. At least, he needs to find a goal, a goal that can see Waner, and help him ventilate and report.

As the master of Waner Yuanji Palace, the choice of this goal requires that the position of the other party should not be too low. At least, the other party should also be a first-rate figure in Ziyun Palace. Of course, the level of several disciples is almost the same, but it ca n’t be too high. After all, if he reaches the level of the disciple, he really does n’t know if he can control it.

Although his strength is increasing day by day, he has cultivated his mind, and before he has achieved no breakthrough, he has not grown substantially. He is really not as big as a person who controls the level of proverbial disciples. Grasp.

After entering Tianyuan City, Yuanfeng can feel that the overall atmosphere of this super big Chengchi is much more extraordinary than those of the cities that passed by before. It can be said that in such a city, the feeling of the whole person must be A lot worse than being in other cities.

There is no need to inquire about other people. The unique perception ability of Devouring Wuling is to determine the direction of Yuanji Palace. Following the direction of that special breath, Yuanfeng spent almost half a day. It is out of the core area of ​​Yuanji Palace.

Yuanji Palace, a giant power, is located on a huge Lingshan mountain. With this Lingfeng as the center and a range of 10 million miles, it is the radiation area of ​​Yuanji Palace.

There are too many disciples in Yuanji Palace, and the management method adopted by Yuanji Palace is to relocate all the clans of the more powerful disciples in Yuanji Palace to the periphery of Yuanji Palace. The clan of the disciples will also receive the corresponding reward policies by virtue of their contributions and the status of their disciples in the Yuanji Palace, and become the dependent families of the Yuanji Palace.

But don't underestimate these families that are attached to the big tree of Yuanji Palace. These families rely on the guardianship of Yuanji Palace, but they can develop very well. Every reused family will have very strong power. Over time, these family forces attached to Yuanji Palace alone provided an extraordinary barrier for Yuanji Palace.

It is conceivable that if anyone wants to be detrimental to Yuanji Palace, then these peripheral family forces must first be crossed, and these powerful family forces are obviously not easy to survive.

After generations of inheritance, some of these family forces outside the Yuanji Palace are superpowers who have already born demigods. There may not be many such families, but even if there are only a few such families, they are quite equivalent. So added a few demigod super combat power to Yuanji Palace.

Ziyun Palace won the Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace very smoothly before, but if the target previously chosen by Ziyun Palace is Yuanji Palace, then they want to win this great force so smoothly. Absolutely. Unlikely.

The area where Yuan Feng first arrived was naturally the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace. When he came to the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace, of course, he first understood the basic situation of Yuanji Palace. The general situation of the polar palace can also be regarded as knowing.

The composition of Yuanji Palace, first of all, had a general concept in his mind, and when he learned about this composition of Yuanji Palace, his heart could not help but feel alive.

"It's a Yuanji Palace. I can't think of this business model. It's really an eye-opener!"

Hiding in the outer area of ​​Yuanji Palace, Yuan Feng really admired the business model of Yuanji Palace.

He was the first to hear that the family power of his disciples had gathered around the martial arts, but he had to say that when thinking of the advantages of this method, his heart was full of admiration.

These family forces, because they have their own people working in Yuanji Palace, will of course wholeheartedly assist Yuanji Palace. Only in this way can they get more gifts from Yuanji Palace.

"Well, good, this way of business seems to me a good opportunity. Want to come through these family forces, should I be able to get in touch with Waner?"

Between the turning of the mind, Yuan Feng's heart has already had a feasible idea.

ps: In the draft, hurrying for the support of Huahua, Xiaoyan will break the record this month, roar! !! !!

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